Aug 13, 2009 4:34 AM
As you may know, "Phantom: ~Requiem for the Phantom~" is an anime adaptation of a Visual Novel called "Phantom of Inferno". As most visual novels, Phantom has many different endings and paths. Thus, I have created this topic to summarise all the different endings that can acquired in the game. Summaries written here are written when I am sure that there would be no spoilers for the future plot in anime (so, three endings will get their summaries once the show ends) so unless you plan to play the visual novel eventually (I reccomend you to play it), you can read the posts here without fear of being spoiled. (If somebody who also played the game finds a mistake, please PM me so that I can fix it) Ending I: The Endless Nightmare Ending Type: Bad Ending Can be Acquired during Chapter 1 How to attain: 1. After Reiji's memory is restored and he finds Ein wounded in the warehouse, he has to choose to either save her or not waste time and escape back to Japan. Second option will result in this ending 2. If you save Ein and plan to leave Inferno but don't stop her from returning to Scyhte Master, Reiji returns to Japan and you get this ending 3. If you failed to follow either Ein's or Claudia's path, Reiji returns back to Japan Reiji returns back to his family in Japan and six months later he continues his education. Reiji sleeps in classrom when a friend and classmate of his wakes him up as it is time to go home. He then looks around for himself, obviously paranoid. As he walks through the streets with that friend of his, he thinks about how it is impossible for him to return to the normal world after killing so many people and we see traces of madness in him. To make the matters worse, in the crowds he sees Ein for a moment and his paranoia and madness grew. He knows that it is only a matter of time until Ein or someone else from the world from which he escaped kills him. Ending II: The End of a Long Dream Ending type: Bad Ending Can be Acquired during Chapter 2 How to attain: 1) Complete Claudia's path during chapter 1 and in chapter 2 but when asked if you will shoot Lizzie when she points her gun at Claudia and you answer with "See what happens", you get this ending 2) During the sniping mission, you have a choice to kill the sniper immediately or to confirm his identity first. If you shoot immediately and don't follow Claudia's path, you get this ending 3) When Ellen starts shooting at the harbour on the Godoh group, if you don't follow Claudia's path you can choose to either jump into car with Lizzie or to confirm the assasin's identity. If you jump into the car, you may get this ending Ending summary: After the loft is bombed, Reiji returns to the warehouse where he decides to await his death by hands of Inferno. Suddenly, he feels a pain in his heart and doesn't feel it ticking any longer. Obviously, he was shoot. He looks at the killer. ![]() He then says in monologue: "So, it was you after all". He also asks himself why did she shoot him into heart thus giving him a slow death, but comes to a conclusion that beggars have no right to choose and dies. Ellen/Ein comments that this will leave a scar in her heart and leaves, lamenting on her deed. Ending III: Vengeful Spirits Ending Type: Bad Ending Can be Acquired during Chapter 2 How to get it: Complete Cal's path and when the loft is bombed, you will have two options: "Go into hiding" or "Kill 'em all!". Ifd you choose teh second option, you get this ending Ending Summary: Crushed by thoughts that Cal has died, Reiji decides to get his revenge before going to other world to join Cal. When the Inferno members exit the loft, Reiji kills them. The one in the Benz starts the car and rides towards Reiji. Reiji kills the driver and is hit by the car. His ribs are crushed, but he doesn't care. He opens the doors and lets the corpse fall to the ground. He then takes a weapon from the car. Crowds start appearing to see what happened, but Reiji doesn't care. He enters his own car and rides to wards Inferno HQ. We then get a scene where McGuire finds out that Phantom entered the building and is slaughtering everyone inside. He gets paranoid and when lights turn off, he hides while his men go out to kill the Phantom. After some time, shooting stops but McGuire stays in his hiding. Soon, he decides that hiding won't help him and gets up. Then he notices that someone sits on the couch. ![]() He recognises the boy as Zwei, Inferno's Phantom. Zwei is wounded so badly that McGuire asks himself if he is alive at all. The boy just smiles at him. McGuire starts demanding answers on how can he dare attack him and what he wants. Zwei just asks: "Where is Cal?" McGuire screams, takes out his gun and adds another wound to Zwei's belly. But Zwei doesn't seem to notice it and kills McGuire with 10+ bullets. Reiji feels cold and asks himself why he is cold. He also starts calling for Cal: "Where are you Cal? Where are you?". He also comments on how he is sleepy and cold and how he wants to hold her warm body again. He then asks again "Where are you Cal?" and dies. Then focus shifts back to the loft: ![]() Cal waits for Reiji to return back to her. After three days of waiting, she starts crying and calls him a liar. Ending IV: Southbound Ending Type: Untrue ReijixEllen ending How to acquire: Complete Ein's path but don't complete Cal's path Ending Summary: watch episode 18, imagine there are no Cal bits and imagine that this is where the story ends. Ending V: Fugitives Ending Type: Untrue ReijixCal Ending How to acquire: in chapter 1, play through Ein's path, but when time comes to give Ein a new name at the motel, don't do it. After that, fully complete Cal's path Ending Summary: As usual, Reiji arrives in front of the loft when it is bombed. As in anime, he emoes over the lose but it seems that he stayed a little bit more as suddenly Cal appears. ![]() Reiji goes WTF and hugs her withour a word. Cal stays speechless. Then Reiji has a monologue in which he says that he saw abyss itself and that he doesn't want to feel those cold, sad feelings again. After few minutes, Cal suggests that it might be a good idea to go away before the police arrives or they will be in trouble. Reiji agrees so they enter Reiji's car and they drive away. Some time after they exit the city, they stop and exit the car. Cal asks him if he thought that she was dead and Reiji nods. They they talk a bit about the burned house and when asked if she is sad, Cal replies with: "Not really. As long as I am with you, I am happy. Tough I did get attached to that dress." Reiji then says in monologue that the problem isn't the fact that they lost their home, but the fact that they have nowhere to go. Cal asks if the Bloodies were the ones who destroyed their home and Reiji confirms, but in himself says: "Not only are Bloodies after us, but Inferno itself is hunting us." Cal also comments on how she felt as if she were protecting him when he hugged her a while back and smiles. Reiji looks at her smile and asks himself how long that bright smile will last. He just resolved himself to give up on his life of assasin and now it seems that he needs to continue to kill if they are to survive. It is only a question of time when she will get tired of all this hunting and her smile will finally dissapear. However, he will protect her even if he needs to make a contract with the devil himself. Nayrael's opinion: As you can see, this ain't really the most optimistic ending. Seriously, this story is twisted: if Cal dies, it is bad. If she survives and he finds her, it is bad. If she survives and he doesn't find her, it is bad, but at least later on it will be possible to get a happy ending with her... after they both suffered a great deal. |
NayraelAug 29, 2009 4:31 AM
Aug 13, 2009 4:36 AM
Claudia's Route in Chapter 1: During chapter 1, you can either follow Ein's route (like anime did) or Claudia's route (anime just followed some parts of it). Since you already know the story of Ein's route, here I will show differences in the story if you follow Claudia's route. 1. After Zwei finds out that he is supposed to become an assasin, he has a choice to think about Ein (Ein's route) or about his captors (Claudia's route). Thinking about his captors, he decides to accept his fate and be an assasin, but wows to take revenge against them one day. 2. When Claudia and Scyhte bring the Marine to the warehouse so that Zwei can kill him, Zwei gets nervous and looks to Claudia for help. Claudia just coldly stares back and, thinking that that her words about him not being a puppet were lies, he goes into the warehouse. Few minutes after he enters the warehouse, Claudia appears. ![]() So, this is how devil looks when devil smiles, huh? She explains that she needed to keep her cold facade outside because of her position, but that she can now show her true emotions. After a chat, she takes out her little gun (like the one which Zwei later gives to Cal, perfect for women and children) and promises Zwei to help him and not let him go alone into this. Zwei, however, looks at her and tells her to wait for him here as she is unable to fight. Then he realises something and tells her that he understands everything: she didn't want to fight anyway, just wanted to make him go and kill the bastard. He then just smiles and goes to fullfil his mission. The next scene is same in both Ein's route and Claudia's route. 3. After he kills the marine, in this route the one who comes to comfort him ain't Ein but Claudia. He sadly laughs and tells her how incredibly easy it is to kill a man and Claudia looks at him sadly (she was probably reminded of Romero who also became a cruel man after joining the underworld). Zwei then breaks up in tears and Claudia comforts him: ![]() You know, I am still not sure if Zwei was actually sad here or if he was just being a pimp... Claudia tells him to cry as much as he wants now. But after this, she orders him to never cry again. She tells him that he must fight to survive and get revenge against those who caused this to him. She also congratulates him on becoming a member of Inferno. 