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Do you think a Follow Feature would be nice? (Read my first post on how I think it should be implemented before voting please)
Oct 5, 2015 12:59 PM

Apr 2015
Recently MAL had an update where it changed a few things when you check the stats to see what your friends have rated a specific series or on the "Recent Friends Updates" section on the Front page of your page, the friends who didn't necessarily accept your friend request don't show up in either of those sections anymore.

I understand why the don't anymore one would say "well that because if they didn't accept your friend request you should be allowed to see it in the RECENT FRIEND UPDATES section because they technically aren't officially your friend since they didn't accept the friend request". Like I said I understand that.

But there are friends I know who always forget to add me as a friend on MAL and I don't want to have to search their name every single time I want to see an update by them, I liked how it was previously.

This is why I think there should be a "Follow" Feature were it's self explanatory how it works. You can have a Friends Section and a Followers Section. And so with this creation there can be a new panel option with is basically just like the Panel for Recent Friends Updates but it's for the people you are Following.

Then in the Stats section of an anime or manga page (the place where you can see what all your friends on your friend's list rated that specific series out of 10 and if they complete it, have it on hold, dropped or PTW it.) You know right above there where you have two options one for Friends and Another for Everyone going in the order of recently updated. There can be two more options you can have a "Following" Tab which consist of everyone you are following and a "Followers" Tab listed in alphabetical order.

This way I don't have to bother my friends about accepting my friend request anymore so I can see their progress with anime/manga. I can't be the only one who think this would be a neat social feature to add.
Rikuson1Oct 7, 2015 5:47 AM
Oct 5, 2015 1:05 PM

Oct 2009
Rikuson1 said:
the friends who didn't necessarily accept your friend request don't show up in either of those sections anymore.

Wait, what? Oh no, there are some friends of mine who haven't come to site for years, how are they even supposed to accept the requests? At least show the list of users whom I've sent these requests
Oct 5, 2015 1:25 PM

Apr 2015
Serhiyko said:
Rikuson1 said:
the friends who didn't necessarily accept your friend request don't show up in either of those sections anymore.

Wait, what? Oh no, there are some friends of mine who haven't come to site for years, how are they even supposed to accept the requests? At least show the list of users whom I've sent these requests

I also have friends that haven't updated their list in quite a while either but that doesn't mean I don't want to see them along with my other friends in the stats when I see what everyone has rated this certain series and where they all stand in it. This is why I think this follow feature would help in that regard.

Also as far as not caring about how many followers one has there could be an option not to display how many people you have following you if you don't care about this feature but I don't think we would be better off without it. I think for an anime social website it would only benefit.
Rikuson1Oct 5, 2015 1:45 PM
Oct 5, 2015 7:10 PM

Apr 2011
So.... a stalker feature? Also, how many accounts do you use if your friends have to keep adding you as a friend "always"?
Oct 6, 2015 12:37 AM

Oct 2009
yhunata said:
So.... a stalker feature? Also, how many accounts do you use if your friends have to keep adding you as a friend "always"?

In my case, the problem is that they stopped using the site before I sent them the request
Oct 6, 2015 8:09 AM

Apr 2015
yhunata said:
So.... a stalker feature? Also, how many accounts do you use if your friends have to keep adding you as a friend "always"?

I mean if you consider wondering what you friends are currently watching "stalking" then that's you. If you consider existence of the social media website "Twitter" stalking then that's also just you.

I only have one account but I have many friends who I talk to about anime/manga that consider themselves big fans of anime/manga, they keep themselves updated and they don't have MAL accounts still today half of my friends i talk to across the net or IRL don't have a MAL account but I know they would love it since I always hear them say things like "Oh I forgot or episode/chapter I was one" or "Idk what the new anime are that are coming out and when".

That's when our conversations usually ends up going like this
Me: Then you should make a MyAnimelist dude
Friend: Oh really what's that about?
Me: *Explains to them about MAL and it's checklist features and everything else it has to offer"
Friend: Oh that sounds cool I'll make one later today!
Me: I'll send you a friend request when you do!
Friend: Ok!

Then Friend makes account and forgets to accept my friend request

I've also had friends who have accounts before I had. (This account isn't even a year old yet) and I see that they have accounts on here. I send them a friend request only to realize the last time they logged in has 6 months before I even created my account.. Then if I even care by that point i sometimes let them know I started using MAL then u hear the typical "Oh that site I haven't been there in years!* even tho it's been 6 months but u get my drift. So know don't get "stalking confused with just knowing updates. You guys make it sound like a creeper thing we are all here on the social anime website on forums talking about i don't see why someone would look down upon such a feature if you don't want it then if it ever came just ignore it, don't make others feel bad for wanting it.
Oct 7, 2015 5:20 AM

May 2015
Sites like RateYourMusic and GoodReads use the 'Follow' feature to follow reviews of people you're not friends with, but enjoy their writing.

