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Jul 20, 6:05 AM

Jan 2009

so thoughts? hype for look back now
degJul 21, 12:32 AM
Jul 20, 6:14 AM

Aug 2014
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...
Jul 20, 6:17 AM
Aug 2021
this was worded like a Fox News headline.
Jul 20, 6:17 AM

Apr 2020
GTRaijin said:
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...

Yeah he did^^

All these "leaks" are mainly twitter-nonsense reposted, on here, as if it was important xD
Jul 20, 6:18 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to GTRaijin
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...
@GTRaijin well japan hates the western cinematic feel i guess and he might have praise csm but not highly i guess
Jul 20, 6:24 AM

Aug 2014
deg said:
@GTRaijin well japan hates the western cinematic feel i guess and he might have praise csm but not highly i guess

It's not just Japan that shits on CSM adaptation, let's be honest. Just that Japan is the main audience and all they care about is some trashy generic isekais or something, idk.
I'm kinda tired to see people mostly shit on CSM whenever it gets mentioned somewhere. The only thing it was lacking to me is that it was too damn short since things just started to get really good.
Jul 20, 6:26 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to GTRaijin
deg said:
@GTRaijin well japan hates the western cinematic feel i guess and he might have praise csm but not highly i guess

It's not just Japan that shits on CSM adaptation, let's be honest. Just that Japan is the main audience and all they care about is some trashy generic isekais or something, idk.
I'm kinda tired to see people mostly shit on CSM whenever it gets mentioned somewhere. The only thing it was lacking to me is that it was too damn short since things just started to get really good.
@GTRaijin im a manga reader too and no hate but i find the comedy of the manga nonexistent in the anime version so thats my nitpick but aside from that the animation quality is great and the action amazing
Jul 20, 6:37 AM

Sep 2020
Fujimoto praised CSM anime when it came out now he is praising Look back. Glad both of his manga got S-tier adaptation. Excited for both Look back and Chainsaw man movie.
Jul 20, 7:01 AM
Dec 2020
deg said:
@GTRaijin well japan hates the western cinematic feel i guess and he might have praise csm but not highly i guess

thats hilarious
„he praised but not highly“

what kind of sibling rivalry bs is this
Jul 20, 7:05 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to keinboesewicht
deg said:
@GTRaijin well japan hates the western cinematic feel i guess and he might have praise csm but not highly i guess

thats hilarious
„he praised but not highly“

what kind of sibling rivalry bs is this
@keinboesewicht just like how mal rankings is a constant war
Jul 20, 7:12 AM
Nov 2020
people STILL whining about the chainsaw man anime makes me laugh, it’s literally a dream adaptation you are just spoiled lmao
luvcalvJul 20, 7:23 AM
Jul 20, 7:26 AM
Jun 2019
"Bait used to be believable"

If you want to create a shitstorm go back on Twitter
Jul 20, 7:28 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to shawnfoster
"Bait used to be believable"

If you want to create a shitstorm go back on Twitter
@shawnfoster every criticism is bait or trolling to you new users

its not even a hate thread i just shared that fujimoto have high praise for look back than csm
Jul 20, 7:32 AM
Jun 2019
This ain't criticism. This is trying to create a conflict where there's nothing to argue about.

Fujimoto DID praise CSM.
Saying that he praised "more" one adaptation and "less" another one is dumb. And bait to create conflict.
shawnfosterJul 20, 7:36 AM
Jul 20, 7:35 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to shawnfoster
This ain't criticism. This is trying to create a conflict where there's nothing to argue about.

Fujimoto DID praise CSM.
Saying that he praised "more" one adaptation and "less" another one is dumb. And bait to create conflict.
@shawnfoster debates are not necessary wars already though or you mean any form of arguments here in the forums should be banned?
Jul 20, 7:39 AM
Oct 2019
Not true, mid bait
Jul 20, 7:41 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to JaysonNnN
Not true, mid bait
@JaysonNnN so its not a full bait thats good and thats my intention
Jul 20, 7:43 AM
Dec 2020
deg said:
@shawnfoster debates are not necessary wars already though or you mean any form of arguments here in the forums should be banned?

its a useless debate.
he praised both shows.

if you want to know which one he liked more you need to ask him
Jul 20, 7:46 AM
Jun 2019
Reply to deg
@shawnfoster debates are not necessary wars already though or you mean any form of arguments here in the forums should be banned?
I believe in the necessity and importance of debate.

