-Mahesvara said:There's a reason why the "traditional" showing of monsters like Goblins is no longer common and mainly found in hentai nowadays, its NOT necessary. Goblin Slayer already depicted plenty of reasons why to hate the Goblins already before the rape was introduced. Its like dumping a bowl full of sugar into cup of coffee instead of a couple of spoonfulls, its just to much.
The reason is that the political climate of nowadays dictates that things like these should be shamed and called out on or a simple lack of talent that has interest in actually writing dark fantasy, not because there's some kind of community disinterest or disgust in these type of things. The fact that Goblin Slayer is so popular and well-liked by a massive number of people tells you the complete opposite even. Again, Goblins since their inception were styled after barbaric, middle ages tribes that pillaged, raped and slaughtered villages wherever they went. Censoring or cutting out parts of their barbaric culture and behaviour patterns because you find depiction of rape to be more unsightly than depiction of cold-blooded murder (which is also a ridiculous thing, because they're both equally disgusting) is frankly not good and actually unnecessary.
If Goblin Slayer's author wants Goblin Slayer to have Goblins depicted as they were in traditional lore, then changing big chunks of Goblins' structure as a race already defeats the purpose of what they are supposed to be. Goblins are meant to be a depiction and/or comment of how disgusting and parasitic barbarians were in the past, censoring this because you don't like it just means you cannot appreciate it for what it is not that it's a bad writing element like you seem to suggest it is. Especially since it's been established that the rape here is not being used just because the author lacks the imagination on how to make hating Goblins a relatable feeling and wants an easy way out.
Not only that its depicted in a manner that questions what the author true intentions are. The art is ecchi, if your trying to go into the dark horror route when it comes to these things, why make the girls ecchi fap material? Just looking at the manga panels thats depicting the rape scenes, feel like they should be in a hentai manga opposed to a dark fantasy. The author is contradicting himself if thats case if he's trying to make it serious and dark, but a lot of the scenes look like a sickening doujin.
This is a fatal misunderstanding of Goblin Slayer and it's author. First of all, you fail to completely realize that the author of Goblin Slayer and the artist of the manga are two completely separate people. If the manga depicts explicit rape through ''ecchi''/''fappable'' art then the manga is a bad adaption of the Light Novels, not proof of the author having horrid, contradicting creative choices or secret intentions. Secondly, I'm not sure how much this ''ecchi'', ''fappable'' art lends to your argument that there's some form of secret intentions or that it contradicts the point of what the manga is trying to establish. It's just the artist's artstyle and there's little to absolutely no reason to making your character designs look unattractive.
You obviously no more about the world than I do, however I feel there's enough evidence around saying that Goblin's should not be taken as lightly as the world in Goblin Slayer does. Even if they mostly get beat back, the fact that they are successful on occasion warrants more caution than whats given. Like allowing a novice adventurer party of mostly young girls to raid a Goblin cave with little to no armor, proper intel, and other preparations is just straight up idiotic. Am I suppose to take this narrative seriously when the author purposely makes most of the characters naive and ignorant just to make the horrible things happen much easier than they should?
No, but I'm not the one making accusations based on assumptions of things we know nothing about. If anything, there's enough evidence going around that Goblins are not taken seriously for a reason. The other adventurers shame GS and think of him as a weak, pathetic adventurer that got his rank given to him for no actual reason other than ''Lolz guess they give the Silver rank to anyone nowadays'' suggesting that Goblins are generally piss easy monsters to kill that offer little pay because of how easy they are to slaughter, and GS states that the rookies ever get killed because of their own arrogance of having faced off a Goblin outside of their territory and thinking to themselves ''oh they aren't that bad, wtf I'm pretty strong, I can shit on them easily''. Heck episode 2 even shows that rookies don't actually get constantly wiped out by Goblins as well, because the rookie team that supposedly got sent out to kill Goblins - which causes Priestess to beg GS to go help them - came out fine in the end simple due to a good ''team balance''.
The cases to which you refer to where Goblins wipe out a village and slaughter people is only a cause of how much Guilds and adventurers simply handwave Goblins as irrelevant monsters that needn't be focused on which causes a lack of teams going around keeping their population in check, allowing them to get closer to secluded areas of people like villages. It's not because Goblins are strong monsters, their race is just not being kept in check. This is why Guild Girl is so smitten with GS, because being a direct Guild member, she sees this as an issue that needs to be given some attention to and GS is the only high-ranked adventurer that does this in spite of the small pay and ridicule he gets while the other high ranked adventurers focus on bigger monsters that supposedly pose a bigger threat than Goblins. It's a prime example of how society disregards smaller issues in favour of bigger issues even though smaller issues are horrible too and need to be resolved.
Also I wasn't trying to say this series promotes misogamy or anyone who does like it is misogynistic, so I'm not shamefully labeling anyone. However, that doesn't change the fact the series does have misogynistic themes with how the women are treated as they're the most targeted victims of the enemy and receive the most horrible treatment and fates in the series and even the useful or strong ones are always susceptible to falling victim to the Goblins. You are right that my definition is broad if take out the context its being applied to, however context really matters here and the kind of content Goblin Slayer provides makes it far more distasteful and disturbing. Tdlr: Basically what I'm saying is, Goblin Slayer treats the majority of its female characters horribly to the point their less of characters and more like plot devices in order to make it more satisfying when the Goblin Slayer brutally murders the Goblins.
By saying the series carries misogynistic themes, you're inadvertently saying the series condones or is subservient to some form of misogynistic ideology and this is factually not true. It's a simple depiction of tribal behaviour from Middle Ages where barbarians would pillage villages and rape women on a common basis by depicting these barbarians as small, green disgusting monsters rather than human beings. It's suggesting that these human practices from the Middle Ages are less than human and are more akin to animal behaviour than anything, it's most definitely NOT implicating something negative about women. In standard Goblin lore, the Goblin race simply does not have females and to reproduce, they act as a parasitic race that forces their reproduction via another race's females (i.e. humans) and because they fundamentally have a very limited emotional intellect, the way they do this is barbaric and disgusting because they're tantamount to animals. It's supposed to tell you Goblins are fucking disgusting and this is how humans from the Middle Ages behaved, not ''yeah my dudes, women are there just to be used as sex toys'' or imply anything negative about women in general.
Furthermore, you're extremely overexaggerating the point you're trying to paint across because the only instances rape occurs to female characters in this series is throw-away, fodder characters that don't actually serve any real purpose in the story. The actual central female characters like the Priestess, Guild Girl, Elf Archer, etc. are treated normally instead of as sex toys. Granted the Goblins still attempt to rape them, but they aren't and never have been reduced to a state of where they're simple rape tools. They serve their own purpose in the series that Goblin Slayer doesn't and add value to it that Goblin Slayer himself doesn't.
Anyways, I don't think we'll ever come to an agreement here, so lets just end it after this.
Okay |