4. The Ferrari ride: while this remained in the anime, it was a longer scene in the VN so I'll describe it here. Zwei rides his car through LA as thats how he practices his driving skills. Suddenly, a ferrari passes by him and he is astounded by its speed. Then he hears his mobile phone ringing and answers it. It is Claudia and she tells him to meet her at next stop. ![]() Claudia's route = Route for the Pimp. I mean... women and cars... can it possibly be pimpier then this? Zwei is left without breath when he sees the car. Claudia offers him to take a ride with her but he tells her that he needs to practice his driving skills. She then tells him that she will let him drive it. You can now either accept the offer or reject it (it is essential to accept it if you follow Claudia's route). Zwei enters the car and starts driving. At first he is dissapointed and says in himself: "Barks, but has no teeth." But soon, the car enters warp 9 and Zwei is shocked. Claudia saying: "And don't take your foot away from gas... Your life depends on it." doesn't help either. He forgets those words and just a little bit tries to slow down. He almost crashes and they almost die, but they were lucky and Zwei managed to regain some control and stop the car. Claudia was smiling all the way and he is shocked that she isn't freaked out like he was (I agree. I mean... she almost died and all she did was smile? She may be a vicious bitch, but she can be cool sometimes as well...) ![]() She then offers to drive the car herself in order to show him how it is done. Zwei accepts it and looks at how she drives. He is suprised on how different she looks when she is driving and how she isn't anything like her usual self. He is also astounished on HOW she drives and comes to a conclusion that he will never be able to drive this well. After some time, she stops at a gas stop and offers him to give it another try. You can either accept the offer (essential for Claudia's path) or give up. Zwei tries driving again and continues becoming better at controlling this beast (Ferrary, not Claudia mind you.). Fear he felt at first is soon replaced by bliss. Claudia also comments on how she likes men who never give up. 5. After Claudia gives him the passport and Zwei regains his memories, Claudia tries to have sex with him. You can either accept it (required for Claudia's path) or reject it. ![]() People are freaked out when 16-years old Reiji has sex with 14-years old Cal. Yet, noone seems to be freaked out when a grown up woman called Claudia has sex with a 15-years old Reiji? Lets be honest, in front of Claudia, Reiji is a super-Loli 6. When Reiji finds wounded Ein in the warehouse, he takes the bullet out of her. However, the next day he doesn't run away with her, but he decides to return to Inferno and Ein decides to return to Scyhte Master. They say farewell to one another and mention that from now on, they are enemies. Then they return to their respective masters. 7. Reiji returns to Inferno and Lizzie is interrogating him in the same interrogation room as in Ein's path (anime). However, she doesn't hit him. Claudia sends Lizzie away and hugs Reiji. ![]() Claudia is such a pedo... She tells him that top members of Inferno still don't trust him and that he needs to show them his loyalty by killing Scyhte. Reiji, of course, accepts the condition and goes to harbour with Lizzie and her men in order to eliminate Scyhte. 8. The harbour scene is a bit different then in Ein's path. Here, he accidentaly shoots Ein while she was sneaking behind him. ![]() While he gazes at her and wonders why she didn't shoot him while she could, he gets hit by a bullet from behind. He sees that the one who shoot him was Scyhte and realises that going out with only one bullet wasn't his best idea. Scyhte takes unconcious Ein into his hands and prepares to kill Reiji, but Lizzie starts shooting from afar and Scyhte is forced to run away. Lizzie stops in order to help Reiji, but he yells at her and orders her to go and kill Scyhte before he runs away. After few more yellings, she goes after Scyhte but soon returns and tells him that Scyhte ran away. As in Ein's path, Inferno members arrive and McGuire names Reiji Inferno's new Phantom. |
Aug 13, 2009 4:38 AM
Claudia's Path in Chapter 2: Unlike Chapter 1 where you needed to choose between Ein's path and Claudia's Path, in chapter 2 you can follow Claudia's path and Cal's path at the same time. If you finished Cal's path, in one of two Claudia endings Cal will be mentioned. Most of first half of chapter 2 is identical to what happened in anime and everything connected with Claudia's path in chapter 2 are added scenes. 1. At one point, you will have to choose between going shopping with Cal (if you followed her path, you will get this option) or going to drink beer with Lizzie (not requires for Claudia's path, but has some interesting info). Reiji, concerned with Claudia using Godoh men as a bait to find the enemy, asks Lizzie some questions about Claudia. ![]() Yes, this is Lizzie in VN. You ask why is she so ugly? Because else people would demand a ReijixLizzie ending to be available. Simple. Lizzie tells him that Claudia and her brother Romero were once members of a gang that came into conflict with Wisemel's Bloodies. Lizzie was in prison at that moment so she doesn't know details, but she heard that Romero got killed thanks to Wisemel and his gang was destroyed. Soon after that, Claudia joined Inferno. Reiji asks if Claudia held a grudge against Wisemel and if she seeks revenger. Lizzie answers by saying that for some reason, Claudia didn't seem to hold a grudge against Wisemel. They also discuss loyalty and Lizzie tells that while she is a gangster, she does not consider herself to be an evil person. She also says that she would never follow a boss who doesn't deserve her trust. 2. At some point, Wisemel sends Randy Weber to bring Phantom so they can talk a bit. Reiji accepts if only to hear what the supposed enemy has to say. Wisemel reveals that he always respected him and decides to tell him what kind of woman Claudia in fact is and what happened years ago. He reveals that Claudia's brother Romero was a member of a gang working under a certain mafia. Claudia was mafia leader's lover and used her body to get what she wanted. When Bloodies came into conflict with them, Wisemel offered Claudia a chance to join Inferno under condition that she betrays her current group. So Claudia kills her lover and summons ehr brother Romero (Wisemel also mentions that she might have had sex with her brother as well). And, like she betrayed her lover, she betrayed her brother by putting a bullet between his eyes. Wisemel then warned Reiji that he also might end like those two and to not trust Claudia. Reiji, however, doesn't believe so he insults Wisemel and leaves. Still tough, he didn't forget what Wisemel said and thought that it explained some confusing staff about Claudia like her not holding a grudge against Wisemel. 3. After some time, Reiji decides to visit Claudia's house even tough she told him that he is currently not her bodyguard. He manages to evade all traps around her mansion and using a lock-pick enters her house. He soon notices that Claudia is not alone in the house and goes towards her room. He hears Claudia talking with someone and peeks into her room. ![]() Claudia. Selling her body since 1990 He sees her and Daisuke Godoh conversing after sex. After some time, they decide to have another round. Enraged, Reiji rushes into the room and demands from Daisuke to leave the house. Claudia is shocked and gets speechless. Daisuke comments on how she should keep her dog in control and confronts Reiji about how small worms should be careful of big fishes. Reiji loses the contest of GARness and, pleased, Daisuke leaves. Reiji and Claudia are left behind and start arguing. Reiji demands from her to stop selling her body like that and she starts laughing by saying that it is her strongest weapon. Looking like she lost it, Reiji slaps her. ![]() Claudia got bitch-slapped? Hell, yeah! Once again, Reiji demands from her to stop selling her body and tells her that he will always be there to help her. He also reveals that he knows about what she has done and that he doesn't care about that. 4. After Wisemel's death, Claudia and Reiji go on a cruise together. ![]() Claudia, bikini version They talk a bit about how they will need to take care of Bloodies now that Wisemel is dead and have a romantic conversation on how it would be nice if they lived together alone, far away from all this mafia business. Ah yes, and they dio the deed on the ship. 5. After the slaughter at the harbor, Reiji jumps into car with Lizzie in order to find Claudia (in other words, he still doesn't know if Ein is alive or not). Lizzie tells him that Claudia is now supposed to be at the hotel in which Godoh group stayed so they go that way. Once they arrive there, they confront Claudia. Claudia starts laughing about that and Lizzie soon joins: "Yeah, it is funny. In fact, it is too funny to laugh at it." Claudia then says: "Indeed. It is all truth after all." Lizzie stays shocked and can't believe that Claudia would betray Inferno like that. Claudia laughs again and says that she is more vicious then Lizzie. She apologizes and starts walking towards the exit, but Lizzie takes out her gun and points it at Claudia. Now, the player has two options: 1) See what happens (will give you "End of the Long Dream" ending) - Lizzie points her gun at Claudia and threatens to kill her. Claudia doesn't believe her and continues walking away knowing that Lizzie won't be able to shoot at her. After she goes through the door, Lizzie starts crying and collapses on the floor. Reiji tries to comfort her, but she points her gun at him and orders him to leave as he is too a traitor to Inferno. Reiji leaves and dies at the warehouse later on. 2) Shoot Lizzie - Reiji takes out his gun and wounds Lizzie. Claudia says that he didn't need to shoot Lizzie and he says: "Maybe. But I couldn't risk your life for that possibility." He also reveals that he will kill anyone who stays in their way and then says: "Lets crush Inferno, Claudia." She asks when did he become like that and he says that she thought him to be like that. Then they leave the hotel, leaving wounded Lizzie behind. Claudia tells him that a mafia family that is in conflict with Inferno might protect them, but they will need to bring them information about Inferno members that have infiltrated that group and which Claudia saved on a certain disc that is currently in her mansion. So they split: Claudia goes to one of her contacts to find a way to flee LA and Reiji goes to her house to retrieve the disc. He soon finds the disc with information, but alarms sound and he comes to a conclusion that Inferno has arrived to find Claudia and the disc. He takes a ice needle and waits for Inferno members to arrive. He kills one of them by attacking from behind and putting the needle through his throat. The second one is killed in a similar fashion. He then kills two more with their own weapons. Thinking he eliminated all of them, he plans to leave but notices that someone entered through the window. It was Ein. After seeing her, Reiji realizes that Scyhte was behind everything. Then Ein says: "If you want to live, come with everything you have." He now understands that they have no other choice but to fight. He remembers the days they spent together and comments in himself how he regretted shooting her that day and how now, that he found out she is alive, he needs to kill her again. He drops his empty gun and they start fighting. ![]() Ein may be an expert in knife combat and have a survival knife, but Reiji is a PIMP with an ice needle and less skill. Yep, the situation looks ugly for our Reiji Soon after the combat started, Reiji realized that title of Phantom made him careless and came to a conclusion that Ein was still better then him at knife combat. Knowing that Claudia's life depended on the disk, Reiji needed to find a way to win. He tempted Ein to try to kick him into chest and stab him into his heart, but when she tried to do that, he stabbed her into her leg and she kicked him in abondmen and made him fly through the air. As planned, he fell near one of the corpses, took his rifle and put Ein under a shower of bullets. After he stops shooting, he goes to