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That was a pretty cool episode. It didn't hit anywhere near as hard as the last but I'm not complaining lol I already put the pieces together and figured Javilier was the king in some way, but yeah. Honestly he kinda deserved it LOL
It just sucks that she ended up pretty much losing her mind completely. She really didn't deserve that ;_;
So I'm just going to put this out there. Can someone explain to me why Mirarose gave herself amnesia? This is an important plot point that isn't addressed and it kinda pulled me out of it.
I hate the main character's inactions and her morals (promises) even if it's the perceived right thing to do. Call me an immature child with an ignorant point of view on medieval FANTASY WORLD and how it doesn't work that way or how it shouldn't. With the morals I stand by in todays society I will never forgive Elaine in all her average anime witch girl glory. Fuck you Elaine, one of the fictional characters I hate with all my being. [With all that said this is my opinion so no, im not trying to prove that i am right in anyway. i just fucking hate elaine and i hope she and her mother die a terrible death in the anime /srs]
Yeah I figured she was evil or at least not good pretty quickly but damn didn't think the Javalier or whatever is her father. I thought it was going to be her child or lover transformed or something. I just feel bad for the random people living in this country. Unlucky that you're queen/princess is crazy but also happens to be a super powerful witch. Anyways good to see that MC is willing to help only if she benefits or has been given something. In this case food/shelter. Though in this case she just helped a mad women a bit that's all. Honestly this anime has been taking a direction way different than I expected from the first episode. I've been told this is dark or something before but it really is kinda dark.
Elaina not helping wasn't necessary and probably better not to get further involved with the insane princess witch.
Too bad she was turning insane after getting her revenge, basically nothing was left to do.
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Well looks like things where not what they seemed, but well a girl living in luxury in a burned downed city is pretty suspicious in the first place.
The part that Elaina told at the start of the episode was a bit of a spoiler for what was going to happen.
It was a sad story and the ending of the episode didn't make things better.
I guess it's a good example that helping out doesn't always improve the situation.
Unless you think living in a delusion is a good situation.
> I guess it's a good example that helping out doesn't always improve the situation.
Now I understand what this final monologue in episode 3 meant. Maybe that last story was thematical "preparation" for ep 4.
Things going from comfy to not so comfy is as captivating as ever, but the cherry on top has to be the uniquely striking expression on Elaina when she officially decides the predicament in front of her no longer concerns her.
Also, it's kinda funny how the dark ruined kingdom plot came with a extra fluidly animated sequence of bacon getting sliced.