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Oct 2, 2011 11:40 AM

Jul 2010
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Final Update: 3/25/17):

How to Watch Naruto: Shippuden Without Filler (Final Update: 4/12/2021):

Canon Story Arc Index (Does not include filler skips)

*Note: I will not be making updates to this guide in the future. The guide is perfect in its current state. If you don't like this guide there are many other filler guides out there do the job better. My list is very similar to this guide "". Check there for more current and better updates! Also, check the bottom of this guide for more indepth guide!

*Note: Filler is filler. This guide goes by the manga ONLY. Unless a filler arc is magically in the manga I don't see myself making a note of it or adding it. Its great that Kishimoto has novels that expand the universe, however if its not in the manga directly its not going on the guide.

*Note: Also, on the topic of a couple minutes of canon in one filler episode. I'm still counting it as filler and not making a note of it. I'm pretty sure it will be mentioned again in some other episode. If its like SUPER LIFE CHANGING OMG SUCH WOW couple of minutes then I'll make a note but other than that it is not being mentioned. If you are one of those people that want to see those couple of minutes: look through this forum post and you'll see people discussing them.

*Note I will not add Boruto to this. This was enough of a headache.

*Note that does not pertain to this guide: My thoughts on Naruto ATM

Special Thanks: (To those that helped a lot with this guide) link9us, the people that commented on this forum, wikipedia, & many other sites and commentators. Its because of all of you that this thread got so big.

I have also constructed a guide that displays all arcs in accordance to chronology, including, all ova's, movies, specials upon release date and in accordance to the story if you would like to view this. Note: That this is from the Shippuuden Saga of naruto, not the original series. It is separate to this filler guide, but can be used together. (Credits: link9us)


ariamachiApr 14, 2021 12:15 AM
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
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Oct 2, 2011 12:57 PM

Sep 2010
Thank you :)
If you don't count the fillers, Naruto Shippuden is indeed a good shounen Anime.
Oct 25, 2011 11:44 PM

Oct 2007
Oh man, are you the same dude that made the same thread in Bleach? well, nevertheless I love you for this.
Nov 10, 2011 8:36 PM

Mar 2010
thanks :)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 10, 2011 10:58 PM
Jul 2011
I read the manga but still set through the fillers guess I like self torture but the manga is really good and Naruto is coming close to an end.
Nov 17, 2011 12:48 PM
Mar 2011
Thanks this is very helpful mate.
Nov 27, 2011 7:38 PM

Apr 2008
Dec 1, 2011 10:55 AM

Jul 2009
Fillers are suppose to continue into the new year.

Dec 4, 2011 1:12 AM

Apr 2011
Thanks! Bookmarked this guide. I personally watch them all but I have friends who this will be a great help to get them back into the show!
giraffesyoDec 4, 2011 1:25 AM
Dec 4, 2011 4:55 PM

Sep 2011
Not planning to re-watch the whole Naruto series but this is very convenient! Thanks for your work TS! :D
Jan 4, 2012 9:13 PM

Jul 2010
Updated! naruto returns to the main plot.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jan 4, 2012 11:38 PM

Jul 2007
zansabarshadow said:
Guide to watching Naruto without Filler :

Watch episodes 1-96
Skip at 98
Pick up at 99-100
Skip at 101-106
Pick up at 107-135
Drop or Skip at 135-219
Pick up or Skip at 220 (Start the episode at 12:02. You will see a little bit of the eye burning filler so dont worry about the scenes you don’t understand. All you have to understand is that in this episode: Everyone returns to the Hidden Leaf Village and resume their training. Ino makes a request to also become Tsunade's student and everyone says goodbye to Naruto, who is about to head off for his two-and-a-half years of training with Jiraiya (who returned with information about Akatsuki's plans) You could skip this episode. It is optional.

Guide to watching Naruto: Shippuden without Filler:

Watch episodes 1-56
Skip at 57-71
Pick up at 72-89
Skip at 90-112
Pick up at 113-143
Skip at 144-151
Pick up at 152-169
Skip at 170 & 171
Pick up at 172-175
Skip at 176-196
Pick up at 197-222
Skip 223-242
Pick up at 243-

(You can see Naruto kinda has a pattern to their filler episodes.)

