* Fushigi Yuugi
* Ouran High School Host Club
* ToraDora
* Card Captor Sakura
* Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
* Clannad after story~ / Clannad
* AnoHana
* Kuroko no Basuke
* Detective Conan
* Shingeki no Kyojin
*Ano Natsu de Matteru
* Itazura na Kiss
* Chobits
* Fruits Basket
* Fairy tail
* Full moon wo sagashite
* K-ON!/ K-ON!!
* Kokoro Connect
* Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
* Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Top 10 Anime Movies
* Summer Wars
* Perfect Blue
* Whispers of the Heart
* Millennium Actress
* Tokyo God Fathers
* From Up on Poppy Hill
* Tsumiki no Ie ( La Maison en Petits Cubes)
* The Girl who leapt through time
* Spirited Away
* Howl's Moving Castle
My Anime Journey~ #1st anime: Yu Yu Hakusho #50th anime: Clannad #100th anime: Detective Conan movie 3: Last Wizard of the Century #150th anime: Summer Wars #200th anime: Kuroko no Basuke #250th anime: Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
No, I don't have a Gaia account. My friend made this from a website called. tektek.org but it does use Gaia tools and resources to make my own avatar and the website is where you can make your own avatar. My friend made this for me. Thank you! I will have fun and it's been a pleasure to be here already.
28 now :O feel like im getting old and trust me when you get into the 25+, you'll feel like that to.
You know this generation we are having so many more adult anime/gamer fans every day. My folks are so old school, especially my dad, i was showing him a forum the other day on his truck and he doesn't even know what a "thread" is haha. Or we were looking through movies on netflix and he asked me what a genre was. I was like wow you need to really get with the times.
On a bad note though, my two grandpa's both died just this last year. My grandpa Dwayne died this Christmas, cancer. But he had a long life, hes like almost 90 years old and my other grandpa was like 94 yrs old. :sigh: some times i feel as though life is just passing by so fast, its like when your a child or a kid, life just seems to move at a snails pace, but when you grow up, its just gone before you know it, your almost 30 yrs old.
I just want to give a shout out for this filler arc, *The chikara arc* i know alot of people are in in-denial of filler for naruto because they always think filler is horrible but this is an exception, as a fan of the series, you do not want to miss this. I am sending this message to most of my friends who are huge fans of the naruto franchise and i encourage you to check it out.
This filler arc has better quality animation then all of the damn series combined. Their are such high adrenline intensive action sequences later on in the manga, if they were to use this type of quality we would have nothing to worry bout but if they return to thee original animation from day 1 of the war, then its probably going to end up being sub par.
For once i wish they would just use this type of quality animation for the finale of the series, would be nice, it would go out with a bang. Just look at this shit.
Feels like im watching a high production quality movie instead of the series.
Legendary Animator Toshiyuki Suru animates and directs this filler arc and i hope he does this for the remainder of the series. It would be nice for the series to go out with a bang, but thats wishful thinking probably.
Its not just the animation either, the dialogue, the writing has alot of weight to it, you know instead of naruto using alot of his generic one liners, it seems the chikara arc is just more cleverly crafted and some of the dialogue has alot of thought put into. This is truly what naruto should of been.
Yeah i read the comment, just got caught up on other conversations and comments from other users.
What exactly is K?
Yep i know reborn is over and i can't believe they chose to end it like that, it was absolute disgrace. Amano Akira left so many open plot holes to the story left unresolved. Maybe she just got tired of it and decided to work on her next project. Either way reborn was never really one of my favorite series personally. I am still trying to get my self to finish it and the manga for that matter. Eventually i'll get their though lol.
Actually my weekend kind of sucked to be honest lol. was sick most of the weekend and not just normal sickness, i have a disability, i get like seizures and crap. Its nasty. Anyways yeah still working on trying to get the right medication for control on that.
If you a like series or movies that showcase the harshness and realities of war, then check out this classic anime. Now and then here and there. Its one of my all time favorites. Absolutely amazing. It is more fictional then historical. But it has an amazing melchromatic tone to it that just gives it that vibe of sadness and strong emotional elements.
