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Being for the abolition of work is the only truly politically incorrect statement there is

Yesterday, 6:38 AM

Aug 2022
The one thing that everyone agrees on is this statement

He who does not work, neither shall he eat

Therefore, only by being against this are you truly against The Man.
Mao said:
If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart!
Yesterday, 7:16 AM

Jul 2013
Working is for (wage)slaves anyways. Besides, who cares about it? We get Near Term Human Extinction soon enough.
Yesterday, 7:44 AM

Jan 2009
whats the point of economics and technology heading towards post scarcity
Yesterday, 8:06 AM

Sep 2016
vasipi4946 said:
The one thing that everyone agrees on is this statement

He who does not work, neither shall he eat

Imagine AI robots saying this in the future when they'll do most work for humans 😏
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Yesterday, 8:09 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Zarutaku
vasipi4946 said:
The one thing that everyone agrees on is this statement

He who does not work, neither shall he eat

Imagine AI robots saying this in the future when they'll do most work for humans 😏
@Zarutaku exactly leave the future work to robots

time for accelerationism to reach technological singularity
Yesterday, 10:15 AM
Dec 2022
vasipi4946 said:
He who does not work, neither shall he eat

This is a very strong theme from the old anime called Future Boy Conan. Fun fact: the Arabic theme song for this anime is intensively exciting.

I personally think the whole idea of work is an important process to build a portion of one's identity and forming the foundation of of human relationship. I don't complain when I cook meals for my roommates. Controlling myself and expressing my state of mind to my roommates are crucial to this.

When talking about this, there is a book I would recommend, Byung-Chul Han's The Burnout Society. Thankfully, he doesn't think like an evil South Korean man in his 20s-40s due to his educational background.

If not, there is a video about this I watched almost an hour ago while having some beer.
Yesterday, 10:48 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to deg
@Zarutaku exactly leave the future work to robots

time for accelerationism to reach technological singularity
@deg That would be great, people will only have to work if they want to, but unfortunately that won't happen by itself.
Some people need to work to make it happen and until then the shaming on unemployed people will continue.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Yesterday, 10:54 AM

Aug 2017
No. People don't born working or die working. Only food and sleeping are biological functions, work is just stupid slavery last system still present in modernity which its going to be objectively abolished in the future. Working is modern slavery and slavery is against humanity itself.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Yesterday, 11:08 AM

May 2019
Consider me politically correct. Lenin was wrong about a lot of things, but he had a point when he agreed with your quote.
Yesterday, 11:10 AM

Sep 2018
You can eat without working if you have good looks. This applies to both sexes.
Yesterday, 11:13 AM

Mar 2023
For a moment i thought that was quote from a Libertarian.
Yesterday, 11:20 AM

Oct 2022
It aint that hard:

- You are hungry
- You want bread
- Want to get some bread
- Someone offer bread
- You pay for bread so you can eat it

Nobody have special right above other people works, I mean, why should the baker woke up early bake the bread and give it up for free? He also want to sleep until late.

And you can regulate what you want: If you measure your life style you can work in a less difficult or more relaxed work but ofc you wont be able to afford other stuff.

I know im simplifiyng things a lot, and that the system is no way perfect, but I think it is better than be slaved and have to "choose" to work instead of beign designed to work at some place or you are doomed.
Yesterday, 12:31 PM

May 2016
I could be wrong but I remember reading up back in history during the hunter and gatherer era, people who were born with disabilities were still cared for even if they didn't work. That went for mental disabilities as well. At least the most obvious ones that didn't result in anyone getting harmed or having crimes committed towards other individuals in the pack.

It was from a book i've read. The whole concept of having to work until your death was something that was recently created and it wasn't originally like this.
Yesterday, 12:56 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to Simple_Y
I could be wrong but I remember reading up back in history during the hunter and gatherer era, people who were born with disabilities were still cared for even if they didn't work. That went for mental disabilities as well. At least the most obvious ones that didn't result in anyone getting harmed or having crimes committed towards other individuals in the pack.

It was from a book i've read. The whole concept of having to work until your death was something that was recently created and it wasn't originally like this.
Simple_Y said:
even if they didn't work

@Zettaiken How can archaeologists even know if they did some work or not?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Yesterday, 1:01 PM

Apr 2018
Reply to Simple_Y
I could be wrong but I remember reading up back in history during the hunter and gatherer era, people who were born with disabilities were still cared for even if they didn't work. That went for mental disabilities as well. At least the most obvious ones that didn't result in anyone getting harmed or having crimes committed towards other individuals in the pack.

It was from a book i've read. The whole concept of having to work until your death was something that was recently created and it wasn't originally like this.
Simple_Y said:
The whole concept of having to work until your death was something that was recently created and it wasn't originally like this.

