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Nov 20, 2016 1:48 AM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
So does it have multiple endings?
How big is the story?
Is Hakunon the only Master appearing?
Are any old Extra characters appearing for any reason?

It has 4 endings for the main story.

It doesn't seem short. The side stories on their own are ~10 hours, so yeah, it's pretty lengthy.

Apparently, no one. Rani appears in the Lu Bu side story as a Raniface for another character, as far as I know so far.
Nov 20, 2016 1:52 AM

Aug 2009
>side stories
>10 hours

Remember when this would be an button smash game with no story at all?
Nov 20, 2016 2:06 AM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
>side stories
>10 hours

Remember when this would be an button smash game with no story at all?

Well, a large chunk of those 10 hours is gameplay. 10 hours overall is low story content for Nasu TBH.
Nov 20, 2016 2:09 AM

Aug 2009
I dont compare it to his other works.

Notes is like 5 pages and you get a very interesting story from it.

My point is that it is far from "no story at all".
Nov 20, 2016 2:36 AM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
I dont compare it to his other works.

Notes is like 5 pages and you get a very interesting story from it.

My point is that it is far from "no story at all".

Notes was made for a competition with length limitations, so it's the exception really. This isn't how Nasu rolls usually. When he said it's low on story, he obviously meant it according to his standards.
Nov 20, 2016 5:08 PM

Sep 2013
astroprogs said:

Indeed :D I really miss our talks man.

The NP edition just has the artbook and the poster, which will be online shortly after the game is released, so it only depends on if you want a physical copy for collection sake.

Also, no Nero mousepad, so i wouldn't bother myself TBH >_>

As have I, old friend :)
I'll be here more often as Extella hype ramps up~

Yeah... just a few things for $20 extra is pretty steep. Wish they added a few extra outfits :/

Oh my, I know what to get you for Christmas, Astro ;)

Don't know if you guys have seen this yet.
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Nov 20, 2016 9:08 PM

Sep 2013

Fate/Extella is outpacing remastered Skyrim and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 in sales.

Astro is now jealous of 18000 Japanese with oppai mouse pads :^)
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Nov 20, 2016 9:36 PM
Nov 21, 2016 6:26 AM

Aug 2010
@Mickdrew Nice! Can't wait :D

Nah man, It wouldn't sit right with me to make you pay for something like a perverted Nero mousepad.
...I would totally make you pay for a Rin's tho >_>

I'm not jealous because some people got suckered into paying premium for a cheaply-made rubber barely-functional mousepad.

.................fuck those guys.
Nov 23, 2016 3:09 PM

Sep 2013
Cheer up, @astroprogs

Nero Clause has brought you an extra special Christmas gift :D
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Nov 25, 2016 5:49 AM
Nov 26, 2016 7:44 PM

Aug 2010
ShinsoPriest said:

astroprogsNov 26, 2016 8:04 PM
Nov 26, 2016 10:19 PM

Aug 2009
I havent read anything from Extella but....

ShinsoPriest said:

Nov 26, 2016 10:28 PM

Aug 2009
And btw, Arthur IS able to use Excalibur in full power.What if Nasu is trying to link Proto to the main canon?
Nov 26, 2016 10:56 PM

Oct 2008

Datamined from FGO forever ago. Grand Saber with the VA listed as Ayako Kawasumi. And really, do you seriously believe the face of Fate wouldn't be Grand Saber?
Nov 26, 2016 11:29 PM

Aug 2009
Yes, because she is far from being the best Saber.
And some datamines ended up being false.
ssjokgNov 26, 2016 11:33 PM
Nov 26, 2016 11:54 PM

Oct 2008
ssjokg said:
Yes, because she is far from being the best Saber.
And some datamines ended up being false.

That's not what Takeuchi thinks.
And most of the datamine is accurate so far.
Nov 26, 2016 11:57 PM

Aug 2009
ShinsoPriest said:
ssjokg said:
Yes, because she is far from being the best Saber.
And some datamines ended up being false.

That's not what Takeuchi thinks.
And most of the datamine is accurate so far.

I want to believe that Nasu can say no from time to time.I mean, look at FSN and FZ and see how Saber is treated there.

[And some datamines ended up being false.
And most of the datamine is accurate so far.]