I will update this post when a filler ep or filler arc surfaces again or when the series ends. If I made any mistakes with the guide pm me and I will fix it right away.

Your guide is great and you put alot of work into it. How ever there is only one little error. Episode 98 of the original naruto anime series is canon, so don't skip that.

Everything else is good, shipuuden is very complicated especially since some of the fillers like the 12 guardian ninja arc kind of blends with the canon material so you did a good job of doing that.

Jan 4, 2012 11:41 PM

Jul 2007
I guess canon starts tomorrow, can't wait for it.

Jan 7, 2012 8:26 AM
Nov 2009
lol took a break from watching naruto shippuuden, can't believe all the episodes ive missed were all fillers, thanks for this :D
Jan 7, 2012 9:42 PM
Mar 2010
you are GODLY... i love you
Jan 11, 2012 7:47 PM

Jul 2007
mp said:
lol took a break from watching naruto shippuuden, can't believe all the episodes ive missed were all fillers, thanks for this :D

If i were you, i would just watch the fillers, skipping them all you may find your self a little lost in the story, because some of the manga material is mixed in with the canon.

Feb 15, 2012 10:01 AM

Jul 2010
Fixed and updated. Thanks for the feedback everyone! Tell me if you spot any fillers i missed!
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Mar 10, 2012 3:24 AM
Jan 2012
Thank you, this is a great list!

I took a break from Naruto just when the fillers started and after trying to catch up I'm amazed (and annoyed) at how many fillers there are. They usually don't bother me that much but this was waaaay too much for me. I'll keep watching but it's good to know that I'm currently only five eps away from the main storyline!
Mar 12, 2012 10:02 AM

Jul 2007
zansabarshadow said:
Guide to watching Naruto without Filler :

Watch episodes 1-100
Skip at 101-106
Pick up at 107-135
Drop or Skip at 135-219
Pick up or Skip at 220 (Start the episode at 12:02. You will see a little bit of the eye burning filler so dont worry about the scenes you don’t understand. All you have to understand is that in this episode: Everyone returns to the Hidden Leaf Village and resume their training. Ino makes a request to also become Tsunade's student and everyone says goodbye to Naruto, who is about to head off for his two-and-a-half years of training with Jiraiya (who returned with information about Akatsuki's plans) You could skip this episode. It is optional.

Guide to watching Naruto: Shippuden without Filler:

Watch episodes 1-56
Skip at 57-71
Pick up at 72-89
Skip at 90-112
Pick up at 113-143
Skip at 144-151
Pick up at 152-169
Skip at 170 & 171
Pick up at 172-175
Skip at 176-196
Pick up at 197-222
Skip 223-242
Pick up at 243-

(You can see Naruto kinda has a pattern to their filler episodes.)

I will update this post when a filler ep or filler arc surfaces again or when the series ends. If I made any mistakes with the guide pm me and I will fix it right away.

You know i couldn't help but notice after glancing through some of the filler arcs, their are a few episodes that have "canon" material mixed in them that you missed. I will try and help clarify this and quote each section so you understand it and then change it if you want.

First of all, the original series naruto is fine, its shippuuden that needs the patch work

"Skip at 57-71"
Skip at 57 -70
71 - Last 10 min or so is manga material. But is relevant for the next arc.

"Skip at 90-112"
90 - manga/filler
91 - skip
92 - manga/filler
skip 93-100
101 - manga/filler
skip 102 - 111
112 - manga/filler

"Skip at 176-196"
This one can be confusing cause alot of people some times miss it because its during the konoho history arc.

176 - manga/filler
skip - 177
178-181 - manga/filler
skip 182-196
most of these involve information related to the taka group, and also some related events to tobi. If you watch the anime, you know what im taking bout.

Some of these are very brief well others are mostly at the end of each arc coming into the manga so they are relevant but for anyone who wants every possible canon material, they might want to consider watching these. I would give explanations for the sake of spoilers i'll leave it up to you to judge, you can take a look at the episodes i marked in question and see for your self, anyways there ya go!
ArtimesGamerMar 12, 2012 10:07 AM

Mar 18, 2012 9:20 PM

Jul 2010
Updated and fixed.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Mar 22, 2012 11:56 AM
Jun 2008
I love this kind of threads! thanks a lot.
May 2, 2012 1:29 PM

Apr 2011
I'm wondering whether I should skip all the Naruto fillers or if some (or all) are worth watching. Also, are any of the fillers from original Naruto worth watching?

