10 =masterpiece, or something personally special and unique for me. This is the type of anime I can't stop watching and thinking about sometimes, and when I'm watching it, I go through a diversity of feelings. The story, the characters, and even the animation are just beautiful, and I would absolutely recommend this to a friend.
9 = I absolutely love it, but for some reasons there's something about them that lacks the same level of attachment. It may be the characters, plot, animations, etc. Close enough to 10.
8 = I like it. It's a very well-made show that I'd recommend to almost anyone, depending on what genres they like, but something is missing or it doesn't fit my tastes.
7 = an okay show that has some issues, but I still enjoy it. Usually I rate an anime 7 when I don't really know how to feel about it. Great but not that great is like between good and bad.
6 = is watchable, not my cup of tea, not memorable, or has some glaring problem.
5 = Very forgettable. I probably wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
4, 3, 2, 1 = very bad; I want to forget that I ever watched it. I would absolutely not recommend this to a friend, and rather, I would make them reject it.
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