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Jan 22, 2021
"Everyone saw your fight. You've given them hope that Humans don't have to lose to the Titans if we fight correctly. It was really outstanding!"

Attack on Titan: No Regrets, looking back, really is integral to the plot of the first half of Season 3. It shows the growth of an early Levi in the Survey Corps and all his loss and development into Humanity's Most Powerful Soldier.

Well, what can I say apart from this is near perfection in terms of visuals, storytelling and music. It gives focus to one of the more popular characters of the series and fully explores his otherwise vague backstory from ...
Jan 13, 2021
"On that day humanity received a grim reminder... Titans had come... to steal Eren's lunch!"

What if the world of Attack On Titan was set in a cutesy high school?

I can tell you what it is, 12 episodes of clichés and the voice actors having the time of their lives. I can imagine when this was originally released back in 2015 that it annoyed quite a few people, Season 1 had finished 2 years prior and Season 2 hadn't been confirmed yet eventually debuting in 2017. Frankly after the deeply grim tale of the first Season of AOT, this little chibi anime is a refreshing gag ...
Jan 12, 2021
"Mankind’s greatest fear is Mankind itself."

I've written 3 essays on why this show isn't what people make it out to be. The first 2 have since been deleted due to how much fans didn't like me poking very noticeable holes in their most beloved series sending me death threats and abuse over it. The other one was submitted as part of my Film Studies course for A-Level. I have seen this series 4 times now and each time I'm left thinking how utterly abhorrent it is.

From start to finish Evangelion is a horrible mish-mash of half-cocked ideas and tonal inconsistencies. It is not the deep ...
Jan 7, 2021
"Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect, but it's there for us, trying the best it can. That's what makes it so damn beautiful."

For a series people dismiss just because they say Brotherhood was closer to the manga, is doing this original adaptation a huge disservice.

For the first 31 episodes, the series follows the manga without any major diversions usually changing a few things in order to properly benefit the story and not to confuse the casual viewer, after Episode 32 however, the stakes truly rise and take a very different turn. Despite the age of the show, the art and sound design are truly beautiful, ...
Dec 23, 2020
Goblin Slayer (Anime) add
"I’ll be reckless if it means I’ll win."

The contrast between Episode 1 of this show and the rest of it is a tonal leap and a half.

The first episode of this show was extremely controversial in places and doesn't shy away from showing you some extremely graphic and strongly implied content. Then Episode 2 happens and the tone takes a drastic shift into a lighter-hearted affair but still delivers on the violence and likeable characters with some excellent moments of comedy thrown in.

Studio White Fox bring their usual level of quality to the animation front and in the capable hands of Takaharu Ozaki, it delivers. ...
Dec 3, 2020
"Hello, monkeys."

So, I never made it through Super, I lost interest by Episode 27, ironically that's apparently where the series started to become much much better. It really didn't help that the first 2 arcs are retreads of the previous 2 Z films. Thankfully, I didn't need any knowledge of the events of from the series in order to understand and enjoy this film for what it is.

Firstly, this film is fucking eye blindingly gorgeous. It captures the amazing artwork of creator Akira Toriyama perfectly, with all the added blemishes that truly make it pop off the screen. Of course, the return of Broly was ...
Nov 30, 2020
"It's too late now... Damned if I know what's right anymore. Who cares, it is what it is. But the only choice left for me now. As a Warrior... no road left by the one that leads to the end!"

Well? What do you want me to say? It's goddamn Attack on motherfucking Titan, yes it's essentially a recap of the 2nd Season but it fucking delivers.

Normally my tolerance for recap movies is 0, however Roar of the Awakening is a recap movie done right. It streamlines the original product and makes it a worthwhile experience in it's own right. It removes most of the original ...
Nov 8, 2020
Hellsing (Anime) add
"In the name of the God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen."

Here's the deal with Hellsing. The second adaptation of the manga, Ultimate is considered one of the best anime series' of all time. This is by no means, meant to reign on the parade of this series as quite frankly this manages to stick rigidly to the first half of the manga and does it so very well. Managing to find the right balance of horror and action.

If there is any takeaway from this series, the first thing would be the frankly magnificent musical score by Yasushi ...
Nov 7, 2020
"Out here, our choices affect not only our lives but the lives of all the people we've sworn to protect. We can only hope... we make the right ones."

Firstly, Happy N7 Day commanders, we finally got our remastered trilogy! Secondly, this is so much more satisfying upon playing the game before and after, since it gives so much more depth to the character of James Vega.

Exploring James' backstory only hinted at during the events of Mass Effect 3, it gives us the full-on explosive adventure full of loss and brutal decisions in typical Mass Effect fashion. Taking place in 2183 to start with a fantastic ...
Oct 26, 2020
"You cannot lose your humanity to fear."

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is a series that had the deck heavily stacked against it from the get-go. Coming out at a time when everyone was waiting with bated breath for the second season of Attack on Titan, this came in its place and it's not hard to see why people were angry. However, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is anything but the Attack on Titan clone people claim despite a similar idea behind it.

Set during an alternative world still undergoing the industrial revolution, a mysterious virus appears that transforms infected humans into Kabane, aggressive, undead creatures that ...

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