Hi! Thanks for stopping by :) Here's a little info about me in case you're interested:
Place of birth + where I currently live: Belgrade, Serbia
Date of birth (age): 7/2/1994 (22)
Favourite anime: Death Note
Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite food: Potatoes
Favourite singer: Taylor Swift
Favourite band: Evanescence
Religious beliefs: Atheist
Political views: Liberal
Favourite language: German (it's so sexy)
Favourite country: Sweden
Favourite actors: Rowan Atkinson, Emma Watson and Alfie Allen
Elementary school: Josif Pancic
High schools: XV Belgrade Gymnasium (1st year); Pascal English School (2nd year); Mediterranean High School (final two years)
University: Singidunum University, Faculty for Media and Communications, Social Work
Race: White
Ethnicity: Slavic
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Hazel (mostly brown, a bit greenish)
Countries I've been to: France, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Tunisia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy
Favourite author: Stephen King
Favourite book: "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini
I am fluent in Serbian (my mother tongue), as well as English, but am also learning Spanish and Japanese in my free time :3
Deserves to die a slow and painful death. Look, I'm generally a peaceful person, but I think I could and would put this guy through torture if I had a choice. Pure evil, that's all I can say.
Makato Itou (School Days)
I'd say he's a slut if I wasn't against slut-shaming so much. But yeah, he's a slut. In a bad way. He is irritating and I hate him. I'd say he deserved what he got if I wasn't against murder so much, but yeah... xD
Gin Ichimaru (Bleach)
He's just gross... that fake smile of his gives me the creeps, and no I don't care if he had a traumatic childhood, that doesn't give him an excuse to treat poor Rukia like that...
Haruka "Haru" Kasugano (Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone.)
Sometimes you just wanna punch the guy... I mean c'mon
Top 5 anime:
5. Shiki
4. Perfect Blue
3. Jigoku Shoujo
2. Chi's Sweet Home/Chi's New Address
1. Death Note
Top 5 singers/bands :
5. Sheryl Crow
4. Metallica
3. Nirvana
2. Evanescence
1. Taylor Swift
Top 5 music genres :
5. Heavy metal
4. Pop rock/Pop punk
3. Baroque pop/electropop
2. Country/Country pop/Country rock
1. Alternative rock
Top 5 anime theme songs :
5. Bleach 1st opening theme - "*~Asterisk"
4. Bleach 1st ending theme - "Life is Like a Boat"
3. Chi's Sweet Home opening theme - "Chiisana Dai Bouken"
2. Elfen Lied opening theme - "Lilium"
1. Clannad ending theme - "Dango Daikazoku"
Additional: Saimin Ryoujoku Gakuen ending theme
Top 5 non-anime-related songs :
5. Adele - Someone Like You
4. Evanescence - Everybody's Fool
3. Taylor Swift - Dear John
2. Randy Travis - I Told You So
1. Metallica - Fade to Black
Top 5 non-anime films :
5. Bean
4. Harry Potter (all of them)
3. Anne Frank: The Whole Story
2. Downfall
1. Titanic
5. Emerald green
4. Silver
3. Blue
2. Turquoise
1. Purple
My hobbies beside watching anime and reading manga:
> Going out with friends
> Collecting earrings
> Collecting everything purple
> Playing with my cat
> Listening to music
> Learning Spanish
> Drawing and painting
> Developing stories in my head about imaginary people (yes, I do that)
Top 5 TV shows :
5. Scrubs
4. Game of Thrones
3. The Simpsons
2. The L Word
1. Breaking Bad
Top 5 books :
5. "13 Reasons Why" by Jay Asher
4. "The Kid" by Kevin Lewis
3. "Sunday's Child" by Shane Dumphy
2. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde
1. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
New Member?Welcome! You can always introduce yourselves here You can get your Rewards Zone Card fromhere!
New Games!
- A new game that allows you to gain points on your Rewards Zone Card while having fun guessing! Play here!
- An active games that allows you to have some fun by creating unbelievable lies about the user above you! Join us now!
- Do you want to marry someone or would you reject them? Join us in our club, rejecting someone with the most unbelievable excuses! Marry or Reject? Your choice!
