Dec 31, 2019
(This is my first time making a review. I've never done this before, but here we go.)
This has been quite the interesting decade for Shonen Jump. We would get new authors that started ok with their first series and one-shot, but would later became huge with the success of their other series (Kohei-sensei with Boku no Hero, Komi-sensei with Nisekoi, Haraichi-sensei with Haikyuu, Food Wars, Demon Slayer, ect.) we would get two of our favorite oldies, Naruto and Bleach ending, as well as another huge oldie Kochikame. And even have some series that although having succeeded and continued for a long time, did became
some of our fav underrated series (mine being Magico, Samon-kun, Hungry Joker and others).
And so this year, 2019 was... um, I guess you could say a decent year (I think?? I guess???) for Shonen Jump. I mean the one that's currently running is Samurai 8, but I don't think you will s tay for a long time from what I read and heard. But gosh danget we're not here to talk about Samurai 8. We're here to talk about Zipman. The spin-off series of Bruno's stand from Jojo part 5 (jk. It's not really but I wish)
Plot (Spoiler Free) : The basic plot of this manga is that there are 2 brothers involved in this series. Kaname Tatara (the bakugo smiling ass mother fucker), who into super heroes and shit and his bro Koshiro, who years later is a famous mechanical engineer. And two also have a female friend who these two would try to pick on. But then one day, Kaname's bro, Koshiro dies somehow and of course, our boi Kaname and the female friend (Forgot her name sorry) are pretty sad about it. And then, one day, when they're just hanging out, out of nowhere they get attacked by a giant robot. While Kaname is trying to escape the building safe and find help for his female friend, he accidentally meets a robot who for some reason, has his brothers's (I guess) soul in it. His "brother" tells him that they need to work together to destroy that giant robot. So, Kaname gets inside the robot (who's his brother too) and they destroy the robot and save the female friend, of course. But that's not the only robot that they will have to take care of. As it seems, there may be other groups of people who also are in a similar situation as Kaname and Konshiro, but we don't know if they have good intentions.
Story: As I was researching to know about the author, I came to find out that he/she used to be an assistant of Kohei-sensei (Creator of Boku no Hero), which explains some of the similar elements in the story with a little bit of elements of Fullmetal Alchemist with the brothers stuff. A boy wishes to be a hero ever since he was a little boy. And now, with the help of his brother, that dream becomes reality. It's a little cliched but so far as I'm writing there are only 4 chapters, soon there's still a lot of room to improve. if we're being honest, we rarely see Mecha centered stories in Shonen Jump. The only one I can think of Mazinger Z but that one is like... I don't know 30 years old, so. The story is basically decent for now. (6.50/10)
Characters: The characters are pretty... meh. Kaname is the "I wanna be the best like no one ever was", while also wanting be a hero type of character. Koshiro is the smart and intelligent character, who also can be bit of an ass. And the female best friend who's the always smiling and supporting character. Yea, it's aight, I guess. But there is one character that I'm interested in, and it's the first villain the MCs encounter. I couldn't want to see what his deal is and the other villains too. But overall: characters... meh.
Art: The art is pretty good actually. Yeah, there are similarities in the art, that of Kohei's Boku no Hero, as he/she was an assistant of his. But I both artist stand in their own way. Some of the main characters designs are pretty good, even the MC looks cool (even tho he look like scary bakugo 2.0 with white hair), as well as the desings of the robots are neat. So, yeah, I like the art.
Overall: I think the series has potential. Although I haven't read Yuusaku Shitaba's first work Yoakemono, I have read Sahara the Flower Samurai. And for a one volume, it was pretty decent. Nothing great, but it was pretty enjoyable from what I've read. There is potential in Zipman it's only just a matter of time. Overall, for now, I give it a 6/10. Looking forward for more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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