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so vegeta takes out zarbon, and gohan found the last dragonball, things are getting really exciting now
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Yup yup Things got interesting and exciting.... am I seeing things or Goku will reaally arrive next chapter... Isn't it a bit before that he's supposed to arrive? Oh well... Amazing Vegeta episode.... he played his cards perfectly... and deceived the poor Zarbon and Freeza and now he has the upper hand... YAY... and he even has a igger advantage to Kuririn, Bulma and Co. He already knows where are the drgonballs.. Plus he's waaaay stronger than Kuririn and Gohan together... Man this got interesting... So When will Ginyu and Goku arrive? the episode after the next one? I hope so! XD
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HA HA! Freeza is such an incompetent character, to be tricked in such a way is amazing. As for Zarbon VS Vegeta, that was short, Bulma was funny when she was like he is good because he is handsome. Like the rude awakening she got when Zarbon transformed, an inadequate transformation to be killed off so easily.
Great episode, as it has been mentioned, things are getting interesting, I can't wait for the arrival of Ginyu force.
And so far this has become my favorite fight, Vegeta Vs. Zarbon, I like to think this was just the continuation of the first round, which was amazing. So I liked this fight (episodes 24/26) better than Goku Vs. Vegeta.
Pow! Right in the kisser! Vegeta puts Zarbon out of his misery (that looked like it really hurt lol). Not only that, but he knows where the Dragon Balls he took from Frieza are. Golly, are these characters so useless and lost without their scouters? lol
This is some Scooby Doo level shenanigans in this episode, makes Freeza look incredibly stupid if a guy can fool him doing this slapstick routine.
Also, low intelligence actions from all over. First Kuririn just flies away not giving a shit if his power level can be tracked anymore, then there is Bulma, sitting outside casually reading a fucking magazine.