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Feb 21, 2008 8:55 AM

Feb 2008
Yey! A really good ending! I'm expecting for another spin-off, just like Fumoffu. I hope Kyo-Ani will make another one, yet another sequel spin-off for TSR.

I love this series! This is the best!
Feb 21, 2008 9:18 AM

Jan 2008
It's a good possibility that Kyo-Ani will be working on another sequel series once they finish up Hurahi 2 this year. The novels give them plenty of excellent story to work from and they would be absolutely crazy to not continue the anime. I suspect that the next installment will be around 24-26 episodes and cover the two novels of "A Dancing Very Merry Christmas" and "Continuing on my Own".

If you can't wait that long and want to read the novels (which I HIGHLY recommend) then hit me up in a PM or on AIM and I might be able to point you in the right direction ;)

Feb 21, 2008 10:50 AM

Feb 2008
Well, I loved to. But, I'm still reading the novel of Haruhi. LOL!

Kyo-Ani has alot of work to do. Yeah, they will make Haruhi 2 this year, yet there's also Clannad (hoping), for after stories. I hope they'll make it thou.

Really, Kyo-Ani is the best. Making High Quality and enjoyable series. I can wait till next year for more FMP, but I want to watch FMP animated rather than reading it. I love the action.
Mar 5, 2008 5:09 AM

Jan 2008
Excellent finish to an excellent series.

Arbalest + Sousuke + Chidori = Godmode? Guess so.

Haha, Tessa, Tessa, Tessa... thats all she heard to be honest. Sousuke's reaction to his speech and then Tessa's reaction. Hilarious.

So after all that has happened, Sousuke never changes, nothing develops between him and Chidori, and its as if its the ending of the first season all over again. I demand sequel!

Apr 3, 2008 7:41 AM

Feb 2008
There will be a sequel, but I think not this year. But I hope there would be in this fall. But Kyo-Ani is really busy for new seasons this year, so hope next year for the 3rd season or any spin-off like Fumoffu!
Apr 3, 2008 9:14 AM

Jan 2008
Fumoffu was based off the short story collection part of the FMP novel series and since they exhausted most of that material with Fumoffu I'd hope for a continuation of the main story. "anime original" are two words I never like to see associated with the series I love and if they did a sequel to fumoffu right now that would be what it would primarily consist of.

Apr 3, 2008 10:22 AM

Feb 2008
But, I still want those comedic episodes in Fumoffu?! It's one of the best spin-off I've seen ever!~ Requesting it now. LOL! Just kidding. ^^
Apr 3, 2008 11:04 AM

Jan 2008
Chances are, a new series will also contain some comedic episodes, like the first FMP!. Even TSR has some lulz.

We need more FMP! :P
Apr 3, 2008 11:20 AM

Jan 2008
If they do an adaptation of A Dancing Very Merry Christmas then you'll have some pretty good comedic scenes, but once they get into Continuing On My Own all of the humor that you are used to seeing evaporates and is replaced by epic levels of action, suspence, and drama. COMO is basically like "The Empire Strikes Back" of the FMP franchise.

Apr 3, 2008 7:19 PM

Feb 2008
Hmm, I see. Then I think it's on the producers hands, eh? But, I really trust Kyo-Ani on this. They never fail people on their shows. So, gotta expect them to be amazing. But, why are we discussing this? We are haven't yet sure that there will be another season. LOL! XD ^_^ Just joking...... peace!!!
Apr 21, 2008 11:41 PM

Nov 2007

wehh..gReat ending.!it seems sousuke realized his feelings.. (a think)
lol.wehh..anyway..i also want a sequel..!

fmp rocks..!
kaname chidori x sousuke sagara!!!!!!adaisuki~desu..!!!!!!!!
Apr 23, 2008 1:29 AM

Feb 2008
Hahaha! Although I'm wanting Sousuke x Testarosa!

One of the cool ending I've seen so far. And really, a nice way to put up for the 3rd season. There will be a sequel so don't worry. Maybe next year, since Kyoto has still to do Haruhi 2.
May 1, 2008 3:52 PM
Apr 2008
This last episode did exactly what I hope it was intended to do. I want more, but I don't think a more comedic enterprise would catch my attention as much.

