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Apr 22, 2010 3:43 PM

Oct 2009
That was amazing! The action and drama! This series is just getting better after the OP2......I forgot to mention but the OP2 contains really interesting message about IRL things......I will try to prove my point later on.....Some parts I want to talk about....Ok I don't know about DragonBall but heard about it....could this be a reference to that green guy?=>
ROFL!.....Izaya likes cartoons!=>
Anyone likes this game? I love it and is about time they put a part of it=>
Hmmm I don't know but does Shizuo really looks good with a bike helmet?=>
GIF time! Izaya cleaning his nails.....clean man I would say/Shizuo flashback of pawning that reporter was epic! It was shown at a different angle.....liked it!=>
Celty's motorcycle drifted was nice/Van slam of reporter was good but too bad they don't show how he gets hit and all=>
Erika and Anri avatars....managed to make some=>
Anyways best parts=>

Overall the episode was Saika epic.....
francismeunierApr 22, 2010 11:34 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 22, 2010 5:14 PM

Apr 2008
;3 cant wait for the next episode
Apr 22, 2010 7:53 PM

Dec 2009
Are you kidding? The series was way better before Ep 13. Ever since then this show is turning into crap.

Well I can't wait until the Yellow Scarves arc. I have a feeling that will be more epic then the Slasher arc.
Apr 22, 2010 8:01 PM
Jul 2008
cant wait for the next episode, too
Apr 22, 2010 8:54 PM

Jul 2009
Project_MkUltra said:
Are you kidding? The series was way better before Ep 13. Ever since then this show is turning into crap.

Well I can't wait until the Yellow Scarves arc. I have a feeling that will be more epic then the Slasher arc.

Eh,I don't think so.Well,that's your opinion i guess.
Slasher/Saika arc is interesting to me,but like you i'm looking forward to Yellow Scarves arc since that's one of my favorite arc in DRRR!! novel.

So the slasher that following Anri from previous episode is indeed the reporter.Now we know how badly he got owned by Shizuo in episode 7 & amaze with Shizuo strength.
Dennis (Russian Sushi owner) & Shiki from Awakasu-kai also appear when Shuji ask for information.And the scene with Shizuo jumping up and down on Celty's bike while chanting "I'll kill him I'll kill him" was pretty funny.This episode also shows that Saika can posses number of people.Shuji stabbed by Haruna(long hair chick) & he behave strangely with glowing red eye just implies that Haruna maybe the main host of Saika.I pity with Anri with her dream with her parent..there is something bad happen to them & Anri personality is different compare to her usual self.

Chatroom scene is turn creepy when the spammer(Saika) mentions Shizuo name & loves him.No wonder why the Slasher is stalking Shizuo.The part when Shuji says he "loves" Shizuo is disturbing (Saika influence) & Shizuo is ready to beat him up by ripping apart Togusa van door & march towards him.Will Shizuo able to kill him?
Oh boy things getting interesting with Haruna appear in-front of Anri in next episode:

Apr 22, 2010 10:08 PM
Jul 2008
yeah the scene in anri's dream is quite sad though they made it to be very colorful.
I'm curios about how she ends up with this current personality now (assume the old her was like in her dream)

and yeah hope the reporter still alive after that smash by shizuo ^^"
Apr 22, 2010 11:20 PM

Oct 2009
Kagura89 said:
Project_MkUltra said:
Are you kidding? The series was way better before Ep 13. Ever since then this show is turning into crap.

Well I can't wait until the Yellow Scarves arc. I have a feeling that will be more epic then the Slasher arc.

Eh,I don't think so.Well,that's your opinion i guess.
Slasher/Saika arc is interesting to me,but like you i'm looking forward to Yellow Scarves arc since that's one of my favorite arc in DRRR!! novel.

