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Sep 10, 9:25 AM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
Does MAL suck because of PHP? I mean in terms of how hard it is to modernize the UI

Sep 10, 9:26 AM

Jan 2009
isnt php for backend development? maybe mal should use reactjs for ui?
Sep 10, 9:37 AM

Sep 2016
That would imply that PHP sucks, so I disagree.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 10, 9:54 AM

Feb 2020
"Does MAL suck because of PHP?"

Not really.
Sep 10, 11:31 AM

Aug 2014
I do not wish for such a "modernized" UI.
Sep 10, 3:48 PM

Nov 2021
Reply to Kwanthemaster
I do not wish for such a "modernized" UI.

Same. I rather like the way it looks, actually.
Sep 11, 1:06 AM

Jun 2016
Doubt it. I've seen php websites with "modern" UIs.
Also the UI fine.
Sep 11, 1:31 AM

Jul 2024
Mal should introduce a status update thing like mydramalist
Sep 11, 6:16 AM

Oct 2012
PHP is backend and has nothing to do with the UI.
My subjective reviews:
Sep 11, 7:42 AM

Sep 2016
katsucats said:
PHP is backend and has nothing to do with the UI.

It seems you talk about GUI, but UI is more than just graphics, it includes the entire interaction concept with all the inputs, their functionalities and outputs, so it has much to do with back end.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 11, 12:21 PM

Apr 2015
MAL sucks because they artificially nerfed Pingu from the rankings and won't acknowledge Scott Pilgrim as anime.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Sep 11, 2:26 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to Zarutaku
katsucats said:
PHP is backend and has nothing to do with the UI.

It seems you talk about GUI, but UI is more than just graphics, it includes the entire interaction concept with all the inputs, their functionalities and outputs, so it has much to do with back end.
@Zarutaku Every input, their functionalities and output is entirely handled by the frontend, after the backend sends packets of data over the HTTP request. Everything you see on MAL is a product of HTML and Javascript. You could swap whatever language is used to program the API behind the endpoints at no visibility to the end user. PHP literally has nothing to do with this.

The only flaw of PHP as far as end user is concerned is that the syntax makes it easier to write anti-patterns that enable SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks, which is how MAL had issues before where a spammer gives a fake link that stole MAL mod passwords when they clicked on them, or maliciously changed various things in the database. Yet, a competent developer should avoid these issues. So it's still not a case that PHP causes an outdated frontend.

MAL's frontend is a design choice.
katsucatsSep 11, 2:31 PM
My subjective reviews:
Sep 11, 2:53 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to katsucats
@Zarutaku Every input, their functionalities and output is entirely handled by the frontend, after the backend sends packets of data over the HTTP request. Everything you see on MAL is a product of HTML and Javascript. You could swap whatever language is used to program the API behind the endpoints at no visibility to the end user. PHP literally has nothing to do with this.

The only flaw of PHP as far as end user is concerned is that the syntax makes it easier to write anti-patterns that enable SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks, which is how MAL had issues before where a spammer gives a fake link that stole MAL mod passwords when they clicked on them, or maliciously changed various things in the database. Yet, a competent developer should avoid these issues. So it's still not a case that PHP causes an outdated frontend.

MAL's frontend is a design choice.
katsucats said:
Every input, their functionalities and output is entirely handled by the frontend

There are plenty of functionalities that require server-side information and in that case PHP is already involved on MAL.
Modernizing the UI can include to implement new features and that can require server-side changes involving PHP.
They are interconnected systems, so changing one of them can also require changes in the other.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 11, 3:50 PM

Mar 2008
"Modernize" you mean make it use excessive amounts of RAM for stupid things so it can no longer function on anything that wasnt purchased two years ago?
Sep 11, 7:43 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to Zarutaku
katsucats said:
Every input, their functionalities and output is entirely handled by the frontend

There are plenty of functionalities that require server-side information and in that case PHP is already involved on MAL.
Modernizing the UI can include to implement new features and that can require server-side changes involving PHP.
They are interconnected systems, so changing one of them can also require changes in the other.
@Zarutaku I disagree. They are decoupled and of separate concerns. That's why APIs exist in the first place, to act as an interface (i.e. a "contract", if you will) for the data that is returned.

