Anime & Manga News

Media Blasters Acquires Shinryaku! Ika Musume

by Naruleach
Jun 16, 2011 1:07 AM | 35 Comments
Media Blasters has listed "Squid Girl DVD Part 1" on the online store, Right Stuf.

The CEO of Media Blasters, John Sirabella, confirmed with ANN that they have licensed the TV anime series Shinryaku! Ika Musume. The first DVD set will be released with dubs and English subtitles on September 27th and will include the first 6 episodes.

Source: Right Stuf, ANN

20 of 35 Comments Recent Comments

I wonder which recording studio will dub Squid Girl. I hope it's dubbed from New York. I hardly hear anything from them lately.

Jun 29, 2011 2:33 PM by animelly

>De geso
>English dub

inb4 there's no "de geso". I want to keep my geso talk, de geso.

Even further, no blu-ray? Ah well, I don't have anything that plays Blu-Ray. But there's nothing in between BD and DVD that looks good enough. Sadly the only CRT TV left in this house is in my parents' bedroom. But still, an English dub where she probably won't be saying "de geso?"

Jun 27, 2011 10:23 PM by Purianite

I am currently reading the manga of this one and am about to launch to the anime for the subs and then wait for the dubs to come for another 3/3 BIG YEAH!

Jun 25, 2011 10:14 AM by HyperCobaltMax

SurferDude said:
KingCez said:
no bluray though :(

Get over it. Bluray, DVD, it's still the same funny show. It's not like Ika Musume is known for its amazing visuals.

i cant stand regular dvd now after watching other movies on bluray. even if its not amazing visuals. it just looks so shoddy

Lolis_and_Shotas said:
KingCez said:
no bluray though :(
Why the fuck is there no bluray?

i know right. wouldve expected one. idk why theyd only release a dvd version. havent read anything pointing to a blu ray disc as well

Jun 17, 2011 2:33 PM by KingCez

KingCez said:
no bluray though :(
Why the fuck is there no bluray?

Jun 17, 2011 11:40 AM by FlowersAreCool

notsureifsrs said:
A dub?
Do I want that?

I geso.

Normally I'm not a fan of puns, but this was lol-worthy! I applaud you good sir. Can't wait to see how this dub goes.

Jun 17, 2011 11:23 AM by EchoesOfMana

Well that was retarded of them. I doubt it will sell at all. It's way to "WTF japan" for western audiences.

Jun 17, 2011 2:23 AM by Jigero

I wonder what the dub will be like.

Jun 17, 2011 1:58 AM by AlexSadist-sama

SurferDude said:
KingCez said:
no bluray though :(

Get over it. Bluray, DVD, it's still the same funny show. It's not like Ika Musume is known for its amazing visuals.
Ugh, because DVD's look awesome on HDTV's right? Sheesh.

Jun 16, 2011 10:20 PM by Leon-Gun

KingCez said:
no bluray though :(

Get over it. Bluray, DVD, it's still the same funny show. It's not like Ika Musume is known for its amazing visuals.

Jun 16, 2011 10:05 PM by SurferDude

notsureifsrs said:
A dub?
Do I want that?

I geso.


mochaholic said:
If this came with the mini ika musume figure, I'd get it in a heartbeat.

i wish it came with the new huge doll (in case you arent refering to that one lol)

no bluray though :(

Jun 16, 2011 9:07 PM by KingCez

and it wasn't funimation....who knew.

Jun 16, 2011 4:54 PM by kisami


Jun 16, 2011 4:46 PM by Just_Augos

Still mad at Media Blasters after they quit halfway through with Eiken manga.

Jun 16, 2011 4:43 PM by Lvhina

Well I was surprised Squid Girl was picked up, I thought it wouldn't be picked up at all. And I was surprised further that it will get an English dub and who picked it (Media Blasters is known to pick up lots of anime with numerous fanservice and ecchi, but they did pick up non-fanservice shows in the past).

Speaking of which, Sandy Fox voicing the title character would be awesome.

Jun 16, 2011 4:13 PM by removed-user

Roloko said:
Lolis_and_Shotas said:
Eeeww a dub. Still gonna buy it though, just won't watch the dub.
The fuck is Media Blasters?

An anime company. =/

You don't hear much from them anyways so I wouldn't be surprised if people don't really know about them.

As for this I'm going to get it cause 6 episodes for $25 dollars is cheap plus its going to have a dub I'm happy about that since sub-only DVDs suck and have like no extras to make it worth buying imo. Dx
6 episodes is still much better than the pitifull 2 episodes the japanese get. Heck, sometimes they just get 1 episode.

Jun 16, 2011 3:27 PM by Leon-Gun

Lolis_and_Shotas said:
Eeeww a dub. Still gonna buy it though, just won't watch the dub.
The fuck is Media Blasters?

An anime company. =/

You don't hear much from them anyways so I wouldn't be surprised if people don't really know about them.

As for this I'm going to get it cause 6 episodes for $25 dollars is cheap plus its going to have a dub I'm happy about that since sub-only DVDs suck and have like no extras to make it worth buying imo. Dx

Jun 16, 2011 1:37 PM by Roloko

Exactly! all of the worst anime have been getting licensed. Finally something I would consider buying.

I am sooooo with you on that! I can't believe a lot of the crappy anime are getting licensed more than the good ones! Thankfully Ika Musume got a license (and a dub to boot) and I'm definitely gonna buy it!

Jun 16, 2011 12:48 PM by Firechick12012

notsureifsrs said:
A dub?
Do I want that?

I geso.

I was amused.

This show was surprisingly good; not amazing but better than I expected.

Makes more sense than some of the other licenses I have seen lately (Working!!) and hopefully won't be a total waste of money for Media Blasters.

I doubt I will be buying it, though.

Jun 16, 2011 11:16 AM by removed-user

awesome de-geso~

Jun 16, 2011 10:55 AM by Neverarine

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