Shippuden filler list
Episode: 057-070
Episode: 091-112
Episode: 144-151
Episode: 170-171
Episode: 176-196
Episode: 223-242
Episode: 257-260
May 2, 2012 3:20 PM

Jul 2007
Now that the war has commensed in the anime and many people think that the series is drawing to a close its funny how all these new fans are starting to watch naruto now lol.

In any case, it depends on your tolerance level of fillers of course, many people have the attitude to skip everything related to fillers and that is just their general way of thinking i guess is to say that all filler sucks, but its not always true.

I on the other hand find that some of the fillers are pretty decent and are enjoyable. I have watched all of the one piece fillers and naruto fillers and i really liked some of them. Also keep in mind that shipuuden transitions alot of the manga and filler content together, i could give you a complete list or some else on the forums can for a partial/manga filler guide if you want to just watch the canon story.

In my opinion if you truly like the naruto universe and the whole concept behind it, even though the fillers aren't directly related to the cannonical story, you may find some of them to be actually pretty interesting. The shipuuden fillers are by far better then the original series fillers.

The fillers from the original naruto series you most likely would want to skip them, i don't know if you can go through nearly 100 episodes of average filler, by that time you may even loose interest in the canon story and you don't want that. So personally i would skip those, how ever some of them are pretty decent like the "land of rice fields arc" (136-141)and the "land of sea arc (169-173). Also episode 141-142 and 220 are partial filler/manga content so don't skip those.

Looks like your list is pretty accurate though so you have done your homework.


The 12 guardian ninja arc is pretty decent, it involves a conflict with another organization trying to protect konoho from devastation and in fact their is one patiuclar episode in their that i would say is one of my favorite episodes in the series and its filler.


The 3 tails arc is pretty average, definitively not my favorite personally, but episodes 92 and 112 are partial filler/manga. The end of the 112 in fact details a pretty important event bout the upcoming next arc.

144 to 151

Is an arc that details a bit more about Utakata which is a key character actually in the canon story. It is a short filler arc, so i would just go ahead and watch it. Thier is not that much detail bout Utakata until the manga.


can absolutely be is not consistent with the canon story and does not transition into the plot like the other fillers to. Its completely useless unless for some reason your feeling a nostalgia and want to see the old characters again.


is actually another type of arc that isn't consistent with the story and follows adventures from when team 7 was reunited from the original series how ever, it is not recap and actually goes through some different types of scenarios that they have shown, but it is a filler that can definitively be skipped if you want to get right to the story. How ever it is a tricky filler to watch. It is the one filler that has some of the most crucial manga material mixed in with the filer ark. I'll just give you the episodes to not skip for that one.

178-180 - These ones are an absolute necessity, you'll know what i mean when you get to that point.
182-196 you can skip. How ever i did find some of the humor in these episodes to actually pretty good my self and some of the episodes were pretty cool.


Is a filler arc that has to do with sea travel, i kind of compared it to One piece my self so it was kind of different to be in the naruto universe but still enjoyable at least for me.

257-260 isn't filler its recap.

So yeah it can be skipped, how ever 257 does have some partial manga material in it if you want to see it, but the rest of them are full recap. How ever at the time that this material takes place in the manga is in a very different time frame, much later on in the story. Either way its nice to see the new detailed HD animation of young sasuske and naruto when they were 8 years old.
ArtimesGamerMay 2, 2012 3:32 PM

May 2, 2012 3:37 PM

Jul 2007
I see from your list that you already seen 220 episodes of the original naruto series, if you have already seen all of the fillers, then their is no real point in watching them again. I would just follow the main canon story, it is more consistent that way.

Other wise if you have not then check out the land of sea arc, it details a little bit more back story on anko and how she was branded by orichimaru. To bad it never became part of the manga, i guess they kishi just didn't want to extend that subplot in the story. So they created a filler arc that gives more detail.

May 2, 2012 5:16 PM

Apr 2011
link9us said:
I see from your list that you already seen 220 episodes of the original naruto series

Thanks for all your suggestions. I actually skipped almost all of the filler from original Naruto based on a suggestion from a friend, but now I'm wondering if I should go back and watch that stuff along with the Shippuden fillers. My only experience with filler was with Bleach, Inuyasha, and Fairy Tail. There was some I liked a lot and some not so much, but I don't have an absolute hate of fillers like some people.