fatally wounded Ein. ![]() Ellen T_T Ein tells him that he has grown strong and surpassed her and that she is glad that her wish to die as Scyhte's proud Ein was granted to her. She asked him if she gave him any challenge and he said that she did. She was glad to hear that and asked him that, if he met Scyhte, to tell him that his Ein was strong. She then died with a smile on her face. Immediately after she passed out, radio in her pocket rang. Reiji answered with: "Your Ein was tough." Scyhte was surprised to hear that Zwei was able to kill her so quick. Reiji tells him to not call him by that name and Scyhte then calls him Phantom. Reiji tells him that Phantom is also outdated as he is no longer a member of Inferno. Scyhte rejects that statement and correctly guesses what he and Claudia were planning to do. Scyhte then warns him that disk won't be enough to ally with that mafia and that they will give her red carpet treatment if she brings them head of Phantom, the one who killed their second in command. Reiji is outraged because of what he heard and asks him what proof he has. Scyhte reminds him of Romero and asks him to not take his route. Inferno lost many men and they need men of Reiji's skills and loyalty and that he was fortunate to get a chance to improve his standing in Inferno. Reiji asks him what he means with that and Scyhte tells him that he now has a chance to kill traitor Claudia and that if he brings her corpse and disk to Inferno, that Scyhte will protect him. (In other words, Scyhte asks him to do almost the same thing Claudia asked him near the end of chapter 1) Of course, Reiji doesn't believe a word and joins up with Claudia again. A car chase starts, but they manage to beat them. ![]() The reason this piece of art looks so ugly might be because it was animated. The car chase is filled with 2D and 3D animations. However, when a helicopter arrives, things truly became nasty. They tried to get away from the helicopter by entering a tunnel but tehy knew that once they drove out of the tunnel, that helicopter would continue chasing them so they decide to stop and exit through an emergency exit. However, the helicopter saw through that plan and entered the tunnel from other side. So they decide to make a desperate move. Reiji tells Claudia to accelerate and once they got near the helicopter, Reiji started shooting at its engine. ![]() This was also animated The helicopter was hit and caused a tunnel explosion, but the Ferrari managed to escape the explosion, thanks to its high speed. They somehow managed to reach the airport in which the plane that should take them to New York was located. Claudia tells Reiji that she needs to go back to the car for something and leaves him alone. Reiji soon notices few wanna-be assasins and kills them. Then Claudia appears behind him. ![]() So the bitch really decided to do it, huh? Player is now left with two choices and the ending he gets depends on chosen choice. |
NayraelAug 29, 2009 3:37 AM
Aug 13, 2009 4:45 AM
Ending VI: Woman in High Castle Ending Type: True Ending (ReijixClaudia) Acquired if Reiji gives up and allows Claudia to sacrifice him Reiji remembers what Wisemel and Scyhte warned him about, but says: "To hell with that." He decided to give Claudia a reason to shoot him (so that she would believe that she would die otherwise) so he yells and turns around. Claudia fatally wounds him and Reiji falls into her arms. She immediately regretted her choice and started crying. ![]() She probably cried like this when she killed her lover. She probably cried like this when she killed her brother. She will no doubt cry like this again in future. Reiji tells her to stop crying as she is ruining her beautiful face. He also makes her promise him to never forgive Inferno and to get back things that she lost. He dies with those words, leaving Claudia to cry for what she has done. About a year later, Claudia looks at the city from a castle that belongs to a high-standing member of the mafia she joined up with. We find out that, thanks to her information, Inferno infiltrators were removed. We also find out that she is now a courtesan of that high-standing member and that she uses him to control the family and fight against Inferno. ![]() She still holds the cartridge used to kill Reiji in order to never forget what she has done. (I planed to post this ending once the anime ended, but seeing how the anime already showed those masked girls in ep18, this ending is now a safe read... besides the fact that you will find out how the team-name of those girls is, tough I doubt that anime will reveal that anyway) Ending VII: From atop the Hill Ending Type: True Ending (ReiixClaudia) (I like to call The True Pimp Ending) Acquired if Reiji kills Claudia and returns to Inferno Reiji asks himself why he would need to survive, having noone to protect and nothing to fight for. Then he remembered the promise that he gave to Claudia a year ago: that he will survive no matter what. So he quickly turns around and, as a true Phantom, puts a bullet through her. Claudia collapses to the floor and starts shaking from pain. The wound she got was the most painful she could possibly get. Reiji takes her into his arms as if he was holding something fragile and decides to end her pain. ![]() Quite frankly, I believe that she deserved what she got... She tells him to wait until she closes her eyes. She wants to watch him as long as possible. She also asks him to call her name and hug her. He fullfilled those wishes. When she closed her eyes, he said: "I love you Claudia." Then he shoot her in head and she died with a smile. He then calls Scyhte and reports that Claudia is dead. Scyhte congratulates him on this heroic deed and tells him that he will put the blame for all the people Reiji killed on Claudia. Reiji then puts Claudia on the backseat of the car and looks at her and thinks on how beautiful she is. He also starts hating the world that didn't allow them to leave together. He also comes to conclusion that surviving is the most important thing in life and as long as he lives, he is not a loser. Scyhte fulfilled his part of the deal and it seems that Reiji started working under Scyhte and became the one who controlled all Inferno's assassins. (This is just a guess, mind you) After five years have passed, we find out that Inferno managed to unite the underworld and established secret control over USA. While Scyhte and the kingpins are celebrating that, some people jump into the conference hall and start killing the kingpins. Scyhte asks himself how can this be possible as the place is protected by Zchalen Schwestern, his personally created guard. He is shocked when he notices that the Zchalen Schwestern were the ones who were killing the kingpins and he stayed confused on why his loyal guard started revolting. When he was the only one alive, Phantom Azuma Reiji enters the hall and it becomes obvious that he was the one who truly controlled the Zchalen Schwestern. ![]() Reiji sacrificed Claudia for this harem? It is a decision I support! Reiji explains that he learned from Scyhte how to manipulate and since he already communicated with Ein, the very person on whom the Zchalen Schwestern were based on, he found it easy to get the trust of these girls and manipulate them. Reiji also mentions that Ein was the one who taught him how to kill but that the most important lesson he was teached by Claudia: how to betray. Scyhte is enraged because Reiji destroyed his dreams and his empire. Reiji then tells him that he had a fine life and that it is time for him to join Ein in hell. With those words, he kills him (This was probably the best death Scyhte could get in the game, IMO.) Lizzie then arrives and, if you completed Cal's path to some extent, reports that Cal has killed McGuire in Colombia (Yes, he turned her into an assassin). He is glad to hear that and, since she is the best assassin under him, he crowns her with the title of Phantom. Lizzie comments on how this is the day when Inferno died, but Reiji tells her that it is just a new beginning. Disgusted by the person Reiji became, Lizzie tells him that she is leaving Inferno in order to open a bar in the country. She also says that Scyhte may have been evil and twisted, but that Reiji has potential to become much worse. Reiji advices her to go as far away from him as possible and she replies by telling him that he doesn't need to tell him that. As she is leaving, he wishes her farewell in himself. Later, he visits Claudia's grave and thinks about how he managed to get the position Claudia dreamed about. After some more thinking, he looks at the town he is exploiting. Nayrael's opinion: There is little doubt that this is a badass ending. Taking over Inferno! How more awesome could it get? I also liked how Scyhte died here. He finally managed to reach the goal he dreamed of reaching, only to be betrayed by his own creations and see his dreams and empire disappear before his very eyes. He certainly got what he deserved. And the last thing I liked was seeing the Zchalen Schwestern without their masks on them. You will see these gals in chapter 3 in anime, but this may be the only chance you have to see their faces. A nice harem Reiji made there. He truly is... the Pimp of Inferno! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 3 Endings Ending VIII: Gazing at the Stary Sky Coming soon Ending IX: Road to Carulean Sky Anime is following this path so I don't intend to write a summary for it Ending X: Cherry Blossoms Avenue Ending Type: True Ending (ReijixMio) How to Acquire: Complete Mio's path When Reiji and Elen find out that Cal has kidnapped Mio, Reiji persuades Elen to not go after Cal or Mio might get hurt. As long as they and Inferno are moving as Cal wishes, Mio should be safe. For now, Cal is set on teasing Reiji but after a while, she will let Mio go and confront Reiji. Since there is little chance that all this will be resolved till Monday, they give up on fleeing from Japan. That night, while Reiji has a nightmare Elen is looking at him. She understands that he suffers because of Drei. If she knew that she would create thus much suffering to Reiji, she would not have been afraid that day at the church. This time, she won't be afraid. Even if she goes against the teachings of God. "These six months I have been watching you heal. I came to understand the meaning of home and hometown. I was happy because I was the same as you. We came a long way Reiji, didn't we? It took us two years. That is why you don't need to look back. There is no returning to the past." Elen would not forgive the ghosts of the past that were hunting Reiji. The enemy might have been crowned Phantom and Elen might have been away from the battlefield for long. "Even if I can't win, I won't lose. We will stab one another to death if needed. I won't let that girl stand in front of Reiji ever again." After the beating up Mio scene, Cal sits at window thinking about what just happened. ![]() Mio’s screams and cries for mercy still lingered in Cal’s ears. “I just wanted to scare her… that was all…” “So… why… why did I go so far?” She knew the answer, but she just didn't want to admit it: it felt good. Mio in fear… Mio’s screams… those were unbearably blissful for