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Nov 22, 2010 12:45 AM

Sep 2008
I used to like Kirino but she gets more bitchy and annoying every episode that yes, I have started to dislike her.

So, does anyone (besides me) dislike Kirino?
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Nov 22, 2010 12:47 AM

Mar 2009
I don't quite like her. She's annoying at times and treats her bro like shit and he doesn't deserve such treatment. I don't hate her though (for now anyway).
Nov 22, 2010 7:51 AM
Sep 2007
On a certain level I can understand why she's mean towards her brother (having a sister myself I can understand more or less), doesn't make her any less annoying or bitchy though.
Nov 22, 2010 7:53 AM
Jun 2008
my love for Kirino is as deep as this Anime ><

She is the reason I watch this Anime !!

edit: If Kirino act nice and showing cutey face to her bro, then this Anime is no difference than any Imouto ero game I play ><
MorningGloryNov 22, 2010 8:02 AM
Nov 22, 2010 7:57 AM

Oct 2010
She is the reason why I dropped this anime.
Nov 22, 2010 8:02 AM
Aug 2010
i would say that im nuetral but who knowz :D
Nov 22, 2010 8:02 AM

Aug 2010
I like her character, she reminds me of myself before I learned how to properly interact with people.
Nov 22, 2010 8:25 AM

Nov 2010
I am neutral, since I'm waiting for her to "blow up". Most of tsunderes will not shine before the time comes, and Taiga have prove that for me. But most of usual tsunderes also can't develop to my expectation level, or some just take too long time before they grow up.

But I think in three or four weeks I will get the answer. I am still optimist that I will like Kirino, though.

So, I think my answer is, just wait till the show end, except if you are not that patient
Nov 22, 2010 8:30 AM

Jan 2009
She is irritating, but she also has a slightly good reason to be.
Nov 22, 2010 9:14 AM

Feb 2009
Well, I know she has her reasons and all, and most of the time she's alright. HOWEVER, there are times when she's being a total witch and needs a good old fashion reality check. I realy don't know why she's so popular though, especially with Kuroneko in the same show. Really, she's obviously the better character ;P
Nov 22, 2010 9:29 AM
Aug 2009
I REALLY HATE HER and she should definitely get a reality check! Why is she so popular?
Nov 22, 2010 10:39 AM

Nov 2008
I would love her as a sister, sure she's acts like a total diva at times, but it bodes extremely well with her tsundere personality.

Nov 22, 2010 10:46 AM

Aug 2010
I absolutely love her just because she is cute and I've always been really patient so I could put up with here as my little sister.
Nov 22, 2010 10:48 AM

Dec 2007
I quite like her, but she's not even close to being one of my favourite tsundere.
Nov 22, 2010 10:52 AM

Apr 2010
I like her. She actually resembles my little sister in some ways.

Nov 22, 2010 2:13 PM

Feb 2010
i basic hate tsundere's.
so i do hate kirino.
Nov 22, 2010 5:36 PM

Jan 2009
Tons of people consider her annoying.

There is just no excuse for the way she acts; freudian or abandonment issues doesn't justify it (not like it justifies anything, it normally just explains stuff). Even the characters in series were discussing something that basically came down to "she is a mary sue irl" (well, irl for them). Good at everything, angry at everyone even though they all love her while not being able to explain why.

It's not even that she is tsundere (Kuroneko is far more of a tsundere at this point of the anime, she has more of that "it's not like I something something" attitude). She is just... bipolar tending to the angry and violent side.
Nov 22, 2010 7:30 PM

Jun 2009
Started off liking her, but since her bitchiness and manipulative ways are being exposed, I dislike her a lot now. I wouldn't say I hate her, but she definitely needs a reality check.