Also, about the original Naruto filler list, I found this suggestion on another site and thought I'd throw it out here too:

So lets straighten this whole mess out:

Arcs that are Leaf/Sand/Sound/Mist canon-related:
*102-106: Land of Tea
*136-141: The Fuma Clan (Sakura, The Sound Village)
*142-147: Mizuki Returns (Mizuki, Iruka)
*148-151: Find the Bikochu (Hinata)
*152-157: River Country/Raiga (Mist Swordsmen)
*169-173: Sea Country (Anko, Yoroi, Misumi)
*203-207: Yakumo's Genjutsu (Kurenai)
*216-220: Four Heavenly Directions (Gaara)

These are highly recommended for first-timers and those who care about deep-rooted plot.

Arcs that highlight on the background of other villages and lands:
*162-167: Mystery in the Bird Country
*178-183: Hidden Star Village
*187-191: Vegetable Country
*197-201: Gennou the Trap Maker
*209-212: Shinobazu

Others episodes like ep. 101 and anything past ep. 157 that is 1-3 episodes long are for light entertainment.

More info is available on this site:
Lotus97May 2, 2012 5:21 PM
May 2, 2012 7:18 PM

Apr 2009
the fillers with guren were pretty cool imo, at first i didnt even know they were fillers :)

but most fillers are just useless, in fact even gurens fillers were useless even though enjoyable.

if you skip all fillers you will have just the original story, which most enjoyable.
May 2, 2012 7:41 PM

Jul 2007
Lotus97 said:
link9us said:
I see from your list that you already seen 220 episodes of the original naruto series

Thanks for all your suggestions. I actually skipped almost all of the filler from original Naruto based on a suggestion from a friend, but now I'm wondering if I should go back and watch that stuff along with the Shippuden fillers. My only experience with filler was with Bleach, Inuyasha, and Fairy Tail. There was some I liked a lot and some not so much, but I don't have an absolute hate of fillers like some people.

Also, about the original Naruto filler list, I found this suggestion on another site and thought I'd throw it out here too:

So lets straighten this whole mess out:

Arcs that are Leaf/Sand/Sound/Mist canon-related:
*102-106: Land of Tea
*136-141: The Fuma Clan (Sakura, The Sound Village)
*142-147: Mizuki Returns (Mizuki, Iruka)
*148-151: Find the Bikochu (Hinata)
*152-157: River Country/Raiga (Mist Swordsmen)
*169-173: Sea Country (Anko, Yoroi, Misumi)
*203-207: Yakumo's Genjutsu (Kurenai)
*216-220: Four Heavenly Directions (Gaara)

These are highly recommended for first-timers and those who care about deep-rooted plot.

Arcs that highlight on the background of other villages and lands:
*162-167: Mystery in the Bird Country
*178-183: Hidden Star Village
*187-191: Vegetable Country
*197-201: Gennou the Trap Maker
*209-212: Shinobazu

Others episodes like ep. 101 and anything past ep. 157 that is 1-3 episodes long are for light entertainment.

More info is available on this site:

Well yeah if your that much into it, then you should check out my blog, i made a similar type of filler outline for the "original series" and yes some those are great like the "hidden star village" or the "mystery in the bird country" the fuma clan arc is believe is one of the most immportant though, its the land of sea arc that details moer background information between orichamaru and anko which never came to light in the original canon story. Most of the fillers that contain like stand alone episodes are crap, accept for 101, you do not want to miss 101, it is a classic lol.

anyways here is my blog if you would like to read it, hope that helps. Before you read it though make sure you have watched the "original canon series" of naruto, other wise just skip to the outline below to avoid spoilers.

Also shipuuden fillers differ alot between the naruto fillers, they are more story focused like stand alone stories, like the bleach fillers, instead of just minor missions. They are more intensive and they also transition pretty well into the manga so yeah if i had to say, i think the shipuuden fillers outclass the naruto fillers in that way. They are more large scaled.

anyways Goodluck!
ArtimesGamerMay 2, 2012 8:10 PM

May 2, 2012 7:51 PM
Nov 2010
Nothing can beat the greatness of this filler scene

May 2, 2012 8:04 PM

Jul 2007
Well one of the things i particular didn't care for was how many characters got botched in the shipuuden series, i mean they still had screen time but you would think characters like rock lee, teten, gara, neji especially rock lee played more active roles in the series considering in the original series they were central characters. So its kind of nice to see these characters play more roles in the filler episodes before you hit shipuuden because once you hit that series, its more generally focused on naruto and the tailed beasts, the akuski orgnization, etc.

