srsly do not watch this if you do not want to be spoiled. this was so beautiful i needed it on my profile.
QQ in tags denotes an anime that made me cry, whether it was a single tear or buckets of salty sadness (or tears of joy, even).
* in tags denotes an anime I hold in especially high regard (a current or former favourite). With few exceptions, an asterisk beside the first in a series means that the entire franchise is a "favourite" of mine. "ex" will denote an anime in a franchise that I do not hold in high regard. (For instance, * beside Wolf's Rain means that both the main series and the OVAs are among my favourites).
~ in tags means that the anime has extra comments, which can be found in the appropriate section by clicking the "more" tab.
BL/GL in tags denotes an anime that contains either yaoi or yuri (or shounen-ai or shoujo-ai for people who prefer those terms) as a focus or major plot point. A question mark (?) beside such a tag denotes general ambiguity or the usage of traps.
My ratings:
Ten: I consider this show to be a masterpiece. It may be on my favourites list, but not necessarily. Nine: I loved the show, but it had some flaws that keep me from giving it a score of 10. Either that, or I simply can't justify putting it on the same shelf as a 10 show. Eight: I derived a lot of enjoyment from the show, and it is a step above the 7s on my list. However, I don't feel completely justified giving it a 9, for whatever reason. Seven: A simple "I liked it" would suffice as a description. Six: The show was overall bland. It might have felt uninspired. However, there were aspects that I enjoyed. Five: The show left little to no impression on me. I might have been bored, underwhelmed, or just plain numb upon finishing it. Four: I was left disappointed with the show, or just plain didn't like it. However, I find no reason to give it a score less than 4. It may have had a promising plot, some concepts I liked, or an interesting character or two. Three: I can truly say that a show with this mark is "bad". However, I don't necessarily hate the show. Two: This is a show I truly dislike. However, it has just the littlest step up over a 1. One: Shows I loathe with my entire being, whether rationally or irrationally, end up here.
Some exceptions:
Dear Friends: Rina & Maki: (manga) Given score: 8. Would give: 7. While the story is rushed and the characters feel underdeveloped, the subject matter impacts me on a personal level. I feel it would be disrespectful to give it a lower score. Elfen Lied + Special: Given score: 6. Would give: 4. However, I thought the show had interesting concepts and ideas. Had it been executed more intelligently and had characters that were more thoughtfully written, it would have had a large amount of potential. There were also a few moments that I cried, so I have to give it that as well. Kimi ga Nozomu Eien: Given score: 8. Would give: 9. Serious flaws with the medical system portrayed in the anime have caused me to remove one point from its score. That does not take away from the fact that, from a psychological and emotional point of view, it is an excellent series. Loveless: Given score: 3. Would give: 1. Concepts that I liked and my adoration for Yuiko saved this anime from getting a score of 1/10. Midnight Secretary: (manga) Given score: 7. Would give: 8. Too much drama and ridiculous running in circles brings the score down for me. Plus, Kaya keeps calling her boyfriend/lover/husband thing "President" and it's annoying. Shingeki no Kyojin: Given score: 7. Would give: 6. A boost for the simple entertainment value the show had. Also, some genuinely emotional moments. Jean is the most realistic character. Sword Art Online: Given score: 5. Would give: 4. After some deliberation, I decided to give the show a +1 for having a romantic relationship that was actually realistic apart from the build-up (unlike certain other shows...Itazura na Kiss, I'm looking at you). I also appreciated that both parties were invested in the relationship -- it wasn't one person chasing after the other. Tokyo Babylon: Vision: Given score: 6. Would give: 5. Subaru and Hokuto's adorableness make everything better.
I never did find out if you liked Dance Gavin Dance, but on the off-chance that you do like them then I have a present for you.
Emarosa - that is to say, the frontman for these guys at the time this album was recorded, Jonny Craig used to be with DGD. Relativity as an album actually has bar none, some of his best vocals ever recorded. That combined with the instrumentation done makes this one of Emarosa's best albums period.
On another note, I gave half of Transmissions a listen the other night and I'm quite fond of it. I might actually pick up a CD of it if they sell it down over at my local record shop.
It is all about bounds and friendship, are you saying Naruto and Sasuke had a thing for each other??
Lol, yuri is really nice and all, but there is no real hints about the ships you are proclaiming, specially about the yuri, dont you feel like you are making it up abit too much? Mitsu at one point even seemed to ship with Yuu afterall.
The only band that I can think of that I can firmly say "I like all of their albums" would have to be Jimmy Eat World and even then, Futures is still my favourite album of theirs.
Well allow me to change that. I think you might like In Hearts Wake. I came across these guys on the same Daily Mix that I have Emery, DGD, and Silverstein on.
Ayy lookie who's back uwu... But for how long tho?
You been holding up alright dude? Last time we talked, it wasn't on THAT good of a note. Idk when you're gonna show up again but if you get this, mind getting on Skype? It's been a while and it would be nice to catch up.
Check my for a surprise. I've been binging on Emery and other such bands for a while. I've come to the conclusion that In Shallow Seas We Sail is their best album, but The Weak's End is the one I find the most addictive (ARE YOU LISTENING???). I've actually listened to some of Starset on my Spotify daily mixes. I was meaning to listen to more of them but my backlog has increased exponentially ever since I started college again.
If you're wondering what I've been listening to as of late, it's a wide mix of things. I've been getting re-acquainted with Desi music, so I've been having a LOT of fun rewatching old Bollywood movies among other such things. I've been going through a good amount of Death Grips, Dance Gavin Dance (Mothership is beautiful), Childish Gambino (his newest album is absolutely spectacular), and so on and so forth.
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All Comments (378) Comments
Emarosa - that is to say, the frontman for these guys at the time this album was recorded, Jonny Craig used to be with DGD. Relativity as an album actually has bar none, some of his best vocals ever recorded. That combined with the instrumentation done makes this one of Emarosa's best albums period.
On another note, I gave half of Transmissions a listen the other night and I'm quite fond of it. I might actually pick up a CD of it if they sell it down over at my local record shop.
Lol, yuri is really nice and all, but there is no real hints about the ships you are proclaiming, specially about the yuri, dont you feel like you are making it up abit too much? Mitsu at one point even seemed to ship with Yuu afterall.
The only band that I can think of that I can firmly say "I like all of their albums" would have to be Jimmy Eat World and even then, Futures is still my favourite album of theirs.
Well allow me to change that. I think you might like In Hearts Wake. I came across these guys on the same Daily Mix that I have Emery, DGD, and Silverstein on.
I m remenbering, due to MAL com-to-com.
Mika x Yuu, meh, Yuu x Shinoa
Now Shinoa x Mitsuba, non canon, YES, that yuri potential! Feeling a pervert just thinking about it~~
Check my for a surprise. I've been binging on Emery and other such bands for a while. I've come to the conclusion that In Shallow Seas We Sail is their best album, but The Weak's End is the one I find the most addictive (ARE YOU LISTENING???). I've actually listened to some of Starset on my Spotify daily mixes. I was meaning to listen to more of them but my backlog has increased exponentially ever since I started college again.
If you're wondering what I've been listening to as of late, it's a wide mix of things. I've been getting re-acquainted with Desi music, so I've been having a LOT of fun rewatching old Bollywood movies among other such things. I've been going through a good amount of Death Grips, Dance Gavin Dance (Mothership is beautiful), Childish Gambino (his newest album is absolutely spectacular), and so on and so forth.