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Oct 16, 2018 2:03 PM

Jan 2014
-Mahesvara said:
There's a reason why the "traditional" showing of monsters like Goblins is no longer common and mainly found in hentai nowadays, its NOT necessary. Goblin Slayer already depicted plenty of reasons why to hate the Goblins already before the rape was introduced. Its like dumping a bowl full of sugar into cup of coffee instead of a couple of spoonfulls, its just to much.

The reason is that the political climate of nowadays dictates that things like these should be shamed and called out on or a simple lack of talent that has interest in actually writing dark fantasy, not because there's some kind of community disinterest or disgust in these type of things. The fact that Goblin Slayer is so popular and well-liked by a massive number of people tells you the complete opposite even. Again, Goblins since their inception were styled after barbaric, middle ages tribes that pillaged, raped and slaughtered villages wherever they went. Censoring or cutting out parts of their barbaric culture and behaviour patterns because you find depiction of rape to be more unsightly than depiction of cold-blooded murder (which is also a ridiculous thing, because they're both equally disgusting) is frankly not good and actually unnecessary.

If Goblin Slayer's author wants Goblin Slayer to have Goblins depicted as they were in traditional lore, then changing big chunks of Goblins' structure as a race already defeats the purpose of what they are supposed to be. Goblins are meant to be a depiction and/or comment of how disgusting and parasitic barbarians were in the past, censoring this because you don't like it just means you cannot appreciate it for what it is not that it's a bad writing element like you seem to suggest it is. Especially since it's been established that the rape here is not being used just because the author lacks the imagination on how to make hating Goblins a relatable feeling and wants an easy way out.

Not only that its depicted in a manner that questions what the author true intentions are. The art is ecchi, if your trying to go into the dark horror route when it comes to these things, why make the girls ecchi fap material? Just looking at the manga panels thats depicting the rape scenes, feel like they should be in a hentai manga opposed to a dark fantasy. The author is contradicting himself if thats case if he's trying to make it serious and dark, but a lot of the scenes look like a sickening doujin.

This is a fatal misunderstanding of Goblin Slayer and it's author. First of all, you fail to completely realize that the author of Goblin Slayer and the artist of the manga are two completely separate people. If the manga depicts explicit rape through ''ecchi''/''fappable'' art then the manga is a bad adaption of the Light Novels, not proof of the author having horrid, contradicting creative choices or secret intentions. Secondly, I'm not sure how much this ''ecchi'', ''fappable'' art lends to your argument that there's some form of secret intentions or that it contradicts the point of what the manga is trying to establish. It's just the artist's artstyle and there's little to absolutely no reason to making your character designs look unattractive.

You obviously no more about the world than I do, however I feel there's enough evidence around saying that Goblin's should not be taken as lightly as the world in Goblin Slayer does. Even if they mostly get beat back, the fact that they are successful on occasion warrants more caution than whats given. Like allowing a novice adventurer party of mostly young girls to raid a Goblin cave with little to no armor, proper intel, and other preparations is just straight up idiotic. Am I suppose to take this narrative seriously when the author purposely makes most of the characters naive and ignorant just to make the horrible things happen much easier than they should?

No, but I'm not the one making accusations based on assumptions of things we know nothing about. If anything, there's enough evidence going around that Goblins are not taken seriously for a reason. The other adventurers shame GS and think of him as a weak, pathetic adventurer that got his rank given to him for no actual reason other than ''Lolz guess they give the Silver rank to anyone nowadays'' suggesting that Goblins are generally piss easy monsters to kill that offer little pay because of how easy they are to slaughter, and GS states that the rookies ever get killed because of their own arrogance of having faced off a Goblin outside of their territory and thinking to themselves ''oh they aren't that bad, wtf I'm pretty strong, I can shit on them easily''. Heck episode 2 even shows that rookies don't actually get constantly wiped out by Goblins as well, because the rookie team that supposedly got sent out to kill Goblins - which causes Priestess to beg GS to go help them - came out fine in the end simple due to a good ''team balance''.