Well at least the most current arc, the big war arc is where al the characters play a role in the story, so im happy to see my favorite konoho 11, finally all participate together again.
ArtimesGamerMay 2, 2012 8:07 PM

May 10, 2012 7:53 PM
Jun 2008
Threads like these should be sticky threads.
May 20, 2012 6:22 AM
Apr 2012
Onibokusu said:
Step 1: Don't watch Naruto.

Step 2: stop being silly.
Jun 13, 2012 11:05 PM

Jul 2010
Renzokuken said:
Threads like these should be sticky threads.

any idea on how it can be a sticky thread? I guess maybe talking to a admin might do it.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jun 14, 2012 10:45 PM

Dec 2008
BinSensei94 said:
Thank you :)
If you don't count the fillers, Naruto Shippuden is indeed a good shounen Anime.
Jun 18, 2012 3:30 PM

Sep 2008
ChrnoTodd said:
BinSensei94 said:
Thank you :)
If you don't count the fillers, Naruto Shippuden is indeed a good shounen Anime.

Woah! I liked the Naruto anime but that changes EVERYTHING!
Jul 13, 2012 1:36 AM
Jul 2018
BinSensei94 said:
Thank you :)
If you don't count the fillers, Naruto Shippuden is indeed an average shounen Anime.

Jul 19, 2012 1:54 PM

Jul 2007
I kinda want to re-watch some arcs of naruto again. Does someone has a list, something like this:
- episode xx - xx ; orochimaru arc
- episode xx - xx ; Hidan arc
- episode xx -xx ; pain arc
Jul 19, 2012 2:08 PM

Jul 2007
Kazekage Rescue Arc - Eps 1-32
Sasuke and Sai Arc - Eps 33 - 53
Hidan and Kakuzu Arc Eps 72-89
Invasion of Pain Arc - 152 - 175

Sep 20, 2012 2:15 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
So, I'm reading this right. The original Naruto has 84 straight episodes of filler to end the series? I wanted to try to skip the filler, but this seems excessive. Am I really not going to miss anything good if I throw those episodes out?

I guess, what I'm trying to say is...Once I start Shippuden, I'm not going to be confused by or expected to already know about any new abilities, plot elements, etc. That were in the fillers?
Sep 20, 2012 2:24 PM

Nov 2010
KingYoshi said:
So, I'm reading this right. The original Naruto has 84 straight episodes of filler to end the series? I wanted to try to skip the filler, but this seems excessive. Am I really not going to miss anything good if I throw those episodes out?

I guess, what I'm trying to say is...Once I start Shippuden, I'm not going to be confused by or expected to already know about any new abilities, plot elements, etc. That were in the fillers?
Well there's nothing story related until the last episode, but they are not bad, they are just episodes of naruto and the other ninja groups like neji's and kiba's groups going on missions and other stuff like that. Fun but not essential.

They are completely your choice, you won't miss anything if you go to shippuden as long as you watch the last episode of naruto, 220.
Sep 20, 2012 2:37 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Thanks for the quick response. I'm sure I'll start watching them once I get there and if I get bored, I'll just skip on ahead to the final episode and head into Shippuden.
Sep 20, 2012 5:37 PM

Jul 2007
KingYoshi said:
Thanks for the quick response. I'm sure I'll start watching them once I get there and if I get bored, I'll just skip on ahead to the final episode and head into Shippuden.

Technically 220 is the only one you want to watch, but their is very little canon material in episode 141 and 142, its your choice if you want to watch it, its intermingled with the filler arc though. But episode 141, 142 and 220 are all connected together and adapted from a few chapters of the manga. But its very very subltle, hardly anything worth watching.

Though i will say everyone is different and it really depends upon how dedicated you are to naruto and the whole concept, some of the fillers are actually pretty interesting, well others are borderline failure. You may decide to check out the first few which are actually pretty decent.