Nov 22, 2010 7:47 PM

May 2010
neutral, , and i wont say i hate her, shes the reason why this anime gets working.. and also if i add some reasons and facts then it would totally contradict with the anime.
well im just gonna say in my point of view her being a tsundere is becoming less apparent, idk thats just me. but still like her in some ways, and maybe the next episodes will do the trick

but just to be clear, kuroneko is my favorite in this anime =D


Nov 22, 2010 10:21 PM

Oct 2010
MorningGlory said:
my love for Kirino is as deep as this Anime ><

She is the reason I watch this Anime !!

edit: If Kirino act nice and showing cutey face to her bro, then this Anime is no difference than any Imouto ero game I play ><

..Lol Sooo ...True . Haha
Nov 22, 2010 10:25 PM

Jul 2008
Most annoying character ever.
I seriously don't mind much the other tsundere but I would just punch Kirino so much.
Nov 22, 2010 10:51 PM

Jun 2008
I've said it before and I will say it again: She needs an anvil dropped on her. A heavy one.
Nov 22, 2010 11:03 PM

Sep 2010
Kirino has mostly ups with me rather than downs (if really none at all). I don't know why, but although she may seem annoying, I still love her anyway.
Nov 22, 2010 11:48 PM

Jun 2008
Koi-phan said:
Honestly, can't you guys see that Kirino is quite pitiful? I mean, most of her life was probably filled with sadness due to Kyousuke ignoring her, this sadness eventually lead to the 2 siblings ignoring each other.

And now that Kyousuke is finally starting to show concern on her, do you really think she let go of what happened in the past few years and become the generic, cute and loving Imouto? Do you think its possible for her to show a huge change of heart when she has been scarred by Kyousuke ignoring her for so long?

Please remind me of the part where it's shown Kirino is "scarred" by Kyousuke's ignorance of her in the past (or even that Kyousuke truly ignored her?). As far as I can tell, she doesn't really care.

I wouldn't expect her to be all lovey-dovey, but I would expect her to show at least some appreciation for the shit her brother goes through for her. It's insane that he even continues, and even more insane that he just shrugs off her insults.

Oh and, think about it: From barely talking to each other to asking Kyousuke out on a Christmas Date on the pretext of getting materials. How can you not call that an improvement in their relationship?

Personally, I don't agree with the whole "Christmas date" thing just yet.

And lastly, as of what she said at the end of ep 8, how the next Life Counseling session will be the last one. It could show that Kirino is finally starting to feel bad for Kyousuke standing up for her all the time and yet keeping quiet about it.

It could. And if it goes in that direction, that could turn out very good. Let's hope.

If anyone can counter everything i said with a decent arguement, then i rest my case, you can continue to hate her.

Oh, I don't hate her. Not yet, at least. It all depends on how things go down from here.
Nov 23, 2010 12:03 AM

Jun 2008
Koi-phan said:
Redfoxoffire said:
Koi-phan said:
Honestly, can't you guys see that Kirino is quite pitiful? I mean, most of her life was probably filled with sadness due to Kyousuke ignoring her, this sadness eventually lead to the 2 siblings ignoring each other.

And now that Kyousuke is finally starting to show concern on her, do you really think she let go of what happened in the past few years and become the generic, cute and loving Imouto? Do you think its possible for her to show a huge change of heart when she has been scarred by Kyousuke ignoring her for so long?

Please remind me of the part where it's shown Kirino is "scarred" by Kyousuke's ignorance of her in the past (or even that Kyousuke truly ignored her?). As far as I can tell, she doesn't really care.

I wouldn't expect her to be all lovey-dovey, but I would expect her to show at least some appreciation for the shit her brother goes through for her. It's insane that he even continues, and even more insane that he just shrugs off her insults.

When he was asking her to try to talk Ayase over in ep5, Kirino literally broke down and said
"You've never cared about me my whole life, and only now you're trying to act the big brother part?!"
And that was also followed by her shocked expression that she said that shortly after.

Honestly, if the way she said it and her expression doesn't imply that she was scarred by Kyousuke ignoring her, then I don't know what is.

I think that breakdown was caused more by the possible loss of her friendship with Ayase than being scarred from her brother ignoring her. That line simply came out in her frustration at the entire situation; I didn't see it having anything to actually do with their past together (or away from each other).
Nov 23, 2010 12:15 AM

Nov 2007
Redfoxoffire said:
I think that breakdown was caused more by the possible loss of her friendship with Ayase than being scarred from her brother ignoring her. That line simply came out in her frustration at the entire situation; I didn't see it having anything to actually do with their past together (or away from each other).

