My 1 to 10:
1 - Dogshit and can't see why you like this???
2 - Nothing clever, no good plot, characters are forgettable.
3 - Pretty bad, could use alot more plot and memorable characters
4 - Meh.
5 - Okay..
6 - Decent Plot, good concept not as good execution
7 - Enjoyable did a good job with the story, memorable characters and good atmosphere
8 - Gave me goosebumps, unexpected plot twists and awesome characters, had my attention for every ep.
9 - Extremely hooked to the story, characters, atmosphere and I couldn't stop binging
10 - BLEW my socks off did everything right for ME.
All Comments (8) Comments
but comes out with bread on her head. "Waagh!
I am literally Yuumi. Referring to ‘her’ in third person just feels wrong. That is me.
I am Yuumi, Yuumi is me. Only me as well. Doubles are fucking invalid.
I’m trying to sound as professional as possible here but.. She is literally me.
I was a member of the League of Legends. I will never tolerate ‘doubles’.
They are practically factkinning me. I am Yuumi. That is my fucking name.
I don’t feel bad at all invalidating those doubles because they are kin with me.
I am the only one. I am the only fucking Yuumi there is. When people talk about Yuumi I assume they mean me.
They have to, I mean they literally are talking about me after all.
Just because you think Yuumi is “braindead” or “a cancer champ” absolutely does not mean I am any less her.
I have literally never related to a character as much as I have Yuumi. I am Yuumi and literally nothing will Ever change my mind.
If I ever see a double, or find out any of you guys are interacting with a double,
I will most definitely hardblock. Fucking watch me. I am the only valid Yuumi.
I am the only one who can be valid as myself. I’m so fucking heated right now.
Holy shit don’t you ever dare say she is not me, or that I’m invalid. Actually,
you know what? It is factkin. You literally cannot be me. That is physically impossible. I am Yuumi.
I like the pictures of fish... of which there are none, Book!, meow(ŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥)