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Days: 310.6
Mean Score:
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- Completed973
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- Plan to Watch474
- Total Entries1,677
- Rewatched192
- Episodes19,516
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Days: 353.8
Mean Score:
- Reading322
- Completed634
- On-Hold288
- Dropped69
- Plan to Read659
- Total Entries1,972
- Reread32
- Chapters40,333
- Volumes3,953
All Comments (495) Comments
Yeah I get what you're saying. I have seen a lot of praise for SNAFU and vice versa, but I was scared away because I'm pretty sure it had the romantic subtext tag on it (not sure why that tag doesn't exist anymore).
Never heard of that, was that so? That sounds incredibly stupid, now I see why there are a lot of rushed anime
Haha not sure about that XD
I'll keep it in mind then, I've never seen anything magical girl related so that's why I'm hesitant, but curious. Honestly by the way you describe it Nahona seems like a good starting point, I'll be sure to give feedback if I watch it.
Well yeah you're right, with a cliffhanger no less. I actually preferred if Kimi ni Todoke didn't get the 3rd season. Just something about it feels off, it didn't end in a cliffhanger and it would need more than a season to adapt the rest of the material, I felt like the most important chapter of the story was closed and it should've stopped there.
Am I crazy? I haven't watched the season yet because I feel weird about it but maybe I'm crazy.
Do you think it makes sense for certain anime adaptations to stop at a certain point?
Yeahh I've heard many great reviews for it, I just gotta find the time XD
No problem, I keep holding it off too. Your question made me remember it too so thanks as well haha
He's just like me for real XD
When I watched Fruits Basket or Fullmetal Alchemist I didn't feel the need to check out the other versions, however different they might be, so I probably won't, but who knows.
Do you have any anime/manga you are looking forward to consuming? Other from your obligation to Ookami Shoujo. xD
Would you recommend me either Nanoha or Madoka Magica? I've seen both's synopsis before, but maybe I can be convinced of watching them.
Ah man I hate cliffhangers... well 12 years holy... at least it wasn't the 13 years for Kimi ni Todoke's 3rd season haha.
Haha other than finishing what I have left, I'll probably watch NHK ni Youkoso, and about manga... I really want to read all my favorite anime source materials, but mainly Kimi ni Todoke and Karin.
Best girls for real! But I feel like I gotta try everyone, even our boy Kenji lol
I totally get it, a lot of people don't like the toxic nature of the relationship.
But I love it because it encapsulates most of what I love in a romantic drama, plus I liked the comedy and the way serious topics are handled.
Also, the relationship gets really sweet with time, and the characters while very flawed, slowly change while still being themselves.
It's not for everybody and I get that, so don't force yourself to watch it later if you don't want to.
Haha yeah I remembered that too, you said it's always nice to hear new things so here am I. :D
Btw I just saw Kino no Tabi's second ep, and I must say I really enjoyed it even more than the first, probably will finish watching it soon!
Ahh yeah, when I said anime I also meant to say mangas and novels too.
I feel you honestly, I haven't watched anything the past 2 years I think, now I think I'm ready to finish what I have left watching so I can move on to other stuff I might like.
But you're right, it's much easier with the source material, I gotta start reading some more manga... after my moral obligation of finishing Ookami Shoujo XD
YOU BETCHA! When I have the time I will finish all the routes just to celebrate, and also because I've only played one path lol.
Hehe sorry if I text too much, have a good rest of your day 🤠
By pure coincidence, I saw that you had dropped Ookami Shoujo, and I was just curious as to why, if you don't mind me asking.
Oh and by the way, I've kept in mind your recommendations still. I've yet to finish Kino no Tabi, though I still only watched the first episode a while back, but it was really good still.
I'm slowly getting back to watching anime but trying not to get burnt out again... have you been burnt out on anime before?
May you discover tons of new wonderful experiences in the coming year!