But I don't believe this kind of post can generate a constructive debate.
What kind of debate did you exactly want to generate?

This post's subtext is basically:
"Hey y'all CSM fans, Fujimoto says that he liked the Look Back adaptation more"
(no he didn't even say that looool)

If you just wanted to praise Look Back you should have written in the Look Back discussions.
Writing it in CSM discussions seems like you want to generate conflict.
Jul 20, 7:47 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to keinboesewicht
deg said:
@shawnfoster debates are not necessary wars already though or you mean any form of arguments here in the forums should be banned?

its a useless debate.
he praised both shows.

if you want to know which one he liked more you need to ask him
@keinboesewicht thats the point we can speculate here which is better for him

are all debates needed anyway? this is for fun and guessing
Jul 20, 7:49 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to shawnfoster
I believe in the necessity and importance of debate.

But I don't believe this kind of post can generate a constructive debate.
What kind of debate did you exactly want to generate?

This post's subtext is basically:
"Hey y'all CSM fans, Fujimoto says that he liked the Look Back adaptation more"
(no he didn't even say that looool)

If you just wanted to praise Look Back you should have written in the Look Back discussions.
Writing it in CSM discussions seems like you want to generate conflict.
@shawnfoster i cannot control you guys but again my intention is to have some banter debates on this not necessarily hate like you claim
Jul 20, 7:53 AM
Apr 2019
This is a nothing burger. Just because he said something about "something" doesn’t take away from the ""other thing". Typical twitter
Jul 20, 7:53 AM
Jun 2019
deg said:
this is for fun and guessing

If you just want to have a fun banter, then learn how to write "neutral" titles lmao
Jul 20, 7:54 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to shawnfoster
deg said:
this is for fun and guessing

If you just want to have a fun banter, then learn how to write "neutral" titles lmao
@shawnfoster whats not neutral about the title? lol check the source thats not neutral to me so i rephrase it
Jul 20, 8:03 AM
Jun 2019
I already explained that... nvm have a nice day

Jul 20, 8:48 AM
Apr 2017
GTRaijin said:
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...

tbh I love CSM but the anime wasn't as good as the manga
the style is too clean and the pacing is completely wrong imho
when they announced CSM anime I was expecting something frenetic like the manga but they slowed it down
fuck MAPPA
Jul 20, 8:48 AM
Jul 2021
deg said:

so thoughts? hype for look back now

dumb post. He's said many things about the chainsawman anime🗿
Jul 20, 8:51 AM
Feb 2024
how can I add someone as friend
Jul 20, 8:51 AM

Mar 2021
even though you tell your intentions are not to create a conflict, your title is too provocative. So its not surprising that people are not picking up the "Banter" tone from your post.

Besides, your title reads as "Fujimoto did not praise CSM adaptation but did for look back adaptation" and then you changed your narrative to "Fujimoto praised Lookback more than CSM" which might imply that you are trying to prove some point??¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thats the vibe I got off this discussion thread.
V1P3R0PJul 20, 11:27 AM
Jul 20, 9:12 AM

Aug 2014
sadboyshin said:
GTRaijin said:
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...

tbh I love CSM but the anime wasn't as good as the manga
the style is too clean and the pacing is completely wrong imho
when they announced CSM anime I was expecting something frenetic like the manga but they slowed it down
fuck MAPPA

Tf you mean style is too clean? Since when is that a bad thing? Also with pacing, the hell you want them to do? Rush the shit out of it in 12 episodes? Remember God of Highschool? Did you want them to do the same pacing for CSM like they did with GoH or what?
Jul 20, 9:39 AM
Jul 2024
GTRaijin said:
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...

I love chainsaw man but with the amount of time their taking to release the Reze Arc movie allows so many spoilers to reach me, but no hate to the workers cause of the Mappa situation.
Jul 20, 10:26 AM

Sep 2020
Reply to sadboyshin
GTRaijin said:
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...

tbh I love CSM but the anime wasn't as good as the manga
the style is too clean and the pacing is completely wrong imho
when they announced CSM anime I was expecting something frenetic like the manga but they slowed it down
fuck MAPPA
@sadboyshin Animation was top tier. Pacing was perfect. They also added some extra scene which enhances the source material.