I don't think so was good in the beginning but no doubt it's getting better to me like you Kagura89
Kagura89 said:
So the slasher that following Anri from previous episode is indeed the reporter.Now we know how badly he got owned by Shizuo in episode 7 & amaze with Shizuo strength.
Yeah this part shows it that it was him with the red glowing eyes in the beginning=>

Kagura89 said:
Dennis (Russian Sushi owner) & Shiki from Awakasu-kai also appear when Shuji ask for information.
You mean Denis is this guy?=>
Shiki scene was amazing made a GIF out of it....the guy is so mean looking like and mafioso=>

Kagura89 said:
And the scene with Shizuo jumping up and down on Celty's bike while chanting "I'll kill him I'll kill him" was pretty funny.
Yeah...made a GIF of that too.....too hilarious=>

Kagura89 said:
This episode also shows that Saika can posses number of people.Shuji stabbed by Haruna(long hair chick) & he behave strangely with glowing red eye just implies that Haruna maybe the main host of Saika.
Yeah that part was a little pathetic....he just gets like a poke with the knife and it's over so if it was not with the Saika then why would a normal knife affect him anyways? Also slasher looks nice with this angle=>

Kagura89 said:
I pity with Anri with her dream with her parent..there is something bad happen to them & Anri personality is different compare to her usual self.
Yeah that was sad but also so dreamland like.....made a GIF anyways of it because it was nice...particularly the cake part=>

Kagura89 said:
Chatroom scene is turn creepy when the spammer(Saika) mentions Shizuo name & loves him.No wonder why the Slasher is stalking Shizuo.
Yeah! Freaked me out too.....that was scary for a little bit....scariest chat room scene yet.
Kagura89 said:
The part when Shuji says he "loves" Shizuo is disturbing (Saika influence) & Shizuo is ready to beat him up by ripping apart Togusa van door & march towards him.Will Shizuo able to kill him?
I think he will KO him or slasher will appear to maybe save him?
Kagura89 said:
Oh boy things getting interesting with Haruna appear in-front of Anri in next episode:
Took another one of her Haruna.....OMG that's her! She looks like she was raped, had a abortion and traumatized in forever O_O is all I have to say to her expression.....word cannot describe it anymore.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 23, 2010 12:06 PM

Jun 2009
The episode was okay, the atmosphere was basically brought across...the only thing I found a bit sad was how downplayed the encounter between Anri and Saika at the end of the episode was, because it was the start into the climax in Volume 2.
It's a rather subjective thing, but I imagined the whole scene a bit more mysterious and threatening...not just a sad old man franticly waving a knife around. But I understand that if they decided to keep the real tension for the real climax.

So next week starts the vol.2 finale, I'm excited to see how it turns out, because the anime series is really starting to get different due to them mixing later volumes together.
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Apr 23, 2010 12:10 PM

Jun 2008
Love this episode as the previous one wasn't as epic as this one.

- Shizuo and Celty teamwork is just too awesome! I love seeing those two together. And for some reason I found Celty is gettin more moe by each of episode as since the time she is so open about being headless and in love with Shinra.
- Shizuo is too funny this episode.. As usual whenever he shows up.
- The otaku gang is great as usual. Walker blushing was just toooo cute! And of course Izaya is also too awesome with his threading toward the reporter. Though I laughed at hard that he watching a children program on TV. Okay, this episode was too much to fangirl for xD!
- Anri's dreamland gave out both dark feeling into it as we know the Anri now. ( at least for me it gave out that way)
- We got to see Shiki and Denis animated! Yay! I don't remember seeing them on the novel pic.
- And last, why do they always ending things in the good part!! I do wanted to see Shizuo beating the guy up for the third time

(and I can't wait to see Haruna in front of Shizuo x3)
MimikoApr 23, 2010 12:15 PM
Apr 23, 2010 12:30 PM

Nov 2008
From what had happened in the previous episode I was expecting more of this one. I did not like it that much. The story is still were it was on ep 14.

But the preview for next week's episode seems promising.
Apr 23, 2010 12:51 PM

Nov 2009
Fantastic episode. Durarara is only getting better IMO.
Apr 23, 2010 1:06 PM

Oct 2009
Apr 23, 2010 1:07 PM

Mar 2008
When reporter run to Anri i so want him to stab her.

Diceroll said:
Took another one of her Haruna.....OMG that's her! She looks like she was raped, had a abortion and traumatized in forever O_O is all I have to say to her expression.....word cannot describe it anymore.

I like if that what really happened with her.
Apr 23, 2010 2:00 PM

Apr 2009
WTF cliffhanger D: I want more...
Yaay, lotsa Shizzy, and even Dotachin appeared x3
Is the reason that the Slasher is pursuing Shizuo just the fact that he's strong? oO weird motivation, but whatever.
So the reporter is the father of that molested girl...somehow I see her coming to the pedo-teacher to get her revenge. (That's what the preview hinted at, right?)
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Apr 23, 2010 2:08 PM

Aug 2009
youtoome said:
When reporter run to Anri i so want him to stab her.