How are those two different?
Nov 27, 2016 12:05 AM

Oct 2008
ssjokg said:
ShinsoPriest said:

That's not what Takeuchi thinks.
And most of the datamine is accurate so far.

I want to believe that Nasu can say no from time to time.I mean, look at FSN and FZ and see how Saber is treated there.

[And some datamines ended up being false.
And most of the datamine is accurate so far.]

How are those two different?

FSN she was gimped for being too powerful. FZ she also got gimped by Lancer. Should be looking at all the recent stuff and see how she and Excalibur are being wanked, how she's the most popular heroine, how she has a ton of different variations in FGO, etc.

Nov 27, 2016 12:35 AM

Aug 2009
She was rekt or couldnt do shit when she was at her best,both Alter and RinSaber.
If she was THAT good she wouldnt get owned so soon.And even after she healed she was till beaten up.

I see Excalibur being wanked.
I see Divine bing Rho being wanked.
But not Saber.

Liz has a ton of variations now.
And Tamamo has a few.
Cu has more than we thought he would ever get.

I still fail to see how we said different things about the datamine.
Nov 27, 2016 12:48 AM

Oct 2008
ssjokg said:
She was rekt or couldnt do shit when she was at her best,both Alter and RinSaber.
If she was THAT good she wouldnt get owned so soon.And even after she healed she was till beaten up.

I see Excalibur being wanked.
I see Divine bing Rho being wanked.
But not Saber.

Liz has a ton of variations now.
And Tamamo has a few.
Cu has more than we thought he would ever get.

I still fail to see how we said different things about the datamine.

Cuz the plot demanded it.

Look harder.

Liz has 3 variations. Carmilla don't count.
Tamamo also has 3 variations.
Cu has 3 variations and 1 prototype version.
Artoria has 8 variations with a Grand Saber with the same VA on the way.

I dunno, doesn't disprove anything anyway.
ShinsoPriestNov 27, 2016 12:51 AM
Nov 27, 2016 1:12 AM

Aug 2009
That's not an actual explanation.

Even if we ignore modern humans that beat her or Heroes from random places, she still isnt the best in Camelot, so Grand Saber should be anyone in her round table except her.So yeah have seen enough.

If Carmilla doesnt count then Lancer Artoria shouldnt either.

It means that some werent true. G Saber could easily be wrong.
Nov 27, 2016 1:30 AM

Aug 2010
I'd be more surprised if she wasn't Grand Saber TBH.
Artoria is the most recognizable hero to ever use a sword and her NP has been wanked beyond reason. Not to mention, she's TM's cash cow as the iconic face of all TM at this point, not just Fate.
It's not "why would they make her Grand Saber?", it's "why wouldn't they?"

Also, has the leaked info ever been wrong? I can't seem to remember any instance of that.
Nov 27, 2016 1:48 AM

Oct 2008
ssjokg said:
That's not an actual explanation.

Even if we ignore modern humans that beat her or Heroes from random places, she still isnt the best in Camelot, so Grand Saber should be anyone in her round table except her.So yeah have seen enough.

If Carmilla doesnt count then Lancer Artoria shouldnt either.

It means that some werent true. G Saber could easily be wrong.

At her best, Artoria would wreck Heracles but plot demanded she be gimped by getting Gae Bolg'd at the start, and also being summoned by an incompetent master. As RinSaber, she fights against Sasaki when she is at her most disadvantaged, but would blow him away on fair terms. As Alter, she holds back against Shirou by not giving him a face full of Excalibur, reminiscent of the Gilgamesh fight.

Don't have to be the best of the best to be a Grand servant. Lancelot is the better swordsman, but that is not everything.

Artoria still has a ton more variations any way you slice it.

And it could be easily right. It's a moot point really. The datamine has been right so far with only slight deviations in ranking, therefore it holds value.
Nov 27, 2016 3:38 AM

Aug 2009
>At her best, Artoria would wreck Heracles

No indication of such thing.Did Nasu say it?No.Did Takeuchi said it?No.What they DID say was that Herc was created as the strongest(minus Gil).And both Proto and FSN Herc are Berserkers.
Shirou said it.But he also though he could take on Zouken with a stick.
Ilya said it when Herc had only 5 lives.
In no way does any of these make Saber the best.