I'm for it. It could be I didn't have time to befriend a reviewer, or don't want to. I still want to keep up with his reviews because they're funny/informative/have tight rhymes.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 7, 2015 6:38 AM

Apr 2014
Some people wants MAL to become a social media now?
Haters always gonna hate.
Oct 7, 2015 6:48 AM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
I might understand it better if you were talking about following reviewers or them columnist guys but it sounds like you're just going to be using it to follow people who forgot to accept your request?
Oct 7, 2015 7:37 AM
Mar 2014
this is pretty much an essential feature for these types of sites, so i'm surprised we don't have one already. wouldn't mind it being implemented.
Oct 7, 2015 7:38 PM

May 2015
Rayzer said:
Some people wants MAL to become a social media now?

It is, only for people who are into anime.

The only useful social medias are those that revolve around a subject.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 13, 2015 6:28 PM

Apr 2015
Tensho said:
I might understand it better if you were talking about following reviewers or them columnist guys but it sounds like you're just going to be using it to follow people who forgot to accept your request?

You could use it obviously for multiple reasons, yes I would follow the people that forgot to accept my friend request I'm not denying that but I would also use it to follow good reviewers on this site. If I can find multiple reasons for the features than what's wrong with that? lol
May 13, 2016 6:19 PM
Jan 2016
I would like a follow feature as well. Since I've recently discovered that some youtubers I follow have MAL accounts, I'd rather just follow them than send them friend requests. Especially since I don't know them well enough on a personal level for that to be an appropriate course of action. Plus I'd rather not be that guy/girl who sends friend requests to people they've never met in their lives since I don't think highly of that type of behavior. The whole concept of hoarding facebook "friends" for the sake of having a high number of them is stupid.

So yeah, I think MAL should implement a follow feature. Don't understand why they haven't jumped on the chance to do so.
May 14, 2016 6:01 AM

Apr 2015
K9ofChaos said:
I would like a follow feature as well. Since I've recently discovered that some youtubers I follow have MAL accounts, I'd rather just follow them than send them friend requests. Especially since I don't know them well enough on a personal level for that to be an appropriate course of action. Plus I'd rather not be that guy/girl who sends friend requests to people they've never met in their lives since I don't think highly of that type of behavior. The whole concept of hoarding facebook "friends" for the sake of having a high number of them is stupid.

So yeah, I think MAL should implement a follow feature. Don't understand why they haven't jumped on the chance to do so.

See this guy gets it, a follow feature would be helpful I've come across that same issue where it's a youtuber that has a MAL account and they are most likely never going to accept your friend so this is where this feature would be cool.
May 14, 2016 1:28 PM

Oct 2015
I am confused what this is about now - a "follow any account" or is it meant more specific ?

A feature to follow reviewers - I would like that, if it was combined with yet another review sorting.
Like how now you can sort it to show reviews by friends.

I thought about requesting friend status with some reviewers, but lots of them are no longer active. So that sorting is somehow not that much useful as a "show only followed reviewers" could be.

Follow any account - maybe it has use, but maybe it could also be abused ? So, have no opinion on that (no vote)... :|
(It could probably help cleansing my bookmarks mess. :D )
BannoBunka_snorkMay 14, 2016 1:31 PM
*darn, using my right hand is off-limits for a while. Typing with my left hand only is ... eww.*
Aug 16, 2018 7:25 PM

Apr 2018
I think It'd be a good idea for the simple reason,
I want to see when a reviewer I respect posts.

Simple as that, I honestly don't understand why it hasn't been implemented yet.
MarkwindAug 16, 2018 7:30 PM
Aug 16, 2018 8:50 PM

Apr 2015
This thread is almost 3 years old. I still would like this feature but with all the maintenance issues that MAL has had for basically majority of this year I really don't expect anything new or anything slightly innovating from this site moving forward from it's developers. I've basically given up hope for giving out ideas that would be useful, just for someone to pop up and say "well i don't see a use for it so I don't want it even though others would like it" waste of my time. If they do eventually listen to the community and add something like this then cool but if they don't (which they most likely will continue to ignore community ideas) then I don't care either just keep the site running (which they've been struggling to do that too for majority of this year which I'm not going to complain anymore I'm just grateful the site still exist at this point, I'll be putting my time, effort and ideas elsewhere #Zidiion)
Rikuson1Apr 25, 2021 9:12 PM
Apr 22, 2021 2:46 AM

Jul 2019
3 years later.... lol

I don't think it's a bad idea, it could be
useful but it's not fundamental either
Apr 22, 2021 7:43 AM

Jul 2015
If I could just be stalked with no effort from the stalker on the site's behalf, I'd leave.
Aug 7, 2021 3:09 AM
Jul 2021
PsychoticDave said:
If I could just be stalked with no effort from the stalker on the site's behalf, I'd leave.

I mean, it is no more stalking than Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter etc... Take into consideration "famous" people like Joey (the anime man) or PewDiePie or others who have a public interest in anime that people might want to keep up with. They shouldn't have to add dozens of "friends" just for people to have that availability.