The cases to which you refer to where Goblins wipe out a village and slaughter people is only a cause of how much Guilds and adventurers simply handwave Goblins as irrelevant monsters that needn't be focused on which causes a lack of teams going around keeping their population in check, allowing them to get closer to secluded areas of people like villages. It's not because Goblins are strong monsters, their race is just not being kept in check. This is why Guild Girl is so smitten with GS, because being a direct Guild member, she sees this as an issue that needs to be given some attention to and GS is the only high-ranked adventurer that does this in spite of the small pay and ridicule he gets while the other high ranked adventurers focus on bigger monsters that supposedly pose a bigger threat than Goblins. It's a prime example of how society disregards smaller issues in favour of bigger issues even though smaller issues are horrible too and need to be resolved.

Also I wasn't trying to say this series promotes misogamy or anyone who does like it is misogynistic, so I'm not shamefully labeling anyone. However, that doesn't change the fact the series does have misogynistic themes with how the women are treated as they're the most targeted victims of the enemy and receive the most horrible treatment and fates in the series and even the useful or strong ones are always susceptible to falling victim to the Goblins. You are right that my definition is broad if take out the context its being applied to, however context really matters here and the kind of content Goblin Slayer provides makes it far more distasteful and disturbing. Tdlr: Basically what I'm saying is, Goblin Slayer treats the majority of its female characters horribly to the point their less of characters and more like plot devices in order to make it more satisfying when the Goblin Slayer brutally murders the Goblins.

By saying the series carries misogynistic themes, you're inadvertently saying the series condones or is subservient to some form of misogynistic ideology and this is factually not true. It's a simple depiction of tribal behaviour from Middle Ages where barbarians would pillage villages and rape women on a common basis by depicting these barbarians as small, green disgusting monsters rather than human beings. It's suggesting that these human practices from the Middle Ages are less than human and are more akin to animal behaviour than anything, it's most definitely NOT implicating something negative about women. In standard Goblin lore, the Goblin race simply does not have females and to reproduce, they act as a parasitic race that forces their reproduction via another race's females (i.e. humans) and because they fundamentally have a very limited emotional intellect, the way they do this is barbaric and disgusting because they're tantamount to animals. It's supposed to tell you Goblins are fucking disgusting and this is how humans from the Middle Ages behaved, not ''yeah my dudes, women are there just to be used as sex toys'' or imply anything negative about women in general.

Furthermore, you're extremely overexaggerating the point you're trying to paint across because the only instances rape occurs to female characters in this series is throw-away, fodder characters that don't actually serve any real purpose in the story. The actual central female characters like the Priestess, Guild Girl, Elf Archer, etc. are treated normally instead of as sex toys. Granted the Goblins still attempt to rape them, but they aren't and never have been reduced to a state of where they're simple rape tools. They serve their own purpose in the series that Goblin Slayer doesn't and add value to it that Goblin Slayer himself doesn't.

Anyways, I don't think we'll ever come to an agreement here, so lets just end it after this.

Oct 16, 2018 2:03 PM
Jan 2015
Gigguk made a pretty funny video regarding the bad sides of the argument for and against the series.
My Queens

Oct 16, 2018 2:05 PM

Jan 2014
-Mahesvara said:
Though I'm not familiar with how the scenes are depicted in the books tbh.

In regards to the scene from the first episode, the rape is only stated as something that happens when Priestess hears the girl's screams while she's running away with the mage.
Oct 16, 2018 2:32 PM

Jan 2014
>tfw watch Goblin Slayer ep 1
>''what the FUCK?? I want to slaughter the Goblins!!!''
>tfw watch Slime Isekai ep 3
>''what the FUCK??? I want to FUCK the Goblins now!!!''

Oct 16, 2018 2:41 PM
Jan 2015
Its kinda hilarious that we have two fantasy anime that have Goblin depictions that are so night and day airing in the same season lmao
My Queens

Oct 16, 2018 3:07 PM

Aug 2009
God I miss the days when something horrible happening on fictional women didnt mean that the authors or the viewers hate know....the actual definition of misogynists.
Two simple greek words combined too create one word with a clear definition.