So does everyone agree this anime needs some bloody flashback? I hope it does. Its not like kyousuke is 10 years older than Kirino to put up with the shit. If Kirino can be thought to be going through those difficult ages, so did kyousuke (and during which, he didn't give shit to her) and since he is matured now, decided to put up an older brother act. watch bakuman instead. those two nobodies are working their ass off to get a manga serialized, let alone being animated. kirino wrote shit 'My City' and still bitched about how her 'yuri' crapload didn't get to follow her yuri-fantasy. as much as i can understand guys liking yuri and gals liking yaoi, i cant simply understand someone liking yuri being a girl, unless otherwise she has hots for ayase. sorry, i finally had to say this.
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Nov 23, 2010 12:43 AM

Nov 2007
Koi-phan said:
And truth to be said, despite the fact that she constantly denies it, Kirino obviously have some feelings for Kyousuke beyond that of normal siblings (eg, getting jealous when Kyousuke is with the Neighbour-Girl)

i dont even. that would be an epic reason for me to give my vote to "I REALLY HATE HER." I would rather see a nice boat ending than bloody incest. kyosuke should get manami grandma, still better than ending up with kirino.

I gave vote to: Who cares? It's only an anime.
shanimebibNov 23, 2010 12:46 AM
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Nov 23, 2010 12:09 PM

Jan 2009
as much as i can understand guys liking yuri and gals liking yaoi, i cant simply understand someone liking yuri being a girl, unless otherwise she has hots for ayase. sorry, i finally had to say this.

Oh you did NOT just say that. Hahaha. NO. Well excuse me, and the thousands of yuri fangirls out there Dx

Back on topic: Tsundere, I luv. Hence the reason why I don't hate her. True she is quite the ungrateful one, and those tsunderes are kinda hard to find these days, they always show their weak side too early on... Maybe that's what's interesting and awesome about her? Don't lose the front! XD Tsundere all the way! XD

Oh, and I support Koi-phan's opinion all the way, couldn't have said it better.

It's amazing how people keep comparing OreImo and Bakuman. The point in both shows is different, there can't be a comparison. Even if we look it from the shounen point of view, and not from seinen point of view (meaning, let's pretend there's no incest, brother/sister complex nor intention of having any of these in the show...)... OreImo (from shounen POV) is about how a brother and a sister should strenghten their bonds, since they are siblings and perhaps no one in the world can love you and support you as much as your parents/brothers and sisters do... So, what do we have here? The brother felt that he has to do something, so he stood up for her. He keeps getting attached to her in some way, starting to show brother-like feelings, and not just ignoring her, treating her like a stranger. The whole "anime adaptation" plot was in order for him to realize how he cares so much for her /being his sister/ that he "lost his face" in front of all those directors and whatever, even though he clearly has no clue about how is anime made and so forth.
While in Bakuman, the premise is how you should work hard, in order to produce something worthwhile; to make it big. See my point?

p.s.: Another reason why I like her, is because she resembles me in some aspects XDD I truly admire the fact she is the main heroine and made her own harem of imoutos XD My dream come true! You go, girl XD (Though I prefer the -senpai adressing ^_^ )Or when she says "Only from the opening, you can die from all the moe, and that;s why this anime is so good!!" XD Haha, I can totally see myself saying that... And have said it numerious of times... Moe, I luv XD
Nao-staniNov 23, 2010 12:21 PM
Nov 23, 2010 12:11 PM

Feb 2010
She is the reason why I started watching this anime and because of her brother's VA.
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Nov 23, 2010 10:04 PM

Aug 2009
I started to watch 2 episodes and from the looks of it, she becomes bitchier as the anime progresses. Seeing how most of the posts here are towards hating her, I might have second thoughts...there are other ways to solve the whole sister to brother relationship than being a total bitch...just saying...