You're right, this is absolutely true. I recall there was a skeleton of, IIRC, an elderly (and possibly also disabled) person with dental decay suggesting they were eating sweet sugary treats. This would've been harder to find in that area, so their group/family/pack(?)/whatever it's called went out of their way to find those.
Yesterday, 1:04 PM

Apr 2018
He who does not work, neither shall he eat

This statement could be either true or false depending how you interpret it. Based on how a lot of people seem to interpret it, I'd say it's false. He who is hungry shall eat. He who does not feed the hungry, neither shall he eat.
Yesterday, 1:51 PM

Aug 2014
I agree that work is good for man, but not all work is good work.
Yesterday, 5:49 PM

May 2016
Reply to Zarutaku
Simple_Y said:
even if they didn't work

@Zettaiken How can archaeologists even know if they did some work or not?
@Zarutaku Based on burial rituals performed they were treated as equal and had normal graves as everyone else. They were well fed and taken care of from what i'm aware based off fossil testing. You can find a lot of information from fossil testing. There's also other things that historians use to learn more information on how early societies were formed such as artifacts left behind and old documents that were deciphered.
Simple_YYesterday, 5:56 PM
Yesterday, 5:51 PM

May 2013
I get work is needed in a functioning society yadda yadda but also

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Yesterday, 7:45 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
whats the point of economics and technology heading towards post scarcity
It's not so much that it's politically incorrect. It's just that it's impossible to advocate for such a position and still be logically consistent with reality.

deg said:
whats the point of economics and technology heading towards post scarcity

It's not. We don't live in the magical Marxist fairy tale land. Such a thing can never exist.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Yesterday, 7:55 PM

Aug 2022

Marx wanted 9 year olds to work and the quote in the OP is from Lenin so what does he have to do with this thread?
Mao said:
If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart!
Yesterday, 8:14 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to vasipi4946

Marx wanted 9 year olds to work and the quote in the OP is from Lenin so what does he have to do with this thread?

I was responding to the notion of the "post-scarcity" society where it is fabled that nobody needs to work. Marx believed that his version of communism would bring this into existence.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Yesterday, 8:54 PM
Dec 2022
By the way, the modern Chinese version of the teaching related to "he who does not work, neither shall he eat" is usually with a much later Neo-Confucian teaching. This is because the idea of labor is a universal concept.

Also, it's a surprise that American scholar, Lewis Henry Morgan (1818 ~ 1881), contributed a tiny bit to Marx's view on labor and its relationship to human organization.

When talking about post-scarcity by our Anglo contributor here.... here is the general rule of thumb. Classical Marxist (potentially including de Leonism) views allow the idea of post-scarcity economy being feasible in the future, but Orthodox Marxist (like Leninism or Luxemburgism) views don't allow the whole idea of post-scarcity economy being a possibility.

I forgot to say. Look at the current situation of the global economy and figure things out by yourself about the state of what work is.
MalchikRepaidYesterday, 9:17 PM
Yesterday, 9:03 PM

Jan 2022
I live off my parents and I do not work and just consume, which is apt punishment for them both for the crime of reproduction.
8 hours ago

Feb 2024
Reply to LenRea
I live off my parents and I do not work and just consume, which is apt punishment for them both for the crime of reproduction.
@LenRea Well, I bet you were nice kid after they gave you a miracle of birth. And the fact you are still with them speaks for their love and care. So, apparently, what you are doing to them and yourself is your crime and noone else's.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
7 hours ago

Sep 2016
Reply to Simple_Y
@Zarutaku Based on burial rituals performed they were treated as equal and had normal graves as everyone else. They were well fed and taken care of from what i'm aware based off fossil testing. You can find a lot of information from fossil testing. There's also other things that historians use to learn more information on how early societies were formed such as artifacts left behind and old documents that were deciphered.
Simple_Y said:
Based on burial rituals performed they were treated as equal and had normal graves as everyone else. They were well fed and taken care of from what i'm aware based off fossil testing.

That's not what I meant though, I would like to know how archaeologists can know if the disabled people did some work or not, because you said they were cared for even if they didn't work, which seems like something that can't be known because there was also work that wouldn't leaves hints in the fossils.
Zarutaku7 hours ago
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
7 hours ago

Jan 2022
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@LenRea Well, I bet you were nice kid after they gave you a miracle of birth. And the fact you are still with them speaks for their love and care. So, apparently, what you are doing to them and yourself is your crime and noone else's.
@LoveYourSmile I respectfully disagree, I will not support the stance of calling birth a "miracle", because when you boil it down, it's really just a naïve and reckless decision involving heavily complex and dangerous machinery called "humans."
I in no way support anyone having a child, as I am an anti-natalist, but especially in no way shape or form will I want someone like my mother and father to have a child.
And if it's an immoral crime to advocate the end of the humanity through euthanasia, and not advocating such a reckless, disastrous and disgusting thing where humans repopulate through impregnating their females, then so be it, I already know what "morals" are worth.
And please, don't assume things about random people on the internet. You have no idea what my situation with my parents is, it could be good or bad. I merely consider them criminals for giving birth, twice.
7 hours ago

Feb 2024
LenRea said:
And if it's an immoral crime to advocate the end of the humanity through euthanasia, and not advocating such a reckless, disastrous and disgusting thing where humans repopulate through impregnating their females, then so be it, I already know what "morals" are worth.