Diceroll said:
Took another one of her Haruna.....OMG that's her! She looks like she was raped, had a abortion and traumatized in forever O_O is all I have to say to her expression.....word cannot describe it anymore.

I like if that what really happened with her.

Well, Haruna was the girl involved with Creeper-Teacher in the past, so you figure there's gotta be some trauma there (and the preview certainly doesn't look good for Creeper-Teacher). That's probably why Anri was at her house in the first place.
Apr 23, 2010 2:10 PM

Aug 2009
Cenedess said:
WTF cliffhanger D: I want more...
Yaay, lotsa Shizzy, and even Dotachin appeared x3
Is the reason that the Slasher is pursuing Shizuo just the fact that he's strong? oO weird motivation, but whatever.

I don't think the motivation is that weird: if you're a disembodied spirit of vengeance, you're going to want to inhabit the most powerful host available.
Apr 23, 2010 2:15 PM

Apr 2009
LightningRamiel said:
Cenedess said:
WTF cliffhanger D: I want more...
Yaay, lotsa Shizzy, and even Dotachin appeared x3
Is the reason that the Slasher is pursuing Shizuo just the fact that he's strong? oO weird motivation, but whatever.

I don't think the motivation is that weird: if you're a disembodied spirit of vengeance, you're going to want to inhabit the most powerful host available.

I didn't even take into account the possibility of the Slasher being a spirit without a body, thinking it would be too weird. But then I remembered it's a show about a headless Irish fairy that shacked up with an underground doctor who dissected her at a tender age of 4, among other things. So yeah. I revise my opinion.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Apr 23, 2010 2:21 PM

Feb 2010
Nice at least they found something to work with. When will the slasher be revealed?
Apr 23, 2010 2:34 PM

Nov 2009
I'm with the crowd that liked the first Arc better. For some reason i am not as excited for this show as much anymore.
Will have to wait for everything to unravel itself out next few episodes. The introduction of the reporter was sort of unnecessary, or at least for all the screen time he got. Hope there is a reason they followed him.
AKA: First half was a waste of time, second half was very good.
Apr 23, 2010 2:40 PM

Aug 2009
(Wasn't everybody not that into the first arc until like a few episodes later? This is clearly set up)

-Oh Shizuo and your "Kill kill kill kill kill" and your "there is a 0.000000000000000000000675% chance of killing someone with a stare" and your response to a crazed knife wielding manic is "Fine, I'll kill you." You're so my second favorite character.

-I'm the opposite of most opinions I guess since I'm still totally into the show ever since the beginning. I am eager to find out the mystery of the Slasher.
Apr 23, 2010 2:57 PM

Jan 2010
Nice episode, but the first half sort of bored me. Oh well.

Looking forward to next episode, it looks super interesting with Haruna coming in and talking to Anri. c:
Apr 23, 2010 3:31 PM

Aug 2008
that was a crazy ep. so the slasher is like a virus?
omg, why does it end at a time like this? can't wait frot the next episode! >--<
Apr 23, 2010 3:43 PM

Sep 2008
Shizuo and Celty make a great pair. Love to see them work together :D
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Apr 23, 2010 4:09 PM

Jan 2010
This ep was good, one of the best of thus far.
Apr 23, 2010 6:12 PM

Aug 2009
Great episode. I love Erika & Walker even more for referencing Yotsuba&! Also, badass truck attack from Togusa & co., even though it took Shizuo and the door of a van (Togusa won't be happy about that :D) to take down the current slasher
Apr 23, 2010 8:35 PM
Feb 2009
Poor reporter guy. D:

Glad to see the episodes getting interesting again~
Apr 23, 2010 9:02 PM
Apr 2010
What an interesting episode. The first half did not bore me too much as seeing things like Simon (8D) and Izaya watching cartoons (made my day xD.) The second half was great though. Anri's dream was also quite interesting, maybe it was how she wish she could be? The one who took the spotlight of this episode again was Shizuo.

Looking forward to the next! Haruna in the preview sure does reminds me of Higurashi though, especially Rena.
Apr 23, 2010 9:49 PM

Aug 2009
Does anybody else freak the hell out when it plays the Slasher's background music? It's like...Jesus, it's scary....
Apr 23, 2010 11:08 PM

Jan 2008
Man, Celty just takes her helmet off to anyone these days.