There is always the option to make your account private/request only/not allow followers. No one is going to STALK you just because they can see something they can already see by searching your profile, get a grip.
Aug 7, 2021 10:31 AM

Jul 2015
AidanIsNotGinger said:
PsychoticDave said:
If I could just be stalked with no effort from the stalker on the site's behalf, I'd leave.

I mean, it is no more stalking than Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter etc... Take into consideration "famous" people like Joey (the anime man) or PewDiePie or others who have a public interest in anime that people might want to keep up with. They shouldn't have to add dozens of "friends" just for people to have that availability.

There is always the option to make your account private/request only/not allow followers. No one is going to STALK you just because they can see something they can already see by searching your profile, get a grip.

It's not stalking. Your neighbor can see into that window of your house so why can't I?

Boundaries; that's the point. This isn't a social media platform. It's a database. Having friends at all is unneeded. Adding features to stalk other users on a site with plenty of pedophiles is a pretty shit idea.
PsychoticDaveAug 7, 2021 10:39 AM
Aug 7, 2021 11:01 AM
Jul 2021
PsychoticDave said:

It's not stalking. Your neighbor can see into that window of your house so why can't I?

Boundaries; that's the point. This isn't a social media platform. It's a database. Having friends at all is unneeded. Adding features to stalk other users on a site with plenty of pedophiles is a pretty shit idea.

But non of that is relevant. You could still set boundaries by simply not allowing followers on your profile, like every other site with this feature. No one is changing your boundaries.

Stop trivialising the word "stalk" to refer to "look at my anime" which they can already do. It would change literally nothing in terms of privacy and it has nothing to do with social media so stop making false equivalencies - see Goodreads which is literally the book version of this site.

This website is much more than just a database, the fact that you are having this conversation with me on a forum is proof of that.

Just give me an example scenario that might arise by adding this feature which you think may be problematic.
Aug 7, 2021 12:25 PM

Apr 2015
PsychoticDave said:
AidanIsNotGinger said:

I mean, it is no more stalking than Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter etc... Take into consideration "famous" people like Joey (the anime man) or PewDiePie or others who have a public interest in anime that people might want to keep up with. They shouldn't have to add dozens of "friends" just for people to have that availability.

There is always the option to make your account private/request only/not allow followers. No one is going to STALK you just because they can see something they can already see by searching your profile, get a grip.

It's not stalking. Your neighbor can see into that window of your house so why can't I?

Boundaries; that's the point. This isn't a social media platform. It's a database. Having friends at all is unneeded. Adding features to stalk other users on a site with plenty of pedophiles is a pretty shit idea.

I'm surprised I'm still getting notifications on this feature basically 3 years later lmao.

Allow me to throw in my two cents...

Firstly like the person AidanIsNotGinger stated there obviously can be some privacy restrictions set into place to enable or disable said feature in question. This wouldn't sound too far gone to what privacy settings this site already has in place. You can lock your account right now to where unless someone is your friend they aren't allowed to even see your anime list (which is the name of the site, you would assume it's counter productive to have a site name myanimelist, when you are the type of person of puts restrictions on your own list but maybe they don't want randoms judging them base off their list so it's understandable when you think about it) point is there's already features like he stated that exist on this site today.

Secondly in regards to your comment about "This isn't a social media platform. It's a database. Having friends at all is unneeded."
Although you are correct on to some degree I for the most part disagree with you. You would assume for most sites out there an objective is to grow and bring in more people in regards to finding usage out of your site (hell same thing can be applied to most things outside of just this).

A long time ago (like 2005 -/or 2007) if I so recall Facebook was a site that was specifically made for people who were apart of college universities. It was design for those people only and you needed an invite to the site to even have the opportunity to register and the site was specifically for college students to literally hook up with other college students. (not meet hook up in the way you think like what your modern tinder is today basically). Obviously when you look at Facebook now this is not the case anymore. It's open to anyone and it's an overall social media platform with it's initial intent barely being remembered.

Another big example is Amazon. Who remembers when Amazon was specifically for just selling people books online? If you're too young you probably don't even remember when that was what they originally wanted to do. But they are basically the biggest online store you can go to for many thing outside of just books.

I can make examples all day but I assume at this point you get what I'm trying to say. Just because you start off wanting to being one specific thing. If there is opportunity of growth and especially a signs of a demand for growth from both the people that are associated with your thing or even competition out there on other sites like Anilist or whatever. Maybe just maybe growing your thing into something bigger than what it was originally indented to be isn't such a bad idea. If they don't do it another site will and when they will everyone that demanded it here will probably get it over there and it they will be compared whether they should or shouldn't and when they are it will be looked at as a disadvantage that this site refused to grow and it could possibly lead to their downfall as something that was willing to evolve with the time takes it over (who remember Blockbuster/Netflix?)
Aug 16, 2021 10:34 PM

Aug 2013
No. It would affect how people rate too much
Nov 14, 2022 8:26 AM

Aug 2022
Pls add follow option I want to follow some people to find out what I should watch!!!!
Jul 1, 6:43 PM
Oct 2023
I would approve of this feature. If people do not want to be friends I could just follow them, or see who else follows them.

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