>s RinSaber, she fights against Sasaki when she is at her most disadvantaged,

You mean at HIS most disadvantaged. When SHE was barely existing in Fate, she couldnt do shit.Sasaki was showing her who is boss at her best, even when he barely existed.

>As Alter, she holds back against Shirou by not giving him a face full of Excalibur, reminiscent of the Gilgamesh fight.

Just because she has Excalibur doesnt mean she is the best.

Just like her "high" rank Instinct is actually shit, a shittier version of EoM.
She didnt feel the best course of action against Zero Lancer, who even warned her.She didnt feel Hassan's trap.She didnt feel Archer attacking both her and Herc with Caladbolg, she didnt feel how dangerous Gil was in the first fight in Fate,she didnt feel Rule Breaker in BOTH Fate and UBW.That last one tho, Shirou whose EoM should be REAAAAAALLLLYYYY low was able to feel how dangerous the situation was in Fate.
She didnt feel any danger from Avenger OR Bazett. etc

Her feats are basically, "Losing?Just use Excaliblast".

astroprogs said:

Also, has the leaked info ever been wrong? I can't seem to remember any instance of that.

Nov 27, 2016 3:41 AM

Aug 2009
Also just because she is the most famous character doesnt mean she is the strongest.
Nov 27, 2016 10:25 AM

Oct 2008
ssjokg said:
>At her best, Artoria would wreck Heracles

No indication of such thing.Did Nasu say it?No.Did Takeuchi said it?No.What they DID say was that Herc was created as the strongest(minus Gil).And both Proto and FSN Herc are Berserkers.
Shirou said it.But he also though he could take on Zouken with a stick.
Ilya said it when Herc had only 5 lives.
In no way does any of these make Saber the best.

>Caliburn takes off 7 lives with a poke
>implying Excalibur which is superior to Caliburn wouldn't obliterate Heracles at full power in one or two uses

Never said Saber is "the best". Just powerful enough to be gimped for plot purposes.

>You mean at HIS most disadvantaged
He had the high ground. His advantage is so good that he can even repel Berserker from getting into the temple.

>Just like her "high" rank Instinct is actually shit, a shittier version of EoM
It saved her from Tsubame Gaeshi even if it was slightly gimped. Not even sure what your point is. Instinct isn't precognition, it just helps you feel the best course of action during battle. It won't tell you that Rule Breaker does what it does, just that it's a shitty harmless dagger. Shirou has an affinity to blades so obviously he would know something is up just by looking at it.

>Her feats are basically, "Losing?Just use Excaliblast".
And Gilgamesh's feats are basically, "Losing?GG use Ea".

ssjokg said:
Also just because she is the most famous character doesnt mean she is the strongest.

She will be once she makes her appearance as a Grand Saber. Popularity plays a part in what happens to characters you know. Especially so when one of the two most important people of Type-Moon loves that character.

ssjokg said:
astroprogs said:

Also, has the leaked info ever been wrong? I can't seem to remember any instance of that.


Emiya Assassin is a thing in the datamine.

Btw, Ishtar was a thing in the datamine as welll. We'll also be getting Parvati(Sakura) sometime in the future. The only thing we can't predict using the datamine are event characters like Loli Santa Jeanne Alter.
Nov 27, 2016 11:27 AM

Aug 2009
>>Caliburn takes off 7 lives with a poke
>implying Excalibur which is superior to Caliburn wouldn't obliterate Heracles at full power in one or two uses

Had to do it from inside.
There is really no indication on how well it would do.
Sure it will hurt him easier than Caliburn will but:
1:We have no reason to think it will kill him 12 times.
2:Implying Saber can just keep Excaliblasting.Only Alter can do that.

>Just powerful enough to be gimped for plot purposes.
So was Cu, Herc, Gil, Sasaki etc

>It saved her from Tsubame Gaeshi even if it was slightly gimped. Not even sure what your point is. Instinct isn't precognition, it just helps you feel the best course of action during battle. It won't tell you that Rule Breaker does what it does, just that it's a shitty harmless dagger. Shirou has an affinity to blades so obviously he would know something is up just by looking at it.

Except that her high rank makes it close to precognition.
My point is that even one of her skills that is suppose to give her the edge in fights didnt work in the majority of her fights.This skill is one of the reasons people wank her.
Shirou understands how RB it works only in HF.