Cal. “The way she feels about Reiji and the way she talks about Reiji… in comparison, I…” She envied Mio. She wanted to destroy her purity. She wanted to break her completely. But Cal herself understood… to act like that was to be a loser. ![]() For example, there was her father, whose face Cal no longer remembered. He only felt happy when losing to life, seeking solace in drinking and hurting his children. “When did things turn out this way?” It was like an uncontrollable beast lived inside her and she was controlled by its every whim like a puppet. It was not that Cal hated, but that she was driven to hate. It was like her hate for Reiji has taken over and hijacked Cal. It was not that she despised anyone. It was just that bliss of hating, hurting and destroying drived her. It was not important if her opponent was Reiji or Ein… or even Scyhte or Lizzie. “What… SHIT! Lizzie… why didn't you stop me at that time? If you killed me, then all would have been the end, wouldn't it?” ![]() Cal starts to cry. She was alone, isolated as always. As always, she could not stand herself and tears flowed. She was scared of the beast within. She was scared of herself that went insane and destroyed. Mio opened her eyes and saw Cal crying. “Her crying… it seems so painful… but I can't understand why…” There was no way to understand another's pain. The words of Cal were true after all. “I can find the words to reach out… to console her. No matter how I try, I am just an outsider to her… in that case… Reiji too… If he is the same as this girl… if he has a chance to cry like her… then does that mean that I can't understand him either?” After she stops crying, Cal calls Elen and they make arrangements for a duel. When dawn came, Reiji wakes up and notices that Elen is gone... as well as Scorpion from their "armory". He also notices a notepad on which Elen wrote a message that Mio is safe and that he should run away first. He goes to find Elen. After that, we get a scene in which Elen saves Mio. Mio notices that Elen is different then usual and Elen reveals to her that she is an assassin and that Cal spoke to her last night. Mio asks her if there is something she could do for Reiji, and Elen tells her that she can do nothing as she is unable to remove Drei. The most she could do would be to stay here till midnight in order to not let Godoh Group and Inferno know that it is safe to start hunting Reiji. Before she leaves, Elen also reveals that she is the one who involved Mio in all this and that Reiji is unable to pretend thus all she saw in Reiji is true. Even tough Elen told her to wait there, Mio wasn't satisfied. She wasn't happy about the fact that Elen and Cal were going to kill one another thus she left the ruins in order to visit the school, find a phone and contact Reiji. While Reiji is running in the streets like Forrest Gump, his cellphone rings. He is surprised to find out that it was Mio who was talking to him and he is glad that she is safe. Mio tells him about Elen and Cal and how they will meet in order to duel at the church in about one hour and asks him to go there and stop them before someone gets killed. Reiji tells Mio to hide at the school while he goes to teach the girls a lesson. At the church, Elen was, while waiting for Cal's arrival, praying. ![]() "Lord... Please forgive me. I have deceived people close to me and have had hatred burn in bosom. And I have denied your love, turned my back to your guidance. I have killed people... please protect my fallen spirit from likes of Satan. Please look with kindness and let the souls that depart gather at your glory. And please guide the rest that remain to Paradise. And if the offenses of those that came to you prevent your love... please place all of the blame on me so that I can atone through the seven hells. I am no longer afraid." ![]() Today was the day when she would say goodbye to her life being driven by hate. "Whatever, I don't care any more." She didn't believe that there was place where Reiji and Elen could find peace. Even without Cal, they would have been hunted for the rest of their lives and someone would kill them one day. She wondered what was the meaning of all her hatred and effort she had spent till now. Hate in itself was empty. When she had told this to Mio, she asked herself why she isn't able to forgive. That was because... Cal was alone. Noone knew what Cal had though about, starved and cried during these two years. No one. If she forgave and forgot, then everything she endured have been in vain. Nobody would remember. It would be the same as if she had not existed at all. That she could not stand... could not allow... that was not fair. Even if she could inscribe herself in breast of another, it would only be hatred, injure and terror.That was all she knew anything about. Thats how Cal had lived. Those were her two years. And her upcoming figth to death was immaterial. It didn't matter if she won or lost... just as long as Ein would befilled with terror and Reiji with sadness, she would be satisfied. The survivors would never ever cease to regard Cal with awe. That was all she hoped for. She looks at her face in the mirror. She could not stand to bare that face. "Idiot... you must look as you are supposed to look, Phantom... don't look like you are going to die." ![]() ![]() ![]() Cal arrived at the church. Since having no rules is tasteless, Cal put her music box on the altar and announced that they will start the cat-fight once the music stops. Cal thinks about how she heard the melody countless time, but never knew its meaning or title. Elen, however, recognized the tune as Hymn Number 517: "Jesus is Calling", which is a music that sings about God's mercy. She immediately started singing the lyrics. When the melody stopped, girls aimed their weapons at one another, but the first bullet came from someone else the pocket watch was blown into pieces. ![]() „Good... I came just in time“ However, the girls COMPLETELY ignored him. ![]() In order to avoid being turned into cheese by Cal's gun, Elen hid behind a pillar and soon started returning fire ![]() Cal also hid behind the pillar in order to avoid being turned into cheese While Phantoms are fighting one another at the church, Mio is hiding at the school and listening to the sounds coming from the church. ![]() "To protect some he loves, he needs to kill someone he loves... no matter what happens, the outcome will be cruel." She is terrified, wants this all to end, doesn't want to get any more involved... She thinks about how nothing will be the same any more. "Knowing that this terrible world is so near... how can I feel happiness ever again? From now on, everything shall look suspicious..." However, knowing that every gunshot she hears might have killed somebody, she comes to a conclusion that Reiji himself might die... or disappear forever once this all ends. "No...if he disappears, my happiness will vanish tomorrow!" Even tough she is afraid, she decides to go to the church, but once she arrives there, she is unable to enter knowing that she can do nothing to stop this cruel battle. Suddenly, someone catches her from behind. ![]() A gangster? Or a pimp? THE PIMPSTER! He is the main villain of this story, I am telling ya! He yells to someone that he catched Mio and she notices that there are 20 dangerous looking men hiding in the woods she thought were deserted. Shiga, a man who worked under her "uncle" yells at the one who found her and threatens that he will kill him slowly if something happens to this girl (good job Shiga, you just told him that this little school girl is someone of great importance to the Godoh Group...). Shiga tells her that she is safe now. Mio notices the frightening faces that people around her have... including Shiga. Remembering what Cal said to her, she asks Shiga if they are the Godoh Group. Shiga tells her that there are some things that she should never know about. He also tells her that they came to protect her and that she is safe now. She tells him that her friends are fighting at the church and Shiga tells her that everything is alright and that they will deal with all of this completely. Mio is happy to hear that everything will be alright (seriously, this girl is sometimes very smart... and other times painfully dumb) We return to the church. ![]() While Elen was out of ammo, Cal continued to spray bullets It takes some time for Reiji to see where Elen is ![]() Professor Elen shows us her great skills of evading bullets by running around ![]() Elen jumps near Cal and fires some bullets at her opponent, but Cal uses the gun as a shield by throwing it away and jumping somewhere else. While in air, she takes out her S&W pistols ![]() Cal returns fire and Elen is forced to hide behind the altar ![]() Left without bullets, Elen throws away her Scorpion and takes out the Python and shoots at Cal. Cal hides behind one of the pillars and waits till Elen is forced to reload ![]() After hearing the seventh shoot, Cal goes out and starts shooting back so Elen hides again Reiji notices something very weird in Elen’s behavior: she is fighting without her usual care… she fights at Cal’s pace. ![]() When Cal is forced to reload, Elen goes out and starts shooting at Cal again Finally, Reiji realizes that Elen is trying to create her own pace. He noticed that Elen is controlling Cal like a puppet by making her believe that, because Elen has less firepower, victory is guaranteed for Cal. Because of that, Cal abandoned all of her strategies and fights by using same moves over and over again. He notices that Elen took out a survival knife and hides it behind her back. Elen’s plan becomes obvious to Reiji. ![]() Cal who is hiding behind a pillar, however, does not notice what Elen is intending to do Reiji is starting to think about how he could let Cal know about Elen’s plan. ![]() Elen fires the bullets from her pistol in random directions. As the seventh bullet is shoot, Elen makes a spin and throws the eight missile ![]() Reiji takes out his pistol and yells at Cal and fires a bullet in Cal’s direction. He didn’t aim at her, but she couldn’t know that. Cal crouches and retreats a bit. The knife scratches the tip of her nose and hits the wall. Neither Cal nor Elen are happy about what just happened. "Drop your gun, Cal. Ein won’t do anything to you.” Reiji says and aims his gun towards Cal, even though he doubts that she will listen. Unexpectedly, Cal throws away her guns. “You want to fight us both, Reiji? Now what? Don't tell me that this should be the end of all this stuff?” “Yes, it is! There is no reason for us to kill one another.” “He he he… yes, you may think so. But I have decided… I will send at least one of you to hell, even if I have to stab you while dying!” Cal put her hand into a sleeve and took out another gun. Reiji thought that this was the end of him, especially when he heard the gunshot. However, rather than dying, he heard glass shatter into pieces and someone’s corpse falling. He looked at the windows and saw people running in all directions and soon there was an army of people in the church. Drei continued to fire bullets at those guys… and then yelled at Ein and Zwei. “Dimwits! What are looking at? HIDE!” Not wanting to let Cal be the only