The quote used "It rouses a bittersweet and almost heartbreaking fondness" Describes the essence of this show. You have to see it and check it out. I did write a review on the anime if you want to read that, click on the spoiler below. Beyond the first paragraph, it does contain a few minor spoilers though.
This review might be a bit long but i wanted to note all the key facts of why this series is such a great masterpiece, how ever it may not be for everyone. The first paragraph pretty much generally summarizes the show, if you want a more in depth review, then read on further.
"Now and Then Here and There" is such a phenomenal series. Absolutely one of my most favorite shows of all time. This show really captivated me as a viewer and i found the pacing to be just right for the 13 episodes that it told, the cliff hangers leave you wondering what is going to happen next and leaves you on the edge of your seat and the pacing is just right to give you that feeling that maybe.. there could be some shred of "hope" that is going to arise. This all culminates together nicely all leading up to the intense climax. Director Akitaro Daichi and writer of the series does an absolutely fantastic job. A very well scripted show, where each line of dialog seems to be said with some larger purpose behind it. This series is similar to both "Grave of the fireflies" and "Barefoot Gen" in that it portrays war through the eyes of a young teen. The savagery, the brutality, and how even through darkness, how hope can go a long way.
The story starts with a typical average teenage boy named Shu who is in a peaceful quite village. Enjoying Kendo with his partner. Shu, is an upbeat and energetic character who gives the series an aura of lightheartedness and humor. But, do not be fooled. Only for the first few minutes into the episode does this mood persist. After climbing a smokestack tower, Shu meets Lala Ru, a girl of little, if any, words. With a very quite demeanor personality, such a beautiful enchanting character, but yet full of such sadness. Suddenly out of no where they are both attacked by huge mechanical machines.
In trying to rescue her, Shu finds himself transported away from his cheery hometown of Japan into a dreary, desolate futuristic world adorned with the very fitting name of Hellywood. And this new place is sheer hell indeed. Shu finds himself prisoner on a dominating fortress where children from other parts of the world are being whipped into war soldiers. It turns out that Lala-Ru has a pendant that can bring water and life back to this desolate world, and the insane, maniacal despot who commands the fortress, "Hamdo", wants it at any cost. A dictator-like character who desires possession of Lala Ru, a physiological mad man that is the culprit of many of the victims in this on going struggle. Subjected to physical torture and abuse, Shu is forced to become a soldier and observe one horrifying atrocity of war after another. All well trying to keep a determined and positive attitude to escape this hellish world.
It is from there that the real anime reveals itself and the audience can't help but be captivated in the power it unleashes with every second. Shu sees mere children, his age and even younger, carrying guns and obeying military orders commanded by the almighty Hamdo. Through many discouraging hurdles cross Shu's path he never lets go of that hope no matter how intensely it wanes.
"It rouses a bittersweet and almost heartbreaking fondness". This quote used at the beginning of the show, really describes the essence of this series. As the plot continues on, you watch as the characters grow up and become corrupted by the ways of war and also learn how a crave for power can only bring destruction. You become so intertwined with the characters themselves that you can feel the pain in their wounds, the sorrow in the tears and even the relief in their smiles.
This show is very similar to "grave of the fireflies" and Barefoot Gen in that it deals with the consequences of war as well as the plights of lonely individuals struggling to survive. Here, however, the trauma is turned up by a huge notch. The children forced into war are a rather surly, sometimes confrontational bunch forced to commit terrible crimes against their will, making this a potentially sadder and bleaker story. There are even plenty of scenes which involve back-lashing, murder, genocide, child exploitation and others that leave little to the imagination. But all these seem like nothing compared to one particularly mean-spirited subplot, in which a young American girl, Sara, is raped by one of Hamdo's soldiers.
The animation style is appropriately dark and imaginative and suitable for the theme portrayed in this type of series. The melancholy musical score is very fitting, often emitting the feeling of fondness, hope or intense sadness.
