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Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru.
Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru.
Feb 11, 10:03 PM
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Kinoko Inu
Feb 11, 10:02 PM
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Feb 11, 10:02 PM
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Horrawr Sep 13, 2013 10:57 PM
Hello there ^_^
Toast123 Aug 30, 2013 4:56 PM
lol I wish I got in wait list fail me =/
It was a math class so I could prepare for calculus.
I tend to struggle on the subject so taking other before I move on to required courses.

I think its a good to double major especially if they overlap. Should take less time to complete right?
Cool. Where would you like to teach when you get your teaching credentials?

Hmmm for last season shows I say Hataraku Maou-sama! was up there on watching list. It was a good watch and comedy was present so that's probably why it got my interest.

I see. I'll probably try purchasing one and go from there. Does it come with a warranty or anything?

Also sorry for the replay. I started claasses already on the 27th and school work got to me lol
Retro8bit Aug 24, 2013 5:34 PM
It's really not? Because that pic looks like something I would see on DA. So did you pose for a picture, then snap it for reference to this one? As a free-hand drawer myself, I must say it really interests me. :)

I know I know, certainly learned my lesson. *sigh* Until I most likely forget again. >.>;

Nice nice, I take it you saw all these anime on Cartoon Network? It's were a lot of fans started their journey. If you'll pardon the bad pun. XD

For me, it started much like you, I was around the age of 3 or 4, when I first saw "The Flying House & Superbook." Man it really takes me back, now I feel old...again.

The Flying House:
Zhie1 Aug 24, 2013 10:13 AM
i'm so sorry for late reply :(
Nice to meet you, Rina-chan ^_^

i saw ur tumblr
and hey, you love Takahasi Rumiko as well :3
Retro8bit Aug 22, 2013 6:00 PM
Oh nice! You must really have some fancy software in order to make a pic look that good. You are far better than I in the category, I can already tell you that. It looks so good in fact, hard to tell you didn't draw it with a standard pen and paper. Are you a fan of Deviantart? Probably the silliest question on the planet I know. XD

I hear ya there, this heat can be crazy at times. I had to mail a letter yesterday, and chose to go out to the mailbox without the aid of shoes on the hot concrete. *sigh* Not one of my finest moments.

Oh by the way, what got you into anime? If I may ask. :)
Kaleidx Aug 20, 2013 9:06 PM
Aw, well dancing is all about having fun so I suppose it's for the best!
As someone who has difficulty expressing himself I've always admired dancers. I'd never admit it to anyone in person but I've always felt certain types of dancing is so .. majestic. Ever seen the movie Sucker Punch? One of my favorite and really shows how I feel about dancing.
So I can't help but butt in and encourage you to never give up dancing as long as it's fun. :]
Toast123 Aug 20, 2013 7:48 PM
I'm liking love lab so far. For a comedy its a good watch.

Lucky I'm number 4 on the wait-list =/

I remember taking an art class once because its one of the school requirements and I got a C >.<
Too many things to memorize especially the artworks information on their style, artist, and etc.

So what's your major? Don't want to guess wrong as I tend to do that :P

Besides Free!, Servant x Service, Chronicles of the Going Home club, and Danganronpa because I haven't gotten the time to see them, the others you listed are all good shows :)

So is the tablet your using good? My younger sister been looking to get one but honestly got no clue on what to get her.
Kaleidx Aug 20, 2013 4:11 PM
If I wasn't so embarrassed about my full name I'd tell you and all the iterations of it I've heard. I'm one of the lucky ones who have a similar name to those easy to pick on names like Bart/Fart, well .. not really -that- bad but still. You might be thinking, "wow if he complains so much why doesn't he change it?" but at the same time I'm kinda proud of my heritage and all so I don't wanna, I'm just a complainer I guess. :P

You dance? That's awesome. I was a little fireball of dancing when I was a little one but that didn't stop me from growing two left feet later! My friends in highschool had a name for my dancing, "what are you doing? are you okay?" haha.

Alessa is actually from the Silent Hill movie/game and while the movie probably wasn't a masterpiece it made me fall in love with that name. I know from what we've talked about so far it kinda sounds like I'm weirdly obsessed with names, lol, but in a way I guess I kinda am and I kinda creep myself out sometimes. I'm the oldest too, of 3, so I guess I've always had this protectiv-ish aura about me and fueled my brain to think of future names for my kids more than a normal guy my age would.

But I'll be the first to admit, I know I'm a weirdo.
Kaleidx Aug 20, 2013 2:49 PM
"Na", that is absolutely adorable. Are you the oldest?
But it's good you like it, since you kinda have to live with it your whole life, huh? I have several names as well but not in a good way! You have no idea how much trouble I get with my real name and people pronouncing it to embarrassing ends which is mostly the reason I dislike mine.

But ever been to Marina del Rey? I actually used to know a girl named Arizona who lived here in AZ, always thought it musta been pretty awkward for her, haha. But yeah, I was born in Orange all those years ago and visit Cali every now and then but never actually been or heard of that place actually!

Aaanyways, I don't mean to creep you out by fawning over your name so much, but it's honestly the first time I've heard it and it just made such a good impression on me! :3

But yeah, I've always been real fond of girl names that begin with "A". My favorite being "Alessa" which would be so surprising if you figured out which recent movie/game I stole it from.
Kuroneko-nyan Aug 20, 2013 2:30 PM
Yeah, she's so awesome. She showed how awesome she was, 'cause in the first season she was just ok to me.
Kaleidx Aug 20, 2013 2:17 PM
J actually does sound much better because Jaycee sounds so feminine to me, I dunno, but then I'm reminded of men in black, haha. Well anyways, I'm making it sound like it bothers me more than it does when it's not that big a deal. I'll stop whining so much. :P
But I thought your name sounded familiar! I was just thinking Marine Biologist when your name popped in my head. Do you like your name though? Or even the ocean?

I'm so much better with female names, I find them to be much easier on the ears if that makes sense. I find myself thinking of what I'd like to name my future daughter more often than I'd like to admit. :3
Kaleidx Aug 20, 2013 12:59 PM
Ahhh it is! Surprised you caught on because well, atleast I don't usually look at the birthdates of profiles. But yeah, if we'd met before today you'd realize I'm not usually as .. upbeat as I am today!
But yes, JC. I despise my actual name so I just use my initials which honestly feel weird too. I wish someone could come up with a nickname for me to use because I suck at names. You're lucky to have such a cute a name as Marina, it reminds me of the ocean!
Kaleidx Aug 20, 2013 12:28 PM
Well thank you, little Rina! I have to say I was honestly surprised by how many accepting people I've met here and continue to do so. It almost gives me the courage to be more expressive about my interests in person.

Anyways, nice to meet you!
Kuroneko-nyan Aug 19, 2013 6:45 PM
Right? I absolutely loved that ending! Now I just want a third season, I need to see more. \o/
Yeah, Rika is definitely awesome in that season, specially in the ending.
Toast123 Aug 19, 2013 5:11 PM
Nice to meet you too :)

Right now some of my favorite On-goings are Love Lab, Kamisama no Inai, Rozen Maiden 2013, Watashi, Railgun S and Neptune the Animation.

lol same
Starting classes will at least make me more productive.

May actually go find a job because at the moment I'm only a part-time student due to one my classes still being on the wait list.

So watching anything interesting at the moment?
Also what did you use to draw your profile pic?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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