Personally if i had a sister like that I would get pissed and leave...really...respect your elders kid....
Nov 23, 2010 10:11 PM

Aug 2010
I'm in the middle really. Annoying as hell in some part, super cute in other ways. I guess i'll wait until the season is over before casting my vote.
fuck everything and rumble
Nov 24, 2010 4:51 AM
Nov 2010
I don't particularily like tsundere (except for Rin ha ha ha) but I have a serious weakness for Kirino.
She's bitchy, that's true. But she's like this for a reason.

Just to be safe
Nov 24, 2010 5:44 AM

Apr 2009
I hate her. Self-centered bitch. Spoiled brat.
She's annoying, always yelling at people, ordering her brother around. There's no excuse for her behaviour, don't tell me it's because she wants to get close to her brother, there are nicer ways to do that.
She doesn't deserve her brother and her friends since she treats them like garbage. Kyousuke is always doing everything for her, and she doesn't even thank him. And the only time she says "thank you", she was like "it's too hard for me to thank someone like you, you should be grateful for that".
I hated the last episode. So, when Kirino doesn't get what she wants, she falls sick and makes an emo-drama ?
I just can't understand why people think she's moe. Someone who doesn't respect you and who treats you like shit is moe ?

If only her anime adaptation was cancelled. That bitch would have learned that she can't have everything in life.
Nov 24, 2010 6:09 AM
Aug 2009
Liking and hating her is pretty much how the entire animes been going anyway. Some episodes she is so cute one could just die and others she is so overtly ungrateful that it could irritate you to death.
Over all I love her character, imo she is one the finest examples of how to be tsundere. It's true that I'd love to see more gratitude or consideration from her part but at the same time all the "hate" she builds up only helps to make you love her more when she does show her weak side. Like the self proclaimed God of Conquests said: Hate can quickly to turn to love. That holds true for Kirino here.
Personally I love psychoanalyzing the characters in animes to justify their actions and therfore I agree with Koi-phan and Nao-stani.
If there is any character to hate in Oreimo its not Kirino imo.
I think it should be Ayase, or if not hate then atleast you have to be wary, that girl is seriously psychotic...
Nov 24, 2010 7:13 AM

Aug 2009
The anime title is kinda misleading, I suppose most people would think she would be grateful sometimes, but seeing how they are on episode 8 out of 12, and I still hear people complain about her attitude, I'm curious as to what are they going to do for the next 4 episodes? Keep her bitchy attitude and on the last episode she's all "Onii-chan!"? Bleh...
Nov 24, 2010 10:25 AM

Jul 2008
I don't think she's been scarred at all. Think about it, do you think SHE ever made an attempt to speak to Kyo? I really doubt it, so you can't blame the guy especially when your sister's a complete bitch. I think the reason I hate Kirino is because she's tsundere and I'm fed up with that trope. The supporting cast is pretty solid, but the other characters are fucking ridiculous.
Nov 24, 2010 10:58 AM
Nov 2010
Well post number one here, hopefully I don't mess it up. I've been talking to some friends about this and I found it weird how hostile her brother was in this episode(ep8), but it got me thinking.

I watch a lot of tsundere stuff so perhaps I'm a lot more forgiving, I know they are going to soften up at some point so I forgive a lot in the early stages. Also there's the fact she's super cute, she could get away with murder!
Nov 24, 2010 2:16 PM

Aug 2009
Just finished until episode 8 and wow, nothing cute about her really...not one thank you or anything...she brags more than anything else...I'd smack some sense into her really...pisses me off...
Nov 24, 2010 2:32 PM

Nov 2007
Rykimaruh said:
Just finished until episode 8 and wow, nothing cute about her really...not one thank you or anything...she brags more than anything else...I'd smack some sense into her really...pisses me off...

she did thank him once, clearly saying 'arigatou ne... aniki' when he was forced to face domeshtic bhaiolance at the hands of oyaji, episode 3 may be. can't remember.
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Nov 24, 2010 2:46 PM

Aug 2009
shanimebib said:
she did thank him once, clearly saying 'arigatou ne... aniki' when he was forced to face domeshtic bhaiolance at the hands of oyaji, episode 3 may be. can't remember..

yes...once. i don't expect her to be all "Onii-chan!!!" or drooling over her older bro for being awesome, but after the things her bro goes I think she should be a bit more grateful and we should be able to notice some changes in her attitude towards him...

