- Accountant who likes watching anime, playing games and listening to music. (very normal stuff).
- Main pastime at the moment is learning Ableton Live 11!
- You can check out my music here: https://soundcloud.com/s-n-a-j
- My first conscious run-in with anime was back in 2016 with the show Yuru Yuri.
- Since I'm usually busy with work or hobbies, I rarely watch seasonal anime.
- 10: My all-time favourite, any objective flaws in this show mean nothing to me (ofc nothing is flawless but my subjective experience is as if the show was truly perfect)
- 9: Also one of my favourites but just doesn't have quite the impact to make it a 10, though any show with this rating is still amazing IMO
- 7-8: A good time, and probably worth re-watching (the ones rated 8 are generally more memorable)
- 6: Whilst a positive experience, probably not a show I would return to unless I wish to give it a second chance
- 5: average and easily forgettable
- 1-4: disappointing and don't bother, I don't really care about these shows enough to put the thought in of where it should go between 1-4
*note: My manga ratings don't really follow this and I'm in need of updating them if I can find the time and effort*
feel free to offer any recommendations whether it's anime, games, music or manga!
Busy with work, so I generally prefer to rewatch my favourites
Have a great day!
🚧last updated 06 September 2022🚧
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