The feeling Now and Then, Here and There gave me is simply indescribable. Never before have I viewed an anime of such power, intensity and pure emotion. Most of the time I was on the edge of my seat and I always caught my mouth gaping open. Both the original Japanese and English dubbed versions were magnificent. The art itself was amazing even if it lacked the common anime features of pointy faces and noses, enormous eyes and what-not. But, that aspect is what made this anime even more appealing. It gave the whole series a realistic feel and i recommend it to anyone who is looking for a beautiful directed well written show that makes you judge how sweet life can really be. This is by far one of the best written and most emotionally powerful anime series ever created.
Well i didn't even really have explain that to you, you seemed to be well versed on the ins and outs of the industry and how it has changed over the years. But i totally agree, you watch a movie like Akira, and you just wonder how come some anime 20 years later still to this day has not been able to perfect fluid motion picture animation and yet akira a 1980's film, was depicted in such a manner, that it became a motion picture masterpiece.
Some times when watching movies like that and Metropolis, you kind of wonder why anime producers never stuck to that same formula. I mean 70% of 100% of anime series at least in that marjin, depict action scenario's with still frames still to this day, the year 2012 is seeing a change in that though finally and thats a good thing.
Honestly it really does not bother me, ive learned to accept it, since its pretty much the mainstream to Japanese animation. But its nice that they are finally evolving that some what. Don't get me wrong, not all studio's use still frames and cells to depict action sequences, i mean some studio's out thier have some solid fluid animation but the majority of it is different unfortantaly.
PTW = "Plan to watch" list. He's real popular mostly because he's in collaboration with one of the largest multi billion dollar companies "Disney" and certainly the largest in the movie and tv industry. Like Fox. He gets alot of his stars form Disney and thats why his eng dub movies are always just excellent. They are huge block buster hit movies, not just in japan but nation wide.
But more then that, its not just his collaboration with disney, its also his unique art style that he uses and character designs, he got alot of that inspiration from watching Disney films. But its his own unique art style incorporating animation techniques from japan and america. His movies are always very imaginative but yet something you can really relate to. One thing i really love bout his characters is the sense of originality to them, he doesn't follow most anime tropes, that is enormous eyes, overly vibrant colors, overly faminine females, slap stick comedy, etc.
Working with studio ghibli, ghibili creates that scene of production in a film, that is very similar to american animation movies like lion king. It gives it a sense of realism to the film and its characters and ghibli as their own unique style of animation production and with hao myisaki's amazing artistic style, unique character designs, and Disney awesome cast of voice actors. You got a million dollar budget movie pretty much. I will tell you those movies are very high budget films because they not only gain reputation in japan mostly but all around the world.
Thats mostly the main points why i enjoy his films. His writing is also great and fantastic and not to sophisticated, just simple and perfect to suit the story he is telling with his minimal cast of characters. Some of my favorite films would probably be Kikki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away and Whisper of the heart. I really can't decide which one of those are is the best cause they are all so damn good and i would easily give them all 10's with out batting an eye.
Another movie i really enjoy, is an old classic called "akira" you may want to check that out, that is animation at its finest, considering when it was created, using the old style of pend and paper method and not CG computer animation like today, it was just absolutely brilliant. To be honest i wish most anime today has fluid animation like that, but it has never became the mainstream unfortunately. As soon as computer's took over, animators got real lazy, lol thats just my opinion. Because with the old style of pen and paper method you have to actually draw these images out and depict that animation sequences through hundreds of pages of drawings and thats the style that hao myisaki uses still to this day, regardless of how much technology has improved.
As far as fairy tail, thats ok, i have heard many different points of views from various other people, so ill definitively have to check it out as soon as i finish hitman reborn.
Yeah well most of them i actually got from your PTW list, i figured i would check your PTW list and based on what i think are good shows, i just picked a few. Some of them i got from just solid memory at the time.
I bet your a huge fan of hao myisaki films as well right? I would recommend "whisper of the heart" as well, its one of my personal favorites.
Yeah i saw that cliffhanger but I dont' even know what it means, since i never even seen that guy yet where i am in the anime currently. I already forgot what he looked like lol. But im sure i'll be seeing him soon in the future arc.