one who kicks ass here, Elen took the scorpion she threw away and started to also spray bullets at the enemies. She called Reiji to hide behind the altar with her and he started running in that direction. However, he notices that Cal is running in the opposite direction. Holding her S&S’s in hands (the ones she threw away before few moments) and roaring a war cry, she charged through the door. Reiji was concerned, but had no other option but to run towards the altar. He notices that there are enemies firing bullets at Elen from one of the windows so he kills them. However, Elen’s right hand got wounded thus she needed to hand her weapon and magazines to Reiji. Since she was unable to fight, Reiji tells her to run through the back door (which the “professional” gangsters overlooked) and that he will follow her soon. After hesitating for few moments, Elen runs away and leaves Mio’s boyfriend to handle these guys. Outside, Mio FINALLY comes to a conclusion that Shiga intend to kill the Phantoms. She asks him to stop, but Shiga orders some random guy and THE PIMPSTER to take Mio into a car. Mio is NOT happy knowing that this means that she is pulled into a world where she won’t have a Reiji. ![]() Soon, Reiji is left with an empty scorpion. He comes to a conclusion that once his pistol runs out of the ammo, that this will be his death. However, his savior arrives… ![]() We get a romantic scene with Mio running through the church filled with bullets and gun smoke Both Reiji and the gangsters froze. Nobody could understand what a freaking school girl has to do in this scene… ![]() “REIJI, I finally got to meet you again!” Reiji and the gangsters are still in the WTF Mode when Shiga arrives and tells Mio that this bastard is deceiving her. Mio understands that they won’t let Reiji go so she tells him what to do with her. “I am sorry Reiji. I can neither fight nor am I brave like Elen. But I still want to help you.” ![]() “Drop your guns or MY girlfriend gets it!” Even though he is still in the WTF Mode, Reiji obeys her orders and tells the gangsters to throw their guns. They hesitate, but Shiga orders them to throw away their guns. The gangsters fall deeper into the WTF Mode. When Reiji and Mio get out of the church, they start running. And where else could teenagers in love run but to the… school… She asks him if he is mad at her, but he thanks her instead and tells her that he would have died if she didn’t arrive. However, he is mad at himself for mixing Mio in all this mess. “However, this has to stop. We need to separate now.” “No… no! Shiga and others might still be after you… you will be in danger if I am not with you!” “Enough! I can’t endanger you anymore! Please understand.” … Reiji: “I have to leave Japan tomorrow.” “If you are leaving then I don’t want to stay here anyway!” “Mio…” “I’ll follow you anywhere. I’ll lead whatever lifestyle… I just wanted to be with you…” (“Damn, I should have said no to her confession.”) “No! You need to lead normal…” ![]() “No! Why does everyone treat me like something that should be avoided? Why do I need to be happy alone? I wanted a real father and a real brother… I didn’t care what people they were, I just wanted to spend every day with them! That would have been enough.” “Mio…” “I am tired of being alone… I would rather be unhappy together then happy alone… I love you… I want to be on your side forever!” “Me too…” “…” (“No, I can’t say it! If I do, Mio will never be able to go back.”) While they are having romantic conversation, Shiga and his gangsters are waiting outside the school (seems that THE PIMPSTER is not here… can they possibly win without THE PIMPSTERr?) While Shiga is thinking about how they can save Mio, Scyhte and his girlfriends arrive. Shiga tells him that Reiji is holding a hostage but Scyhte doesn’t care. “A hostage? It seemed to me as if she has gone with him willingly. Thus, she was hostile towards both Inferno and the Godoh Group. She is now just an obstacle that needs to be removed.” “What did you just say, you bastard?!” “It is time for you to leave the stage, Mr. Shiga and let me handle this situation.” “Scyhte… men, shoot!” “What a shame Mr, Shiga… what a shame…” Since THE PIMPSTER is not here, Zchalen Schwestern should have no problem in annihilating these Godoh amateurs. Thus, Scyhte orders them to slaughter the member of the Godoh Group. ![]() At the school, Reiji hears gunshots. He concludes that Inferno must have broken its ties with the Godoh Group. That means two things: that he will now need to face professionals rather than amateurs… and that Mio is now in danger as well. Soon, Shiga appears in the school. When Reiji asked him what happened, Shiga tells him that Inferno’s professionals attacked him and his men and that he is the only one who managed to escape. Reiji decides to hand Mio to Shiga in order to take care that she is safe, but she resists. He promises her that, once everything here has been settled, that he will visit her at her house. He asks Shiga to allow him to do that. Shiga is, of course, shocked but after noticing Reiji’s wink (meaning, that this is a lie told in order to protect Mio), he agrees. Thus, he and Mio leave him. ![]() This is Sechs (6) As Shiga and Mio exited the school, Sechs notices them. Knowing that these two might be used by Zwei as decoys, she reports what she saw to her sisters and they prepare for any kind of response that they might get from Zwei. Unknowingly, Shiga and Mio are running towards Sechs’ hiding place. When they got near enough, she comes out. As she is preparing to tear them into pieces with her Kalashnikov, a bullet comes from the school and hits her forehead and since people die when they are killed, she dies. Her sister’s immediately start firing bullets towards Zwei’s position and start coming up with a plan on how to get rid of him. All goes a Zwei has planned: the enemy believes that Shiga and Mio were decoys and that they would now concentrate on killing Zwei rather than removing those two. Now, Zwei just needs to make a show in order to get even more of their attention. Since the enemy is using the “Turn everything into a beehive” tactics, he understands that only a trap could help him kill them. Thus, he starts preparing a trap. ![]() This is Neun (9) While Neun was turning room after room into a beehive, she notices that in men’s bathroom, stalls are closed as if they are all being used. Without hesitation, she starts turning them into a beehive as well. She is surprised to see water pouring out and reached her feet… but she is shocked to see that an electric cord fell into that water and turns her into a roasted meat. Neun screamed before she died and Funf, who was on the same floor, heard the scream. ![]() This is Funf (5) She arrives at the place of tragedy and finds Neun dead. She hits the electric cord with bullets in order to remove electricity from water and then removes Neun’s mask. Neun was the youngest of Master’s girl’s and Funf used to encourage the frightened Neun. After some time, they became close and started having a healing effect on one another. “Zwei…I will tear out his bowels and kill him. But where could he be?” Too late she notices that someone opened the doors to women’s bathroom and gets killed by Zwei. Back outside, Mio is crying. Shiga is pissed off to see that she still trusts that guy, even though he deceived her with sweet words and then used her as a decoy. This renewed Shiga’s belief that Zwei was evil to the core. He will kill Zwei before letting him see Mio again. They finally arrive at the car, enter it but before Shiga turns on the engine, he stops to think. He notices that there are Phantom’s motorcycle, Godoh’s van and Shiga’s car here, but no vehicle that should have transported Scyhte and the Numba Sis. He concludes that they hid it and after thinking about why, he concludes that all the vehicles here are rigged. So, he tells Mio to get as far as possible from the car and then he goes to check it. He notices that there is a simple trap here that was supposed to cause the explosion. Knowing that the assassin’s are concentrated on Zwei, he starts disarming it. Back at the school, Vier, Sieben and Acht have arrived at the place where Funf and Neun died. The fact that Zwei managed to halve their number’s and steal one of their weapon made them nervous as they no longer had enough manpower to properly surround Zwei. To make matters worse, Scyhte calls them and tells them that Mio and Shiga are escaping. They are supposed to take care of them immediately. Thus, Seben leaves in order to kill the weaker pray. After disarming the trap, Shiga tells Mio to hide behind the school gates. Knowing that there might be another trap, Shiga is risking his own life in order to tst the car. He remembers Daisuke and how he believed that men should always bet their lives. Even though he is unable to laugh at situation like this like Daisuke did and the fact that he is scared, Shiga turns on the engine… there was… no explosion. However, his happiness doesn’t last for long as Sieben appears and turns the car into cheese. Mio manages to suppress her scream, but stays paralyzed from fear. She starts calling for Reiji in herself. ![]() This is Sieben (7) In order to check if Shiga is alive or not, she kicks him. Seeing that there is no reaction, she concludes that he must be dead. As she starts checking the car for Mio, Professional Assassin Sieben gets killed by the wounded geekster Shiga. Mio gets out of her hiding and notices that he is bleeding, but because he was filled with Sieben’s blood, she is unable to see from where. He tells her that everything is alright and they leave after Mio looks at school again and remembers Reiji’s promise. Speaking about Reiji, he is exchanging fire with Vier and Acht. The gunshots from outside and lack of Sieben made him nervous and he starts coming up with an “All or Nothing” plan in order to get rid of these two as quickly as possible. Back outside, Cal is watching at Shiga and Mio escaping. She is glad that she won’t need to jump in and help Mio and is confused about why she cares. Looking at school, she notices that Reiji is fighting in a flashy kind of way. Knowing that this is not his style, she comes to a conclusion that he is buying time for Mio and Shiga to escape. She remembers how he did the same thing at the church: let Ein escape by risking his own life. She remembers how before few days he tried to save Ein by giving his life to Cal. Back then she was pissed off that he was so serous. Now she would be disgusted if he really did sacrifice his life like that. And the worst of all: the Numba Sis might kill him before she does. “Also, where could Ein be?” ![]() “Don’t move.” (“Oh, she is right here…”) “Who are those girls?” “They are Scyhte’s personal troops. In short... they are mass produced versions of you, Ein.” “Huh?!” “Reiji is fighting for his life there. Shouldn’t you go and help him?” “I believe that you are more dangerous.” “Then why don’t you shoot me, Ein?” “Because Reiji wouldn’t want that.” (“That idiot… does he really believe that he can solve all of this without anyone getting killed?”) “So, if you stay here Ein, you are putting Reiji’s life in danger. On the other hand, if you leave you can’t