>And Gilgamesh's feats are basically, "Losing?GG use Ea".
Except that Nasu has confirmed that he has a "tool" to counter everything in GoB.

>Emiya Assassin is a thing in the datamine.
Except that people kept debating about Emiya meaning OG EMIYA or Kerry.
Nov 27, 2016 12:22 PM

Oct 2008
ssjokg said:
>Emiya Assassin is a thing in the datamine.
Except that people kept debating about Emiya meaning OG EMIYA or Kerry.

Except it doesn't matter because it was in the datamine, and Kerry is named Emiya(Assassin) ingame.
Cleopatra was in the datamine with the artist listed as the Danganronpa artist. That's exactly what we got. If say they listed something like a certain VA, and we got something entirely different, then I'd get where you're coming from. But that didn't happen.

Grand Saber's VA is Ayako Kawasumi until proven otherwise. That's fact. The only thing you can take from this is whether it will be Artoria since Ayako Kawasumi voices all of them, or some other saberface.

>Implying Saber can just keep Excaliblasting.Only Alter can do that.
She can fire off at least two. She fired off more against Gilgamesh by converting her armor to mana. And I specifically stated that one or two uses of Excalibur would take Heracles. Unless you think that Excalibur would take away less than 7 lives when the weaker projected Caliburn did.

>Except that Nasu has confirmed that he has a "tool" to counter everything in GoB
We're going by FSN and FZ like you said. He's losing, he uses Ea.

I'm not interested in debating how strong Artoria is since that's not what I was intending to talk about in the first place. Just that she has a high possibility to be Grand Saber based on the listed VA and the fact that she's the most popularity character in Fate. Again, you don't have to be the strongest to be a Grand servant. A person who wields the currently most wanked NP in Fate definitely qualifies for that.
Nov 27, 2016 3:45 PM
Jul 2016
Didn't the Einzbern patriarch say something about Artoria being "surely the strongest Saber-Class Servant"?

I guess he might be wrong, but she's in the top tier for sure.
Nov 27, 2016 5:34 PM

Aug 2010
Artoria is, without a doubt, the strongest Saber-Class Servant, even counting the ones we haven't seen like Saber Scathach.
Keeping what Grand Servants are meant to do, there's no NP that's more valuable than Excalibur. Not even Ea.

ShinsoPriest said:
Unless you think that Excalibur would take away less than 7 lives when the weaker projected Caliburn did.

Isn't the high number of multiple hits per shot exclusive to Caliburn?

It's implied that Alter used Excalibur on Herc but couldn't kill him. It only helped the shadow absorb him while he was busy regenerating.
Nov 27, 2016 6:08 PM

Oct 2008
astroprogs said:
Artoria is, without a doubt, the strongest Saber-Class Servant, even counting the ones we haven't seen like Saber Scathach.
Keeping what Grand Servants are meant to do, there's no NP that's more valuable than Excalibur. Not even Ea.

ShinsoPriest said:
Unless you think that Excalibur would take away less than 7 lives when the weaker projected Caliburn did.

Isn't the high number of multiple hits per shot exclusive to Caliburn?

It's implied that Alter used Excalibur on Herc but couldn't kill him. It only helped the shadow absorb him while he was busy regenerating.

It was never stated in FSN to have that sort of effect though. I thought it was the overwhelming force of Caliburn that took away most of his lives. Like it overkilled him. Saber Lily in FGO isn't using its full power, but when used by a true king it gives off an effect similar to Excalibur, but will break from being overwhelmed.

Maybe Alter's Excalibur took away most of his lives, but still has some left remaining? If not then that means Shirou took away most of his lives with Nine Lives which sounds ridiculous.
Nov 27, 2016 6:12 PM

Aug 2010
ShinsoPriest said:
astroprogs said:
Artoria is, without a doubt, the strongest Saber-Class Servant, even counting the ones we haven't seen like Saber Scathach.
Keeping what Grand Servants are meant to do, there's no NP that's more valuable than Excalibur. Not even Ea.

Isn't the high number of multiple hits per shot exclusive to Caliburn?

It's implied that Alter used Excalibur on Herc but couldn't kill him. It only helped the shadow absorb him while he was busy regenerating.