I admit it, I'm a romantic.
May 1, 2008 4:50 PM

Feb 2008
Hehe! Then go watch the OVA now. :3 ^^
Jun 17, 2008 1:04 AM

Jun 2007
babykeiji said:
There will be a sequel so don't worry. Maybe next year, since Kyoto has still to do Haruhi 2.

is that official?
I havent hear aout another season ='(
but I hope you are right x33
anyway, just rewatched all the seasons&ova and enjoyed it just as much<3
I adore episode 9 of tsr. I never get tired of watching it.
I cant choose between kaname and tessa though :(
kaname so totally owned ep. 9;; and tessa's personality + leadership (specially in ep. 12) is pure win...
*is troubled*
Jul 14, 2008 10:03 PM

Jul 2008
I really liked the ending <3 I'm sure there will be a sequel since there are novels and since FMP! is a popular anime I'm sure they will turn it to anime, probably next year or the one after it though T_T
Jul 29, 2008 3:37 PM

May 2008
ahh such a great show!!! I really hope they get the sequel out soon because that was great!!!
O and personally reallllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope that sousuke ends up with tessa. that would be one of the funniest things to watch ever just watch the OVA and you'll know what i mean.
kyubey is watching you (‿‿ ) (‿‿ ) (‿‿ ) (‿‿ ) (‿‿ ) (‿‿ ) (‿‿ ) (‿‿ ) (‿‿ )
Aug 6, 2008 8:51 AM
Sep 2007
can't wait 4 a season 3 and since every 1 else is saying who they want i vote chidori
Aug 22, 2008 10:26 AM

May 2008
Love it! Great series :D

But questions remain:
1. Who woman with a sniper rifle on the roof?
2. What was that? (Scene with Tessa)
3. Sousuke + Chidori = ???

Need 4 season! T_________T
Aug 23, 2008 8:36 AM

Nov 2007
the person on the roof was wraith.

better be a another season as I wanted to see more of Tessa's brother and what was going on there and it didnt' seem everything was resolved. so all sousuke needed all along was some resolve hah.
Aug 27, 2008 7:46 PM

Mar 2008
They left a few things unanswered at the end of this series. I certainly hope they make a sequel to wrap everything up.
Aug 29, 2008 12:05 PM

Jul 2008
I liked the ending and I'm awaiting a sequel. Tessa's brother didn't really need to show up in this series.
Oct 13, 2008 3:12 PM

Aug 2008
This season was getting quite interesting but like always presence of Chidori messed everything up. Last two episodes without her would be very, very good instead of "meh, ok". I was going to give higher note to series but with Chidori and bald-doctor-freak-whatever-his-name-was it was impossible. Whatever, nice and interesting series.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 30, 2008 6:00 PM

Nov 2007

wehhh.. without chidori there's no story.. aha! fan of chidori heRe :)

kyaaaa! i want sousuke x chidori scenes! kyaaaa! demo i love the battle too especiaLLy at episode 13 of this season.. shames! sagara is so cooL.. " i dont care about mithriL, im a student from jindai highschooL..........." shocks!!!!!!!!!!!

guess he reaLLy loves kaname..:) waaaa!
wen he heard that she's dead he's like " there's no future for me to begin witH" .. shames! he must think that his future is to be with chidori! kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahaahahaha..

i want another season now!!!!!!!!! ahahaha

tessa x sousuke? wehh.. no!!!! dame! ahaha..
chidori x sousuke = perfect couple.. aha!

but tessa is gReat (leadership.. especiaLLy when they are in the tunnel and made the cretans way ) :)

about WRAITH.. i dont know if she's a girL or a boy.. at the end ., warith is like a girL but wen you hear her/his vioce.. hmn.. a guy? ahaha..
he/she just had a disgiused right?..

about the episodes.. kyaaa! EPISODE 9!!!! the heck! kaname is coOL... :) and LEONARD TESTAROSSA.. kyaaaaa! cooL and biShoUnen!!!!!! ahahaha..
" im not lying wen i said i like you " kyaaaa!
there's a love triangle .. ahahha!
weLL.. there is to begin with anyway! ahahahahaha..
demo ne., this time the girL is in the middLe.. ahahaha!

kyaaa! this series id the best!!!!!!
my number one!!! ahahaha.. hope they'll do the next season next yeaR.. 'cause i know there's no chance for this yeaR..

im veRy exciteD.. ! :)
Nov 1, 2008 3:33 PM
Jun 2007
What a great ending, I very liked this season.
I wish it will be another season...
Nov 5, 2008 12:38 PM

