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Oct 16, 2016 4:28 AM

Oct 2015
I think most anime viewers are already pretty analytical though:

Not necessarily for typical "literary" aspects like symbolism or themes but anime fans do analyse aspects like setting, premise and characters to determine their enjoyment.

There are also those who analyse lots of details in action shows to make certain theories about characters, such as all of those "who can kill saitama?" videos/arguments.

In the end this is all just a matter of preference. I doubt most anime fans who watch primarily for gratification and don't care about analysing the stuff they watch are "scared" of the idea of analysing anime, they just simply don't want to. On the other hand you have people who find the idea of analysing anime to be entertaining so I don't think it's a matter of analysis v.s entertainment either.
Oct 16, 2016 6:47 AM

Mar 2012
Analyzing anime like Psycho Pass is one thing but doing the same with a comedy series will only ruin it, maybe not for you but for other fans if you are being too pushy about your analysis being right. Secondly, people can easily interpret the same thing in many ways depending on their interests and other series they have watched, etc, etc... But unfortunately some people will only use their brains where it will give them a reason to fangirl/fanboy over.

A very good example of over-analyzing unnecessary things would be the Kyo Kara Maoh fandom. Red four-eyes and cirlcle fan have made a complete mess with their "read between the lines" interpretations on tumblr and created a huge army of their very own zombie copy bots infected by fujo virus.

After all
Maou_heikaOct 16, 2016 6:51 AM
Oct 16, 2016 9:40 AM

May 2015
Namae_nashi said:
Analyzing anime like Psycho Pass is one thing but doing the same with a comedy series will only ruin it, maybe not for you but for other fans if you are being too pushy about your analysis being right. Secondly, people can easily interpret the same thing in many ways depending on their interests and other series they have watched, etc, etc... But unfortunately some people will only use their brains where it will give them a reason to fangirl/fanboy over.

A very good example of over-analyzing unnecessary things would be the Kyo Kara Maoh fandom. Red four-eyes and cirlcle fan have made a complete mess with their "read between the lines" interpretations on tumblr and created a huge army of their very own zombie copy bots infected by fujo virus.

After all

I don't see how analyzing a comedy ruins it. I analyzed plenty of comedies. A comedy doesn't mean it can't be intelligent. In fact, satire and comedy are often ways to explore ideas deeply.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 16, 2016 10:19 AM

Mar 2012
TheBrainintheJar said:
Namae_nashi said:
Analyzing anime like Psycho Pass is one thing but doing the same with a comedy series will only ruin it, maybe not for you but for other fans if you are being too pushy about your analysis being right. Secondly, people can easily interpret the same thing in many ways depending on their interests and other series they have watched, etc, etc... But unfortunately some people will only use their brains where it will give them a reason to fangirl/fanboy over.

A very good example of over-analyzing unnecessary things would be the Kyo Kara Maoh fandom. Red four-eyes and cirlcle fan have made a complete mess with their "read between the lines" interpretations on tumblr and created a huge army of their very own zombie copy bots infected by fujo virus.

After all

I don't see how analyzing a comedy ruins it. I analyzed plenty of comedies. A comedy doesn't mean it can't be intelligent. In fact, satire and comedy are often ways to explore ideas deeply.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain but oh well...
Kyo Kara Maoh has one of the shittiest fandoms ever. Even though the author has said that her main focus was boys gag and not boys love all the fujoshis always turn even the most comedic situation with Wolfram and Yuuri in romantic ones by over analyzing it. They even consider the anime as "wrong" or "invalid" because it didn't follow the LNs have enough "Yuuram" fujo pandering saying that it's something not from the author and ironically they still like the manga adaptation despite so many plot holes just because the editor did her best to please fujos by abandoning the plot in the end which again was not by the author but they still consider it to be "valid" and "correct". A very basic example would be from the very beginning of the series when Yuuri slapped Wolfram for insulting his mother. Yuuri only did it because he was completely unaware of the traditions of the other world where a slap actually meant proposing marriage, but fujos say that he's completely gay and it was love at first sight, he just needed a chance to do it. Even when Yuuri tries to avoid Wolfram's advances fujos just analyze that Yuuri hasn't realized his "true feelings" because he was born and raised in the homophobic Japan. According to them there are subtle hints which obviously implies Yuuri loving Wolfram, even having married him behind our backs "but the author doesn't want to tell us" and they are having gay sex. I'm like wtf!? are we even talking about the same series!? The gags were more than obvious with a comedic bgm and all but fujos....
I have read the novels myself, the Japanese ones but I didn't find any such implications and the anime didn't really misinterpret the jokes till it followed the LNs.

Of course that doesn't apply to all comedy but most comedy stuff I've watched was straight forward without hidden implications in the gags part at least.
Maou_heikaOct 16, 2016 10:26 AM
Oct 16, 2016 2:30 PM

Sep 2015
TitanAnteus said:
My question is, why is it that people don't want to take that extra step? Also, when does it stop being the case of something being buried a little deeper in the show and just become pretentious? If you think it's pretentious please give examples because I'm really curious about those thoughts :)

Because sitting there and deeply pondering whatever shit I watch is something I find immensely boring, immensely tiresome, and can generally make something unenjoyable, or at least not as enjoyable as it could've been, to me?