Ah yeah, beyond the mid-arc ones like SC, Azure, etc, Reverie would be a pretty horrid game to start on for all the reasons you stated. Imagine playing this game and thinking that using 50+ characters is a normal thing across all the games. xD
I remember showing the number of playable characters to some of my friends not into the series just to see their reactions, lmao. Called it basically a Smash Bros roster.
Reverie really did have some stellar dungeon themes in particular. Looking forward to doing this for Daybreak 2 once that comes around in a couple months!
Yeah, I knew at very least that CS1-2 was an okay starting point. People just warned me to go to the earlier ones (or at least read a summary) before proceeding with CS3.
That's really wild that someone started with CS3; you miss every reference! :O At least with going CS1-2 -> CS3 that a few of my friends did, you'll at least get the Rean portion. Good thing it worked out.
Honestly, starting with Daybreak wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. You'll miss out on the cameos and references to events that occurred in past events, but it's at least somewhat self-contained. Would be far from optimal, but starting with Crossbell or CS3 would easily be worse, imo. Probably the worst thing about starting with Daybreak would be getting used to the combat there and then having to adjust to combat before that game, haha.
I was kil for 7-odd years :'( still am. I'm officially a zombie
Haha, don't worry about that. I'm no stranger to having some loooong comments with some others on MAL. I definitely welcome it! My response time can just vary, especially like recently where life stuff burned me out.
EDIT: Okay, I think I just probably messed up the link when I first posted the other comment oops lol.
Oh snazzy, both of those are real jams! Matter of fact, you'll be seeing one of those in a moment. :D
Anyway, I've kept you in suspense for long enough. Here are my favs per arc:
It definitely was a blast to go through all the sound tracks again! Sooooooo many good ones!
As you saw above, "Atrocious Raid" got me into the Trails games, so I indeed did start with Cold Steel. My play order was:
CS > CS2 > Sky Trilogy > Crossbell Duology > CS3 > CS4 > Reverie > Daybreak
Other than the first two CS games, I did at least play everything else in the correct order. Regardless, I honestly do think pretty highly of the Sky games! Just happen to like some of the other games more.
Trails in the Sky: (1) (2) (3)
Crossbell: (1) (2) (3)
Trails of Cold Steel: (1) (2) (3)
Reverie: (1)
Trails through Daybreak: (1) (2) (3)
Oooh, very nice picks! I can't seem to access your first two Crossbell ones though. Which ones are they by their names? I'll know them from just seeing those.
There are sooo many good tracks, so limiting to only 3 per saga will be tough! I think I have a good idea for the Sky and Crossbell games, but I'll need to review the CS, Reverie, and Daybreak ones again. I'll link you with my favs next time I respond.
1.) Trails in the Sky SC
2.) Trails in the Sky FC
3.) Trails through Daybreak I
4.) Trails into Reverie
5.) Trails in the Sky the 3rd
6.) Trails of Cold Steel 2
7.) Trails of Cold Steel 4
8.) Zero no Kiseki Kai
9.) Ao no Kiseki Kai
10.) Trails of Cold Steel 1
11.) Trails of Cold Steel 3
Ah, fascinating. We definitely have different opinions here, haha.
My order of fav games are:
1. Trails through Daybreak
2. Trails into Reverie
3. Trails to Azure
4. Trails from Zero
5. Trails in the Sky the 3rd
6. Trails in the Sky SC
7. Trails of Cold Steel 3
8. Trails in the Sky FC
9. Trails of Cold Steel
10. Trails of Cold Steel 4
11. Trails of Cold Steel 2
I mainly find it pretty amusing that we enjoyed the CS games in exactly the opposite order, lmao. xD
Not sure if Daybreak is actually my favorite since it simply may be influenced by being the most recent one I played. Nonetheless, gameplay was so insanely enjoyable and I really liked the story and characters too, so it honestly might be there.
I've only played Ys 8 from the series. Game is soooo insanely fun! Been meaning to play more of those eventually. But yeah, with Daybreak II so soon, I'll probably opt for a one-off like Nayuta or Tokyo Xanadu next.