Anime & Manga News

Hidamari Sketch Gets New Anime of Sae & Hiro's Graduation [Confirmed]

by dtshyk
Mar 4, 2013 1:55 AM | 63 Comments
According to the official blog of anime singer marble, the announcement of the new anime of Hidamari Sketch at Cho Hidamatsuri was confirmed. It will feature the graduation of Sae and Hiro. It's been unknown whether the new anime will be a special or a series.

Source: marble's official blog

Story by Nidhoeggr

Hidamari Sketch: Sae Hiro Sotsugyou-hen on MAL

20 of 63 Comments Recent Comments

Here's to hoping they start doing something interesting with Nazuna and Nori, rather than their personalities fitting neatly into one-or-two-word-labelled boxes.

Character > caricature/archetype; in these cases, "moeblob" and "uses computers". (About as compelling nowadays as "watches TV" or "drives a car".)

YabaBaga said:
I was actually really intrigued with the episode that had Misato and Riri as seniors and Hiro and Sae as first-years.
I agree, we need more Misato.

Oct 1, 2013 2:24 PM by UnculturedWhitey

I was actually really intrigued with the episode that had Misato and Riri as seniors and Hiro and Sae as first-years. I think it would be kind of neat if future seasons were split with Misato/Riri/Hiro/Sae parts and Yuno/Miyako/Nori/Nazuna parts.

Aug 14, 2013 12:23 PM by YabaBaga

This is AWESOME NEWS! :D When I heard about it, I thought.. "Oh wow... is it coming to an end?!" Well, for Hiro and Sae.. its time for them to graduate.. for Yuno and Miyako, its time for the both of them to become true "senpais." I hope we get two more series: First Hiro and Sae graduation; and second, Yuno and Miyako graduation... with maybe a timeskip OVA of Nori and Nazuna graduation. That would be a good close out for this series.

Jul 1, 2013 12:36 AM by randywmorgan17

Hmm I guess I will wait for the official release date before I'm going to start with the first season.

Jun 19, 2013 1:45 PM by shiawase-png

If this is the departure of them from the series... I don't even... Manly tears will be shed ;_; I'm glad they got the OK for more Hidamari so soon though, I was expecting a long wait, eagerly anticipating more info on this now.

Jun 2, 2013 11:25 AM by ReasonDesu

im guessing this would be a 5 or 6 episodes. well it could be lower than that; like 2 or 3 but, i think SHAFT will never betray our expectations.
i know little about the animation company but, I was able to watch the whole series of Hidamari up to this point, and i could say that SHAFT is a pure concept animation company. true it doesnt have a lot of CG's and you could even notice still pictures in a matter of seconds but, the idea is there and the message is relayed to the viewers clearly, accompany it with the outstanding background music of Hidamari Sketch
and before you know it you're inside the story already. there are also times they'll use animation exceeding 24 frames per second if needed.
SHAFT has been doing this since season 1 of Hidamari, so i doubt they'll do different for this one. i got a lot of high expectation and i think SHAFT will
meet those expectations.

I was able to check the preview but to be honest I didnt watch it all... I mean! after ten seconds of the preview and Im crying already!

May 13, 2013 10:26 PM by facs666

Awesome :)

I've been granted more time to finish the other seasons :P

Mar 5, 2013 10:54 PM by Toast123

jmal said:
symbv said:
About this announcement, I would say it will be a new season for TV. It will be just like K-On 2nd season where build-up will take at least half the cour and it will end with emotion not unlike those in K-On club. This should be how it is done. We have 3 months from the time when the last season ends till the graduation ceremony. There should be plenty of room to fill in so 1-cour TV series should not be an issue.

I so hope you're right. I have a spreadsheet I've been keeping since, jeeze, probably x365 tracking each of the "days" we cover and what happened. Hidamari chronology.

I don't think the timespan is the issue, but more how much source material is available. The last chapter in volume 6 covered the episode where Hiro was getting all emotional about her future career choice (an AWESOME episode if I do say so myself). There are 7 volumes out and I'm not sure when exactly they graduate but Season 4 looks to have dug fairly deeply into volume 7 as there is a fair amount of material I don't recognize. Still I really do hope that it will be a full season as more Hidamari is like medicine for the soul for me :))

Mar 5, 2013 2:20 PM by scruffykiwi

Zarich said:
Nidhoeggr said:
I just to see the Principal as Santa Claus.
No, actually I want to see all of the missing chapters getting animated.

Which reminds me, one scene we need to see animated? Yuno getting Drunk, that was one of the best scenes, imo.

"Things like that make me sick."
One of the best Yuno moments in the entire series.

Mar 5, 2013 1:17 PM by Nidhoeggr

Nidhoeggr said:
I just to see the Principal as Santa Claus.
No, actually I want to see all of the missing chapters getting animated.

Which reminds me, one scene we need to see animated? Yuno getting Drunk, that was one of the best scenes, imo.

Mar 5, 2013 12:43 PM by P_D_S

CONFIRMED: Don't have to wait that long until I have a reason to live again.

PLEASE be a full season.

Mar 5, 2013 6:53 AM by Panaru

I just to see the Principal as Santa Claus.
No, actually I want to see all of the missing chapters getting animated.

Mar 5, 2013 5:37 AM by Nidhoeggr

jmal said:
It was a response to the "everyone is allowed to have an opinion" argument. I just ignored the original comment initially. I've said this like a million times before, but nobody debates the right to have an opinion. Whether it's actually worth sharing, and why (especially if it's negative/apathetic), is where it'd be nice if people used a bit more judgment. If all someone has to say is "Not interested" why are they interested in replying? We're not conducting a compulsory vote here.
I absolutely agree with you. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion does not mean everyone should be posting his opinion no matter how vacant or bland it is. A one-line like "not interested" is little more than bad noise and we know noise usually annoys people around.

About this announcement, I would say it will be a new season for TV. It will be just like K-On 2nd season where build-up will take at least half the cour and it will end with emotion not unlike those in K-On club. This should be how it is done. We have 3 months from the time when the last season ends till the graduation ceremony. There should be plenty of room to fill in so 1-cour TV series should not be an issue.

Mar 5, 2013 4:33 AM by symbv

Yay more Miyako! \o/ ._________.

Mar 5, 2013 4:05 AM by 1lau

YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 4, 2013 10:50 PM by AzureHakua

my face is still wide from the last season -____________-

Mar 4, 2013 6:25 PM by KingCez

Yay more Hidamari Sketch <3

Graduation will be sad though :/

Mar 4, 2013 4:42 PM by sirjuddington

Shaft i want my denpas2 and szs shitstorm season. Not a drama about these widefaces who just want to live a peaceful yuri life ;_;

Shaft pls. Ume pls. DON'T DO THIS.

Mar 4, 2013 4:27 PM by _liliput

Mar 4, 2013 3:06 PM by ihateeveryone

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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