The male adventure was torn to pieces but that was ok, he wasnt a frail woman that needs protection but saying that would mean we treat women as unequals, therefore misogynistic, so we only mention the (un)lucky female that gets to live and maybe find a new life.

This is supposed to be pure entertainment;watching some lunatic with armor killing goblins.I dont need deeper writing or anything.This is medieval DOOM the anime.
The life of real women isnt affected by some fictional fodder being raped just like the life of men isnt threatened by some fictional fodder being reduced to fillets.

The art is ecchi, if your trying to go into the dark horror route when it comes to these things, why make the girls ecchi fap material? Just looking at the manga panels thats depicting the rape scenes, feel like they should be in a hentai manga opposed to a dark fantasy.

This is entirely in the eye of the beholder.

I have found gifs of Fujino's rape scene in certain sites. Do ufotable or Nasu have some hidden intentions?Or was it some guy that liked that material and added it there for his own purposes?
I am pretty sure the vast majority of GS's readers dont read the manga to have a good fap.I doubt they will even have the mood for it after reading it.

Can we plz go back to when the slightest discomfort for fictional women didnt mean misogyny is spreading faster than the Black Plague?
Oct 16, 2018 3:12 PM

Apr 2015
Bunny girl Senpai is going to be my fav of this season.

Regardless of this frame. Do guys actually do this underwear choosing before first date?
Oct 16, 2018 3:14 PM

Oct 2008
Remember the good old days when people didn't overthink this shit?
Oct 16, 2018 3:14 PM

Aug 2009
Veromaye said:
Bunny girl Senpai is going to be my fav of this season.

Regardless of this frame. Do guys actually do this underwear choosing before first date?
Mine are separated in work underwear and everything else underwear.

I just grab whatever. As long as it doesnt have holes it is fine.
Oct 16, 2018 3:15 PM

Apr 2015
ssjokg said:

Can we plz go back to when the slightest discomfort for fictional women didnt mean misogyny is spreading faster than the Black Plague?

B-but the discussion was already dead, you just resurrected it.
Oct 16, 2018 3:16 PM

Aug 2009
Veromaye said:
ssjokg said:

Can we plz go back to when the slightest discomfort for fictional women didnt mean misogyny is spreading faster than the Black Plague?

B-but the discussion was already dead, you just resurrected it.
Your price to pay for not stopping it sooner.
ssjokgOct 16, 2018 3:21 PM
Oct 16, 2018 3:18 PM

Apr 2015
ssjokg said:
Mine are separated in work underwear and everything else underwear.

I just grab whatever. As long as it doesnt have holes it is fine.

Interesting, I never thought about separating underwear for work.
Oct 16, 2018 3:21 PM

Aug 2009
Veromaye said:
ssjokg said:
Mine are separated in work underwear and everything else underwear.

I just grab whatever. As long as it doesnt have holes it is fine.

Interesting, I never thought about separating underwear for work.

Basically everything that I shouldn't show to women goes in that category.
Oct 17, 2018 5:58 PM

Apr 2015
Soooooo Bunny Girl Senpai ep 3 is out and all I'm going to say is that Sakuta and Mai go to my top favorite couple

I reallyyyyyyy hope the anime doesn't go to the harem route please. Don't ruin that great couple.
Oct 17, 2018 6:50 PM
Jan 2015
Veromaye said:
Soooooo Bunny Girl Senpai ep 3 is out and all I'm going to say is that Sakuta and Mai go to my top favorite couple

I reallyyyyyyy hope the anime doesn't go to the harem route please. Don't ruin that great couple.
Episode 3 was beautiful, could have sworn someone was cutting onions while I was watching it too.

Its not going the harem route, after that kind of confession what girl would even dare to try and get between those two?
My Queens

Oct 17, 2018 6:58 PM

Apr 2015
-Mahesvara said:
Episode 3 was beautiful, could have sworn someone was cutting onions while I was watching it too.

Its not going the harem route, after that kind of confession what girl would even dare to try and get between those two?


