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Sekiro under fire from incompetent video game journalists for being "too hard"

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Apr 5, 2019 7:14 PM

Jun 2015
I think that a game developer has the right to choose the audience that he wants. If he doesn't want to have a community of noobs and normies then it's his decision not yours to make.

Plus in video games like any form of art, the author is free to have the vision that he wants of his work. You can't say to the author of a novel "no I didn't like that part of your book and since I've payed money to buy it then I have the right to tell you to change everything I don't like". WHO ARE YOU to force an artist to do something he doesn't want to do with his work ?
Some might say that some authors do change their works to please the fans and they do that to keep it selling but what if the author doesn't want your money ? He just want to do what he want and he has no obligation to do what you what from him.

A lot of people in this thread have been mocking this phrase but whether they like it or not it's true : "If you don't like it just don't play it".

Apr 5, 2019 7:20 PM

Dec 2013
I wouldn't call that "being under fire"... They're just making a suggestion. No need to get your panties in a twist over it. There seems to be this overarching narrative that media outlets hate hard games, but if you actually read the articles that's hardly the case. It's basically the same as with Cuphead (minus the racism part).

Even if I happen to love character action games, the idea of having an easy mode is not a personal insult to me.
Apr 5, 2019 7:23 PM

Sep 2012
The whole "I don't want Souls games to have an easy mode because they go against FROM artistics intentions/integrity" always seemed like the dumbest excuse that people just said because they didn't want their "hardcore gamer" creed shattered by making an easy mode avalaible for people that just aren't good enough or don't want to be bothered to learn/master to enjoy what the game has to offer.

DMC5 (I'm using this game because it came out recently) is supposedly designed to be much more enjoyable to people with high skill levels that can take advantage of the game's multiple mechanics such as weapon switching, yet it still has a "Human" mode that makes the game pretty easy for the kind of people I mentioned prior. You can be a good little gamer and follow the pace the developers want you to, as in pick Demon Hunter mode and go all the way to DMD or just stop playing after beating the game on Human and moving on without barely mastering any of the tools the games gives you, and that's fine.

Another example would be Hitman's new games, which also gives tons of tools for newbies to be able to carry out assassination by giving them sugestions/tips or a predefined path for reaching those goals in time, while the most experience or hardcore players can disable all of this and play the games like the Hitman's of old. Ironically, a lot of fans of the series call these two games the best in the entire series alongside Blood Money, which goes to show that giving an actual choice to people doesn't actually matter as much as the Souls community would like to believe.

Personally, as a guy who has played all Souls and Sekiro, I couldn't give less of a damn if they made an Easy mode avalaible as long as they make the Normal difficulty that says "this is the intended difficulty/the way the game is supposed to be played" because, at the end of the day, who cares?

"But Souls/Sekiro is a hopeless situation so as a result to amplify this situation and to fit with the narrative and atmosphere the bosses and every single enemy should rape you with 1-2 hits everytime"

Have you ever thought that maybe people just don't care about the philosophy of the developers behind this kind of design choice and just want to enjoy the game, but what is fun to me and to you guys to others is just frustrating? Maybe you can take dying to the same boss 50 times because you're a huge masochist that gets off to the thrill of a good challenge but to some normal person when he dies 4-5 times he says "fuck it, I'm done" and just never actually plays the game ever again (I'm more of a middle ground, if I die a couple of times I leave the game hanging for a while or just choose a cheese tactic, like how I beat Nameless King in DaS3 with bow and arrow because I just couldn't couldn't beat it with my normal setup).

"Then the game simply isn't for you"

Yeah, the game is not for you, I think everyone (or almost everyone) can agree to this but the point of the video and what a lot of people are asking at the end of the day is "why couldn't FROM put another difficulty mode for less advanced or worse players like me/someone else to enjoy?" and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this. Games main focus is entertaining the player and at the end of the day, if you can keep your audience at the same time you reach for a less skilled one, then there is no shame in doing this. I mean, the ultra hardcore players would chimp out because they aren't as epic gamers as they thought they were since the barrier of entry has been lowered, but you have those in every fandom.