I think you're mistaking several things:

  1. It can be argued that UI features require changing the API architecture, but that has nothing to do with PHP itself. PHP can do everything every other language can do, whether Javascript, Java, C++, Go, C#, Ruby, Python or whatever, with respect to building a web backend.
  2. OP is talking about visual design elements, not database or data design. OP has not said that any specific additional information needs to be presented in a particular format.
  3. The whole point of an API is so that it doesn't become tightly coupled such that changing one necessitates changing the other. If the API is properly designed and the endpoints correspond to the data required for user actions, then only the frontend changes to reflect user interaction.

Please give an example of how you think the data needs to be restructured to facilitate any UI feature that you think might be relevant. Bonus points if you can come up with a feature that PHP can't actually implement, and what language you think could.
My subjective reviews:
Sep 11, 11:30 PM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
Reply to katsucats
@Zarutaku I disagree. They are decoupled and of separate concerns. That's why APIs exist in the first place, to act as an interface (i.e. a "contract", if you will) for the data that is returned.

I think you're mistaking several things:

  1. It can be argued that UI features require changing the API architecture, but that has nothing to do with PHP itself. PHP can do everything every other language can do, whether Javascript, Java, C++, Go, C#, Ruby, Python or whatever, with respect to building a web backend.
  2. OP is talking about visual design elements, not database or data design. OP has not said that any specific additional information needs to be presented in a particular format.
  3. The whole point of an API is so that it doesn't become tightly coupled such that changing one necessitates changing the other. If the API is properly designed and the endpoints correspond to the data required for user actions, then only the frontend changes to reflect user interaction.

Please give an example of how you think the data needs to be restructured to facilitate any UI feature that you think might be relevant. Bonus points if you can come up with a feature that PHP can't actually implement, and what language you think could.
@katsucats Oh actually OP was it seems very confused and didn't know shit about stuff lol, but I'm happy y'all are going in as much detail cuz I heard years ago that MAL had PHP in it and that it was significant

Sep 11, 11:35 PM

Jun 2024
Well I like the UI Mal it feels 2000. Although I wish it had more customize.
Sep 12, 6:10 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to katsucats
@Zarutaku I disagree. They are decoupled and of separate concerns. That's why APIs exist in the first place, to act as an interface (i.e. a "contract", if you will) for the data that is returned.

I think you're mistaking several things:

  1. It can be argued that UI features require changing the API architecture, but that has nothing to do with PHP itself. PHP can do everything every other language can do, whether Javascript, Java, C++, Go, C#, Ruby, Python or whatever, with respect to building a web backend.
  2. OP is talking about visual design elements, not database or data design. OP has not said that any specific additional information needs to be presented in a particular format.
  3. The whole point of an API is so that it doesn't become tightly coupled such that changing one necessitates changing the other. If the API is properly designed and the endpoints correspond to the data required for user actions, then only the frontend changes to reflect user interaction.

Please give an example of how you think the data needs to be restructured to facilitate any UI feature that you think might be relevant. Bonus points if you can come up with a feature that PHP can't actually implement, and what language you think could.
@katsucats First of all MAL is fairly outdated, so you shouldn't expect it to satisfy modern web development standards.
Secondly I never said that PHP is the only language that can be used, but MAL apparently uses PHP, so any UI element that requires server-side data can have to do with PHP, even if it doesn't most of the time, but that isn't necessarily the case, depending on how it's implemented.
ZarutakuSep 12, 7:18 AM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 13, 3:07 AM

Feb 2024
God, what a hilarious thread. MAL doesn't suck, and not because of php.

