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shioreru May 29, 7:01 AM
It's been a while!! how have you been?
Soulsfear May 26, 4:09 AM
I mean it's still some seinen manga magazines but you won't see animes that sells based on that since games have them babes in 3D like Eve in Stellar Blade..xD

DOOM [2016] kinda made the indie FPS field to rise in the end as couple years later Amid Evil,Ion Fury or Dusk came out but it was also year where immersive sims started to die or the quality of them started to decline even if we had some in the next several years.Prey [2017] was the last great one and then System Shock Remake [2023] is the recent one which had engine change couple times and turned out great in the end..especially with the recent update 11 months later improving the few boss encounters the game has.Tomb Raider Anniversary already showed that remake cane be great while TOMB RAIDER I-III Remaster that is more recent is probably the answer to the indie FPS games being in great form overall and estabilished.I still think the most popular remake is BLACK MESA at the moment,not only because BLUE SHIFT is also quite far into the development regarding the remake of that.

Well,that thing is almost irrevelant to me as I'm not fan of the current mainstream/3A or 4A games in general.Ghost of Tsushima PC port is hit apaprently though..even if the console version was on previous generation of PS,4th...4 years ago xD

Snappi is almost 34 and Dupreeh is almost well,they're great for Tier 2 tournament and as JOKER invite to some of the Tier 1 tournaments but that's about it can't rely your core trio always be effective against all opponents.
Hard to say..for now it feels like Gambit 2017 all over again when their players just peaked at the right time for the major with iM here being the Dosia of back then xD
n0rb3r7 became even more full package after that benched period while Kairon just wasn't it attitude and sportsmanship wise that the team was going for but elec isn't really good in CS:S2 and Mir wouldn't maintain the form from tournament to tournament either so it's hard to say..Hobbit would have been better choice as he can secondary AWP or be secondary caller as well - now they're average TOP15 team at best where they can get TOP8 with servicable draws that would allow that to happen.
You could almost say that they got few of the semi-finals by servicable match ups anyway since there are opponents at some point where m0nesy can be countered well like MOUZ does to most of the teams these days.
Ye..both seems not so mentally comfortable while NAF and Twistzz probably have time of their career once again.
FaZe is going for consistency rather than win one of the 3 or 4 biggest tournament of the year (2 Majors or Cologne,Katowice) but ye their core is really good but at the same time Frozen doesn't overperform on stage there yet like he did in MOUZ more over the years and then MOUZ got even better without Frozen as he was taking too much space for getting the cohesion ready between MOUZ NXT 2021 core which has now finalized and everyone in that team can top frag at the moment so you could say we have MOUZ NXT 2021 vs MOUZ 2019 cores in 2024 which is crazy xD Donk is amazing but can be countered by calculated chaos on the map at the right time while Sh1ro isn't as dominating as in CSGO basically but still is better than most of the AWPers on a good day in CS:S2.But ye..they didn't change much so far so only few teams can beat their style that is mostly gut based or whatever.
Juansa1240 Apr 27, 6:47 AM
ah no worries about the late replies, I haven't been active on MAL for a while now anyways hahahaha! I understand what you mean about losing interest on animes or mangas, I don't even remember the last time I watched an anime lol. As for mangas as well but that's only bc I'm having exams these next few weeks and well... maybe also bc I'm obsessed playing Fallout 76 🤣. But I do try to read manga every once in a while, got real excited when I heard a few weeks ago that a new Berserk Chapter was getting released. So yeah don't worry about being inactive on MAL, we all go through that at some point. Have a good week man! ;)
Soulsfear Apr 26, 5:36 AM
I mean they're not meta least for Gen Z when we were that age like 10-15 years ago years ago (lol).

Ye..I mean they kinda got resurected via remasters like Quake 1+2 or we've got DOOM 1+2 reboot (2016 + ETERNAL) and System Shock Remake which is like super approachable now for replay values due to it not having the controls of the original '94 releases but still feels like dungeon like crawler and immersive sim at the same time.Even Tomb Raider Trilogy got one recently and other platformer series as well few years ago and you could say the 2 Spongebob games they released was homage to that early 00s era as well.Where even some of the demos from REALMS DEEP tihs year like The Last Exterminator or Brutal John also gives that early 00s vibe (DNF if it came out in 2001 and had still the DN3D gameplay approach and the other one being character that is hybrid of Duke Nukem and Serious Sam lol).

