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Monogatari Series: First Season
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Jul 21, 2021 12:00 PM
Nov 2020
Other anime that sexualise lolis become very controversial. Anime like Eromanga Sensei and Kodomo no Jikan get a lot of hate and controversy for sexualising kids. Yet for some reason people seem to be okay with it in the Monogatari series. Why is this exactly? The main character is complete pedophile who hits on young girls. All the lolis in the show are given ecchi fan service scenes as well. And yet people are more okay with this than lolis in other anime? Could someone explain to me why they’re okay with it here? I’m not judging anyone for their taste. I just want to
Understand. Thank you.
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Jul 21, 2021 12:03 PM

Apr 2021
Please delete this before it becomes an sjw shithole.
L_YNXJul 21, 2021 12:10 PM
Jul 21, 2021 12:05 PM

Jul 2020
L_YNX said:
Please delete this shitty sjw thread and delete your account if you seriously think It's wrong to sexualize FICTIONAL characters.

I think you got the meaning behind the post completely wrong.Op never said it is wrong to sexualize fictional characters.He just said anime like Eromanga Sensei and Kodomo no Jikan get a lot of hate and controversy for sexualising kids. Yet for some reason people seem to be okay with it in the Monogatari series.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Jul 21, 2021 12:05 PM
Nov 2020
L_YNX said:
Please delete this shitty sjw thread and delete your account if you seriously think It's wrong to sexualize FICTIONAL characters.

Leave me please. I’m just asking the question as to why people are okay with it here but not in other anime.
Jul 21, 2021 12:10 PM
Feb 2021
because I'm okay with all sexualised lolis.
Jul 21, 2021 12:11 PM
Jul 2021
Double standards. There are literally ppl out there that simp over someone like Hisoka, yet they say characters like Mineta or just random perverted characters are disgusting.
Jul 21, 2021 12:12 PM
Feb 2019
Because it’s anime/manga for a reason now delete this theread and go read your “I’m not starfire” sussy book
Jul 21, 2021 12:12 PM
Aug 2020
because it is done in such a way it is not really a problem anymore. or rather it is in a more excessive way that makes it a bit weird and more like a joke or something idk.
Jul 21, 2021 12:12 PM

Apr 2021
wazzupdog said:
L_YNX said:
Please delete this shitty sjw thread.

Leave me please. I’m just asking the question as to why people are okay with it here but not in other anime.

Scordolo said:
L_YNX said:
Please delete this before it becomes an sjw shithole

I think you got the meaning behind the post completely wrong.Op never said it is wrong to sexualize fictional characters.He just said anime like Eromanga Sensei and Kodomo no Jikan get a lot of hate and controversy for sexualising kids. Yet for some reason people seem to be okay with it in the Monogatari series.

ah uh I know that but threads like this tend to cause an outrage.
L_YNXJul 21, 2021 12:40 PM
Jul 21, 2021 12:13 PM

Feb 2021
because the average monogatari lover is just like the main character
Jul 21, 2021 12:14 PM

Jul 2020
You can say the same for anime like No game no life or Mushoku tensei lol.This discussion is going nowhere and there wasn't any need to even discuss this controversial topic.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Jul 21, 2021 12:15 PM
Mar 2021
more one sealer, you want what? for me to drop the note because the MC touched the dead mine's chest?
Jul 21, 2021 12:20 PM
May 2021
i haven't watched it but i think it's a case of the show being so respected that people choose to ignore the weird stuff. of course as you can see in this thread a lot of weebs are pedos so they don't even have a problem with it. the main reason i haven't watched it yet myself is i'm weary of the fanservice. it's a tricky line to walk. i decided to drop Made in Abyss because the author is openly a pedophile and that is subtlety reflected in the show, but i understand why others may choose to watch it
Jul 21, 2021 12:21 PM

Mar 2021
Japan don’t treat sex as taboo like the west, anime treats these troupes as jokes for decades. So if you been watching long enough you get quite desensitized to it. As for why this is ok but eromanga isn’t, it’s because eromanga doesn’t have anything else to offer while bake does.

Edit: and if you wonder why there’s so many now you can thank the moe boom of SoL which spawn the “Kawaii” culture on kids or petite teens
LustKamisamaJul 21, 2021 12:26 PM
Jul 21, 2021 12:31 PM