Yeah I almost cried, if it wasn't because I was watching it with my nephew I would've cried all the way.
People say that the confession was cringy but what? I loved that confession??? If a guy confessed to me like that I would date him o.o . Plus his reason was good enough to not make it look "cringe"

Idk did you saw the preview? That short haired girl on top of Sakuta? :'(
Oct 17, 2018 7:09 PM
Jan 2015
Veromaye said:
-Mahesvara said:
Episode 3 was beautiful, could have sworn someone was cutting onions while I was watching it too.

Its not going the harem route, after that kind of confession what girl would even dare to try and get between those two?


Yeah I almost cried, if it wasn't because I was watching it with my nephew I would've cried all the way.
People say that the confession was cringy but what? I loved that confession??? If a guy confessed to me like that I would date him o.o . Plus his reason was good enough to not make it look "cringe"

Idk did you saw the preview? That short haired girl on top of Sakuta? :'(
I saw people complaining that the confession was cheezy and cringey and I'm sitting here like what? That was the entire purpose, if he wanted to have Mai's existence to be reacknowledge than whats a better or more awesome way to scream your love for her in front of the entire student body(it makes narrative sense too as the adolescent syndrome originally took effect with her at school,so it was going to fix her problem if they were going to remember her)? I mean I loved it tbh and to do something so embarrassing to save the girl you love is really cool to me.

I'm not really worried, I think its obvious to everyone that Sakuta has eyes only for Mai, so the girl with the short hair will probably learn rather quickly that she has no chance in hell, especially with how blunt and honest the guy is.
-MahesvaraOct 17, 2018 7:12 PM
My Queens

Oct 17, 2018 7:29 PM

Apr 2015
-Mahesvara said:
I saw people complaining that the confession was cheezy and cringey and I'm sitting here like what? That was the entire purpose, if he wanted to have Mai's existence to be reacknowledge than whats a better or more awesome way to scream your love for her in front of the entire student body(it makes narrative sense too as the adolescent syndrome originally took effect with her at school,so it was going to fix her problem if they were going to remember her)? I mean I loved it tbh and to do something so embarrassing to save the girl you love is really cool to me.

I'm not really worried, I think its obvious to everyone that Sakuta has eyes only for Mai, so the girl with the short hair will probably learn rather quickly that she has no chance in hell, especially with how blunt and honest the guy is.

Yeah people are surely weird to complain about something that is supposed to serve purpose to the narrative. At least it has a lot of positive reception so I'm happy for the anime.

Hgn I'm worried tho, because anime like these always betray me ;_;.
Also about Mai problem. I'm guessing people on school acknowledge her but what about her mom and the other people? Do you think she still has to be acknowledge by the others or the school fixed that?

Gotta thank you again for encouraging me to watch it, otherwise I would probably had ignored it lol.
Oct 17, 2018 7:39 PM
Jan 2015
Veromaye said:
-Mahesvara said:
I saw people complaining that the confession was cheezy and cringey and I'm sitting here like what? That was the entire purpose, if he wanted to have Mai's existence to be reacknowledge than whats a better or more awesome way to scream your love for her in front of the entire student body(it makes narrative sense too as the adolescent syndrome originally took effect with her at school,so it was going to fix her problem if they were going to remember her)? I mean I loved it tbh and to do something so embarrassing to save the girl you love is really cool to me.

I'm not really worried, I think its obvious to everyone that Sakuta has eyes only for Mai, so the girl with the short hair will probably learn rather quickly that she has no chance in hell, especially with how blunt and honest the guy is.

Yeah people are surely weird to complain about something that is supposed to serve purpose to the narrative. At least it has a lot of positive reception so I'm happy for the anime.

Hgn I'm worried tho, because anime like these always betray me ;_;.
Also about Mai problem. I'm guessing people on school acknowledge her but what about her mom and the other people? Do you think she still has to be acknowledge by the others or the school fixed that?

Gotta thank you again for encouraging me to watch it, otherwise I would probably had ignored it lol.
I think it will happen a little overtime, its like what Futuba said with how Mai's adolescent syndrome outbreak most likely originated at school and the effect spread, so now that the problem was resolved at the school, then the resolution should spread as well.