But if you want a straight run of the manga, just follow the guide here.

Which reminds me, this needs to be updated if Zanzabar is around.

Add episodes 279-281 are fillers.

Btw guys, its naruto's 500th episode now. Time to celebrate :P

Out of 500 episodes in TOTAL. 173 of them are filler and can be skipped
So you only have to watch 327 out of the 500 episodes.
ArtimesGamerSep 20, 2012 5:40 PM

Sep 20, 2012 6:17 PM

Jul 2010
link9us said:

Add episodes 279-281 are fillers.

Btw guys, its naruto's 500th episode now. Time to celebrate :P

Out of 500 episodes in TOTAL. 173 of them are filler and can be skipped
So you only have to watch 327 out of the 500 episodes.

Thanks and Updated.

500 huh? Its been that long? One of these day I need to actually catch up and care about the show. But I still read summaries. I just hope it ends soon. I don't hate the show tho :D
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Oct 26, 2012 1:41 AM
Oct 2012
Well, first off, thank you for writing this guide! About 4 or 5 years ago I suddenly stopped watching Naruto because of a filler arc... Meant to pick it back up once it finished, but I never did. Then a few weeks ago I saw an AMV, and, to shorten this up, now I'm almost caught up. And I wouldn't have gotten this far without this guide. Thanks again!

But, as to why I'm posting - Are NS 257-260 filler? As the anime says, they're a 4 week long special for the 10th anniversary of Naruto. I've skipped through them, and they don't seem to have anything that continues the current story... :/

Edit: Add 271 to that too. Seems to just be a special for the movie "Road to Ninja."
mewmaster300Oct 26, 2012 3:31 PM
^^^Most likely typed at 3 in the morning. Sorry for my sleep-deprived English! >_<
Oct 27, 2012 11:07 AM

Jul 2007
mewmaster300 said:
Well, first off, thank you for writing this guide! About 4 or 5 years ago I suddenly stopped watching Naruto because of a filler arc... Meant to pick it back up once it finished, but I never did. Then a few weeks ago I saw an AMV, and, to shorten this up, now I'm almost caught up. And I wouldn't have gotten this far without this guide. Thanks again!

But, as to why I'm posting - Are NS 257-260 filler? As the anime says, they're a 4 week long special for the 10th anniversary of Naruto. I've skipped through them, and they don't seem to have anything that continues the current story... :/

Edit: Add 271 to that too. Seems to just be a special for the movie "Road to Ninja."

Yes they are filler, with the exception of 257 which is half filler/half manga. Specials or not, anything that is not canonical with the story and not adapted from the original source material is filler.

271 can be called a filler but it was written by kishimoto as a tie in to the 6th movie.
ArtimesGamerOct 27, 2012 11:16 AM

Nov 8, 2012 10:43 PM

Jul 2010
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Nov 11, 2012 12:21 PM
Jun 2012
Thank you, this is very helpful. :3
Nov 17, 2012 9:51 PM

Jul 2012
brilliant post! Thank you!
Dec 13, 2012 12:55 PM
Dec 2012
I apologize for my lack of information but I believe on thing that might be helpful to people using this guide is if you would mention the two early episodes that are filler.
In one of the episodes during the land of waves arc, only the last 10 minutes actually has any plot, the first 13 minutes is filler.
Also, there are two filler episodes in the chuunin exam arc, the first episodes of the second and third tests are filler.
Dec 13, 2012 1:19 PM

Jul 2007
tndorg said:
I apologize for my lack of information but I believe on thing that might be helpful to people using this guide is if you would mention the two early episodes that are filler.
In one of the episodes during the land of waves arc, only the last 10 minutes actually has any plot, the first 13 minutes is filler.
Also, there are two filler episodes in the chuunin exam arc, the first episodes of the second and third tests are filler.

This guide is a "filler episode guide" its not for cutting out minute filler with in the canon story, that will just confuse people and they will skip episodes that have relevance to the actual plot.

The only true filler arc is the land of tea in the first series everything else pretty much follows the manga story, if their is a few min of filler here and there, people don't care bout that as much, but more so the filler arcs or the episodes that contain "all" filler material.

Dec 15, 2012 8:57 AM

Dec 2009
I love you<3
Thanks for sharing!!
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