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Days: 46.7
Mean Score: 7.31
  • Total Entries108
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Skip to Loafer
Sep 11, 2022 4:38 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Yakyuukyou no Uta: Kita no Ookami Minami no Tora
Yakyuukyou no Uta: Kita no Ookami Minami no Tora
Sep 11, 2022 12:18 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Yakyuukyou no Uta
Yakyuukyou no Uta
Sep 11, 2022 12:17 AM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 10
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 28.6
Mean Score: 7.93
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Skip to Loafer
Skip to Loafer
Sep 11, 2022 4:38 PM
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Mashikaku Rock
Mashikaku Rock
Sep 11, 2022 12:34 AM
Completed 6/6 · Scored 8
Kimi wa Kawaii Onnanoko
Kimi wa Kawaii Onnanoko
Sep 11, 2022 12:33 AM
Completed 54/54 · Scored 7

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Haaruukaa Sep 10, 2023 3:36 PM
-Isn't a native English speaker
-Why yes, I'm a feminist too
-Loves to block people who are verbally abusing her
-Literally seethes when she hears terms like alpha or beta, as she should

Weeaboo_Bomber Jul 15, 2023 6:33 AM
> Sound like she suffering from a stroke whenever she writes anything
> "wHY yeS i'm A fEMeNIst"
> loves to block people with different opinions
> literally seethes when she hears terms like alpha or beta

RyuRabbit Jan 21, 2023 8:32 AM
Kiinnn how are you
DreamWindow Jan 15, 2023 4:23 PM
Yep it's pretty bad lol. It's becoming an alarming trend, these days, where people just pick up the license to beloved franchises, without giving them the respect that they deserve. The part in the DN adaptation that pissed me off the most, was what happened with Watari. The rule where you need their full name, apparently doesn't apply anymore.

I've been seeing a lot of really cool stuff circulating. One of the only good uses for social media these days lol! I found an archive of fangames that was 100 something GB. It almost destroyed my hard drive, before I realized how big it was, lol.
DigiCat Jan 12, 2023 3:02 AM
Ok, so you've regressed to childish blocking out anything that deviates from your own ideas

Being unable to have a conversation with anyone who has a diffrent opinion thatn you, the definition of an echochamber
DigiCat Jan 11, 2023 6:07 AM
Oh i'm sorry MyAnimeList isn't an echochamber where you have people fawning over you and feeling sorry for you but actually has people with diverse mentalities
DreamWindow Dec 9, 2022 2:23 PM
I had the misfortune of watching the whole thing. It was with a friend though, so it was at least good for a laugh, with us both ripping into it. They stripped Light of all of his character. He was a megalomaniac, but now he's basically just being compelled. Not to mention, all the rules they broke.

I thought you would like that! The animation is so well done.
DigiCat Dec 9, 2022 5:04 AM
history lesson for you whites are still in power

Uh-huh... even in asia, south america, and the majority of africa?

to quickly answer the rest its not racism thats for sure

Great, so you think it's racist for a white person to complain that a black person is black, but it's not racist for a black person or any other race for that matter to complain that a white person is white
Congratulations! You've just proven you're a complete racist
GreyStoneFlinger Dec 8, 2022 7:07 PM
Considering your hatred towards prejudice against women, how would you feel if men were the ones being abused instead?
GreyStoneFlinger Dec 8, 2022 5:26 PM
You’re welcome. I appreciate your gratitude.
DigiCat Nov 30, 2022 8:21 AM
interpretation changes with time of what racist means

You call others uneducated but then you come up with this...
Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, a word's definition does not change over time

Yes the reason it's largely associated with white people being racist towards other races is because a bunch of white people who were in power long ago went and colonized and enslaved people of other races
Little history lesson for you, whites didn't invent colonization and slavery, they're just the latest to've been power hungry enough to try

if a black person wants to complain about a white person i cannot see the problem there is a history there...

No no no no no, you're confusing complaining about an individual's behavior with complaining about their race

If a black person complains about a white person being an asshole and treating him like shit, that's a valid complaint, that is not racist
But if a black person complains about a white person souly because that person is white, what do you think that is?

I'll give you a tip with how to solve it, if the roles were reversed, would you still be ok with that behavior?
GreyStoneFlinger Nov 30, 2022 7:16 AM
Thanks for your input! I’m glad to know that the ratings are just based off past experience. You’re still the feminist we know you as.
GreyStoneFlinger Nov 29, 2022 1:30 PM
That’s understandable. I don’t know everything about these shows, and honestly, from what I’ve heard happens in them, I don’t want to know everything.

What I do know about fanservice in Evangelion:

I’ll admit that Evangelion isn’t 100% bad though. I heard that the story is good, and the character designs are awesome. I’d actually watch it if there wasn’t any fanservice.

My other question is Monogatari. I never heard anything good from that. From what I’ve heard, it’s got a perverted male protagonist and the female characters are objectified. It’s disgusting.
DigiCat Nov 29, 2022 5:07 AM
if you have like a good review of the fan service and stuff in that anime so i can try to remember better what it was like i could do a better review of it probably

Btw, GreyStone hasn't watched Evangelion
As far as i remember fanservise-wise
DigiCat Nov 29, 2022 4:56 AM
and im racist? i see you hanging out with that universaI guy

Aside from the fact you didn't even notice he was taking the piss out of you (anyone who knoes the saying "hey guys" will also know "hey girls"), literally all he had to do was call you "guy" to rile you up, dude was provoking you, and you took the bait

who LITERALLY said that i do not count as Japanese becuase i am "only half"

That is a very stupid and racist thing to say

also you told me you were mostly white didnt you? if you are mostly white it implies you are from a western part of the world so it would make my comment accurate? you are of course yes still Asian regardless but also racism doesnt work that way. most people accept racism as whites/europeans/etc. and westerners attacking/degrading those of non-caucasian decent. if i said anything offensive it was toward whites

And what you just spewed out is no better
"only whites can be racist! I can say anything offensive against whites and not be racist 'cause they're racist!", i'd say that's an accurate translation of what you just wrote, and is juat as racsit as a white person thinking it's ok to be offensive towards other races
That is not how racism works? Apparently, you either really don't know what racism is, or are in fact a racist
Just in case it's the former, let me explain, racism is when someone of one race thinks people of another race are inferior to them, doesn't matter what race is aginst what race
Maybe you've just never seen racism from a non white person first hand and just assume because the media tells you all racist are white
I can tell you, having met people of various different races who hold racist beliefs, that is not the case, in fact i'll say, the most racist shit i've ever heard come out of someone's mought, came from my asian grandma, her favorite targets being japanese and blacks

do you speak your other native language? what country are you from? what country did you grow up in?

If you want to know, i'm from 3 european countries 1 asian country, i live and grew up in a non-english speaking country, yes i can speak my native language from there, i can only speak/understand a few words from my native asian country since it's actually quite common to speak english there, so all my aunts, uncles, great-grandma always spoke english to me, i can understand a decent amount of japanese, french, and spanish from watching TV

i have proved you to be a sexist and that you hold such uneducated and misogynistic beliefs about your own gender.

Excuse me? What beliefs would those be?
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