I <3 Girls DeMo becasue:
1st: All Girl Band (Not many of them anymore)
2nd: Its the best Rock music i've heard in my life
3rd: Yui is My favorite character and she's in charge of Vocals and Guitarist.
Iwasawa will be sorely missed :(
When I watched episode one of angel beats I remembered thinking it was good. The comedy was good, the characters were likable and then the Girls DeMo concert started... it made the episode epic. I instantly fell in love with Crow Song and in the future episodes Alchemy and My Song. I can't choose between Iwasawa and Yui, I love them both! I got the new single when it was released, Thousand Enemies. I love it ^_^ I can't wait for future releases.
GirlDeMo is an all-female rock band that doesn't suck (and they're fictional too; that says a lot about real life bands).
The characters are pretty interesting too; sadly only Iwasawa and Yui got dedicated screentime, but I hope that the rest of the band get more attention in Track Zero.
Iwasawa has the best voice I've heard to date, in terms of songs. Her songs are easily my favorite top three songs... It's a shame she got knocked out so early, twas also my favorite character in the series as well.
I'm really hoping marina does well and keeps on doing rock songs, her voice is perfect for them.
I fell in love with there songs, sinds i heard them, it might not be the best music...well it is, but there hearts are in it and that makes it so wonderfull T.T
Everything was already pointed out... I love Iwasawa's voice but Yui's is also nice. Most lyrics are amazing and the beat is also great. The concert scenes in the anime were awesome as well.
They simply stand out that's why :D The characters, the songs, the music.
Plus even though I don't know the meaning of the lyrics, it's like the rhythm of the song tells me what it means.
I like Girls DeMo because... Their songs are very awesome to listen. XD. Especially for Iwasawa's voice. I really like it. GDM are helping SSS too when they do operations. GDM = operations... ^___^a
I can listen to GirlsDeMo every day & never get tired of it! Great songs :)
& IwasawaxHisako is one of my favorite pairings thanks to the Angel Beats Heaven's Door manga