Feb 2021
tat1an1me said:
i haven't watched it but i think it's a case of the show being so respected that people choose to ignore the weird stuff. of course as you can see in this thread a lot of weebs are pedos so they don't even have a problem with it. the main reason i haven't watched it yet myself is i'm weary of the fanservice. it's a tricky line to walk. i decided to drop Made in Abyss because the author is openly a pedophile and that is subtlety reflected in the show, but i understand why others may choose to watch it
i think most of them are weird like the main character. i don’t think i’ve seen one monogatari fan complaining about the fanservice, they must be enjoying it
Jul 21, 2021 12:38 PM
Apr 2021
Well when you think about it most of the ppl complaining about stuff like that are retards on twitter who havent even watched the anime they just want something to bitch about so they come across a popular mainstream anime and it goes on from there . Monogatari series isnt even remotely mainstream so chances are the only ppl that might complain are those who have actually seen it
Jul 21, 2021 12:40 PM
Jan 2020
Because we ignore it and enjoy other aspects of the show lol😂😂😂
Jul 21, 2021 12:40 PM
Feb 2019
I mean there’s other popular anime that do the same thing in not as much of a comedic manner as monogatari does, no game no life for example. Monogatari does said scene and usually implements a witty joke to go along with it
Jul 21, 2021 12:41 PM
Oct 2017
im okay with any loli sexualization cuz it doesn't hurt anyone, its just drawings
Jul 21, 2021 12:47 PM

Jan 2020
I'm sure there's a good amount of fans that don't care for it and hate it, but put up with it for the sake of a good story, characters, etc. Never watched Monogatari and have no desire too, but like I love Made in Abyss and hate the fetishy stuff with kids. The only reason I stay with it is cuz the story, characters, worldbuilding, art, etc. are all amazing.

Also I've gotten to the point where I don't take anyone saying "sjw" seriously, cuz it's just a buzzword that's lost all meaning lol. Usually it's just used either by bigots, or whiny nerds.
*generic image of favorite characters with a sappy quote or "aesthetics"*

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Jul 21, 2021 1:05 PM
Jul 2018
EmirDuja said:
because I'm okay with all sexualised lolis.
speaking facts 😌
Jul 21, 2021 1:12 PM
Oct 2020
im not that into lolis but every now and then you come across a character like hachikuji or shinobu and your view changes
Jul 21, 2021 1:22 PM
Jun 2021
One thing you have to know about the monogatari series is that :
Every character is based off of a well-known anime trope, only to be later becoming much more of a developped character later in the series.

If we take Senjougahara for example :

She originally seems like a Tsundere or a Yandere for some people. A lot of People then got confused about her personnality because she becomes more and more kind towards Araragi, which isn't how a Tsundere works, and neither a Yandere does. Even her personnality from Koimonogatari, which is an entry that happens much later in the series, is completely different from her original personnality seen in bakemonogatari.

So now that we established how this so-called "character deconstuction" happens in the series with Senjou, let's now do the same but with the 2 lolis seen in Bakemonogatari :

Mayoi Hachikuji seem to be another random loli which the MC is completely obsessed with, but then you get extremely emotionnal scenes with her in Onimonogatari. The more you watch, the more you understand that the entire purpose of Hachikuji's sexual harrassement by Araragi is only used for comedic effect ( you can judge for yourself if this is a satire about most loli-related romance shows like Eromanga sensei). And the more you progress in the story, the less you get those moments until you hit Onimonogatari, and after that you won't see that "Fan-service" for a long time.
You kinda start missing the sexual harrassement.
This show, made me miss a 30 seconds gag which is pure sexual harrassement.
I'm absolutely not mad about it, i'm just impressed.
The story is also completely told by Araragi's perspective, which makes sense about why there are so much fan-service ( because he's a horny 17-year-old who is also part vampire ).

If Araragi is the one telling the story, then he tells his story *the way he wants*, so as a 17-year-old, he obviously would put some Fan-service in his own story. You might be thinking it's a poor excuse, but i'm seriously not kidding when i say "he tells his story THE WAY HE WANTS". That means that he can stretch the story the way he wants, how he wants.

On the other hands, i can't talk about that much about Nadeko Sengoku's character because it would spoil Otorimonogatari, which i don't want to.

This is just a quick text about character deconstuction and "unreliable narrators" in the monogatari series.

If you wanna have more detailed stuff about the greatness of the monogatari narration, check out this playlist ( might have some spoilers on other monogatari series btw ) :
Jul 21, 2021 1:53 PM
Sep 2020
As a monogatari fan I'm not okay with it. Araragi is a complete disaster as a person, but as a character he's funny as hell. I can't talk as for everyone, but people here does not seem to brag this up for controversy. Just ignore it and don't take araragi serious it's just a fiction.
Jul 21, 2021 1:57 PM

Apr 2019
Hypocrisy, simple.