Has She No Shame....
Apr 23, 2010 11:29 PM

Feb 2010
This episode was awesome, because there was an excess of Shizuo and Simon and many food shots. I cannot wait for the next episode where they will hopefully fight it out. The OP and ED are beginning to grow on me.

Does anyone feel like Izaya looks a bit washed-out? Maybe it's the lack of the furry jacket.
Apr 23, 2010 11:36 PM

Sep 2007
What an unfortunate fate for the reporter man to get caught in a situation like this. So next episode seems to finally reveal what seems to be Saika's main host or even Haruna controlling Saika itself. All that's left is to figure out Haruna/Saika's motives. I'm thinking the teacher is definitely a reason that Haruna is involving herself with Anri.
Apr 23, 2010 11:45 PM

Mar 2010

What an unfortunate fate for the reporter man to get caught in a situation like this. So next episode seems to finally reveal what seems to be Saika's main host or even Haruna controlling Saika itself. All that's left is to figure out Haruna/Saika's motives. I'm thinking the teacher is definitely a reason that Haruna is involving herself with Anri.

Yeah basically it when down like this:

6 months in hospital from Shizou
Stabbed by the Slasher (his own daughter?)
Becomes a Slasher
Rammed by a Van
Rammed by a motorcycle
Then bone-crushed by Shizou + door.

Worst luck ever, lol. Hope the guy is okay.
Apr 23, 2010 11:47 PM
Jan 2008
Jagd84 said:

What an unfortunate fate for the reporter man to get caught in a situation like this. So next episode seems to finally reveal what seems to be Saika's main host or even Haruna controlling Saika itself. All that's left is to figure out Haruna/Saika's motives. I'm thinking the teacher is definitely a reason that Haruna is involving herself with Anri.

Yeah basically it when down like this:

6 months in hospital from Shizou
Stabbed by the Slasher (his own daughter?)
Becomes a Slasher
Rammed by a Van
Rammed by a motorcycle
Then bone-crushed by Shizou + door.

lol, hope the guy is okay.

Oh thanks for the clarification, I was confuzzled about the timeline during the episode.

Haha Shizuo raging is just epic.
Apr 23, 2010 11:53 PM

Apr 2008
garfield15 said:
Does anybody else freak the hell out when it plays the Slasher's background music? It's like...Jesus, it's scary....

I do! Seriously the music the insane words they REALLY set the atmosphere. and NOW THEY ADDED VOICE TO IT O_O
Apr 24, 2010 12:18 AM

Oct 2008
Shizuo was total win in this episode. He looks so funny in a biker helmet. Is Celty afraid of aliens? 'Cause if she is, that'd be like the most hilarious thing ever.

The only problem I had with this episode was the lack of Shinra and Shingen. :(

garfield15 said:
Does anybody else freak the hell out when it plays the Slasher's background music? It's like...Jesus, it's scary....

It is freakin' scary! Without the BG music, the Slasher wouldn't be as ominous as I thought he/she would be.
Apr 24, 2010 12:22 AM

Jan 2009
This OP, isn't really bad though, is it? I don't see what people find oh so awful about it.

Hmm.. I've watched the episode, but I can't really recall what it was about : o
Only that.. There was a hell lot of awesome 8D

Or something, I dunno >.>
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Apr 24, 2010 12:22 AM

Oct 2009
Darklight0303 said:
garfield15 said:
Does anybody else freak the hell out when it plays the Slasher's background music? It's like...Jesus, it's scary....

I do! Seriously the music the insane words they REALLY set the atmosphere. and NOW THEY ADDED VOICE TO IT O_O
I agree with this too....that music gives me goosebumps, which means it works really good on me...

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 24, 2010 12:37 AM

Sep 2009
Why did this episode have to end?...right when I was getting really into it too.

I hope Anri will find happiness...(preferably with Mikado).
Apr 24, 2010 12:38 AM

Jul 2007
Ahh it was awesome. I loved the chat... Izaya and his kitaaaa strike again! I guess we would never see Shizu-chan chats online... no computer would survive him... especially if it's anything like my computer that FREEZES and LAGS when I'm trying to watch DRRRR.. grrrr!