Edit: I would also like to point out as to how irritating or, well, what a loss it can be that a lot of positive feedback and criticism for a game gets shallowed by how mundane the whole difficulty thing is, like how a lot of issues in the original Dark Souls or how a couple of issues with this new title of Fromsoft that I mentioned in previous threads get overshadowed by "le git gud" meme crowd that just plucks their ears at any kind of criticism unless says player can clear the game lvl 1 naked and with it's fists only in some cases. Hopefully FROM can take some of it to heart and make (if case they feel like it) a Sekiro 2 a less rough game without becoming the dumpster fire that was Dark Souls 2, which is to me the only game Sekiro surpassed in the entire Soulsborne series.
GoldenSaltPillarApr 5, 2019 7:36 PM
Apr 5, 2019 8:36 PM

Nov 2011
GoldenSaltPillar said:
The whole "I don't want Souls games to have an easy mode because they go against FROM artistics intentions/integrity" always seemed like the dumbest excuse that people just said because they didn't want their "hardcore gamer" creed shattered by making an easy mode avalaible for people that just aren't good enough or don't want to be bothered to learn/master to enjoy what the game has to offer.

DMC5 (I'm using this game because it came out recently) is supposedly designed to be much more enjoyable to people with high skill levels that can take advantage of the game's multiple mechanics such as weapon switching, yet it still has a "Human" mode that makes the game pretty easy for the kind of people I mentioned prior. You can be a good little gamer and follow the pace the developers want you to, as in pick Demon Hunter mode and go all the way to DMD or just stop playing after beating the game on Human and moving on without barely mastering any of the tools the games gives you, and that's fine.

Another example would be Hitman's new games, which also gives tons of tools for newbies to be able to carry out assassination by giving them sugestions/tips or a predefined path for reaching those goals in time, while the most experience or hardcore players can disable all of this and play the games like the Hitman's of old. Ironically, a lot of fans of the series call these two games the best in the entire series alongside Blood Money, which goes to show that giving an actual choice to people doesn't actually matter as much as the Souls community would like to believe.

Personally, as a guy who has played all Souls and Sekiro, I couldn't give less of a damn if they made an Easy mode avalaible as long as they make the Normal difficulty that says "this is the intended difficulty/the way the game is supposed to be played" because, at the end of the day, who cares?

"But Souls/Sekiro is a hopeless situation so as a result to amplify this situation and to fit with the narrative and atmosphere the bosses and every single enemy should rape you with 1-2 hits everytime"

Have you ever thought that maybe people just don't care about the philosophy of the developers behind this kind of design choice and just want to enjoy the game, but what is fun to me and to you guys to others is just frustrating? Maybe you can take dying to the same boss 50 times because you're a huge masochist that gets off to the thrill of a good challenge but to some normal person when he dies 4-5 times he says "fuck it, I'm done" and just never actually plays the game ever again (I'm more of a middle ground, if I die a couple of times I leave the game hanging for a while or just choose a cheese tactic, like how I beat Nameless King in DaS3 with bow and arrow because I just couldn't couldn't beat it with my normal setup).

"Then the game simply isn't for you"

Yeah, the game is not for you, I think everyone (or almost everyone) can agree to this but the point of the video and what a lot of people are asking at the end of the day is "why couldn't FROM put another difficulty mode for less advanced or worse players like me/someone else to enjoy?" and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this. Games main focus is entertaining the player and at the end of the day, if you can keep your audience at the same time you reach for a less skilled one, then there is no shame in doing this. I mean, the ultra hardcore players would chimp out because they aren't as epic gamers as they thought they were since the barrier of entry has been lowered, but you have those in every fandom.

Edit: I would also like to point out as to how irritating or, well, what a loss it can be that a lot of positive feedback and criticism for a game gets shallowed by how mundane the whole difficulty thing is, like how a lot of issues in the original Dark Souls or how a couple of issues with this new title of Fromsoft that I mentioned in previous threads get overshadowed by "le git gud" meme crowd that just plucks their ears at any kind of criticism unless says player can clear the game lvl 1 naked and with it's fists only in some cases. Hopefully FROM can take some of it to heart and make (if case they feel like it) a Sekiro 2 a less rough game without becoming the dumpster fire that was Dark Souls 2, which is to me the only game Sekiro surpassed in the entire Soulsborne series.

If people dont care about the philosophy of the game designer that's fine. Just respect the game designers right to make the games they want. The issue is how much you guys are against letting the game designer make the game the way they choose, and while adding an easy mode might not seem much to you where does it stop with what's reasonable to demand?
Apr 5, 2019 8:49 PM

Nov 2016
You know exactly the type of game you're getting into when you purchase Sekiro. If you aren't good enough to beat it, then too bad. No participation trophy for you!

PC Gamers always have the option of Cheat Engine and trainers. These "journalists" should have known that.
Apr 5, 2019 9:20 PM
Jul 2018
Dark_Lord9 said:
I think that a game developer has the right to choose the audience that he wants. If he doesn't want to have a community of noobs and normies then it's his decision not yours to make.