Ahh ye..I forget to even think of the price tag since shoters that didn't have multiplayer or I wouldn't play I just DL them back in the way (others done as well that's why they declined,SP campaigns in military/Real-Life Conflict shooters).

I think we can see it so far with the results they've got in EPL which is just lukewarm so far since Dupreeh being the most consistent (probably because of perfect lore) is what keeps them slightly above averge team as Magisk might the 2nd most stable player in their system.
Ye..was kinda tilting see the result and post match interview losing both maps in overtime where it could've been 2-0 for NiP :S
I mean considering how anyone who isn't 3rd or 4th best team at the moment are just rather inconsistent in general I think they can on good day get to semi-finals due to how other team perform or are mentally out of it the given day..or can't beat NaVi yet since Aleksib was added to the roster since they know how to safe energy for the rounds when opponent gets impatient.
just like VIT even VP doesn't have the fire but the difference is one good day one can get into semifinals if they play teams within TOP10 and other can gets quarter finals max in the same scenario so I would say they might make one since VP changed Mir already.Well,they didn't play any EU team so far in EPL either struggling to win properly or getting onesided defeat xD I think the match they actually scrapped by the opponent won more rounds still ala Major winning NaVi xD
Ye..YEKI was very likeable in VP and early on in Liquid..while Electronic did nothing expectional so far in VP apart from being key player on Mirage or Ancient most likely.C9 getting revamped due to that is kinda meh since Hobbit was part of it and was Dupreeh of that team (could be good if he somehow gets to join Falcons if they lose patience in Snappi) or you could just make him go G2 since the core itself performs like on maternity leave.
Hmm..well,makes sense since Inferno is perfect punish map if you've mastered but can be boring for sure if the other team is mentaly not in it and keeeps repeating the same tactic for 5 or more rounds there xD FaZe at least won the Chinese event and that was again due to every other team not managing their mental or pacing of the energy enough so to say so even if they've got back to back semifinals it's more thanks to the opponent just having not enough polished protocols or added new things which makes you easy match up these days (like VP is often these days)
Soulsfear Apr 11, 7:19 AM
Ye..unless you want to wait half year for the BD releases while Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete is probably the closest you can get with all-out ecchi stuff,even if it's female cast only show.

Ye..not to mention the meta in the terms of content that the current generation wants/have attention span towards to which games actually aren't that regarding the boomer shooters that were slowly returning and took over slowly in the past half decade since triple-A FPS Singleplayer stuff is practically dead after DOOM ETERNAL I would say..with exceptions of Resident Evil 8 maybe but the military shooters definitely died after the ultimate fail of Modern Warfare 3 remaster (lol).

Even Dupreeh was until recently kinda like that in Tier 2-3 realms regarding his matches in his team prior to the FALCONS just to reunite with Magisk and Zonic.With NiP it's hard..I think they were pretty good TOP10 with Aleksib but the weird thing that sealed the deal of him getting out was the weird back to back maps lost in overtime that decided if they go to play-offs (Paris 2023 Major) or fall just tiny bit short - might have been rigged by his teammates playing like ass which bite them in the end and got ever worse roster afterwards which would be TOP20 at best on a good day (lol).
Liquid so far doesn't have the consistency from the 3rd and 4th star of the team while the 5th (Cadian) can do it from time to time as well but ye,otherwise on paper it's full of potential.
Hmm ye..I've heard of him but regarding map's relative still the same since the newest addition of Anubis has been around for 17 months now I believe and then Vertigo is around for half decade and Ancient for 3 years - would be nice see Train or Cobble back or any other reworked CS 1.6 map would do :-) Nah I didn't really follow the recent Major as half of the teams under performed again (in Paris Major it might have been 60 or 70% of the top org teams).NaVi winning though happened because of how FaZe paced themselves again during the season/tournament itself while other teams just aren't consistent enough as NaVi has been in their costant rise and MOUZ or EF just disappointed its fans I one case in was one-sided game and in other case it was for EF's taking but the mental game just wasn't there..something that happens to G2/VIT at least half of the time these days.
Juansa1240 Mar 10, 11:26 AM
Oh for a second I thought you were talking about MAL lol, Dunno of any other anime sites like that tho :/. But yeah it's totally a lot of fun to read the comments of people in the manga chapter discussions and has helped me a lot to process some more ambiguos mangas like BLAME!. However, It does break my heart when a niche manga doesn't have a chapter discussion 😥, happened to me with Last Order. Oh you should totally read BLAME!, It may be a bit confussing at first glance and you may have to re-read it eventually but it's absolutely worth it if you wanna read a good seinen manga. Lemme know if you read it someday! I wanna know your thoughts about it! 😄
Soulsfear Mar 6, 4:57 AM
Ye..mostly the ones targeted at mainstream audience like WSM is just full of romcoms..basically the mag is 85% of that if it weren't for the longrunning Blue Lock,Fumetsu and SLF and relatively and like 3 more others that are newer but are already estabilished with +110 chapters.WSJ basically axed anything that can't outsold the estabilished longrunning series from get-go and the rest is too tedious to talk about (lol).But the ecchi stuff definitely doesn't faze me as much anymore unless it's the manga format because in anime you often see it being censored or altered due to the timezone it airs at or even being it done in a way so even 10 years old can watch it xD