Anyway, great ep. Anri is still the most boring character, but the others more than make up for it... there were so many little things I liked about this ep, like Walker's novel, Celty and her aliens/cops trauma, Izaya and his... izayaness .... Dotachin and his sexy voice, Shizu-chan and his crazy <333

I'm surprised he went at that guy with just the door and not the entire van ^^
Apr 24, 2010 12:39 AM

Jun 2009
Wasabi said:
What an unfortunate fate for the reporter man to get caught in a situation like this. So next episode seems to finally reveal what seems to be Saika's main host or even Haruna controlling Saika itself. All that's left is to figure out Haruna/Saika's motives. I'm thinking the teacher is definitely a reason that Haruna is involving herself with Anri.

I think her parents have something behind Haruna. Said they died when the slashings started but didn't say from that I think of it the way Shingen knows what is happening he could have something to do with this. And one more thing...........

Shizuo FTW!!!

Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill....definitely my favorite now.
Apr 24, 2010 12:46 AM
Feb 2009
ugh this weeks episode was a load of bulll with sht load of talking :S
Apr 24, 2010 12:51 AM

Jul 2009
Wait, so why was he targeting Anri?
Apr 24, 2010 12:54 AM

Apr 2010
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill *jumps on the motorbike*


Optime olere occisum hostem!
Apr 24, 2010 12:58 AM

Jan 2010
The first part was boring.Really,who the heck cares about that new character?The rest of the part was awesome though :)
Apr 24, 2010 1:16 AM

Jul 2009
controlmajortom said:
Wait, so why was he targeting Anri?

From Celty narration in episode 14,Saika in Shuji body want Anri love by slicing her into pieces.But it might have something to do with Anri gets attention from pedo-sensei that previously going out with Haruna(the suspected slasher).

Kagura89Apr 24, 2010 1:36 AM
Apr 24, 2010 1:26 AM

Jul 2009
Kagura89 said:
controlmajortom said:
Wait, so why was he targeting Anri?

From Celty narration in episode 14,Saika in Shuji body want Anri love by slicing her into pieces.But it might have something to do with Anri (hint at her brief flashback with one red-eye women wield a sword).
But when Shizuo appear,Saika in Shuji says i love you to Shizuo...that prompt Shizuo ripping Togusa van door & crushing Shuji.Donno if he live after that.

I was wondering why Saika wanted to target Anri.

Guess it hasn't been answered yet.
Apr 24, 2010 1:32 AM

Oct 2008
This episode was epic!
Kurosu kurosu kurosu!!!
Apr 24, 2010 1:39 AM

Aug 2009
I don't like the character narrating and the first part was quite boring. Still a good episode overall though. Haruna appears next episode, can't wait. But, still no Kida? I miss Kida-kun already.

"Korosu, korosu, korosu..." <333
Apr 24, 2010 1:41 AM

Jul 2009
controlmajortom said:
Kagura89 said:
controlmajortom said:
Wait, so why was he targeting Anri?

From Celty narration in episode 14,Saika in Shuji body want Anri love by slicing her into pieces.But it might have something to do with Anri (hint at her brief flashback with one red-eye women wield a sword).
But when Shizuo appear,Saika in Shuji says i love you to Shizuo...that prompt Shizuo ripping Togusa van door & crushing Shuji.Donno if he live after that.

I was wondering why Saika wanted to target Anri.

Guess it hasn't been answered yet.

Forget about my earlier post.
It maybe difficult to answer your question because it involves spoilers & i swore myself to not spoil anything to this forum.But one thing i can say is Haruna(the suspected slasher) is meeting with Anri next episode so you can have your answer there.Be patient okay :)
Apr 24, 2010 1:43 AM

Jul 2009
Kagura89 said:
controlmajortom said:
Kagura89 said:
controlmajortom said:
Wait, so why was he targeting Anri?

From Celty narration in episode 14,Saika in Shuji body want Anri love by slicing her into pieces.But it might have something to do with Anri (hint at her brief flashback with one red-eye women wield a sword).
But when Shizuo appear,Saika in Shuji says i love you to Shizuo...that prompt Shizuo ripping Togusa van door & crushing Shuji.Donno if he live after that.

I was wondering why Saika wanted to target Anri.

Guess it hasn't been answered yet.

Forget about my earlier post.
It maybe difficult to answer your question because it involves spoilers & i swore myself to not spoil anything to this forum.But one thing i can say is Haruna(the suspected slasher) is meeting with Anri next episode so you can have your answer there.Be patient okay :)

Oh no problem. I don't want to be spoiled. I was just wondering if I missed something already said in regards to the question I asksed.
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