Nov 2007
No kiss? Damn.
Nov 5, 2008 12:49 PM

Oct 2008
Ending without a kiss is not true ending ;]
Nov 14, 2008 5:21 PM

Jul 2008
Przemos19 said:
Ending without a kiss is not true ending ;]

for real
end was boring
Nov 14, 2008 5:43 PM

Oct 2008
wait for the novels too be done. we will see more FMP in the future. and maybe they'll tighten up the relationship arc.
Jan 10, 2009 11:57 PM
Jul 2018
Oldy said:
Przemos19 said:
Ending without a kiss is not true ending ;]

for real
end was boring

qft. They left it sorta hanging >< and is the woman on the roof reall Wraith?
And Tessa's bro didn't get enough screentime!! I wanted more of him T^T

Praying for another season~
Jan 19, 2009 12:11 PM
May 2008
This is an anime with a good ending, I haven't seen something like this in a long time. I hope they make another Fumoffu-ish season to show some things.
Jan 26, 2009 9:17 PM

Aug 2008
The twins died! ;O; I felt so angry after than. Stupid crazy guy. >____<

but I laughed my butt off when Tessa was jumping up and down like a real 17-year-old. But that's why I love her. :] Everyone hopes for another season. WELL WHO DOESN'T? Maybe FMP haters.

9/10 Couldn't have given it a 10 because I really wanted more action like FMP but this one had a full story line!
Feb 5, 2009 2:17 PM

Jun 2008
Perfect way to end this series it was great!! 5/5
But the last 4 episodes wasn't really impressive....
Feb 16, 2009 8:56 PM

Mar 2008
That was the ending? No kiss? And I was so tense about it too! (-_-") They better make a sequel to this >_< ! !
Feb 16, 2009 11:08 PM

Jun 2008
Anyone besides me found the random slapstick near the end to be terribly jarring?

After 3 1/2 episodes of nonstop angst and black comedy, it's just... kind of wrong.
Peace through Superior Firepower!

formosan said:
Are you using some kind of advanced logic I don't know about? Have you decided to assign new meanings to English words? Are you just intentionally burning a straw man and knowing full well that you're changing the subject and misrepresenting a claim?
Mar 12, 2009 4:23 AM

Dec 2008
Kallen_R2 said:
The twins died! ;O; I felt so angry after than. Stupid crazy guy. >____<

Yeah that was really violent
I don't want to see blood spitting girls
the scene where the guy played with the dead body and some bones broke that was to sick for me ; (
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 10, 2009 5:57 PM

Mar 2008
turkeymeister said:
Anyone besides me found the random slapstick near the end to be terribly jarring?

After 3 1/2 episodes of nonstop angst and black comedy, it's just... kind of wrong.


Though I missed the comedy from the previous seasons. I hope to see another season of this. It's time they start wrapping stuff up.
May 1, 2009 3:28 AM

Mar 2008
Wow, i love how no one noted anything more then that the twins just died. First complaint is that that bald dude kills her...both as have the lambda drives and its said that it gives off power in relation to the person piloting it, and he kills her without a second thought, that was BULL. She should have killed him because her hatred is far beyond any toying that idiot would do. Its useless to have such a concept in a series if people DONT follow through with it. Even her as being worn down should have defeated him. What brain seizure of the creator thought people would be ok with her dying simply because her sister did?
May 9, 2009 5:23 PM
Feb 2009
Ok seriuosly this is like one of the best series ever!!! BUT does any1 know if there is a 3 season?!?!?! otherwise it would be a waste to build people expectations up that much withouth another season, wats taking them soo long to do the sequel??

I LOVE THIS ANIME IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 19, 2009 9:54 AM
Apr 2008
SalemJericho said:
Wow, i love how no one noted anything more then that the twins just died. First complaint is that that bald dude kills her...both as have the lambda drives and its said that it gives off power in relation to the person piloting it, and he kills her without a second thought, that was BULL. She should have killed him because her hatred is far beyond any toying that idiot would do. Its useless to have such a concept in a series if people DONT follow through with it. Even her as being worn down should have defeated him. What brain seizure of the creator thought people would be ok with her dying simply because her sister did?

Well, dosnt it also take a massive amount of concentration ? maybe her feelings was so intense she couldn't focus (or something like that).

btw, great episode.
May 19, 2009 3:43 PM

Dec 2008
Need third season......Now!!!

That was a good ending, but I agree with Kie that the last 4 episodes weren't up to par with the rest of the series but as a whole I still loved it. There's a lot of unexplained stuff in FMP another 24 episode season will make me very happy.
May 20, 2009 3:36 PM

Feb 2008
That was one helluva dramatic comeback from Chidori at the beginning of this episode. Lol'd so hard.
Jun 24, 2009 6:23 AM

Mar 2009
Just finished.I watched the first and second season in less than three days,but i have to say that i was expecting something more.
It's an average anime and the ending was ok but nothing more.
It could have been a lot better.
Aug 13, 2009 10:12 AM
Feb 2008
Strife91 said:
turkeymeister said:
Anyone besides me found the random slapstick near the end to be terribly jarring?