Everything in Trashgatari the fanboy makes some excuse. Like the ecchi, which they say is "artistic", since it's just a shit ecchi.
Jul 21, 2021 1:58 PM
Feb 2015
Wtf are u talking about, bc its the best anime ever made, go cry elsewhere, people dont get mad for that reason, plus the scenes are funny as hell, who would have thought that brushing teeth would be so sexy.
Other than that, the point is that the series is so good overall that the "fanservice" and what u call "sexualizing lolis" is left behind
Jul 21, 2021 2:02 PM

Feb 2021
kavvern said:
tat1an1me said:
i haven't watched it but i think it's a case of the show being so respected that people choose to ignore the weird stuff. of course as you can see in this thread a lot of weebs are pedos so they don't even have a problem with it. the main reason i haven't watched it yet myself is i'm weary of the fanservice. it's a tricky line to walk. i decided to drop Made in Abyss because the author is openly a pedophile and that is subtlety reflected in the show, but i understand why others may choose to watch it
i think most of them are weird like the main character. i don’t think i’ve seen one monogatari fan complaining about the fanservice, they must be enjoying it

I find myself a great monogatari fan, and yet I'm not okay with fan service. At first it was a little bit frightening, the first scene in the anime is a flying Panty and that was a weird, I almost dropped it after that lol. But the fan service in monogatari is just a comedy relief, and sometimes is just a joke about the own fam service. The story, dialogues and composition of characters is outstanding. The girls aren't just echi propaganda or are after the dick of the mc, but actually have an own personality and are really important to the continuation of the story. It may seems confusing, but Araragi isn't after lolis man, it's just a way of act funny, but my man would never touch a woman without her consent, much less a kid. Of course some scenes are weird and has nothing to do being that obscene, yet that's not by far the most important thing in the anime. Erogama sensei is just a Loli love program, but monogatari is much more than that and the fan service is just a secondary thing that in part is to make it a little more better for the average weird weeb that was reading light novels in the early 21 century
Everyone has a different way of enjoying anime, you aren't superior for watching some kind or other

Jul 21, 2021 2:04 PM

Apr 2015
As one of the foremost hated people in the Jobless Pedo threads, I am not okay with it. I just got other shit to do than hating on shows that aired years ago.

You still suck though. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
Jul 21, 2021 2:18 PM
Jan 2020
For the same reason people don’t criticize Konosuba, it’s fucking comedy. Very different from that Eris’s scene from Mushoku for example.
Jul 21, 2021 2:24 PM
Jul 2018
It seems like most people on this thread either don't have basic interpretation skills, or just didn't read past the post title.
Jul 21, 2021 2:27 PM
Jul 2021
For one, I doubt most anime fans are "not okay" with eromanga sensei, they just see it as trashy with no substance other than "how many times can we lewd a pedophilic incest fest" while the monogatari series the loli fan service is just a piece in a bigger story.
Put simply, most people don't have a problem with loli ecchi because its fictional characters but most people don't want to watch something solely or in large part focused on loli ecchi because its trashy.
Jul 21, 2021 2:29 PM
Nov 2020
At least to me, it's not fan service but comic relief. I don't relate to araragi but I do find some of those scenes relatively funny, rather than hot. Couldn't really care less about the lolis anyway, senjou gang for life.

I've never really seen what this community is like, but I can assume that they just don't give a shit. The main focus of the series isn't to give people fan service, but rather to tell a story with psychology and deep philosophy weaving within it. Whereas anime like eromanga is openly loli-bait.
From what I've seen here though, it is absolutely gross what some monogatari fans are thinking. Am glad I'm not a part of the community
Jul 21, 2021 2:31 PM

Jan 2009
because this show is old 2009 is the time when woke culture is not yet big
Jul 21, 2021 3:11 PM

May 2021
That's a lot of words. Too lazy to read
Jul 21, 2021 3:14 PM
Feb 2017
Tekainu said:
Double standards. There are literally ppl out there that simp over someone like Hisoka, yet they say characters like Mineta or just random perverted characters are disgusting.

You seriously compared Hisoka with that piece of shit?
I took the bait lmao
Jul 21, 2021 3:20 PM
Feb 2017
I think it's because people learn to overlook such things when the plot and writing is phenomenal. Not saying it's okay, but if the plot is engaging enough, then I feel that such things could be overlooked, as if they never existed.
Stuff like eromanga sensei has nothing if you remove the loli stuff from it, so people can't overlook the one thing that is has going for it.
Honestly though, not everything is perfect, try to overlook things sometimes to enjoy the other aspects of the story.
A similar argument is made for the dragon maid anime as well.
Jul 21, 2021 3:45 PM
Oct 2020
I’ve only read up to the tsukihi chapter in nisemonogatari, so I’m not sure about everything after that, but the loli stuff seems to be Satire. Araragi seems to get punished every time he does something creepy towards hachikuji.

If it’s not satire, then yeah, that’s probably bad, but I thought it was funny more than anything, it did make me uncomfortable in the anime though, but that’s just because I decided to watch it with my dad.

At the end of the day, even if it really is just unironic sexualisation of minors, I’m still going to continue to watch/read monogatari because the amount of good this series has would far outweigh that stuff.