know what I would do.” “I return the question. What do you intend to do, Cal?” “…” The scene ends without us getting answer on Elen’s question… or an explanation why Elen called her Cal instead of Drei. ![]() These are Acht (8) and Vier (4) Back at the school, Reiji causes an explosion in the chemistry lab and, in order to avoid it, makes a Leap of Fate through the school window and lands in a flower bed. Surprisingly, nothing got broken. He concludes that those two must have died and decides to go and find the last one before Mio gets hurt. However, someone fires a bullet near him. Scyhte appears with a gun pointed at defenseless Reiji. ![]() This is (0) "Hold it right there" "Scyhte!" "This meeting holds a certain Deja vu for me." "That was magnificent fighting, Zwei" "I never dreamed that you would take out five of them." "That was bad from me, wasn't it? I destroyed your precious harem." "That was a heavy loss but in return I got to watch a splendid battle. So let's call it good" "It seems like this gave an answer to my research." "You scumbag..." "In the end, it seems that you are the best, Zwei. You proved that motivation is the deciding factor in quality of my soldiers. A strong will, something to protect and indomitable will to survive... it seems as though heroism is not just an illusion after all. My only regret is that your motivation was not aimed in the right direction. It is a shame that you need to end as my enemy." ("Am I to die here? I fought everything and now have to die at the hands of this worm here?") "Someday someone will kill you. Some whom you have stolen everything and turned them into a toy. Don't forget, Elen and Cal are still alive." "Ha! They are not enough to inspire fear. They are just my failed projects." ![]() “Oh really?” Cal fires a bullet into his chest. “What?!” Scyhte can’t believe his eyes. "Uh!" "If you hadn't let your mouth run like this..." "Uh...oh…" "So, who is your failed project?" "…" "Oh, he is smiling as usual. Are you going to die with that stupid look on your face?." "Oh..." Scyhte dies without giving a reply to her sarcastic remark. Cal turned her gun towards Reiji. “Cal…” “No need to hurry. The rest of them are dead and Mio is safe.” “That is good to hear…” “There is one thing I don’t understand though. Why did that stubborn girl leave you alone and escape?” “I promised her that I will visit her one this all is solved.” (“I never thought I would fulfill it tough…”) “I see… then you should better go and see her.” Cal turned her back to Reiji and put the gun into her holster, “I will let you go for now. I owe it to Mio…” “Cal…” “I will tell you: this is for Mio. The next time I see you I will kill both you and Ein.” “…so, where are going now? After all, Inferno is pursuing you.” “That isn’t your concern.” “But…” “And don’t even think of abandoning Mio and escaping, get it? You know what happens when you break promises to a woman.” Then Cal turned and never looked back. The biker walking in Devil-May-Cry attitude (yes, they said Devil-May-Cry) disappeared in darkness. (“The next time we meet, huh? At the end, I was not forgiven, but that makes sense.”) The moment, Cal left, Elen appeared. She asks him if he remembers where the meeting place will be and that she will go ahead. He still has a place he has to visit. They may still make it out of Japan even if he visits Mio. And so Reiji goes to visit his girlfriend. In meantime, Shiga stopped the car once he and Mio got far enough. ![]() Shiga… because he never managed to pimp Mio, this man does not feel like a true man! He asks Mio if he could rest a bit and she answers by asking why he isn’t going to hospital. But she immediately realizes that he is dying. He puts on a false show of power and Mio notices that he is for some reason gentle towards her… and he reminds her of Daisuke. she asks him what kind of person her uncle was. He sadly replies: “He was a man among men. He lived a life that every man dreamt of living… I wanted to be like him, but I have gone in wrong direction and too late realized that I am not able to reach him.” Daisuke Godoh was a criminal, yakuza, a gangster. But the Daisuke Mio knew was a kind and gentle man and he always thought of her, no matter where he was. That was all she knows about him. Nothing more. “Can I… be proud of my brother?” Shiga moved his pale lips and smiled at her. This was the first time he smiled at Mio. “Yes, you can. Actually, that was what I wanted you to understand all this time.” Mio nodded and smiled. This was the first time she smiled at Shiga and Shiga felt warm at heart because of that. But this was not the time for happiness. Shiga still had a duty to protect Mio. He wanted to tell Mio that she should forget about Azuma Reiji, that he is dangerous and that she should not let him get near her, but doesn’t manage to spit out enough words to show what he wants to say. Mio misunderstands what he wanted to say so she replies by saying that she knows that he wants her to completely believe into Reiji. Shiga was not happy to hear that, but couldn’t say anything. He even thought that he heard Daisuke laughing at his expense. And thus, Shiga dies. Left alone in silence, Mio thinks about how many people she saw dying. As she is walking towards her house, she thinks about how this is Reiji’s world. She could handle living in it for few days, weeks… more than a year probably. But after that, it would destroy her. She might even lose her feelings for Reiji. She finally understood that spending the rest of her life with Reiji was nothing more than a dream. As Mio is walking through the crowd-filled streets, she realizes that she is alone. These people only see the reality, but Mio has peeked to the other side. The world no longer looks the same to her. In those crowds, she notices Azuma Reiji. Because his clothes are stained with blood, the crowds are keeping distance from him. He doesn’t care tough. To him, this was normal. He also notices Mio but before he is able to say anything, she runs to him and hugs him. (“I am no longer alone! Even if he leaves… even if I can’t follow him… I’ll never be alone again!”) The couple goes to Mio’s house. Reiji takes a shower there and after him. ![]() Third Chapter, third girl pimped As Mio returns in her pajamas after taking a shower, he notices that she still looks innocent and untainted. He is happy to see that she was able to return to being Mio she was. They spend the night talking. First, Mio talks about her family, her life and her dreams and visions of future. After that, it is her time to listen. Without hiding anything, Reiji talks about his life, how he killed his first person, about Elen, Cal, Claudia, Scyhte and even Inferno. ![]() Pimp Rule #334: Girls like Mio LOVE boys that cry thus Crying = “getting some” Mio listened till the end and once Reiji started crying from those memories and she puts his head in her lap. She forgives him what he has done and heals him from his sins. In the uncensored version, they have sex as well. Next morning, Reiji wakes up alone. He doesn’t want to say farewell to her while she is awake as he is afraid that he would lose the strength to leave. He understands that she knows him too well to be angry about it. Before leaving, he looks at her sleeping face and memorizes it. As long as he remembers that face, the healing effect that his hometown and Mio had on him will not vanish. He then leaves the house by saying “I am leaving”. No reason to say “Goodbye”, a one day he will probably say “I am home!” The new semester started and students soon forgot about Azuma Reiji and Azuma Elen who suddenly transferred. They had studies, romance and their own lives to worry about. Mio, however, still remembered. But she stayed silent, wanting to believe that everything was a dream. In order to not be hurt by what she knows, she decided to live her life no matter if her memories were real or a dream. And so the time passed… THE PIMPSTER! decided to use the knowledge of Mio’s existence in his own advantage thus he had his men track Mio around and take photos of her. He showed them to her father, Kaiten Godoh, who was the leader of the Godoh Group and asked him to retire and hand the leadership to THE PIMPSTER!. However, a certain someone was listening to the conversation and showed himself in front of these two. ![]() Reiji said to THE PIMPSTER! that he had killed the man that THE PIMPSTER! sent to watch Mio and that nobody knows about Mio any longer.THE PIMPSTER! is pissed off and goes to take out his gun. However, Reiji is faster and THE PIMPSTER!finds himself in front of his gun. “Ah yes… there is still someone who knows about Mio…” “P…please…. Don’t…” “You were trying to hurt Mio. Besides, you are too stupid to learn a lesson from this. You’ll have to die.” And thus the THE PIMPSTER! is killed. Reiji is now officially The Pimp of Inferno. Kaiten Godoh doesn’t show fear and asks Reiji how he can enter his house without a greeting. He also recognizes him as the Phantom. Reiji demands from Kaiten to retire because, as long as Kaiten leads the Godoh Group, Mio will be in danger. Kaiten doesn’t like the idea. “Don’t think that I am afraid of your threat, boy. I have over 3000 men serving under me!” “I am just one man with just one life but… I can kill those 3000 men.” “…” “I’ll give you one week to think about this. If you don’t retire till then, then I will destroy the entire Godoh Group.” “So you intend to challenge the yakuza that controls the entire Kanto region?” “Yes, I do. But I hope that you won’t give me the reason to do so, Kaiten Godoh.” And thus Reiji leaves. After graduating from high school, Mio decided to bring the news to the very person to whom she first reported that she passed the entrance exam: her uncle Daisuke Godoh. She managed to find her uncle’s grave in the graveyard and decided to chat with the tombstone. Before leaving, she took out the graduation gift the school gave her and showed it to Daisuke. it was a watch. Since her uncle already gave her a nice one, she decided to give this one to him. As she turns around to get to the graduation party, she notices someone watching at her. ![]() This guy is so old that retirement should be a logical decision But as their eyes meet, he averts the gaze and walks away. Mio feels as if she saw his face somewhere, but isn’t able to remember him. He must have thought that she looked like his granddaughter or someone. ![]() Mio starts sprinting towards the future. She looked forward to her new daily life and the time that has yet to come. Behind one of the trees, her Guardian Angel Reiji is watching at her back. Elen asks him why he doesn’t go and meet her, but he tells her that it is still too soon. There are still things left undone and he still has to get used to this country. |
NayraelSep 28, 2009 6:10 AM
Aug 13, 2009 8:30 AM
Where is the "road of whatever" ending LOL, that's one of the biggest ones and you didnt mention it LOL Still waiting for the other Cal "true ending", that's the best IMO, along with Reiji's "PIMP king ending". In the PC version, I savour it as the last one after completing the others and in the PS version, that was the only path I bother to complete again. PS: The Phantom girls were hot but nowhere near as hot as adult Cal. All hail adult Cal !!! Heck, her LOLI version is fine too, a cat is fine too !! |