A lot of people in this thread have been mocking this phrase but whether they like it or not it's true : "If you don't like it just don't play it".

both simple concepts pertaining to products/marketplaces, it's not a tragedy that the game is too hard for scrubs, there are 1000s of other games out there waiting for senpai to notice them that are scrub-friendly, it's a situation where nobody loses as long as consumers make informed and reasonable choices
Apr 5, 2019 9:40 PM

Mar 2016
You just have to git gud, the high difficulty is what make games like Sekiro good
Apr 5, 2019 10:31 PM

May 2015
It doesn't need an easy mode and it shouldn't have one either. If mentally/physically handicapped people can beat the game, then so can these journalists and the people crying for an easy difficulty. If you're not willing to put in the effort, that's on you, not on the developers.

Apr 6, 2019 2:31 AM

Dec 2016
Video game is a unique form of art and entertainment. Unlike book or film, video game story telling can not only use dialog, visual but also game mechanic as it story telling tools. Most game don't use it mechanic as a aspect of it story, but From software's games does. You not the chosen one in those stories, you just some random dude in a long line of random dude that had tried to do this quest, most of whom had given up. If you don't expierence failure, how could you understand the feeling of overcome an obstacle. If the game have an easy difficult where most non-boss monster could be one-shot, where the boss barely scratch you, the story theme turn from a world of crushing hopelessness where even the gods and heroes had fallen into a world of incompetence guys that can even defeated this easy boss. Yes, eay mode could be added so that newer player could experience the game without it steep learning curse, but those player who play the game because they heard it have a good story will completely miss the point of the story if they play it on easy mode.

You wouldn't try to make a book or movie more accessible to the audience by dumb down it plot point, it language, it visual story telling so that more people could get into it, wouldn't you?
Apr 6, 2019 7:21 AM

Oct 2010
Haven't seen it brought up in the thread but there's a mod that came out yesterday that unlocks FPS, increases graphical options, and it adds a "easy mode" option - if you can call slowing enemy speed that.

As for my opinion, I dunno what to say on the matter since I've never played any Soulsborne games. What I am curious to know is how these game journalists got through gaming in the 2000s and didn't complain then. Autosave wasn't a big thing, games making you restart from the beginning of a level with no checkpoints, having to haul ass to a save point, backtracking and fetch quests, etc.
Apr 6, 2019 1:46 PM

Apr 2019
Probably just upset they wasted their money on a game they suck at.
Apr 6, 2019 3:26 PM

Sep 2012
EmperorDemonGava said:

If people dont care about the philosophy of the game designer that's fine. Just respect the game designers right to make the games they want. The issue is how much you guys are against letting the game designer make the game the way they choose, and while adding an easy mode might not seem much to you where does it stop with what's reasonable to demand?

I never said I was against the design philosophy of the Souls games, although to be fair I don't really care much about it. As long as they keep making cool boss fight with great music that allows for different builds or ways to confront them (you know, usual FROM stuff), they can do whatever they want.

Regarding the subject, game would be exactly the same with an easy mode (content wise), if they wanted to take the cheap way out they can just adjust damage values, for example. I don't really see many people being so much against it or downright demanding an easy mode, they're more saying "I believe we would enjoy this more if it was easier and it's a shame it hasn't happened" yet the fanbase starts going on pretty gigantic mental gimnastics about how that will ruin the Souls game when it actually doesn't, just how they didn't ruin the examples I mentioned prior. Whether those "casuals" would then move the goalpost in the case an easy mode is made and strike at another angle ("make the story easier to understand and more streamlined yada yada"), it remains to be seen and has no bearing in the case at hand.
GoldenSaltPillarApr 6, 2019 3:30 PM
Apr 7, 2019 7:41 AM

Apr 2016
I think an easy mode would defeat the purpose of the game, and what a company like fromsoftware stands for. And for journalists, why would you want an easy mode to begin with? wouldn't that make your opinion and reports on this game invalid from the start? you wouldn't be able to experience the game how it's meant to be played. Also, people that want an easy mode, this is not the game for you. Because people that enjoy these games, they try to get better and bask in the idea of dying 20 times to a mini boss. If you can't do it then just move on.

Btw, this game isn't that hard. Just new mechanics that souls players need to get used to. It's nothing like souls/bloodborne.
Apr 9, 2019 11:01 PM

Jan 2011
imo there are some games that wouldnt be as fun if they werent hard as hell, like Godhand an Ninja Gaiden ness, Sekiros highlight is its combat system which takes skill to master, if you downgrade that then the game d loose some of its appeal

there are easy games out there as well, why not play those instead?
Apr 9, 2019 11:42 PM

May 2015
Do you know what made Monster Hunter so satisfying to play?
Mar 2, 2021 9:22 PM
Dec 2017
And the same argument is still being used even today on other games.

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