Np, it only caught my eye originally, so I didn't have real big expectations going into it either, but it really has blown me away so far
-MahesvaraOct 17, 2018 7:57 PM
My Queens

Oct 17, 2018 10:41 PM

Nov 2011

Oct 18, 2018 10:15 AM

Jan 2014
This week's Zombieland ep focused less on the comedy and more on the interactions between the girls. Gud episode, but god, the CGI during the idol song was really bad lol.

>next week's episode preview

When the show is trying to give you a necrophilia fetish
Oct 18, 2018 12:58 PM

Nov 2013
I don't think cringe is the right word for that confession. And it's not even as cheesy as someone getting down on one knee in the middle of a date holding a ring.

Second hand embarrassment was real though. I mean I'm sure the other students will just tease him a bit about it but pulling that stunt would normally put you in the "do not approach" category for life. Then again she IS a celebrity and he wasn't rejected so should be fine. Probably.

Anyway, because I made the mistake of picking it up mid-season, I am now more impatient. Good shit :unamused:
Oct 18, 2018 1:50 PM

Apr 2015
Botato said:
I don't think cringe is the right word for that confession. And it's not even as cheesy as someone getting down on one knee in the middle of a date holding a ring.

Second hand embarrassment was real though. I mean I'm sure the other students will just tease him a bit about it but pulling that stunt would normally put you in the "do not approach" category for life. Then again she IS a celebrity and he wasn't rejected so should be fine. Probably.

Anyway, because I made the mistake of picking it up mid-season, I am now more impatient. Good shit :unamused:

Ohhhhhhhhh you're watching bunny girl.
And I agree with you, cringe is not the word to define the feeling.
Also I believe that freaking Seiyu did an awesome work with those screams.

Then again she IS a celebrity and he wasn't rejected so should be fine. Probably.

He will probably forget to tell her that he loves her one day and rip him.
Oct 18, 2018 3:31 PM

Nov 2013
Wait, for those watching Zombieland Saga
Oct 18, 2018 4:44 PM

Oct 2015
Cgi in an idol show, what's new
Smh studios plz
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 18, 2018 7:53 PM

Oct 2014
expecting Zombie memes to make sense kek
Oct 18, 2018 9:37 PM
Jan 2015
So here's one of the current sensations this season, the thighs on Rikka from SSSS.Gridman.

My TL has received quite the spike of fan art for her, haven't tried the anime tho.
My Queens

Oct 18, 2018 9:52 PM

Oct 2015
>thighs without stockings or pantyhoses
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 18, 2018 9:56 PM

Jul 2017
Gridman has a 6.79 on mal rn. I don't get why it's that low, it really isnt all that bad.

And the thighs UwU

GFL NA: 151141 | FGO NA: 622,135,030
FGO JP: 028,976,814 | Magia Record JP: rzMsBapp

Oct 18, 2018 10:01 PM

Jun 2015
Je Suis Christ, those thighs save lives

Oct 18, 2018 10:10 PM
Jan 2015
I've already seen people proposing to start a religion for them thighs

My Queens

Oct 18, 2018 10:21 PM

Oct 2015
lazypigz said:
Gridman has a 6.79 on mal rn. I don't get why it's that low, it really isnt all that bad.

And the thighs UwU

>actually good unique anime getting a good score
nice meme

also gridman is heavily steeped in tokusatsu culture, and is technically even a sequel to the original live action one
yea no way in hell this is gonna get above an 8 lul
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 18, 2018 11:09 PM

Nov 2011
Pixiv is full of her thighs.

Oct 19, 2018 12:59 AM

Apr 2013
I dunno guys, maybe because I'm not the trendy type but I've seen 2 eps of Gridman and felt nothing for the plot nor those thighs. Feels like this meme will be forgotten very quickly.

I'm definitely not saying this to throw off the FBI.
Oct 19, 2018 1:29 AM

Apr 2016
lazypigz said:
Gridman has a 6.79 on mal rn. I don't get why it's that low, it really isnt all that bad.

