I watch anime in my spare time. I write a review now and then.
I welcome feedback from anyone. If you disagree with something that I say in a review or on a forum, please feel free to send me a message or drop a comment on my profile. As long as you keep it coherent I'll gladly have a discussion with you. Similarly, if you enjoyed a review I wrote, let me know. I have fun writing reviews, but it's also nice to know that they're not just disappearing into the internet without being read.
As far as ratings go, I rate things as more than just a sum of their parts, i.e. my "overall" score for something is not just an average of the different categories. I rate the work's effectiveness in its entirety. Regardless, I think that these numbers are a half-step above meaningless, and so is arguing about the "proper" way to rate something. I wouldn't put much stock into them.
I don't have a favorite genre, nor is there any genre that I won't watch. I appreciate anything that's made with care and intelligence. Comedy, drama, romance, action, sci-fi...you name it.
I haven't listed my "favorite anime" because choosing a favorite anything (song, movie, book) is difficult to do. The favorite characters list is now rotating. Ten slots is not enough.
"They have been out studying the economy of the sea."
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I haven't exactly been active here myself the last couple of years, so don't worry about it.
And yes, that's one of the drawings I've done in recent time.
For this one, just after having finished it I had noticed errors but, I just didn't bother going back to retouch it. I sorta made it on auto-pilot as I didn't notice the size of the pen i was using until after I was done and all the lines came out thicker than intended. It got the job done, all i wanted was to use something of mine as a profile picture anyway.
So, I was taking drawing seriously in 2015 but i had since then mostly dropped off, about 2 years ago. The most productive years were the first 2, that's when I was drawing almost every day without fail. It was by like mid 2017 that I started dropping off since I had already accomplished way more than I initially expected. In 2018 I think I barely made like 5 or 6 drawings the entire year and then finally picked the pen up again the following year all the way up to now, drawing on occasion. I think the problem I had was that I set my goals too low. Even now rather, I guess I'm having a hard time getting myself motivated because I'm basically at the level where I can draw whatever could possibly come to my mind. I'm not exactly satisfied with my results of course but, reaching like say Michael Angelo levels of technical excellence just no longer feels like I'm climbing a mountain with my teeth for (it already felt like this the first like 6 months actually). My thought process is something like "Meh, I can do that later", you know? Of course, I know there's no such thing as doing things "later", later just means I'll be dead, but I digress.
Anyway, want me to draw something for you? I think I'll enjoy that.