It was never stated in FSN to have that sort of effect though. I thought it was the overwhelming force of Caliburn that took away most of his lives. Like it overkilled him. Saber Lily in FGO isn't using its full power, but when used by a true king it gives off an effect similar to Excalibur, but will break from being overwhelmed.

Maybe Alter's Excalibur took away most of his lives, but still has some left remaining? If not then that means Shirou took away most of his lives with Nine Lives which sounds ridiculous.

In that scene in Fate i think it was implied by Herc that Caliburn in particular was the reason. I think that even its animation in F/GO illustrates its multi-hits ability.

Corrupted Herc doesn't have God Hand. He only had one life. Alter definitely took a life, but couldn't kill him. Excalibur most certainly can't take all 12 lives.
astroprogsNov 27, 2016 6:16 PM
Nov 27, 2016 6:27 PM

Oct 2008
astroprogs said:
ShinsoPriest said:

It was never stated in FSN to have that sort of effect though. I thought it was the overwhelming force of Caliburn that took away most of his lives. Like it overkilled him. Saber Lily in FGO isn't using its full power, but when used by a true king it gives off an effect similar to Excalibur, but will break from being overwhelmed.

Maybe Alter's Excalibur took away most of his lives, but still has some left remaining? If not then that means Shirou took away most of his lives with Nine Lives which sounds ridiculous.

In that scene in Fate i think it was implied by Herc that Caliburn in particular was the reason. I think that even its animation in F/GO illustrates its multi-hits ability.

Corrupted Herc doesn't have God Hand. He only had one life. Alter definitely took a life, but couldn't kill him. Excalibur most certainly can't take all 12 lives.

One flash of light. Single blow. Powerful illusion.

Take F/GO animations with a grain of salt because Alter's Excalibur which is equal to Artoria's Excalibur in every way besides superficial appearances would be multi-hit as well if you count that.

Saber Lily's interlude:
"Caliburn and Excalibur are two different holy swords.
In a sense, Caliburn was something for the sake of rearing King Arthur as a king, a member of royalty.
Originally, Caliburn was meant for ceremonial-use.
If this is employed in battle as a weapon, and its True Name is released, a firepower on the same scale as Excalibur will be displayed, but its blade will probably be unable to withstand Altria's magical energy and break."

Yes, that's why I said one or two usage of Excalibur will do the job. So two usages then.
Nov 27, 2016 6:34 PM

Aug 2010
ShinsoPriest said:

One flash of light. Single blow. Powerful illusion.

Take F/GO animations with a grain of salt because Alter's Excalibur which is equal to Artoria's Excalibur in every way besides superficial appearances would be multi-hit as well if you count that.

Saber Lily's interlude:
"Caliburn and Excalibur are two different holy swords.
In a sense, Caliburn was something for the sake of rearing King Arthur as a king, a member of royalty.
Originally, Caliburn was meant for ceremonial-use.
If this is employed in battle as a weapon, and its True Name is released, a firepower on the same scale as Excalibur will be displayed, but its blade will probably be unable to withstand Altria's magical energy and break."

Yes, that's why I said one or two usage of Excalibur will do the job. So two usages then.

Alright, assuming that Caliburn is equivalent to Excalibur in fire power and hit count, Excalibur still can't kill Herc.
A single blow won't take all 12, and Herc becomes immune after the first usage.
Nov 27, 2016 7:55 PM

Oct 2008
astroprogs said:
ShinsoPriest said:

One flash of light. Single blow. Powerful illusion.

Take F/GO animations with a grain of salt because Alter's Excalibur which is equal to Artoria's Excalibur in every way besides superficial appearances would be multi-hit as well if you count that.

Saber Lily's interlude:
"Caliburn and Excalibur are two different holy swords.
In a sense, Caliburn was something for the sake of rearing King Arthur as a king, a member of royalty.
Originally, Caliburn was meant for ceremonial-use.
If this is employed in battle as a weapon, and its True Name is released, a firepower on the same scale as Excalibur will be displayed, but its blade will probably be unable to withstand Altria's magical energy and break."

Yes, that's why I said one or two usage of Excalibur will do the job. So two usages then.

Alright, assuming that Caliburn is equivalent to Excalibur in fire power and hit count, Excalibur still can't kill Herc.
A single blow won't take all 12, and Herc becomes immune after the first usage.