BitchMasterAug 13, 2009 8:44 AM
If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!! |
Aug 13, 2009 8:46 AM
Ending XI: Dusty Desert Trail Ending Type: True Ending (ReijixCal) How to acquire: Don't complete Mio’s path and when Elen leaves Reiji in order to search for Cal, choose the “Look for Cal” option Reiji decides to find Cal before Elen does and save Mio. In order to do so, he’d need to force her to go out of her hiding. After the beating up Mio scene, Cal sits at window thinking about what just happened. ![]() Mio’s screams and cries for mercy still lingered in Cal’s ears. “I just wanted to scare her… that was all…” “So… why… why did I go so far?” She knew the answer, but she just didn't want to admit it: it felt good. Mio in fear… Mio’s screams… those were unbearably blissful for Cal. “The way she feels about Reiji and the way she talks about Reiji… in comparison, I…” She envied Mio. She wanted to destroy her purity. She wanted to break her completely. But Cal herself understood… to act like that was to be a loser. ![]() For example, there was her father, whose face Cal no longer remembered. He only felt happy when losing to life, seeking solace in drinking and hurting his children. “When did things turn out this way?” It was like an uncontrollable beast lived inside her and she was controlled by its every whim like a puppet. It was not that Cal hated, but that she was driven to hate. It was like her hate for Reiji has taken over and hijacked Cal. It was not that she despised anyone. It was just that bliss of hating, hurting and destroying drived her. It was not important if her opponent was Reiji or Ein… or even Scyhte or Lizzie. “What… SHIT! Lizzie… why didn't you stop me at that time? If you killed me, then all would have been the end, wouldn't it?” ![]() Cal starts to cry. She was alone, isolated as always. As always, she could not stand herself and tears flowed. She was scared of the beast within. She was scared of herself that went insane and destroyed. Mio opened her eyes and saw Cal crying. “Her crying… it seems so painful… but I can't understand why…” There was no way to understand another's pain. The words of Cal were true after all. “I can find the words to reach out… to console her. No matter how I try, I am just an outsider to her… in that case… Reiji too… If he is the same as this girl… if he has a chance to cry like her… then does that mean that I can't understand him either?” Mio falls asleep while thinking about all of that. (Unlike “Road to Cerulean Sky” and “Cherry Blossoms Avenue” routes, here Cal does not call Elen in order to solve things with her. I guess that in this version, Reiji and Cal were closer thus she loved him more… and the stronger her love in past was, that is how strong her hatred now is thus this realization isn’t enough for Cal to start resisting the beast within). Next morning, Mio wakes up and notices that Cal is gone. She remembers that Cal cried last night and can’t believe that she is the same person as the girl that told her, in cold voice, that she wants to kill Reiji. As she is thinking about that, she feels someone’s eyes on her backs. The guy behind her was Azuma Reiji. ![]() “I came here fearing for my life and I find a naked girl? Now THAT’S luck!” Reiji is saddened to see that Mio was held in this lonely and cold place and is even more saddened when he notices that her clothes were torn apart. “It is my fault. I promised to protect Mio and I failed…” Not knowing what to say to Mio, he decides to stay silent. He then notices that there is a handcuff on Mio’s leg. First, he thought of taking his gun and free her by shooting at handcuff, but since he didn't want to show a gun to Mio, he decides to use a different method. He asks her to give him a hairpin and decides to unlock the handcuff. He takes his time as he doesn't want to show her that he is used on doing this. After freeing her, he asks her if she has clothes in school (since they are in the old dorm right now which is not far from school, which might be the best place to look for clothes). She confirms and he decides to go there with her in order to give her some clothes. He knows that they might meet Cal at their way there, but he decides to risk. If it happens, it happens. They don't tell a word to one another as they walk towards the school. Reiji concludes that Cal told everything to Mio. However, when they finally come to school, Mio says few words and tells him that she would want to know more about that person called Cal and mentions that she saw her crying last night. Then she enters the room to put on her gym clothes and Reiji says in monologue: Thank you Mio. Even though it didn’t concern you, you said something very important for me. When Mio enters the taxi, Reiji tells her to not worry about Cal. As the taxi leaves, Reiji prepares for the second stage of his master plan. In meantime, Cal drives around looking for Reiji. She didn’t concern herself with movements of Ein, but when Reiji disappeared, she became concerned. “That rat ran away and abandoned Mio…” As that thought crosses her mind, she notices the mistake in her judgment and returns to her hideout and finds out that her hostage is gone. She is angry and in despair believing that Reiji must have saved her. Desperate, she takes out Mio’s cell phone and calls Reiji, even though she believes that he must be gone already. On her surprise, Reiji answers. “Reiji! You are aware of what you have done!” “It is too late Cal. I let Mio go a while ago. There is no reason for you to get worked up...” (“He is laughing at me… he is poking fun at me…”) “Farewell again, Cal…” “I will follow you… I will follow you to depths of hell if needed…” “Give up Cal… you can’t really believe that you can beat me?” “What?” “Don’t make me laugh. An army of you wouldn’t stand a chance against me. I see that value of position of Phantom has gone down the drain since you became Phantom… not to mention the value of Inferno.” “WHAT?! You are the one to talk! Always running away like a coward!” “You are dull, Cal. Shall I give you a chance?” “A chance?” “Now that I think about it, it will be a pain if you follow me forever. We can duel and settle it once and for all… if you have the courage that is.” “It sounds interesting.” (“As I hoped, I wont show him any mercy. I will murder you Azuma Reiji. I will murder you!”) “I'll give you an hour. Come to the church near Shinokura Gauken by then.” (“SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT … he he he he… yes, thats right… this hateful feeling is all I have left… I am not going to worry any more. I am going to free the beast… the beast within me! I will give you all of me… and then I will push till the end!”) The scene then changes to Reiji so now we listen to his monologue while he is walking towards the church: (“This is it. This is my last duty for her. What Cal now needs is an opponent… someone at whom she can throw two years of pent up emotions. If she is full and overflowing with hate, then I should purge her of it. I will take on all of her anger and then I will die. If it will compensate for the havoc I created from her life, then it will be a cheap price to pay… this life of mine. I don't know if she will be able to start over… to start a new life again. But to do so, this nightmare of hers has to end. This nightmare that has lasted till today. That is all I can do. Then I will watch over her and pray for her… until the day she can acquire true happiness. She shouldn't have to suffer any more because of me.”) Reiji entered the church and started remembering the old days and asked himself why didn't he check if she was alive on the day of explosion. (“If she had not met me… if she had not loved me… Cal would have had a different life. I don’t know if she still can, but I have to believe that. I need to return her life back.”) As he intends to say a prayer he learnt from Elen, he feels angry eyes watching his back. ![]() Cal taunts him, but Reiji stays silent (“I can’t say hateful things in front of her…”). When she asked him how he wants to settle this, he told her to make the choice herself. So she takes out her Clock of Despair and says that once the music stops, they shoot. Reiji remembers the day he bought her that watch and the joy Cal felt because of that. Reiji notices that distance is 10 meters and that there is no chance that either of them will miss. It is all about the speed. However, Reiji does not intend to fire a bullet. He will take out his gone and aim it at her, but he won’t pull the trigger. As he listens to music, he remembers the past days again. He loved her and she loved him, but now they must end as enemies. Even though he knew why he needed to die, he still regretted it. Is it selfish for him to die this way? The melody was nearing its end. (“The sound of Cal’s music box will be the last thing I hear… no… the sound of bullet will be the last thing I will hear. At least an image of her face will be burned into my memory… then I will die. Even the eyes of a killer… the eyes filled with hatred… they will do…. Because those are Cal’s eyes.”) Then the silence came… and with it, Reiji’s supposed death. Cal took out her gun, but then she suddenly jumped back and a shower of bullets hit the place where she was standing. Reiji turns around and looks at the source of those bullets. ![]() Impatient Elen starts the cat-fight! Cal declares Reiji a cheater and takes the gun she brought with her and the cat-fight starts. ![]() Cal doesn't waste time and she starts firing bullets… and destroying the church. It takes some time for Reiji to see where Elen is ![]() Professor Elen shows us her great skills of evading bullets by running around ![]() Elen jumps near Cal and fires some bullets at her opponent, but Cal uses the gun as a shield by throwing it away and jumping somewhere else. While in air, she takes out her S&W pistols ![]() Cal returns fire and Elen is forced to hide behind the altar ![]() Left without bullets, Elen throws away her Scorpion and takes out the Python and shoots at Cal. Cal hides behind one of the pillars and waits till Elen is forced to reload ![]() After hearing the seventh shoot, Cal goes out and starts shooting back so Elen hides again Reiji notices something very weird in Elen’s behavior: she is fighting without her usual care… she fights at Cal’s pace. ![]() When Cal is forced to reload, Elen goes out and starts shooting at Cal again Finally, Reiji realizes that Elen is trying to create her own pace. He noticed that Elen is controlling Cal like a puppet by making her believe that, because Elen has less firepower, victory is guaranteed for Cal. Because of that, Cal abandoned all of her strategies and fights by using same moves over and over again. He notices that Elen took out a survival knife and hides it behind her back. Elen’s plan becomes obvious to Reiji. ![]() Cal who is hiding behind a pillar, however, does not notice what Elen is intending to do A thought of dead Cal crosses Reiji’s mind and he starts becoming desperate. ![]() Elen fires the bullets from her pistol in random directions. As the seventh bullet is shoot, Elen makes a spin and throws the eight