After 3 1/2 episodes of nonstop angst and black comedy, it's just... kind of wrong.


Though I missed the comedy from the previous seasons. I hope to see another season of this. It's time they start wrapping stuff up.

Yes. The whole DRAMA to LOLCOMEDY was very stupid IMO and hurt the ending quite a bit. Thought the final battle was too quick as well. That crazy guy was funny though the I need a haircut line was lolwut worthy. Though he's no Gaurin. Hopefully the next series gets a new type of villain rather than the I'm so crazy i don't give a shit type.

I think the woman at the end was Wraith if you remember from Her Problem when Wraith gets shot you see what looks like a female inside of obviously some type of suit.

pic related
Sep 20, 2009 7:34 AM
Jul 2008
Lol Tessa was so cute after sousuke leave the room ^_^
Oct 8, 2009 5:49 PM

Oct 2008
Wow.. this was pretty much your typical shounen ending. As soon as the music came on you could just tell it was all over lol. Oh well, I'm really looking forward to the sequel, since they have defintely left a lot of things unanswered. Enjoyed this series but I can't give it anything more than: 8/10.
Oct 10, 2009 3:30 AM
Jun 2009
Damn ending!! it's the best!!!!

yeah, i just figure out that wraith is the girl on the roof.... scary, haha!

nxt season plz!
Nov 9, 2009 5:30 PM

Oct 2009

So I guess Sousuke really doesn't have any balls after all. I almost expect Kaname to confess to him next season(if there is one), and then have him say, "Ummm, well that's great, but I'm not into girls." Their relationship hasn't changed at all since she found out he was a soldier!

Anyway, the fight scene was cool, and it all ended pretty well, except for the lack of closure on the romance. I guess I'll have to try not to think about it until another season comes out...
Nov 16, 2009 2:21 AM

Mar 2008
The only downside to the ending was the romantic part. Chidori was almost there. But guess the travel and kicking Sousuke out of his mood took it out of her. I suppose she has time, but hopefully she doesn't drag it out too much longer (depending on whenever we get a sequel). Sousuke also has to do something, it's obvious he was completely shut down when hearing she was gone. He really didn't care if he got shot at that moment. Gauron almost got what he wanted. The two of them just need to come out and say it already.

Anyways still a good ending overall. The last fight was pretty good with Sousuke finally just going out there and owning everything. Reasonable banter with the AI and getting the job done. Seems a chat with Chidori is necessary for him to get going seriously.

This sequel was really for Sousuke's development as a person. Before he can do anything regarding romance and Chidori he needed to resolve his own issues. Not completely tied down by orders anymore. Knows what matters to him and he'll do what he has to for it. If it meant leaving Mithril he would, if it meant cutting his pay (which is probably damn good) then he'd do that. Definitely Kalinin is proud of his growth. It may not be easy to go back and forth, but he'll do it because that's what matters to him. He'll help his comrades but he'll also stay with Chidori.

Now just need a sequel and resolving the relationship side of things.

SalemJericho said:
Wow, i love how no one noted anything more then that the twins just died. First complaint is that that bald dude kills her...both as have the lambda drives and its said that it gives off power in relation to the person piloting it, and he kills her without a second thought, that was BULL. She should have killed him because her hatred is far beyond any toying that idiot would do. Its useless to have such a concept in a series if people DONT follow through with it. Even her as being worn down should have defeated him. What brain seizure of the creator thought people would be ok with her dying simply because her sister did?
Well I don't have that much of a problem with it. Let's remember she was exhausted when he showed up. She had been fighting against Mithril for quite some time and was nearing her limit when he showed up. Even if her anger gave her a boost that's not enough against someone that is experienced in using the lambda driver and is at 100%. In the end it's a difference of opinion. I think being tired is more than enough of a reason why she lost. Besides the initial clash was pretty even. She just got careless probably due to fatigue when he launched his second attack and besides he might just be a better pilot than she is. Skill and not being exhausted is better than someone that has their mind clouded by rage. Besides she was dead anyways so who cares? There were 4 other Venom types that if there was any doubt to the outcome would have jumped in and slaughtered her. It was over the moment she went out there.
Nov 30, 2009 3:07 PM

Sep 2009
Hehe, hope there will be another season, it was such a great anime, especially because of the lulzz :D I laughed tears so many times!!
Bleach ga saiko ka jibun ni! (:
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