Not immune, but gains great resistence to the attack upon completely healing from it. And it isn't instant.
Excalibur has a pretty fast activation, and Artoria at full power has A rank STR.
Nov 27, 2016 10:08 PM

Aug 2010
That's Herc's God Hand rule for ufoUBW alongside the full-body buff instead of just limbs for Kuzuki where he actually got Servant-class state for the anime. He added them as differentiating factors for ufoUBW as an AU. It's all in the first set's booklet.
GH's VN rules from CM3 are:

About Excalibur's charging speed vs Herc's regeneration speed, Alter who can fire without limit couldn't kill him, evidently, so there's that.
Nov 27, 2016 10:23 PM
Jul 2016
tbf it was implied in the fate route as well when they said archer killed him in 5 different ways

also, can we all just agree that caliburn killing herc is bullshit because his regeneration shouldn't be halted by a sword unless it breaks magic?

iirc it said that it basically reversed time so it doesn't make sense for any attack to kill him multiple times - sure, he is beat by enough force to die seven times, but he only dies once and then is resurrected.
Nov 27, 2016 10:38 PM

Aug 2010
That's how it was supposed to be like... until Nasu realized he wrote himself into a corner.

That's why I can swallow that Caliburn is special, because something can't kill you more than once no matter how strong it is anyway, so multiple hits that keep destroying his body and essentially killing him over and over before he fully regenerates each time and gains post-resurrection immunity makes more sense.
Nov 27, 2016 10:55 PM

Oct 2008
astroprogs said:
About Excalibur's charging speed vs Herc's regeneration speed, Alter who can fire without limit couldn't kill him, evidently, so there's that.

It didn't seem like she was trying to. The Shadow was doing the job for her.
Nov 28, 2016 12:08 AM

Aug 2010
ShinsoPriest said:
astroprogs said:
About Excalibur's charging speed vs Herc's regeneration speed, Alter who can fire without limit couldn't kill him, evidently, so there's that.

It didn't seem like she was trying to. The Shadow was doing the job for her.

True enough. Although, I don't think Herc's regeneration is that slow or Artoria can just stab him repeatedly while he's down for all 12 lives. That's also assuming Herc would even give her the chance to fire a beam that requires charging in the middle of close-quarters 1v1 fight anyway. Unlike Caliburn, it's not instantaneous.
Nov 28, 2016 2:18 AM

Aug 2009
Alter took 3 lives.

Herc can still resurrect even without his skin.The skin only has the protection.
Since he cant build resistance to NLBW, Shirou is able to kill him 9 times.

Herc's resurrection is fast.In ufoubw he revived before Rin could see again.

No matter how good the Master is,there is no way a np like excalibur can be used so fast.Unless if we are tslking about Dark Sakura.

And if Saber can be Grand Saber just because of Excalibur then what about Richard?Saber cant even use Excalibur at full power if its conditions arent met
Nov 28, 2016 5:59 AM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:

Herc can still resurrect even without his skin.The skin only has the protection.
Since he cant build resistance to NLBW, Shirou is able to kill him 9 times.

His skin IS the crystalization of the myth. Corrupted Herc lost God Hand, so he couldn't regenerate his skin (which is why he still had Alter's wound on his chest), he lost immunity and had only one life.

There's no source on how many lives Alter took, as far as i'm aware.
Nov 28, 2016 8:19 AM
Jul 2016
astroprogs said:
That's how it was supposed to be like... until Nasu realized he wrote himself into a corner.

That's why I can swallow that Caliburn is special, because something can't kill you more than once no matter how strong it is anyway, so multiple hits that keep destroying his body and essentially killing him over and over before he fully regenerates each time and gains post-resurrection immunity makes more sense.

Well, now that I think about it, it could be that Caliburn can just neutralize certain magic and God Hand was a part of that.
It's not exactly elaborated upon, unfortunately.
Nov 28, 2016 2:56 PM

Aug 2009
Caliburn is just a mana canon just like Excalibur.

astroprogs said:
ssjokg said:

Herc can still resurrect even without his skin.The skin only has the protection.
Since he cant build resistance to NLBW, Shirou is able to kill him 9 times.

His skin IS the crystalization of the myth. Corrupted Herc lost God Hand, so he couldn't regenerate his skin (which is why he still had Alter's wound on his chest), he lost immunity and had only one life.