They just have relatively large site, heavily dependent of their tech stack and dev expertise - php it or not, doesn't matter. Major changes are always expensive/risky as hell, because it's always either breaking what works or maintaining two systems in parallel god only knows for how long.

No pragmatic manager will approve that, unless they face a threat such as more technologically advanced and feature-rich competitors taking MAL's market share bite by bite. Is it the case? If not, don't expect miracles, it will remain a bit legacy, to everyone's good, I would say.

I mean it's always a matter of priorities and budget, not technology behind that. I wish they have spent a few bucks on adding more features to mobile version and tuned up mobile styles, but they, apparently, don't have resources/motivation even for such a small thing. That's a bit upsetting.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Sep 13, 3:31 AM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
Reply to LoveYourSmile
God, what a hilarious thread. MAL doesn't suck, and not because of php.

They just have relatively large site, heavily dependent of their tech stack and dev expertise - php it or not, doesn't matter. Major changes are always expensive/risky as hell, because it's always either breaking what works or maintaining two systems in parallel god only knows for how long.

No pragmatic manager will approve that, unless they face a threat such as more technologically advanced and feature-rich competitors taking MAL's market share bite by bite. Is it the case? If not, don't expect miracles, it will remain a bit legacy, to everyone's good, I would say.

I mean it's always a matter of priorities and budget, not technology behind that. I wish they have spent a few bucks on adding more features to mobile version and tuned up mobile styles, but they, apparently, don't have resources/motivation even for such a small thing. That's a bit upsetting.
@LoveYourSmile ANILIST ACCELERATIONISM! But yeah that's a reasonable take I guess

Sep 13, 3:49 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to EmiliaHoarfrost
@LoveYourSmile ANILIST ACCELERATIONISM! But yeah that's a reasonable take I guess
@EmiliaHoarfrost I have never been to other anime sites tbh. I immediately fall in love with MAL, when I accidently came here earlier this year. Someone was shitting it so heavily in an Arcane thread on reddit or twitter, so I couldn't stand the temptation...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Sep 13, 8:05 PM

Aug 2012
Nope not at all! I like MAL and get changes to this site can take time.

Yesterday, 4:43 AM

Oct 2012
Reply to LoveYourSmile
God, what a hilarious thread. MAL doesn't suck, and not because of php.

They just have relatively large site, heavily dependent of their tech stack and dev expertise - php it or not, doesn't matter. Major changes are always expensive/risky as hell, because it's always either breaking what works or maintaining two systems in parallel god only knows for how long.

No pragmatic manager will approve that, unless they face a threat such as more technologically advanced and feature-rich competitors taking MAL's market share bite by bite. Is it the case? If not, don't expect miracles, it will remain a bit legacy, to everyone's good, I would say.

I mean it's always a matter of priorities and budget, not technology behind that. I wish they have spent a few bucks on adding more features to mobile version and tuned up mobile styles, but they, apparently, don't have resources/motivation even for such a small thing. That's a bit upsetting.
LoveYourSmile said:
I mean it's always a matter of priorities and budget
This is exactly right, and many changes have been made over the years to MAL, just not in terms of forum aesthetics. This is because MAL is owned by a for-profit Japanese company, and the profit-value of these forums are questionable. A small percentage of the overall MAL user base comment on the forums. Doing any massive edits to database structure is a huge ordeal for a site as large as MAL that likely hosts on multiple servers and CDN, since there will be bugs that occur when users do things in between when the changes propagate. Realistically, making UI changes should come along an A/B test to gauge user preference. And doing all these things cost money to questionable benefit.

So it's 100% correct that it's a matter of priorities and budget, not whether the tech stack is "outdated", whatever that might entail. People who follow tech stack hype might have a mislead idea of the timeline of web technologies. PHP was invented in 1995, the same year Javascript was, and 4 years after Python in 1991. It might seem like Javascript and Python are newer inventions only because they were popularized by e.g. Node and AI, whereas PHP was and still is used by many enterprise sites for web backend.

