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moka-san... tsukune... moka-san... tsukune... moka-san... tsukune...
ugh, I hate Kokoa's voice. It doesn't feel right to me..
I still think they should have waited little longer so that they'll have more season 2 stuff to animate but yeah. Hope it doesn't suck like first season...
This is freaking amazing in art compared to the first season! ONE PROBLEM, I find the pantsu thing wayyyyyyyyy overused. On top of that Gonzo is doing this.
Moka's sister is KAWAIIIIII and well drawn. The quality of art is like Hyakko...I smell another revolution in anime. EVERYONE IS BACK........Moka/Tsukene...Mizore/Tsukune...Yukari/Tsukene...... Kurumu/Tsukune....BIG HAREM!
I have a feeling this season is going to be sooooo much more ecchi.
The show is so ecchi they have to do this even when it's at 3am something?????
Ruby I find is really done in this season...really well done.
Moka's sister is TOO MOE in this one. The manga is something but this is something buffered up big time. REALLY IMPRESSED by art and style.
ALL HAIL to the new transformation and I REALLY LIKE IT minus the perversion of it. The whole sequence is amazing and much better than the crappy one of the first one.
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Toradora! < I think this is Subbed but its like in mkv format can't watch that.
there is also another version cause sub is upped on veoh and
mkv isnt usable on veoh :) but whatever u can just dl the cccp pack
then ull have no probs with mkv
Why did they got to use so many censure-Bats!!
I'm still waiting for any fansub edition, tough.
:S I think that the Manga has spoiled me the enjoyment of this series ( ̄へ ̄)
Mario1234567 said: So much anime Came out this week! And none of them are subbed yet. I really need to learn Japanese...
Clannad ~After story
Rosario + Vampire
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka
Toradora! < I think this is Subbed but its like in mkv format can't watch that.
I have the same problem, I NEED TO LEARN JAPANESE XP
Mario1-7 said: Is this Subbed yet??? if So please Can someone give link ;_;
I too want to know if it's subbed yet, but then again I want to know if anyone's subbed an uncut version. Apparently two stations censored the episodes airing, but a few others will run them uncut.
Oh god. It looks like this will be even worse than the previous season. The animation improved though, everything else seems worse or just as annoying as before.
cyruz said: Oh god. It looks like this will be even worse than the previous season. The animation improved though, everything else seems worse or just as annoying as before.
I don't know, I found all the pantsu hilarious and this show is just so crazy and ridiculous that I can't help but laugh at it.
It's at least as good as the first season and probably a little better, since the producers seem to have just accepted the fact that most people like it because it has boobs and pantsu and a pink haired vampire.
I'm sticking with it, if not for the comedy then at least for the almost infinite amount of pantsu in all kinds of flavours.
Well I said I wasn't going to go through this again and here I am... again... watching this show's second season. *sigh*
cyruz said: Oh god. It looks like this will be even worse than the previous season. The animation improved though, everything else seems worse or just as annoying as before.
Pretty much how I'm feeling. What is funny is the manga isn't all that bad.
Too bad this is just a continuation of the first season, and not some kind of mangaeque retelling. Anyway.. THAT ED OMG!! ED alone made it worth watching. Oh and of course the Kurumu character song in the beginning, I like that one. But man, that ED, srsly! Nice.
moka-san... tsukune... moka-san... tsukune... moka-san... tsukune...
Meh, same stuff as last season. Basically exactly the same from what I'm seeing, with the exception of a new character. The animation looks much better than the past season though, which is a plus.
On a side-note, the ED looks surprisingly well done.
I loved the first season and the second season doesnt look like it'll disappoint :)
All the players are there from last season and the only difference that i've noticed was they increased their low camera angle shots... its almost as if they pulled a page from the Strike Witches handbook.
Manga purists need to STFU now :) Because seriously, how silly is it to expect something serious to come out of this show.
"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Ltay said: Well, since this is only the first episode, i can't really tell if it's gonna be good or not, but it looks like it'll be better than the first.
Meh are you sure cause to me the moka tsukune moka tsukune was a bit much and took a lot of time. i really liked the first one nd this one seems to b drawn a little diffrent and now theres a crap more ecchi then i expected
I don't understand why I am even watching this anime. After I gave the first season a 4/10. Oh yeah cause I like the manga a lot. Guess I'll force myself through this anime. Gonzo fails yet again.