There's no source on how many lives Alter took, as far as i'm aware.

There is no reason fro his lives to be on his skin.

And Nine Lives, even if it is called that, is an 100 combo attack yet Shirou has to specifically use 9, delivering 9 different fatal wounds. And Herc falls only after then ninth. I wont call it Battle Continuation since he didnt attack after getting Caliburned, and missing an eighth of his body is FAR from just a decisive fatal wound or getting Caliburned.

So 12-9=3 lives from Alter.
Nov 29, 2016 8:19 AM

Aug 2014
ssjokg said:
Caliburn is just a mana canon just like Excalibur.

astroprogs said:

His skin IS the crystalization of the myth. Corrupted Herc lost God Hand, so he couldn't regenerate his skin (which is why he still had Alter's wound on his chest), he lost immunity and had only one life.

There's no source on how many lives Alter took, as far as i'm aware.

There is no reason fro his lives to be on his skin.

And Nine Lives, even if it is called that, is an 100 combo attack yet Shirou has to specifically use 9, delivering 9 different fatal wounds. And Herc falls only after then ninth. I wont call it Battle Continuation since he didnt attack after getting Caliburned, and missing an eighth of his body is FAR from just a decisive fatal wound or getting Caliburned.

So 12-9=3 lives from Alter.

Herc's Battle Continuation is different from Cu's. While Cu's was the ability to fight on after fatal wounds, Herc's was just the ability to not die. It's like the difference between keeping 1 HP and being able to fight while in the negatives.

And yeah, Saber's an odd duck. She's hyped up as being strong in both class and legend, but I never really got the sense that she lived up. I mean Cu was held back in their fight via Command Seal, Herc's very existence hinders him, as does Kojiro, and EMIYA doesn't even have a legend to his name, but even while injured in Fate he takes out 6 of Herc's lives, not to mention his achievements in UBW. Speaking of UBW, after contracting with Rin she not only manages to do less damage to Archer than Cu when he had Caster as a master, but she still ends up having Rin taken right from under her nose. And this is supposed to be a fully-powered Saber, too. Hell the only reason she even beat Kojiro was because she had a better sword. Then there was Zero, where the only thing she achieved was blowing up a thing Gil couldn't be bothered with (Tokiomi realized the method for victory long before Kerry, just that Gil was being...well, Gil).

Still like her, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel...underwhelmed.
Nov 29, 2016 11:55 AM

Aug 2009
>Herc's Battle Continuation is different from Cu's. While Cu's was the ability to fight on after fatal wounds, Herc's was just the ability to not die. It's like the difference between keeping 1 HP and being able to fight while in the negatives.

That's not what the skill description says.
Herc will die from a clearly fatal wound.If what you say is true then he would be able to counter attack against Saber and Shirou after getting Caliburned.

Something else I forgot is Herc being alive at that point is impossible if he cant resurrect.
Alter kills him and then he is swallowed by the Shadow. Sakura removes his skin probably because it can nullify her "control".
BUT he is clearly alive when he is following Shirou and Ilya.If his stock of lives lie sin his skin then he shouldnt exist anymore.
Nov 29, 2016 12:07 PM
Jul 2016
AllenNoah said:
ssjokg said:
Caliburn is just a mana canon just like Excalibur.

There is no reason fro his lives to be on his skin.

And Nine Lives, even if it is called that, is an 100 combo attack yet Shirou has to specifically use 9, delivering 9 different fatal wounds. And Herc falls only after then ninth. I wont call it Battle Continuation since he didnt attack after getting Caliburned, and missing an eighth of his body is FAR from just a decisive fatal wound or getting Caliburned.

So 12-9=3 lives from Alter.

Herc's Battle Continuation is different from Cu's. While Cu's was the ability to fight on after fatal wounds, Herc's was just the ability to not die. It's like the difference between keeping 1 HP and being able to fight while in the negatives.