Yeah ive had alot of people tell me to watch it. I'll guess ill have to check it out soon. When you say that fairy tail has extremely stupid weakness, do you mean in the essence that the show is more focused on exploiting one's weakness to take advantage of battle and each character has thier own weaknesses, so the fights a little more dynamic instead of being all out power Vs Power struggle.
Btw how did you feel bout the ending to hitman reoborn, ugh, i was kind of disappointing personally. Thier was so much that Amano akiro could of build upon in the story, to many mysteries remain unresolved and didn't really care for the characters, but thats my general opinion, you enjoyed it and thats fine. Everyone has their own different views and opinions that match their taste.
Even though i feel as though the ending was a big cop out, its rare for a manga to feel unfinished, but i get that vibe with reborn certainty. But i can't really speak in terms of the anime series, because ive only seen half of the story really. Even in the manga im currently reading it, where as you finished it so your more qualified to give a more through rating then i am. I am sure the 2nd half is much better. I did read parts of the "curse of rainbow" arc though which i shouldn't of but i did for the hell of it anyways and found out that the ending is only 2 chapters away.
One show that i have been paticurally interested in and for a while is fairy tail. I have seen alot of people just give high ratings on that anime, if you have the time, can you explain to me exactly what are the qualities of that series with out giving out spoilers. I plan on watching it soon, probably after hitman reborn or maybe after bleach, i am not sure yet. Bleach is finished so, it would probably be more appropriate to watch that first that way fairy tail can get further ahead.
Anyways ill stop mass essay bombing your wall lol. Give you a chance to reply, sorry bout that.
All Comments (136) Comments
And that character specifically is Kobato.
ஜ۩۞۩ஜ vocaloid_anime ஜ۩۞۩ஜ
28 now :O feel like im getting old and trust me when you get into the 25+, you'll feel like that to.
You know this generation we are having so many more adult anime/gamer fans every day. My folks are so old school, especially my dad, i was showing him a forum the other day on his truck and he doesn't even know what a "thread" is haha. Or we were looking through movies on netflix and he asked me what a genre was. I was like wow you need to really get with the times.
On a bad note though, my two grandpa's both died just this last year. My grandpa Dwayne died this Christmas, cancer. But he had a long life, hes like almost 90 years old and my other grandpa was like 94 yrs old. :sigh: some times i feel as though life is just passing by so fast, its like when your a child or a kid, life just seems to move at a snails pace, but when you grow up, its just gone before you know it, your almost 30 yrs old.
So how was your Christmas/new years?
This filler arc has better quality animation then all of the damn series combined. Their are such high adrenline intensive action sequences later on in the manga, if they were to use this type of quality we would have nothing to worry bout but if they return to thee original animation from day 1 of the war, then its probably going to end up being sub par.
For once i wish they would just use this type of quality animation for the finale of the series, would be nice, it would go out with a bang. Just look at this shit.
Feels like im watching a high production quality movie instead of the series.
Legendary Animator Toshiyuki Suru animates and directs this filler arc and i hope he does this for the remainder of the series. It would be nice for the series to go out with a bang, but thats wishful thinking probably.
Its not just the animation either, the dialogue, the writing has alot of weight to it, you know instead of naruto using alot of his generic one liners, it seems the chikara arc is just more cleverly crafted and some of the dialogue has alot of thought put into. This is truly what naruto should of been.
I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^
What exactly is K?
Yep i know reborn is over and i can't believe they chose to end it like that, it was absolute disgrace. Amano Akira left so many open plot holes to the story left unresolved. Maybe she just got tired of it and decided to work on her next project. Either way reborn was never really one of my favorite series personally. I am still trying to get my self to finish it and the manga for that matter. Eventually i'll get their though lol.
Actually my weekend kind of sucked to be honest lol. was sick most of the weekend and not just normal sickness, i have a disability, i get like seizures and crap. Its nasty. Anyways yeah still working on trying to get the right medication for control on that.
The quote used "It rouses a bittersweet and almost heartbreaking fondness" Describes the essence of this show. You have to see it and check it out. I did write a review on the anime if you want to read that, click on the spoiler below. Beyond the first paragraph, it does contain a few minor spoilers though.