People praise Monster for some sort of psychological depth bullshit or whatever, but I liked it because I found the chase for this puppetmaster to be enthralling. I do not want to sit there and think deeply on it, and if you want to say that I'm missing out on part of the experience for watching it for the thrill of the chase instead of for the philosophical what-have-you's than be my guest, but if I enjoy it then I don't really care about how technically well done it is or how deep the narrative goes.

Thinking is tiring enough when applying it to shit happening in real life. The best part of entertainment is that you don't necessarily have to view it in the same vein that you view reality. If you want something that makes you question things, fine man, you do you, but I'm not a pussy who is afraid of taking the extra step just because I'm more content watching things for the sake of enjoyment than any form of intellectual stimulation. I go to work, I study, and I manage my life to the best of my ability. Looking to just kick back and have some fun at the end of the day instead of continuing to work my brain past what I feel is necessary for the sake of intellectualism is not something I don't do out of fear, it's something I don't do because I genuinely don't want to do it.

Oct 16, 2016 2:37 PM

Aug 2014
No, You analyze my favorite shows and i will analyze your arguments and beat you.
Oct 16, 2016 3:00 PM

Jul 2014
Like it or not, analyzing is a subjective process that varies depending on your culture and your expectations. You were talking about religious symbols in Evangelion, some may think it's just a lazy way of providing an aesthetic and a supposedly deep background to the anime without actually creating one. For example, a lot of fantasy manga use christian symbols just because it's weird and solemn. Or little girls in horror movies, that's creepy but there's rarely a real reflection about childhood behind it.

Some people don't wanna look for meanings in details that may have none, and most of them just want to be transported into an anime without thinking of it as a piece of art that can be dissected. It would ruin the magic. I personnaly like to analyze what I watch but I suck at it.
Oct 16, 2016 3:07 PM
Jan 2015
honestly I think it is up to you to come up with the best interpretation. However you should also look at others arguments.
Oct 16, 2016 3:08 PM

Sep 2016
I think many people do not even bother to analyze an anime, are more casual.
"There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths." ― Friedrich Nietzsche
Oct 16, 2016 4:41 PM

Apr 2016
I think they simply don't want to rather than being scared.

Honestly going super-duper deep full analyst mode is kinda overrated imo.I'd like to put it like paying more attention or interpret from your prespective.This way there is no 1 certain answer to ''What was the meaning behind of this scene'' and to me it's a super cool thing because everyone can come up with their own idea and we can discuss and see how others interpret that particular scene.

However with the word analysis/analyzing it's like assuming there is one certain answer behind the scene that everyone should figure out like an unchangeable fact.For eg. analyzing a crime that occured in a show guessing who the culprit is.We can all come up with our theories but at the end there is one certain answer.

But these are just my thoughts.
Oct 16, 2016 8:08 PM
Aug 2016
@Intense_ I'm not sure i buy that. Most people realize that there's going to be subjective aspects to analyzing art. Partly because we do so based on our own experience & worldview, but also because we aren't infallible.

There are some certain answers in analyzing art, because the creator(s) use literary devices to convey particular ideas & themes. Is it always clear what those ideas are? No, but sometimes it is!
Oct 16, 2016 11:44 PM

Jul 2014
Iv noticed alot of people on here go way too far in analyzing things and sound snooty and pretentious but then theres people who analyze shows that arnt supposed to be analyzed, theres just so many different situations to talk about that are wrong

But yeah Anime in general isnt worth "Analyzing" like its a piece of literature because its still just an animated show and what its trying to portray is blatantly shown for obvious reasns

There's special shows here and there that require thought but not many at all compared to everything else

Talking about what the show meant to you and how it made you feel and what little quirks you like with how it carried itself is alot more interesting to me then its "inner working" and getting all fake deep about it
ZjjOct 16, 2016 11:58 PM
Oct 17, 2016 12:21 AM

Oct 2016
I love psycho pass and your gun analysis was really cool! Also, those people that think all those literary devices/techniques are "pretentious" or "don't help the anime" they realize that shows and books would be so boring and unenjoyable without them? Plus the creators want you to analyse and pick up on their symbolism and their messages.
Oct 17, 2016 1:34 AM