And yeah, Saber's an odd duck. She's hyped up as being strong in both class and legend, but I never really got the sense that she lived up. I mean Cu was held back in their fight via Command Seal, Herc's very existence hinders him, as does Kojiro, and EMIYA doesn't even have a legend to his name, but even while injured in Fate he takes out 6 of Herc's lives, not to mention his achievements in UBW. Speaking of UBW, after contracting with Rin she not only manages to do less damage to Archer than Cu when he had Caster as a master, but she still ends up having Rin taken right from under her nose. And this is supposed to be a fully-powered Saber, too. Hell the only reason she even beat Kojiro was because she had a better sword. Then there was Zero, where the only thing she achieved was blowing up a thing Gil couldn't be bothered with (Tokiomi realized the method for victory long before Kerry, just that Gil was being...well, Gil).

Still like her, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel...underwhelmed.

She didn't just have a better sword than Sasaki, she also had more muscle strength (I think)
He only had the advantage of reach, which went well with the higher ground, though he forfeited that halfway through.
Other than that, he was simply that much better.
Nov 29, 2016 12:58 PM

Oct 2008
AllenNoah said:
ssjokg said:
Caliburn is just a mana canon just like Excalibur.

There is no reason fro his lives to be on his skin.

And Nine Lives, even if it is called that, is an 100 combo attack yet Shirou has to specifically use 9, delivering 9 different fatal wounds. And Herc falls only after then ninth. I wont call it Battle Continuation since he didnt attack after getting Caliburned, and missing an eighth of his body is FAR from just a decisive fatal wound or getting Caliburned.

So 12-9=3 lives from Alter.

Herc's Battle Continuation is different from Cu's. While Cu's was the ability to fight on after fatal wounds, Herc's was just the ability to not die. It's like the difference between keeping 1 HP and being able to fight while in the negatives.

And yeah, Saber's an odd duck. She's hyped up as being strong in both class and legend, but I never really got the sense that she lived up. I mean Cu was held back in their fight via Command Seal, Herc's very existence hinders him, as does Kojiro, and EMIYA doesn't even have a legend to his name, but even while injured in Fate he takes out 6 of Herc's lives, not to mention his achievements in UBW. Speaking of UBW, after contracting with Rin she not only manages to do less damage to Archer than Cu when he had Caster as a master, but she still ends up having Rin taken right from under her nose. And this is supposed to be a fully-powered Saber, too. Hell the only reason she even beat Kojiro was because she had a better sword. Then there was Zero, where the only thing she achieved was blowing up a thing Gil couldn't be bothered with (Tokiomi realized the method for victory long before Kerry, just that Gil was being...well, Gil).

Still like her, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel...underwhelmed.

Archer had the advantage of UBW to killl Heracles 6 separate times.
Saber held back against Archer, knowing who he really is. And they got to the point where if she continued, she risked the lives of Shirou and Rin.

Kojiro just far surpasses Saber in pure sword skills. He probably surpasses even Lancelot in that department.

Yeah the point of FZ was that no one really got anywhere.

If you really want to read Saber at her best, read Garden of Avalon.
Nov 29, 2016 1:57 PM

Aug 2010
ssjokg said:
There is no reason fro his lives to be on his skin.

And Nine Lives, even if it is called that, is an 100 combo attack yet Shirou has to specifically use 9, delivering 9 different fatal wounds. And Herc falls only after then ninth. I wont call it Battle Continuation since he didnt attack after getting Caliburned, and missing an eighth of his body is FAR from just a decisive fatal wound or getting Caliburned.

So 12-9=3 lives from Alter.

God Hand is the armor that grants Herc the three abilities of immunity, resurrection and post-resurrection immunity AKA his skin. A Noble Phantasm is literally a physical crystallization of a legend. His skin is that physical crystallization that grants him these abilities. If he has God Hand, he has its abilities. If he doesn't, he has none.

Shirou couldn't have possibly took nine lives off of Herc with NLBW because it's simply not enough. A strike to to the upper arm or the thighs, as three of the nine strikes, are hardly fatal for a Servant for them to take a life each, especially when you consider that Servants die when they're hit in their spiritual core. Hitting multiple parts of the body can't kill a Servant untill it hits the core, and that's considered a single life.. NLBW was able to kill Herc only once, which is all the lives Herc had without God Hand.

Herc was swallowed alive. He wasn't dead when the Shadow took him in. Normal Herc is never truly dead until his lives run out.
What happened is that he was swallowed alive while he was fighting Alter and got stripped off God Hand immediately before fully regenerating, leaving Alter's scar on his chest.
astroprogsNov 29, 2016 2:10 PM
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