And the thighs UwU

Because all the alt accounts focus Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai

KaiserNazrin said:
Pixiv is full of her thighs.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 19, 2018 1:34 AM

Aug 2010
This happens every season. Remember Hestia's boob ribbon? Yeah, me neither.
Oct 19, 2018 1:56 AM

Nov 2013
I heard the character designer was specifically told to focus on making her ass big and thighs thick.
Oct 19, 2018 2:26 AM

Oct 2015
legit its bugging me
why does she look like another character i seen before :hmmmm:
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 19, 2018 3:10 AM

Apr 2013
Botato said:
I heard the character designer was specifically told to focus on making her ass big and thighs thick.

Ah, you must be referring to this lovely meme flourishing around Twitter.

Oct 19, 2018 3:25 AM

Nov 2013
Golden_Scarlett said:
legit its bugging me
why does she look like another character i seen before :hmmmm:
Because she does.

I don't remember the anime, but I've seen her before.
Oct 19, 2018 4:17 AM

Oct 2015
Botato said:
Golden_Scarlett said:
legit its bugging me
why does she look like another character i seen before :hmmmm:
Because she does.

I don't remember the anime, but I've seen her before.

Good so its not just me
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 19, 2018 5:01 AM

Nov 2011
Maybe because she look so plain.

Oct 19, 2018 5:59 AM

Jan 2014
Botato said:
Wait, for those watching Zombieland Saga

They were both thinking the same thing and nobody heard Sakura start her speech so Yugiri slapped her and told her the exact same speech cause she thought Sakura was still depressed and wanted to ''snap her out of it''.
Oct 19, 2018 8:32 AM
Jan 2015
The boosts from this season's LN adaptions have already commenced
My Queens

Oct 19, 2018 8:42 AM

Oct 2015
>mfw almost all star va cast
dont do this to me anime reeee
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 19, 2018 11:17 AM

Nov 2013
Yeah ok Index III is bad. More or less expected but still feels sad to see it crash like this.

And mfw some people are still delusional enough to say "it's k dude staff just doesn't care about this arc it's not important anyway" like any of the other arcs will be better with the amount of material-to-episode count ratio.
Oct 19, 2018 12:39 PM

Jan 2014
That's a shame. I'm far too lazy to go read a long LN. Haven't read something text heavy like a VN or a LN for over a year now.
Oct 19, 2018 1:07 PM

Nov 2013
I mean iirc you enjoyed previous seasons from what I could tell so it should be fine. It's more or less the same.

I'm actually impressed (and somewhat relieved) the anime somehow made you curious enough to consider reading the source.
Oct 19, 2018 1:21 PM

Jan 2014
Honestly speaking, it's not really the anime that manages to interest me enough to ponder on whether I should pick up the source or not. Certainly I'm enjoying it a fair deal, but your posts on the source were what piqued my interest somewhat.

Put aside that I've become kinda benevolent in my scoring system (if that's what you based on me being impressed by the anime), what I expected going into Index was essentially a supernatural battle anime with a hopefully enjoyable character cast and at least somewhat engaging storytelling. And that's more or less what I got.

As far as the characterization of it's cast and story writing goes, it's rather simplistic, but I feel it manages to be quirky enough in it's interactions and sufficiently engaging in it's plot direction that I'm more or less comfortable calling it a good show, regardless of the lack of ''depth'' it has that supposedly isn't the case with the LNs. It's still a pretty big shame that it does not manage to properly convey the author's writing quality, but so far, it's difficult for me to find glaring faults within the show itself and my ignorance on the source means I won't really see the same waste of potential that the LN readers do.
AirConditionerOct 19, 2018 1:26 PM
Oct 19, 2018 2:04 PM

Nov 2013
Yup, should be fine with S3 then. Keep in mind it's also been just 3 episodes so far.

And like k I do overreact often. I say it's bad but I mean as an adaptation. It's just kinda annoying that once again they are doing bare minimum (not just in terms of how well they handle the material but also the quality of animation leaves a lot to be desired, for example).
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