If you are somebody who is willing to dedicate part of your time to help me with the club, then I will be very much ecstatic! Sign up here in theStaff Recruitment Thread. New positions include
◇ Bingo Moderator ◇ Claim Maker ◇ 30 Day Anime Challenge Maker ◇ Puuzle/Riddle Maker ◇ Badge Maker ◇ Thread Manager ◇ Rewards Zone Manager
Are you a person who enjoys communicating with people? Are you someone who is more online on discord? Then, this is the perfect chance for you to join ourDiscord Channel! Or, you can just join us in our comments section! We are available both
Are you excited for some upcoming challenges? Well then, here's the list to what you should be expecting soon! +The Delusion Challenge+ From August - the end of September![/url]
A monthly challenge in which you have to complete a set of goals in the month. Everyone is free to participate. +Bingo Event+From September 1st - 30th
A fun game where you hope you win first. It is something based on pure luck![/color]
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~Let's Celebrate Today, in the Memories of Yesterday and Hopes of Tomorrow~
This month we decided to dedicate our newsletter to our club's one year anniversary
If you'd like to subscribe for our regular newsletter please subscribe here: Newsletter Signup
It's been a great year for us as we grew gradually and improved our club together
Special thanks to those who contributed and participated in our events to keep it active
We only hope for the best in the days to come, thank you for staying with us~
If you're new to the club feel free to Introduce yourself here: Introductions
Or if you'd like to join our discord server, please click here: Discord Group
Nights at the Citadel (Monthly)
Night's at the Citadel is our monthly game event that's hosted
around the middle of the month. There are several realms and
participants are required to complete certain tasks in order to
restore balance to the realms, which will earn them an item...
The tasks are uncertain as they will change every month
New Member?Welcome ^^ You can always introduce yourselves here
New Changes!
There have been new changes to the club as we have introduced something called the Rewards Zone. It is a system where people are encouraged to increase their participation in the club to gain points which can be redeemed for certain prizes listed in this thread
New Games!
- A new game that allows you to gain points on your Rewards Zone Card while having fun guessing! Play here!
- An active games that allows you to have some fun by creating unbelievable lies about the user above you! Join us now!
- Do you want to marry someone or would you reject them? Join us in our club, rejecting someone with the most unbelievable excuses! Marry or Reject? Your choice!
If you are somebody who is willing to dedicate part of your time to help me with the club, then I will be very much ecstatic! Sign up here in theStaff Recruitment Thread. New positions include
◇ Bingo Moderator ◇ Claim Maker ◇ 30 Day Anime Challenge Maker ◇ Puuzle/Riddle Maker ◇ Badge Maker ◇ Thread Manager ◇ Rewards Zone Manager
Are you a person who enjoys communicating with people? Are you someone who is more online on discord? Then, this is the perfect chance for you to join ourDiscord Channel! Or, you can just join us in our comments section! We are available both
Upcoming Editions!
=Cats RE - 20th July =Loli WE - July 25th =Peten00b Birthday SE - July 20th - July 25th =Hisoka WE - 1st August =Heroine WE - August 5th =Cookies WE - August 7th =Heterochromia WE - August 12th
Upcoming Events!
Are you excited for some upcoming challenges? Well then, here's the list to what you should be expecting soon! +The Delusion Challenge+ From July 22nd - August 22nd
A monthly challenge in which you have to complete a set of goals in the month. Everyone is free to participate. +Bingo Event+ From September -
A fun game where you hope you win first. It is something based on pure luck!
Subscribe or Unsubscribe?
Do you want to continue to receive newsletters, thensubscribe here. However, if you wish to unsubscribe, then please do sohere in this thread
Heyoo~ Ništa posebno, isto kao prije haha. Sad će i raspust još malo, mada opet iako želim da se pošteno odmorim moram da učim zbog ovog prijemnog, ali samo polako. Kod tebe? Naglasila si to loše xD Mogu li kako pomoći? xD Aaa da, Rukia je i meni cool lik, naročito pred kraj mange. Hm... kad sam pročitao mangu imao sam dosta favorita, ali ovako top 5 su mi Kisuke, Yoruichi, Aizen, Byakuya i Uryuu. Imam ih mnogo haha :3 Ide dobro zasad, mata napreduje, mada moram malo da ubrzam, nekako sam opet opušten xD Mada juče bilo hladno, sad toplo, vrijeme se konstantno mijenja. Kako je kod vas? Iskreno ništa novo, jedino da je sad bolje vrijeme pa se može šetati lijepo haha. Kod tebe šta novo? :D Pozz!