As for people’s double standards on other shows as a opposed to this, I have no idea. I’d say it’s probably because those other shows are terrible so that stuff sticks out more. People are often prone to complain about stuff like that when the show itself is bad to begin with.
Jul 21, 2021 3:51 PM

Aug 2017
Why are people okay with a minor (boy) and an adult (woman) in a relationship but they make a big fuss when its about a minor (girl) and an adult (man)?
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jul 21, 2021 4:00 PM

Mar 2021
Nurguburu said:
Why are people okay with a minor (boy) and an adult (woman) in a relationship but they make a big fuss when its about a minor (girl) and an adult (man)?

I take the former as self-insert wish-fulfilling milf fantasy, very different sounding compared to the loli counterparts. Then again there are shotacons so I might eat my words on it.
Jul 21, 2021 4:11 PM
Dec 2020
wazzupdog said:
Other anime that sexualise lolis become very controversial. Anime like Eromanga Sensei and Kodomo no Jikan get a lot of hate and controversy for sexualising kids. Yet for some reason people seem to be okay with it in the Monogatari series. Why is this exactly? The main character is complete pedophile who hits on young girls. All the lolis in the show are given ecchi fan service scenes as well. And yet people are more okay with this than lolis in other anime? Could someone explain to me why they’re okay with it here? I’m not judging anyone for their taste. I just want to
Understand. Thank you.
Hachikuji Mayoi is 21 years old and a ghost that die 10 years before she meet Araragi. Oshino Shinobu is 598 years old and a vampire. I hope you understand and put it in your mind this is their real age. You should watch monogatari series until the end and you will see their adult figure btw i'm not lolicon, i'm feminist
Jul 21, 2021 4:22 PM

Apr 2021
wazzupdog said:
Other anime that sexualise lolis become very controversial. Anime like Eromanga Sensei and Kodomo no Jikan get a lot of hate and controversy for sexualising kids. Yet for some reason people seem to be okay with it in the Monogatari series. Why is this exactly? The main character is complete pedophile who hits on young girls. All the lolis in the show are given ecchi fan service scenes as well. And yet people are more okay with this than lolis in other anime? Could someone explain to me why they’re okay with it here? I’m not judging anyone for their taste. I just want to
Understand. Thank you.

I don't understand all this hype against hitting on underaged girls. You can't do it in real life since it's illegal. At least let us fantasize about it in anime
I love Monogatari Series
Jul 21, 2021 4:27 PM

Apr 2015
Because it's monogatari

There are some interesting videos out there explaining the sexualization in monogatari. I didn't watch eromanga sensei and usually avoid ecchi anime, but this is monogatari, I just don't take every scene literally as it's shown. And I find the way shaft handles these scenes to be quite unique.

However, monogatari gets lots of backlash for sexualization and pedo stuff. Just compared to other shows it has many other strong points.
Jul 21, 2021 5:13 PM
Aug 2018
because monogatari is made by studio shaft. so it gets a pass i guess idk
Jul 21, 2021 5:53 PM

Jul 2013
I'm not okay with it (hence why I rated some arcs lower) (Nadeko is an exception) but the story of other characters are just too interesting and the graphics is so neat and beautiful...
toumei_Jul 21, 2021 6:22 PM
Jul 21, 2021 8:11 PM
Jul 2020
What is your favorite monogatari series anyway just asking because I want other people's opinions on monogatari.
Jul 21, 2021 8:28 PM
May 2020
Because it has a completely different approach and appeal. This is Monogatari’s style and it’s not there just for fan service. Though Monogatari fans are called pedophiles.
Jul 21, 2021 9:13 PM
Jun 2020
Bruhh this is not your sister story its an anime so dont make unnecessary forums and mc harrasing an odidity not a real girl.
Jul 21, 2021 9:19 PM
Jan 2021
I dunno man it’s a double standard for that sorta thing and I dunno some reason. There’s a possibility it’s just because that’s not the central focus of the show so it takes someone to actually watch the show to see it and we’ll it’s not the most easily digestible show. While shows like eromanga sense Are automatically called out because it’s so outwardly apart of it and more people talk abt it. In the end I don’t really think they should be sexualized (just disinherited pet girl of sakarasou and was frickin disgusted when a certain loli character was portrayed in a bathhouse) and there’s probably people saying it’s ok Bc it’s a fictional character but dawg if you are enjoying fan service of someone that’s meant to look and act like a child… i dunno what to say to ya 0_0
Jul 21, 2021 9:22 PM
Jul 2018
Cause it doesn't feel creepy in Monogatari series. Most of the times it's used for comedic purposes and stuff.

And the the three lolis are actually legal. Even though one of them is a ghost and the other one is a corpse. Wait, does that make Araragi a necrophile?
Jul 21, 2021 9:31 PM
Dec 2019
Because they like to ignore it and pretend it’s ok, if you try to bring it up they just yell its just a drawing and call you an sjw
Wataru doesn't care about the genuine thing
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