"Yoo. I liked your post about MIA so i thought I'd send you a friend request :)"
ok this is going to sound really really stupid...
but I have an extension that give me the average score of my "friends" on mal, on every show. so what I do is, I only accept freind request of people who have really close taste to me, so when I go on every anime's page, I get an average score based on it that I can trust.
since if all of my friends have similar taste to me, and I can see the average score.
seeing a 9.2/10 on a anime based on their ratings, tells me that I will almost certainly love that show and vice versa.
Is that stupid? yes, but it works damn it lol
I said all this to say, even though I didn't accept your freind request it's nothing personal. feel free to talk to me any time :D
that's an... interesting combination, haha! now when you cross a bridge you can be like "yeah, we have the same birthday so according to our zodiac we're the same person" LOL
Ya it is, I have to say that Nagato's story touched me hard, definitely one of fav characters and arcs. Guy who lost almost everyone, trying to destroy hate in ninja world with his own way is something really interesting and different from other naruto arcs, I liked it a lot.
All Comments (11) Comments
ok this is going to sound really really stupid...
but I have an extension that give me the average score of my "friends" on mal, on every show. so what I do is, I only accept freind request of people who have really close taste to me, so when I go on every anime's page, I get an average score based on it that I can trust.
since if all of my friends have similar taste to me, and I can see the average score.
seeing a 9.2/10 on a anime based on their ratings, tells me that I will almost certainly love that show and vice versa.
Is that stupid? yes, but it works damn it lol
I said all this to say, even though I didn't accept your freind request it's nothing personal. feel free to talk to me any time :D
have you looked up which anime characters you share a birthday with? i share mine with kaguya from love is war and ed from cowboy bebop B)