High School Musical
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High School Musical

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: HSM
Japanese: ハイスクール・ミュージカル
English: High School Musical
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Finished
Published: 2008
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: None
Authors: Asabuki, Mari (Story & Art)


Score: 2.451 (scored by 17581,758 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #205182
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #7735
Members: 2,670
Favorites: 36


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Preliminary Spoiler
Jan 26, 2015
I really don't know what Disney was thinking when they thought it was a good idea to make this. Doing a review of this manga without spoilers is impossible because the story can be summed up in the synopsis paragraph.

Story 2:
The setting is what I assume to be the 2nd or 3rd movie. We learn from the first page that Toroy (a mistranslation of Troy) is dissatisfied with his father because he expects him to play basket ball even though he doesn't want to, but does so anyway because he's good at it. After that we see all the basketball players cheering ...
Jun 16, 2020
It's a perfect one. For every mangaka, take notes on this manga, as it's what not to do when writing!
It's based off Disney's "High School Musical" and while I haven't seen the film, I believe we can both agree that this is the worst adaptation of the story you can get, and it doesn't follow the original premise!

This manga is about 10 pages long. You can knock it out in about a minute. But should you? I believe you shouldn't, and here's why.

Story: 1
There is no story, there are just characters talking and then it ends. The synopsis gives an interesting premise, but it's never ...
Mar 1, 2021
De los pocos juegos del género battle royale que a día de hoy siguen siendo divertidos. Además, desde que está en Steam se nota que el número de jugadores ha aumentado, y eso siempre es de agradecer.

Llevaba mucho tiempo sin jugarlo y para mi sorpresa ahora también hay un modo duo Q, que es algo muy a su favor.

Es un FPS battle royale rápido, divertido y dinámico, con gran variedad de armas y accesorios y muchos personajes diferentes para escoger, cada uno con habilidades únicas.

Si te gustan los battle royale, te animo a probarlo porque seguro que no te decepciona.
Jun 26, 2021
I didn't think this story was real but it is idk why a human being thought it was ok but oh well, should u read this? no watch the movie sharpay wasn't even in the one chapter and she's hot man, my review will stay 1 until the next chapter.
Like legit just watch the movie if you're a fan, but I still need to reiterate this is very real and there's only one chapter and even then it doesn't explain wtf is going on what if I was a virgin to High School Musical huh? where's the music how are u gonna put music into ...
Dec 24, 2024
Mixed Feelings
I saw that this was the lowest rated manga, and out of curiosity, I read it....then read it again....and then read it again, before I realized there was nothing else to it and that was it.

Barely even felt like I read something. Sure, it was 10 pages, but somehow they managed to make all of them feel like filler. There's an entire page that introduces the characters, but it's worthless because only half of them actually speak. I still can't figure out the story of the manga for myself, so I'm not even gonna bother talking about it. The only good part of the manga ...
Feb 26, 2019
This manga is a must read. It truly helped me through all the tough times in my life, such a short but emotional and fulfilling story totally representing the movie perfectly. It's like it takes all three of the movies and just makes the ultimate Disney x manga masterpiece. Best Disney money investment I've seen in years.

Please give this manga a read it'll send you into a spiral of lovely emotions on levels even popular manga such as BNHA, One Piece, or Naruto couldn't achieve.

Reading such an inspiring well thought out and developed piece really changed my out look on the detail and effort put ...
Jan 12, 2021
Soooooo... why is this a thing? No really, why is this a thing? Now to give you some context, I HATE Highschool Musical: Live Action. I was in the demographic that Disney was trying to cater too when it first came out but I was so oversaturated with it from friends and peers that I couldn’t even watch the first part of the show. I still hate it even now and all the milking Disney has done for this series. That said, I heard that it was only 10 pages long so I figured I was going to check it out and see if it ...
Feb 17, 2021
You know the movies that have an epic trailer but nothing happen in the actual final product? Yeah, this is it for manga, nice cover but nothing in the actual product.

Now i didn't watch High School Musical the movie and don't plan to, but i suppose Disney had something to do with this, this isn't the first time, one of my favorites mangakas (Osamu Tekuza) met Walt Disney himself and made a Bambi manga, the Lion King itself may have been inspired by his Kimba manga, so yeah, we got a history with Disney here, the main difference between Osamu work and this work is ...