Ako ti treba psiholoških samo reci, imam ih dosta haha xD Radnja je smještena u fantasy svijetu, pa obično imaju akcije, ali ovako je cool i baš psihološki kad dođu neke scene xD Koji ti je fav u Bleachu ako si sagledala? :D
Iskreno ponekad mi bude mrsko da vježbam, ali sad moram haha xD Tako da se nadam da će mi postati još zanimljivija, ako ništa trebaće mi za kasnije xD Ma samo polako, nekad ide, nekad ne ide, ali biće sve okej, tako je nekad i slučaj sa mnom xD
Ako voliš tako psihološke sa akcijom onda će ti se sigurno sviditi plus likovi su extra, kao i animacija :3
Da, to sam odlučio tek u januaru haha xD Oo to je cool :D Nije da sam veliki fan matiša, ali ide mi nekako haha, išao mi je i prije pa mi ne bi trebao predstavljati neki problem kasnije, samo da polako uradim prijemni i sve će biti okej :3 Kako tebi ide?
Hehe! ^^ Dodao sam ga bio na listu, ali eto zaboravio da sagledam, čuo sam da je baš dobra misterija. :o Re:Zero ti je isto psihološki sa zanimljivom pričom i likovima, alternativni svijet i tamo glavni lik pokušava da shvati šta se dešava i tako to, mada ima dosta i blood and gore ali je extra xD Da, tamo sam sam planirao. I to je extra, sve dok ti se sviđa samo naprijed! :3 Sad sam vidio da ima neka lista želja i tu upišeš tri smjera i onda te tako prozivaju ako slučajno ne upadneš u traženi smjer, dobro je ako mene pitaš. Planirao sam prvo softversko inžinjerstvo, pa isto slično samo primijenjeno soft. inž. pa onda na kraju računarstvo i automatiku, trebalo bi da sve bude okej haha xD Koji si sad smjer? Medije i komunikacije? :3 Aaa daaaa... to mi je prijemni pa samo to radim haha, ima dosta, ali može se :3
Ja sam kasnije tek našao kad sam koristio MAl xD Trenutno se pripremam za prijemni, ali iću u Novi Sad, računarstvo, našao sam neka tri smjera pa ću viditi dalje :3 Hahaha, ma samo opušteno :D Imaš neki žanr koji hoćeš? :D Gledao sam nedavno Aoharu x Kikanjuu i mnogo mi se svidio, ovako ima akcije i komedije plus tako tih dramatic scena, ali je dobar, 12 ep samo :D Densetsu no Yuusha je extra medieval fantasy anime sa dobrom pričom, nije ni on dug. Ovako imaš Parasyte, Akame ga Kill, Tokyo Ghoul, Kimi ni Todoke, ERASED, Re:Zero, ako treba lista samo reci haha :D Evo ništa posebno, sad ovih nekoliko narednih mjeseci je priprema za fax pa se i tu moram potruditi, ali samo polako :3 Koliko imam da učim kao i da jesam haha xD Kako kod tebe? Šta se radi? :D
All Comments (475) Comments
Sta se radi kod tebe?
Iskreno ponekad mi bude mrsko da vježbam, ali sad moram haha xD Tako da se nadam da će mi postati još zanimljivija, ako ništa trebaće mi za kasnije xD Ma samo polako, nekad ide, nekad ne ide, ali biće sve okej, tako je nekad i slučaj sa mnom xD
Da, to sam odlučio tek u januaru haha xD Oo to je cool :D Nije da sam veliki fan matiša, ali ide mi nekako haha, išao mi je i prije pa mi ne bi trebao predstavljati neki problem kasnije, samo da polako uradim prijemni i sve će biti okej :3 Kako tebi ide?
Aha, važi, dobar ti je username :D