I finished up until episode 8 and there's no more "thank you", just brag, brag, brag. Brother gets treated like crap even more and that's it. I'm just curious as to how their relationship will actually end in the last 4 episodes left really...
Nov 24, 2010 7:28 PM

Aug 2008
she's annoying to the level of wrecking my nerves sometimes. but i don't think i hate her.
but maybe i wouldn't want an imotou like her >.<
i prefer cute on like miya :D
Nov 24, 2010 9:55 PM
Aug 2009
Ok, here's the thing (I don't know why I'm defending Kirino even after my vote is Other..., maybe I cast the wrong ballot?) why in the world do you want her to say thank you anyway? That would ruin her image absolutely, and haven't you ever done something covertly and feel proud that that person's happiness is through your actions even if they don't know it? I know I have and I remembered laughing my butt off and feeling great later on after I went to my own room and recalled how happy they were because of my actions whether they knew it or not. And another thing, isn't it enough that she has her "I miss you but I don't want to show it" moments like in episode 6? Honestly, for a character like Kirino that's the best type of cute that exists and isn't that how tsundere's are suppose to be? I won't comment in all the tsundere haters or dislikers out there because there is no point in arguing against someone who hates the trope anyway, but the people who hate Kirino because she isn't thankful or that she's being a (I think it is blasphemy to say it, again wondering if I cast the wrong ballot) "bitch" or any other reason for that matter really needs to look up the definition of tsuns. She's annoying sometimes, she could make you tear your hair out due to frustration on others, but that is the whole point no? Bottom line hating Kirino because she's tsun ok, no argument there you hate the trope, hating Kirino because she is very good at being tsun, well you got it all wrong my brothers and sisters of the anime world!
Nov 24, 2010 10:17 PM

Aug 2009
clannadlover said:
Ok, here's the thing (I don't know why I'm defending Kirino even after my vote is Other..., maybe I cast the wrong ballot?) why in the world do you want her to say thank you anyway? That would ruin her image absolutely, and haven't you ever done something covertly and feel proud that that person's happiness is through your actions even if they don't know it? I know I have and I remembered laughing my butt off and feeling great later on after I went to my own room and recalled how happy they were because of my actions whether they knew it or not. And another thing, isn't it enough that she has her "I miss you but I don't want to show it" moments like in episode 6? Honestly, for a character like Kirino that's the best type of cute that exists and isn't that how tsundere's are suppose to be? I won't comment in all the tsundere haters or dislikers out there because there is no point in arguing against someone who hates the trope anyway, but the people who hate Kirino because she isn't thankful or that she's being a (I think it is blasphemy to say it, again wondering if I cast the wrong ballot) "bitch" or any other reason for that matter really needs to look up the definition of tsuns. She's annoying sometimes, she could make you tear your hair out due to frustration on others, but that is the whole point no? Bottom line hating Kirino because she's tsun ok, no argument there you hate the trope, hating Kirino because she is very good at being tsun, well you got it all wrong my brothers and sisters of the anime world!

Tsunderes- Japanese character development process which describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.

Yes, I looked up the word to make sure we're on the same page here. I get the whole tsunderes, but with 4 episodes left, how are the producers, directors, author, etc going to make Kirino show her warm side? So far she has the pride of being perfect (which apparently doesn't like too much). She asked him(her big "aniki")for his help desperately and then treats him like crap. Personally I don't want a "thank you" on every damn episode because then that would be annoying and to soft. But at least she could gradually be less "bitchy", "self-glrified" girl and be more helpful, seeing how the brother is trying his best...

yes, there are moments where she looks up to him for help, but in a menacing manner...really? If that happened to me I would ditch her right there and be gone really...maybe that's how I would be, but I wouldn't let my pride be stomped by anyone and no less my "little" respect these days...*sigh*