Do you refer to some of my posts about euthanasia? I can't remember if I ever heavily advocated for it.

LenRea said:
And please, don't assume things about random people on the internet. You have no idea what my situation with my parents is, it could be good or bad. I merely consider them criminals for giving birth, twice.

As I wrote above, I made my assumption based on the fact they still support you. Bad parents leave their kids dying in the desert, and you have bed, breakfast and some social lifts, such as access to education and Internet. But we can discuss it further if you share more details. Like, if you were born with some terrible health issues, maybe I can understand you point better.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
7 hours ago

Jan 2022
Reply to LoveYourSmile
LenRea said:
And if it's an immoral crime to advocate the end of the humanity through euthanasia, and not advocating such a reckless, disastrous and disgusting thing where humans repopulate through impregnating their females, then so be it, I already know what "morals" are worth.

Do you refer to some of my posts about euthanasia? I can't remember if I ever heavily advocated for it.

LenRea said:
And please, don't assume things about random people on the internet. You have no idea what my situation with my parents is, it could be good or bad. I merely consider them criminals for giving birth, twice.

As I wrote above, I made my assumption based on the fact they still support you. Bad parents leave their kids dying in the desert, and you have bed, breakfast and some social lifts, such as access to education and Internet. But we can discuss it further if you share more details. Like, if you were born with some terrible health issues, maybe I can understand you point better.
@LoveYourSmile no, I just consider procreation a crime and my parents and every other parent would become criminals by my logic whether or not they're good or bad parents (not that what i think a crime is matters anyway). I simply believe we are sentient beings we shouldn't still procreate like animals do.
LoveYourSmile said:
Do you refer to some of my posts about euthanasia? I can't remember if I ever heavily advocated for it.

Nope. I meant euthanasia for humanity through not having kids.
7 hours ago

Feb 2024
Reply to LenRea
@LoveYourSmile no, I just consider procreation a crime and my parents and every other parent would become criminals by my logic whether or not they're good or bad parents (not that what i think a crime is matters anyway). I simply believe we are sentient beings we shouldn't still procreate like animals do.
LoveYourSmile said:
Do you refer to some of my posts about euthanasia? I can't remember if I ever heavily advocated for it.

Nope. I meant euthanasia for humanity through not having kids.

So it's all in your head after all, right? Then my point was correct, because, apparently, you calling your parents criminals without an objective reason doesn't make them criminals to anyone else.

While you behaving badly to your supportive parents is apparently a crime of yours, because you clearly owe them something physical at least, and they owe you nothing. If you wanted to end your life, you could always do that. Since you didn't, you enjoy it in your own way, at their expense.

And it has nothing with "morals", just common sense.
LoveYourSmile6 hours ago
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
7 hours ago

Sep 2016
Reply to LenRea
@LoveYourSmile no, I just consider procreation a crime and my parents and every other parent would become criminals by my logic whether or not they're good or bad parents (not that what i think a crime is matters anyway). I simply believe we are sentient beings we shouldn't still procreate like animals do.
LoveYourSmile said:
Do you refer to some of my posts about euthanasia? I can't remember if I ever heavily advocated for it.

Nope. I meant euthanasia for humanity through not having kids.
LenRea said:
I just consider procreation a crime and my parents and every other parent would become criminals by my logic whether or not they're good or bad parents (not that what i think a crime is matters anyway). I simply believe we are sentient beings we shouldn't still procreate like animals do.
LoveYourSmile said:
Do you refer to some of my posts about euthanasia? I can't remember if I ever heavily advocated for it.
Nope. I meant euthanasia for humanity through not having kids.

Sounds like he could be your favorite character:
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
5 hours ago

Jan 2022
Reply to LoveYourSmile

So it's all in your head after all, right? Then my point was correct, because, apparently, you calling your parents criminals without an objective reason doesn't make them criminals to anyone else.

While you behaving badly to your supportive parents is apparently a crime of yours, because you clearly owe them something physical at least, and they owe you nothing. If you wanted to end your life, you could always do that. Since you didn't, you enjoy it in your own way, at their expense.

And it has nothing with "morals", just common sense.
LoveYourSmile said:
So it's all in your head after all, right? Then my point was correct, because, apparently, you calling your parents criminals without an objective reason doesn't make them criminals to anyone else.

I can't give out private reasons. And I gave objective reasons on why I consider reproduction bad/immoral/a crime.
Zarutaku said:
Sounds like he could be your favorite character:

If I had titan powers I'd side with Eren, lol.
4 hours ago

Feb 2024
LenRea said:
And I gave objective reasons on why I consider reproduction bad/immoral/a crime.

Where? Did I overlook something in another thread? So far I can see only your misanthropy being objective.
Not judging at all, just expected some more interesting reason for hatred than just being a sad misanthrope by a choice.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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