May 2015
Namae_nashi said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I don't see how analyzing a comedy ruins it. I analyzed plenty of comedies. A comedy doesn't mean it can't be intelligent. In fact, satire and comedy are often ways to explore ideas deeply.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain but oh well...
Kyo Kara Maoh has one of the shittiest fandoms ever. Even though the author has said that her main focus was boys gag and not boys love all the fujoshis always turn even the most comedic situation with Wolfram and Yuuri in romantic ones by over analyzing it. They even consider the anime as "wrong" or "invalid" because it didn't follow the LNs have enough "Yuuram" fujo pandering saying that it's something not from the author and ironically they still like the manga adaptation despite so many plot holes just because the editor did her best to please fujos by abandoning the plot in the end which again was not by the author but they still consider it to be "valid" and "correct". A very basic example would be from the very beginning of the series when Yuuri slapped Wolfram for insulting his mother. Yuuri only did it because he was completely unaware of the traditions of the other world where a slap actually meant proposing marriage, but fujos say that he's completely gay and it was love at first sight, he just needed a chance to do it. Even when Yuuri tries to avoid Wolfram's advances fujos just analyze that Yuuri hasn't realized his "true feelings" because he was born and raised in the homophobic Japan. According to them there are subtle hints which obviously implies Yuuri loving Wolfram, even having married him behind our backs "but the author doesn't want to tell us" and they are having gay sex. I'm like wtf!? are we even talking about the same series!? The gags were more than obvious with a comedic bgm and all but fujos....
I have read the novels myself, the Japanese ones but I didn't find any such implications and the anime didn't really misinterpret the jokes till it followed the LNs.

Of course that doesn't apply to all comedy but most comedy stuff I've watched was straight forward without hidden implications in the gags part at least.

You take a single series but that doesn't prove anything. If analyzing comedy is bad, what about Catch-22? That was a comedy and it went deep in its satire.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 17, 2016 1:41 AM
Jul 2018
I know I am. I know if I analyse kiseijuu I will love it less and less and maybe hate it.
Oct 17, 2016 2:53 AM
May 2009
Oct 17, 2016 2:56 AM

May 2015
opheliakc said:
I know I am. I know if I analyse kiseijuu I will love it less and less and maybe hate it.

Why? If an anime doesn't stand under analysis, then it's really not good. An anime is good because of specific things about it. If you can say what you liked about Kiseijuu, then you just analyzed it.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 17, 2016 3:59 AM

Mar 2012
TheBrainintheJar said:
You take a single series but that doesn't prove anything. If analyzing comedy is bad, what about Catch-22? That was a comedy and it went deep in its satire.

Haven't watched it, like I said most comedy series I've watched were pretty straight forward.
Oct 17, 2016 4:10 AM

May 2015
Namae_nashi said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
You take a single series but that doesn't prove anything. If analyzing comedy is bad, what about Catch-22? That was a comedy and it went deep in its satire.

Haven't watched it, like I said most comedy series I've watched were pretty straight forward.

Analysis isn't getting the hidden meaning. Analysis is thinking why you like it, why the joke was funny, why the character looks ugly and so forth.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Oct 17, 2016 6:06 AM

Jun 2015
ypu ppl are reading too much into animee.
what symbolism?

or maybe im just too dumb to not understand such stuffz/

i dont analyza anything
Oct 17, 2016 7:49 AM

Jan 2015
TitanAnteus said:
A lot of the times these devices don't serve to understand the work but just to broaden your understanding of it.

For instance, you can understand the main point and some messages of the anime psycho-pass without any understanding of it. Being able to analyze the show through different lenses, though can improve your respect and most importantly enjoyment of the show.

Using Psycho Pass as an example, let's talk about the Dominator really quickly.

In Psycho-Pass the Dominator is a symbol. It's a gun that connects to the Sybil system which is the governing system/society. A police officer using the dominator is someone that works within the system. It's a symbol that you adhere to the way society does things, so when the dominator doesn't fire at Makishima that's the same as society not being able to judge a criminal.

If that's the case then what about Kogami's revolver? The person who decides when it's fired and who it kills is none other than Kogami himself. That means that the action of abandoning the dominator and deciding only to use the revolver is the same thing as abandoning society's precepts and choosing to take justice into his own hands.

That extra bit of information, most people who watched the show gleamed helped them better appreciate and improve their enjoyment of Psycho Pass.

Some shows require you to analyze it in order to even enjoy it like Yuri Kuma Arashi.

Lots of anime users on this site, however, are afraid of taking that extra step of looking deeper into their shows. It's sometimes a required step for other works.

My question is, why is it that people don't want to take that extra step? Also, when does it stop being the case of something being buried a little deeper in the show and just become pretentious? If you think it's pretentious please give examples because I'm really curious about those thoughts :)
First of all I want to say this is a perfect example. I just watched psycho pass around a week ago, and I couldn't agree more. A lot of the times these deeper themes I think are what make an anime not great, but incredible. Also, I might add the "From The New World" is another great example of deeper themes that make the show incredible.

I think coming off as pretentious can be one of two things.
1. People who are not able to see the deeper connections feeling inferior to people who do so they call them pretentious.
2. I can't think of a specific example, but I think sometimes when people refer to a show as pretentious, is when is tries to have deep themes, but its only surface level.
This is an indirect example, but it is all I have. When a show simply kills someone off and calls it drama. Its something to surface level that there isn't much behind it.
Oct 17, 2016 7:56 AM

Feb 2013
Good luck watching an Ikuhara anime without analyzing symbolism xD

Imo im not really good interpreting symbolism or deep meaning but I do like reading about it and it makes me apreciaré the show more.

Theres just some people who just prefeer the simple stuff

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