Good question but obviously they're considered as not outgoing personality at all and be more like new gen of ''shut in'' type of creature xD
I mean I have like under 10 streamers I kinda keep up with here and there for the past decade or so while the YT only people or mainly on that platform there's more of them as they're the true boomers in my book..xD But ye..streaming definitely wasn't that big but at the same time if you kept at it for 10 years by now and you kept grinding and have many monthly subcribers,donators and packed schedule with like 5 day offs max per month then you're already succesful I guess.Not to mention wasn't there Dopefish Lives streaming platform some people started at?

CSS2 has been like full of semi-retired players just not being mentally there..let's look at Astralis,NiP,Liquid or whatever roster after their recent failures to qualify there.That depressing stuff aside I used to play CS:GO and last time I played was like summer 2015 (lol)..though I did DMs there few times when few of the competetive maps joined the pool in the past half decade (Vertigo,Ancient and Anubis).
thx xD
Juansa1240 Mar 2, 12:49 PM
Hey there! Wow hearing about an anime adaptation that's pretty shitty, why I'm not surprised? 😂. Honestly, I don't really remember very well how I got into some of the mangas that weren't from my friends recommendations, I'm totally sure that Alita/Berserk/Kaiji/Monster were from friend's recommendations and I'm really glad I've read them. I think that one of the first seinen mangas I read out of pure curiosity was BLAME! and Hey I'm also glad I did, as ambiguous as that MANGA was, I loved it to death.
From then on, most of the mangas I've read were from social media, forums or MAL friend's recommendations.
Izabel972 Feb 29, 12:44 PM
You're welcome and it's okay! :)
4Ya Feb 29, 9:01 AM
no worriesss
Soulsfear Feb 29, 5:49 AM
If the newgen SHAFT has finally have enough people to start taking on that kind of work I hope we get to see all of it adaptated..unless we get the oldschool OVA format where we get 1ep per month or two..I still remember how long it took Kiss x Sis OVA series to end just because the era of that genre already died (alongside it) and majority of the harem/ecchi series in animated medium.

hmmm ye..

From tiktok generation kind of people I would definitely agree as in tiktok you're part of everyones life in just single moment for the limited attention span people have to only watch several secs of absurd stuff people post there online..while being streamer or influencer for longer than 6-8 hours is something that these kind of people can't handle because they grew and were born into already estabilished social sites,high speed internet,streaming/music platforms and also with smartphone in their hand once they're 2 or 3 of age lol.Not to mention mental age is also part of it alongside if you can keep up with the changes in meta what people have attention span towards and what they don't have for so is actually hard if you aren't worldwide streamer but only on national level and also being best in the region possibly where you sometimes just have to deal with these tiktok amebas few hours in a row as they rant to your gaming or anything you react to or fail at for certain period of time during gaming.But that don't require you have 2 social media sites accounts minimum are kinda for boomers at this point..even if it can gain interect to some occasional 15-20 years old human.

You're welcome xD And ye..better be focused on your overall health first then.
Izabel972 Feb 24, 7:39 PM
Happy birthday! :)
4Ya Feb 24, 3:43 AM
happy birthdayyy
hope u have a great day
L-_-Lo_oL-_-l Feb 24, 1:33 AM
Happy B-day
Soulsfear Feb 23, 3:21 AM
Happy Birthday
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