Some times when watching movies like that and Metropolis, you kind of wonder why anime producers never stuck to that same formula. I mean 70% of 100% of anime series at least in that marjin, depict action scenario's with still frames still to this day, the year 2012 is seeing a change in that though finally and thats a good thing.
Honestly it really does not bother me, ive learned to accept it, since its pretty much the mainstream to Japanese animation. But its nice that they are finally evolving that some what. Don't get me wrong, not all studio's use still frames and cells to depict action sequences, i mean some studio's out thier have some solid fluid animation but the majority of it is different unfortantaly.
But more then that, its not just his collaboration with disney, its also his unique art style that he uses and character designs, he got alot of that inspiration from watching Disney films. But its his own unique art style incorporating animation techniques from japan and america. His movies are always very imaginative but yet something you can really relate to. One thing i really love bout his characters is the sense of originality to them, he doesn't follow most anime tropes, that is enormous eyes, overly vibrant colors, overly faminine females, slap stick comedy, etc.
Working with studio ghibli, ghibili creates that scene of production in a film, that is very similar to american animation movies like lion king. It gives it a sense of realism to the film and its characters and ghibli as their own unique style of animation production and with hao myisaki's amazing artistic style, unique character designs, and Disney awesome cast of voice actors. You got a million dollar budget movie pretty much. I will tell you those movies are very high budget films because they not only gain reputation in japan mostly but all around the world.
Thats mostly the main points why i enjoy his films. His writing is also great and fantastic and not to sophisticated, just simple and perfect to suit the story he is telling with his minimal cast of characters. Some of my favorite films would probably be Kikki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away and Whisper of the heart. I really can't decide which one of those are is the best cause they are all so damn good and i would easily give them all 10's with out batting an eye.
Another movie i really enjoy, is an old classic called "akira" you may want to check that out, that is animation at its finest, considering when it was created, using the old style of pend and paper method and not CG computer animation like today, it was just absolutely brilliant. To be honest i wish most anime today has fluid animation like that, but it has never became the mainstream unfortunately. As soon as computer's took over, animators got real lazy, lol thats just my opinion. Because with the old style of pen and paper method you have to actually draw these images out and depict that animation sequences through hundreds of pages of drawings and thats the style that hao myisaki uses still to this day, regardless of how much technology has improved.
As far as fairy tail, thats ok, i have heard many different points of views from various other people, so ill definitively have to check it out as soon as i finish hitman reborn.
I bet your a huge fan of hao myisaki films as well right? I would recommend "whisper of the heart" as well, its one of my personal favorites.
Yeah i saw that cliffhanger but I dont' even know what it means, since i never even seen that guy yet where i am in the anime currently. I already forgot what he looked like lol. But im sure i'll be seeing him soon in the future arc.
Yeah ive had alot of people tell me to watch it. I'll guess ill have to check it out soon. When you say that fairy tail has extremely stupid weakness, do you mean in the essence that the show is more focused on exploiting one's weakness to take advantage of battle and each character has thier own weaknesses, so the fights a little more dynamic instead of being all out power Vs Power struggle.
Even though i feel as though the ending was a big cop out, its rare for a manga to feel unfinished, but i get that vibe with reborn certainty. But i can't really speak in terms of the anime series, because ive only seen half of the story really. Even in the manga im currently reading it, where as you finished it so your more qualified to give a more through rating then i am. I am sure the 2nd half is much better. I did read parts of the "curse of rainbow" arc though which i shouldn't of but i did for the hell of it anyways and found out that the ending is only 2 chapters away.
One show that i have been paticurally interested in and for a while is fairy tail. I have seen alot of people just give high ratings on that anime, if you have the time, can you explain to me exactly what are the qualities of that series with out giving out spoilers. I plan on watching it soon, probably after hitman reborn or maybe after bleach, i am not sure yet. Bleach is finished so, it would probably be more appropriate to watch that first that way fairy tail can get further ahead.
Anyways ill stop mass essay bombing your wall lol. Give you a chance to reply, sorry bout that.