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All Comments (15) Comments
Oooh, I see I see :o Yeah I know what you mean haha, I'm also tryna get into every genre. But hey, at least he'll sit down to watch with you? Can't believe he thought Erased was stupid tho ;-; Hmmm... I guess a harem would be something different if you're not in the anime culture. I can watch an anime movie with my dad, but he likely won't sit with me for the whole thing lol, or he'll always ask me to explain what's happening XD
Yeahhh, glad to know you understand~ Ohhh, you're an aspiring writer? That's so coool! ^_^ I have a friend who's also into writing, her work is wonderful so far~ What kinda stuff do you wanna write?
Oooooh! hehehe, time to download some movies xD Are they movies that I can watch on a TV screen? You've seen both of them right? I need to know if I can watch this on the TV screen XD Unless it has a lot of nudity.
Awwww D: There's no sci-fi anime you both might like? too over exaggerated, I think I see what you mean :P Oooh, if he doesn't like exaggerated things then maybe he'll like Lain and Steins;Gate, you reckon? :O
Pfffft, why are you apologising xD Yeah, it's the jump scares and the super natural themes that creep me the F out, since i'm pretty religious :P Oooh, Stephen King? So you reckon they're worth reading? I'll keep that in mind :D Ahhh, those sound interesting, I know the latter two that you mentioned. I've never heard of Paranoia agent :o *googles* Isn't this directed by the same guy who did Paprika? Interesting, i'm planning to watch Paprika, so i'll keep this one in mind too~
That's so cuuute~ You watched anime with your dad? aww~ It's been so long since you watched something? D: Sit down and watch a good movie on the weekend or something! >.<
I know the feeling, that's me with One Piece xD ahahaha, yesssss~
Wait no :') I can't stand horror in film or games, but any other medium is fine with me~ Oh, really? Then you must get really into it~~ Wow, you feel it that much? *_* Try reading a book, I wonder if you'd feel it even more xD Dude that sounds scary, i'm curious though xD Have you got any good recommendations for horror anime?
True true~ Yessss! I just started Yuri on Ice!!!!!! Both the fujoshi and anime fan is satisfied inside me.
lol..... LOLLLL Ahahahahah, i love thinking about the cringe memories xDDD To be honest I was never much of a weeb even as a kid hahaha.
So you were into anime in 3rd grade? wow! so early~ Astro Boyyy!!! I used to love it :D Those days when I didn't even know what anime was but i loved Naruto and Astro Boy XD
Astro Boy, such a beautiful childhood <3 Well... Yeah. Naruto has a lot of episodes. But it was really a great anime, obviously it wasn't a masterpiece of anything, but you can just skip the filler episodes~ I haven't watched all the really long shounen anime, but if you enjoy any of them, you'll probably enjoy Naruto lol. I mean c'mon! Ninjas! :D There are plenty of lists online of fillers so you can skip them. Naruto fillers aren't that... intersting either...
I know right LOL.
I'm fine with gore~ I don't really understand the horror concept when it comes to anime, i love it more than being scared of it XD Thanks for the le tips~
Oh gosh, I understand, it happens so much, like some charas are so...cliche xD There's always a stereotype you can fit them into. Oh yeah :D Some times i'm in a shoujo mood, other times i'm in a yaoi mood, or i'm reading some shounen manga, so it changes quite a bit for me too xD
Though when you think about it, with so much info at our fingertips and the internet itself, it's not easy to be original, because there's always something you've been 'inspired' by, or something similar.
LOL, the weeaboo days :') Yeah! Although i watch a lot more series in subs now, I started out with dubs, and Naruto was weird for me when i had to start watching it in subs XD Oh yeah, Ouran! Niiice~ It's a great feeling to be open about things isn't it :3
Really? I'll keep that in mind.
Ooooh! I get what you mean. Yeah I guess it was exaggerated to make it more interesting? xD And memorable, which worked. Congrats on finishing~
:O Really!? So should I watch it o.O
Yesss! I was reading some shoujo last night and it made me so happy :3 Oh yea! I know those two, love them :3 I really should catch up on the chapters o.O Yeah, I agree :3 I read shoujo for more light hearted things, it's a lot easier to cheer up :3 Like, I was reading a lil manga from the same author as Wolf Girl and Black Prince, and it was so light hearted and cute aaaand <3 Yeah, josei is a lot better for that good ol' realism, so I agree with ye ;)
Oh, really? So the dub is good? :o I should check it out then, since I've only seen brothers conflict in subs. Oooh, realy? :o I should keep that in mind when I start Soul Eater again hmmm... thank you~ yess, Black Butler was beautiful :3 Hmm... I havent seen Tokyo Ghoul yet, but I can agree about SAO xDDD
Omg, really? Enjoy it xD I couldn't finish the show lol, cringe levels 2much4me... wait, I said that before o.O silly me :P
It's...confusing xDDD Ohh! I see :o My ignorant mind has been enlightened. Nonono! I like it, I like listening to people talk (and reading, lol), that was such a small ramble tho XD hehe~ So much Danganropa!
Glad to hear it :3 Ah, Is that so :o I see we're kinda in the same situation xD Though to be honest, sometimes I have the free time, but I legit just don't manage that free time well >.>
Yesss, omg, I can relate xD Like, before I became a fujoshi, I read 99% shoujo... Well, now I read 90% things targeted at my demographic anyways soo xD I hope you'll like it ^_^ No pressure tho lol
*gasp* You watched in dub!?!?! Who are you? xDDD lmao. Oh yeah, yeah I get it. I don't know why I stopped watching it, it was cute... but yeah, the cringe was too much for me :') Niiice, I don't mind reading your review, lemme know when you've written it :3
Hmm hmm~ I see we have something in common. *is slow with anime too ;-; * Ooooh, I see :o Lol ,a friend of mine watched Danganropa, i think the first season or maybe the 2nd one too, but she loved it and hated it at the same time, because she got so frustrated with the ending or something, I can't really remember, cuz her rants are so confusing sometimes lol, but it was hilarious nonetheless. Yeah, I might give it a shot when i get to it \(^o^)/
Oooh! I heard of that :D I watched the anime, it was great :3 Niiiice~ I've read a few things here and there, haven't been watchign or reading any manga/anime seriously lately, i don't know why :P
Hmm... I read Principal, it was a shoujo manga, but it had quite interesting characters. I really liked the fact that nobody was perfect, every person had a flaw, none of them were some perfect saint... well, most of them weren't at least xD
Watching anything? Well I've seen one episode of Mob Psycho so far, it's pretty good~ The rest was just cheesy shoujo lmao.
Thanks for the friend request~ You seem like an interesting person :3
thanks for the friend request btw, have a good day/night too :>