Crticisms for the show?
Well, if anything I felt that almost every character of the show came across as really unlikable, and in a lot of cases, stupid. Also, by the end of series, I noticed one or two...I guess plotholes you could call them, or just unclear story aspects that could have used some explaining from the show itself, other than speculative fans. One big example involving QB's ability to grant wishes, going by the show, he could do almost anything and grant ANY wish, and yet, it isn't till Madoka wishes for something specific that the world is saved or whatever. Is it a
Oct 14, 2011
Guilty Crown
Review based on the first episode, it may change...
First, main girl steal a super important thing dressed the same way she was in a video clip. Cool disguise. A while later bad guys find her with some guy and a robot. What do they do? Just take her away while laughing at the guy. It's not like they should have just secured the area and searched everything. Which is like the most basic procedure ever. But we can't have our great hit end on the first episode can we? Then our ultra pathetic MC meet bad guys and he's saved by a super cool long haired badass ... Nov 8, 2010
This is actually the first time I bothered to make a review and also about one of the worst shitty hentai i've seen and i've seen.
*SPOILER* Tokineiro or A Time to Screw in sum is about some guy named Setsuya with a personality complex who lives with four maids. Cliche eh? Story: A sad excuse to make a complex plot in a hentai OVA with no sense at all. Animation: Some major flaws are noticeable during some sex scenes, also the characters are not that attractive, the artwork is awfull. ... |