I'm going to give it a chance and see how it end, then perhaps some shed of hope can be seen from it....but if she stays the same, then there's no point in calling it tsunderes really...
Nov 24, 2010 10:44 PM
Aug 2009
The difference between most tsunderes and this particular tsundere imo is that she isnt going to show her "warm side" at least not within the anime (honestly, I think the anime is too short for that). At this point the best character development is her being jealous of Manami. How can you really claim that she hasn't developed any since the start of the anime? Her development is slow i can agree to that and sometimes its down right frustrating, but then again when she throws her little tantrum when Kyouske wasn't there or when she shows her apparent dislike for Manami, its enough for me. Sure there are issues with respect I'll attest to that but then aren't tsunderes generally disrespectful with people they whom they want to be with the most? I could name a number of animes with frustrating heroines because of the trope. The only thing I agree with is that she goes overboard here and there and that she should try to develop faster, but the other side of the coin, I think she's doing marvelously considering that the animes too short for a long term development which is imo how its suppose to be.
Nov 24, 2010 11:08 PM

Aug 2010
Well Im neutral...sometimes she's a little bitch...sometimes she looks kawaii....other times she is a REAL pain in the ass...but I think that's the special detail that makes it different from other animes :3
Nov 25, 2010 7:55 AM

Aug 2009
clannadlover said:
The difference between most tsunderes and this particular tsundere imo is that she isnt going to show her "warm side" at least not within the anime (honestly, I think the anime is too short for that). At this point the best character development is her being jealous of Manami. How can you really claim that she hasn't developed any since the start of the anime? Her development is slow i can agree to that and sometimes its down right frustrating, but then again when she throws her little tantrum when Kyouske wasn't there or when she shows her apparent dislike for Manami, its enough for me. Sure there are issues with respect I'll attest to that but then aren't tsunderes generally disrespectful with people they whom they want to be with the most? I could name a number of animes with frustrating heroines because of the trope. The only thing I agree with is that she goes overboard here and there and that she should try to develop faster, but the other side of the coin, I think she's doing marvelously considering that the animes too short for a long term development which is imo how its suppose to be.

What I think they should do is give more background information other than they haven't talked to each other or w/e for years.

What you seem to be saying is that we might not see her warm side anytime now and even till the end.

What you aresuggesting is basically that the end of the series most likely be a cliffhanger of some sort. No one except in their imagination is going to know exactly what happened between the two at the end.

Another thing I'm claiming, the anime title is kinda misleading, I don't know about you, but when somone tells me what can I think of from the word kawaii(cute, etc) I think of something nice and warm, not something cold hearted and frustrating. That one thank you she gave him, she had that kinda nervous look which is ok, but to elaborate a bit more in that scene, after her bro left they could had showed her smiling and then end. Simple as that.

But as I pondered more at this anime I think think the makers were trying something different rather than making the usual bro-sis realtionship tsundere. But the perspective is a bit off and erratic.
Nov 25, 2010 8:10 AM
Jun 2008
Rykimaruh said:
but when somone tells me what can I think of from the word kawaii(cute, etc) I think of something nice and warm, not something cold hearted and frustrating.

"My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute"

Kyousuke think Kirino is cute,but he is also denying her cuteness at the same times.The title is not misleading.
Nov 25, 2010 10:30 AM

Oct 2010
On the fence, really. She has her good moments and then there's the bad ones that make me want to hate her. But again, it is her character. Plus she's...14? I wasn't mature at 14 myself so I can't expect her to be.

Nov 25, 2010 11:20 AM
Nov 2010
MorningGlory said:
Rykimaruh said:
but when somone tells me what can I think of from the word kawaii(cute, etc) I think of something nice and warm, not something cold hearted and frustrating.

"My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute"

Kyousuke think Kirino is cute,but he is also denying her cuteness at the same times.The title is not misleading.


Also, Kirino is easily flustered when she tries to be honest, which can be considered cute in a way.
Nov 25, 2010 11:28 AM
Nov 2010
Chidashi-sama said:
She is irritating, but she also has a slightly good reason to be.

Exactly there is defiantly something in the past that makes her like that...So yuh cant judge her too harshly until yuh get the whole story...Chii is always right =]
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