Mar 2, 2020
JoJo? Gucci? Jolyne? Polpo?, Epic.
Jolyne Fly High with Gucci is a short, and I mean very short non canon JoJo side story set in a different universe, It has Jolyne, Polpo, Abbacchio and Bruno. It was nice short and had some dope artwork.
Q: Should you read Jolyne, Gucci de Tobu?
A: You can... But you don't have too, it doesn't really add more to the over arching JoJo narrative and is just a short spinoff series, for fans of the series it's always nice seeing some old faces, maybe even a tad but nostalgic, hell it might put a tear in your eye seeing Bruno
again, regardless it's always great to see some familiar faces. As for people trying to get into JoJo, I don't think I have to say this but there's no point in reading this short spinoff, you should probably go read part 1 or part 5.
~Review Portion~
To be honest, there's not much to review here, of course Araki's art is as stunning as usual and its nice seeing familiar faces but that's it really. There's not much to say, The Unicorn creature that was introduced wasn't very interesting and in all honesty the only reason to read this spinoff is for the sake of seeing familiar characters and some very good art. There's not enough material to determine if the characters have changed and there's not enough story to talk about. The spin offs only a measly 26 pages and are mostly to show off the awesome Gucci designs.
All in all Jolyne, Gucci de Tobu is a nice short jojo side story with some great art and some nice fan service by including some fan favourite characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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