Anime & Manga News

Anime 'Strike Witches' to Get New TV Series and OVA

by symbv
Oct 13, 2013 6:41 AM | 136 Comments
According to an announcement on the official website of Strike Witches, a new OVA and TV series will be released. The OVA has been tentatively titled "Operation Victory Arrow (O.V.A.)." Information provided on the website hints at something named "Tactics of Vanadis Attack" in regard to the new TV series, but schedule, staff, and cast details have not yet been revealed.

The Strike Witches franchise consists of anime, manga, novels, essays, and art books. On the anime side, there was the first season made by Gonzo (aired in 2008), a second season made by AIC Spirits (aired in 2010), and a movie (also by AIC) which premiered in 2012.

Official anime website:

Source: Official Strike Witches website

Story by ZorroGuevara

Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow on MAL

20 of 136 Comments Recent Comments

symbv said:
Ourka said:

Sanya can always appears in some guest role ;-)

Thats true, but I kind of want to see the 501st all together, keep building those characters!

Nov 8, 2013 12:50 AM by Ourka

NihonFalcom said:
I got to ep 5 in S1 then stopped..... now I KINDA wanna go on but I just can't stand it.
What a pity...

It's such a brilliant show that just keeps getting better and better.
(Up until the movie, that is... so far - I can't say anything about what is to come... yet.)

Nov 7, 2013 7:45 PM by Nyaa

I got to ep 5 in S1 then stopped..... now I KINDA wanna go on but I just can't stand it.

Nov 7, 2013 6:40 PM by Falcomster

Ourka said:
"A third television anime season, along with another OVA, titled Operation Vivid Arrow, has been announced.[12] According to writer Takaaki Suzuki, these will not be a continuation of the previous two seasons but will instead be a new series"

Please animelords tell me this is not true.

She will be in the OVA.

Nov 7, 2013 6:04 AM by rederoin

Ourka said:

Sanya can always appears in some guest role ;-)

Nov 7, 2013 2:12 AM by symbv

"A third television anime season, along with another OVA, titled Operation Vivid Arrow, has been announced.[12] According to writer Takaaki Suzuki, these will not be a continuation of the previous two seasons but will instead be a new series"

Please animelords tell me this is not true.

Nov 7, 2013 1:42 AM by Ourka

Anyway, we need more flying pantsu!
Not enough quality pantyshot these days.

Strike witches crew:

Oct 20, 2013 5:54 AM by azzuRe

I didn't see this coming :D

Oct 20, 2013 5:41 AM by ShanaFlame

My day has literally been made, and its only 7:40 :p

Oct 20, 2013 5:40 AM by frequency15k

JustALEX said:
Looks like it's a spin-off or something....fuck this shit!

Its not.

Oct 15, 2013 3:25 PM by rederoin

Looks like it's a spin-off or something....fuck this shit!

Oct 15, 2013 3:14 PM by --ALEX--

I remember when I first was thinking of watching Strike Witches...I was like wtf am I doing this will end up being trash. I was wrong. While (for me) the first season is still the best and it has slowly degraded since then, I am excited to get more from the 501. Really is a charming show with tons of pantsu.

Oct 15, 2013 1:07 PM by IZEROII

I really want to see more of the girls of the 501st.
I don't mind them showing the others too, but it'd be great if they spend at least half their time continuing the story of my favourite loli team.
The movie set it up perfectly. It'd be a disappointment if they don't give us more.

Oct 15, 2013 11:57 AM by Nyaa

That movie was ridiculous. I don't mind this getting a new season but when will my favorites get one? Why Japan why. o(╥﹏╥)o

Oct 15, 2013 7:16 AM by Han-yuu

Speculating won't do us any good, we'll see later I guess... I won't mind either one, just I get more SW I'm good ^_^

Oct 15, 2013 7:12 AM by Rabbiac

Liph said:
Sometime they are forced to retake a statement to avoid spoilers, so I don't see the marin part as out of the pic yet ;)
Well, still I am not sure because if the marines comment is indeed about the new SW anime, then where are the sea-based witches? Besides, even the land-based witches have not made appearance in any anime, so the statement "after air, land and sea" is not really meaningful in the context of anime...

Oct 15, 2013 7:04 AM by symbv

Sometime they are forced to retake a statement to avoid spoilers, so I don't see the marine part as out of the pic yet ;)

Oct 15, 2013 7:02 AM by Rabbiac

^ Now I remember the African Witches manga I read, there are some land-based witches there too IIRC.

Oct 15, 2013 6:59 AM by symbv

symbv said:
rederoin said:
ANN just added this

Update: Suzuki added on Monday that his marines comment was in reply to another comment unrelated to Strike Witches.
So the marines have nothing to do with this.
When people said that Suzuki was saying marines will feature in the next Strike Witches, it really got me scratching my head because in SW there is only air.

Not really, armored infantry could exist within the universe

The wiki doesn't say if "tank" strikers exist or not tho.

Oct 15, 2013 6:52 AM by Rabbiac

symbv said:
silkie said:
just read it to its not a 3rd strike witch but like a whoe new one so kinda like a side story i guess
Not sure if it would be indeed a "side story" because to me the other wings like 504 or 506 are just as important and as much on the frontline as Wing 501. Perhaps we can call it a shift of theater? Since the SW universe has growth so big with so many characters, I think it is high time other wings now took the stage and had the limelight. Perhaps some characters from 501 could make cameo in this new anime though (just like characters from other wings made cameos in previous seasons of Strike Witches anime).

Í always wondered what happened to the 507th after the novels(set in 1439).

I still have hope the new series will set in 1943/44~ and be about the 507st(they are based in Finland/Suomus afterall).

Oct 15, 2013 4:40 AM by rederoin

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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