Jul 20, 10:34 AM
May 2019
deg said:
@shawnfoster every criticism is bait or trolling to you new users

its not even a hate thread i just shared that fujimoto have high praise for look back than csm

Does vomiting into a person's hand and demanding a trophy for it count as a debate to you? Because that's essentially what you're doing.
Jul 20, 10:39 AM
Apr 2017
GTRaijin said:
sadboyshin said:

tbh I love CSM but the anime wasn't as good as the manga
the style is too clean and the pacing is completely wrong imho
when they announced CSM anime I was expecting something frenetic like the manga but they slowed it down
fuck MAPPA

Tf you mean style is too clean? Since when is that a bad thing? Also with pacing, the hell you want them to do? Rush the shit out of it in 12 episodes? Remember God of Highschool? Did you want them to do the same pacing for CSM like they did with GoH or what?

i wish it had a darker aestethic (this clean af aestethic seems so wrong to me for a series like CSM) and about the pacing I was hoping they adapted at least the Reze Arc in the series
Jul 20, 4:33 PM
Jun 2021
Lookback is a biopic into fujimotos own experiences and feelings as a mangaka. Obviously he’d feel more strongly about it than chainsaw man.
Jul 20, 5:28 PM

Apr 2022
bitch move with the misleading title when he praised csm every week from his own acc. take this unreliable leak bs back to twitter. funniest part is you didn't even link the main post and instead linked some randoms retweet hating on csm so you could infect mal too lmao, childish.
Jul 20, 5:46 PM
Oct 2023
I’m convinced that calling CSM bad is just a product of shortsightedness. And the fact that people don’t like nuance and have the attention spans of goldfish, so they need a giant pair of boobs on screen at all times to keep them locked in.
Jul 21, 12:25 AM
Sep 2022
luvcalv said:
people STILL whining about the chainsaw man anime makes me laugh, it’s literally a dream adaptation you are just spoiled lmao

Exactly!!! We got movie level animation every episode yet people still want to trash on the anime. Most manga adaptations couldn’t dream of having such a high quality show.
Jul 21, 12:27 AM
Apr 2024
I loved reading goodbye eri and look back is from the same time so I'm already very hyped
Jul 21, 4:42 AM

Dec 2022
Idk man I'm pretty sure him saying that he praised it more than csm or saying that someone took his Look Back work seriously means he in any shape or form dislike the csm anime but hey maybe that's just me sayin because that's my opinion of his comment on the Look Back movie.

Jul 21, 1:03 PM
Nov 2020
Duck2800 said:
luvcalv said:
people STILL whining about the chainsaw man anime makes me laugh, it’s literally a dream adaptation you are just spoiled lmao

Exactly!!! We got movie level animation every episode yet people still want to trash on the anime. Most manga adaptations couldn’t dream of having such a high quality show.

movie level animation consistently, great cgi and a new opening EVERY EPISODE! and its still not enough
Jul 21, 10:22 PM

Jul 2023
I don’t see the point in this thread. They’re both good mangas and I don’t see why we’re pitting his opinions on his works against each other like whichever series he likes best should receive more validation or is more significant.

That’s probably not your intention, but ironically, it’s difficult to even get your point in the first place in order to consider said intention. Cool, he praised Look Back more (or not), what else is there to say?

I hope you find that “banter” you’re looking for, though lmao.
It'll all be okay in the end. If you're not okay, it's not the end.
Jul 22, 4:28 PM

Jan 2020
The CSM anime was better than the manga imo
Jul 23, 10:23 PM
Jan 2021
Reply to GTRaijin
Didn't he praise CSM after each episode back when it was airing? Why do people hate CSM so much? It's not like he is disappointed with CSM or anything...
@GTRaijin most people don't hate csm. it's the vocal minority that shits on anything that's popular(especially if it's popular). in case of csm, this was just a bit extreme cuz of the hype and hate towards nakayama.
Jul 25, 12:09 PM
Oct 2018
the only real complaint I have with chainsawman is season ends soo early. You barely get into the series itself, and it loses at a lot of steam coming into the next season/movie.

should have been 24 episodes, or having season 2 announced right away

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