The "modern web development standard" of e.g. REST API was invented in the year 2000, 4 years before MAL was created in 2004.
My subjective reviews:
Yesterday, 4:52 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to LoveYourSmile
God, what a hilarious thread. MAL doesn't suck, and not because of php.

They just have relatively large site, heavily dependent of their tech stack and dev expertise - php it or not, doesn't matter. Major changes are always expensive/risky as hell, because it's always either breaking what works or maintaining two systems in parallel god only knows for how long.

No pragmatic manager will approve that, unless they face a threat such as more technologically advanced and feature-rich competitors taking MAL's market share bite by bite. Is it the case? If not, don't expect miracles, it will remain a bit legacy, to everyone's good, I would say.

I mean it's always a matter of priorities and budget, not technology behind that. I wish they have spent a few bucks on adding more features to mobile version and tuned up mobile styles, but they, apparently, don't have resources/motivation even for such a small thing. That's a bit upsetting.
Two systems is retarded as to why the hell they mutilated the forum for a secondary view just because one noob who never used the site and left asked for it to be Reddit lol and i still dont get why they made a mobile site and an app both usually sites do one or the other.
Yesterday, 5:03 AM

Oct 2012
Reply to traed
Two systems is retarded as to why the hell they mutilated the forum for a secondary view just because one noob who never used the site and left asked for it to be Reddit lol and i still dont get why they made a mobile site and an app both usually sites do one or the other.
@traed Two systems is a necessity for migration because unlike your home-made site, they can't just update everything and have everyone switch to the new site without expecting any problems to occur. For a site this massive any changes must be carefully planned.

As a very basic example, suppose it takes 24 hours for CDN caches to expire so site changes only get propagated after some time. You, the user, enter "" in the browser, which likely redirects you to the nearest CDN. MAL makes changes and makes one sweeping upload, but you still see the old version of the site because the CDN hasn't propagated. Now what happens when you do something that writes to the database? It might attempt to write to the new database using the old schema, which might cause an error. Or, it could mess up the database or even become a serious security vulnerability.
My subjective reviews:
Yesterday, 5:06 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to katsucats
@traed Two systems is a necessity for migration because unlike your home-made site, they can't just update everything and have everyone switch to the new site without expecting any problems to occur. For a site this massive any changes must be carefully planned.

As a very basic example, suppose it takes 24 hours for CDN caches to expire so site changes only get propagated after some time. You, the user, enter "" in the browser, which likely redirects you to the nearest CDN. MAL makes changes and makes one sweeping upload, but you still see the old version of the site because the CDN hasn't propagated. Now what happens when you do something that writes to the database? It might attempt to write to the new database using the old schema, which might cause an error. Or, it could mess up the database or even become a serious security vulnerability.
Im not sure we are talking about the same thing. I was talking more about the interface having to maintain multiple versions of the site.
Yesterday, 5:09 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to katsucats
@traed Two systems is a necessity for migration because unlike your home-made site, they can't just update everything and have everyone switch to the new site without expecting any problems to occur. For a site this massive any changes must be carefully planned.

As a very basic example, suppose it takes 24 hours for CDN caches to expire so site changes only get propagated after some time. You, the user, enter "" in the browser, which likely redirects you to the nearest CDN. MAL makes changes and makes one sweeping upload, but you still see the old version of the site because the CDN hasn't propagated. Now what happens when you do something that writes to the database? It might attempt to write to the new database using the old schema, which might cause an error. Or, it could mess up the database or even become a serious security vulnerability.
@katsucats Aren't they implementing such stuff during server maintenance to avoid these problems?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Yesterday, 6:23 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to traed
Two systems is retarded as to why the hell they mutilated the forum for a secondary view just because one noob who never used the site and left asked for it to be Reddit lol and i still dont get why they made a mobile site and an app both usually sites do one or the other.
@traed I use mobile site 99% of time, probably many users do so. The app lacks some essential features.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
2 hours ago

Dec 2018
nah i'm very content ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
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