missile ![]() Reiji starts running towards Cal, not even caring if Cal will shoot him. ![]() And he made it in time… “Why… What happened?! Why did you save me?!” “I am sorry Cal… I am afraid that I am no good at lying after all…” (Reiji falls unconscious) “Why, at the end of the end, did you protect me? I don’t understand anything… I don’t understand anything at all…” While Cal is confused, Elen comes and removes Reiji from her. Without any fuss or hesitation, she carefully removes knife from Reiji’s shoulder (which was supposed to hit Cal’s throat) in order to not hurt an artery. She tells Cal that he is alright and that he just fainted. Cal asks why Reiji saved her and Elen replies that it is what he wanted all along. Cal wanted to ask something else, but Elen gives her a sign to stay silent. Cal looks around and notices that there are people watching them from the windows. She counts and concludes that they are surrounded by around 20 enemies. Elen starts walking towards the altar and tells Cal to hide Reiji there. Elen also picks up the scorpion she threw away and changes its magazine. Cal started to ask a question, but was interrupted when those gangsters started firing bullets at them. She concludes that these are gangsters from the Godoh Group who muct have noticed that Mio has been freed. Not wanting to waste time, she and Elen put Reiji behind the altar. Cal notices that those gangsters are just amateurs, but their great numbers still make her pessimistic about their chances. As Cal thinks about how to handle them, Elen tells her that there is a back entrance in priest’s room so she should take Reiji and flee with him. Cal asks her what she will do and Elen replies that she will hold them back. Cal does not believe that she can handle these many enemies. Cal: “Why do so much?” “There is something important between me and Reiji and I need to protect it.” “You… this is not a game! I look like a fool!” “If you are bothered by it… come back another day and try to kill me :) But for now… take care of Reiji.” ![]() Cal looks at Reiji who lies in her arms and concludes that his wound is not deep, but needs to be treated quickly. ![]() "This idiot... why did he need to..." ![]() "SHIT! Don't hit the bucket while we are in here!" She accepts Elen’s request and starts running without looking back. She didn’t want Elen to see her tears. Later that night, Scyhte and the Zchalen Schwestern appear at the church. Scyhte notices a sea of corpses but no Phantom dead and concludes that Drei must have made peace. While a bit disappointing development, it is still interesting. He concludes that they must have ran to the school so he and the Schwestern go in that direction. ![]() Oh, and he thought that this is what happens when you rely on numbers against three former Phantoms… he had no idea that Ein took care of all these guys alone… Reiji wakes up and notices that he is in a classroom. He is confused that he is alive, that he is in school and that certain someone is sleeping on him, with a softened face. ![]() It is Cal and he notices remains of tears on her face. He laughs a bit at her crying while sleeping. He calls her name and she wakes up. ![]() She is relieved to see that he is alright but isn't able to say a word. Tears start flowing from her eyes. (“Now just cry Cal… words won't heal the heart. Nobody is to blame. Our relationship was filled with misunderstandings, but now we are together again.”) “So Cal... we meet again.” ![]() "...yes." she says and smiles. Reiji is glad that, after two years, they managed to reconcile. As he tries to get up, pain goes through his wound so Cal tells him to stay calm. He asks her why they are here and she explains that after he fainted, the Godoh Group attacked. Ein stayed to fight alone and they escaped. Reiji wonders why Elen would go through trouble of helping Cal. She shouldered it all alone and continued to sacrifice. Reiji asks himself how he can ever repay her. Cal: “Don't worry, that is Ein. She is so strong that it is almost frightening. Her enemies are just a bunch of amateurs. She will get out somehow.” Reiji notices that Cal also realized how much she owes to Elen. ![]() Then Cal is hit by regret again: Cal: “I was such an idiot towards everyone… I shoot Lizzie… I treated Mio horribly... even though she had nothing to do with all this…” In order to stop her from crying, Reiji hugs her and tells her that it is his fault for mixing Mio into all this. Before Cal can continue, he changes the topic: “What about Inferno and Scyhte? If Godoh Group is moving, Inferno can’t be far behind. This isn’t a safe place to stay.” “I know, but…” (“Yes… she couldn’t run away with an injured me. If I told her to leave me behind, she probably would not listen. Actually, asking her to run and leave me behind would just make her sad.”) “I guess that this is the end of line for us…” Reiji agrees. However, even if they die here, they will not be separated again. The fate that brought them to this conclusion is certainly cruel. So they decide to wait the end there rather than madly trying to survive. After some time… Cal gets horny and asks him to have sex. Reiji goes: “What?! Here?” His resistance is futile tough and Cal manages to persuade him to spend their last moments like that. ![]() Well… I don't think that either of them, when the day started, expected to do this... Depending on the game version, either while kissing or during sex, Cal says: “Yes… we will be together… forever!” And one of the Numba Sis jumps through the window. ![]() However, before she even touched the floor, Cal showered her with bullets and the victim fell dead. Around the same time, another Sister enters through the door and the third through another door. Cal gives them the same treatment. One of them is killed immediately but the other one falls wounded to the floor. She tries to take her weapon back into her hands, but Cal comes to her and hits her. ![]() “Heaven or Hell, make your pick! I am not giving you mind or Reiji’s life!” ![]() And so in matter of few seconds, the Zchalen Schwestern lost half of their members… (BTW, in uncensored version of the game Cal is naked on these CG’s) Like the player, Reiji goes WTF?! “Did she just kill those three in matter of few seconds?” He also comments on how Cal looks like a goddess of hunt. "Sorry Reiji for surprising you like this." "Did you give up on dieing?" "Well, you see... I don't really think that we spent enough time together. So I think I'd like to survive for now." "And what will we do if we manage to get out? Where will we go? After all, Inferno is after us!" "Well... we will think about details once we killed our way out." "You..." "But don't you worry, I'll take care of them. You just rest here and wait for my return. Now quickly, put your clothes on. Quick, quick..." “Few moments ago, she was weeping bitterly. And now she is fearless again and ready to jump into a fight again. Can she really be this ferocious, gracious and… frightening?” The remaining assassins, seeing that they underestimated Drei and lost half of their manpower, started devising another plan. Seeing that Drei is running to another side of the building, they conclude that she must be acting as a decoy. Thus, Vier and Acht will go after Drei while Neun goes to take care of Zwei and then joins her comrades in fight against Drei. Later, Reiji notices that one of assassins didn't go after Cal to the other side of the school but is still in his side of the building, turning floor after floow into a beehive. Thus, he goes to take care of that assassin by setting up a trap. On the other side of building Cal is fighting against Vier and Acht. ![]() She notices that her enemies are the Zchalen Schwestern. With three of them dead, two are fighting against her. That means that the sixth assassin is probably searching for Reiji. Concerned about him, Cal becomes nervous and starts to think about how she could get rid of these two opponents in one single strike and join up with Reiji. ![]() Back at Reiji’s side of the building, Neun was filling third floor with bullets, like she did first and second. When she enters men’s bathroom, she notices that stalls are locked as if someone was using all of them. Without hesitation, she starts filling stalls with bullets and she is surprised to see that water started pouring out. Too late does she notice an electric cord falling into water thus filling Neun with electricity. When Neun died, Reiji got out from women’s bathroom and looks at her corpse. He thought about how this girl was of Mio’s age and could have been leading a happier life if fate wasn’t so cruel. He then decides to find Cal and tell her that he is OK. However, a bullet hits him and he falls unconscious. On other side of the building, Cal is still desperately looking for a way to get rid of her opponents. As she is running through school, she notices a classroom that looks different than others. Because she watched a lot of movies, she quickly recognizes the classroom as a chemistry lab and comes up with a plan and thanks the gods of motorcycles and Levi's for giving her this opportunity. She enters the lab and starts breaking stuff around in order to fill the room with explosive gas. However, knowing that her opponents aren't some amateurs but professionals, she understands that Vier and Acht won't blow themselves into air by shooting in the lab. Thus, she breaks into a locked room where tools and takes out an electric stove. She thinks about how this looks like it is taken from the movies, but her daydreaming end when Vier and Acht enter the lab with knives in their hands. ![]() Knowing that she can’t afford to waste time, Cal sneaks to one of the tables and connects the stove to electricity. Because she has no time, she decides to flee by jumping through the window. So she yells “Farewell, scumbags!” and jumps out, leaving those two to see the wonders of being caught in an explosion. Cal falls into a flower bed and survives the Leap of Fate. Even tough she feels pain all over her body, all the muscles and bones seem to be fine. So she gives a thumb up to Heavens… and to gods of boxing and Vietnam while she is at it. As she rises up in order to find Reiji, someone fires a bullet that hits the soil beneath her. She aims her gun at the darkness where her opponent is supposed to stand. A laughter is heard and she recognizes it as Scyhte's laughter. ![]() He congratulates her on managing to beat all the assassins from Vier to Acht, something he certainly didn't except. He tells her that she might really deserve to be called Phantom. Cal asks him if he intends to challenge the Phantom and he replies by telling her that she must be kidding. He himself isn't so trustable in his own abilities. Thus, he throws unconscious Reiji to the ground where she could see him. Cal is shocked and Scyhte tells her that he is still alive… tough it depends on her if he will stay like that. She calls him a bastard and Scyhte fires a bullet into Reiji’s leg and tells her to be careful when choosing what words she will say. He orders her to disarm. Desperate, Cal throws both of her S&W's on the ground. He tells her to throw ALL weapons to the ground and she has no choice but to throw an ATM that she hid in her sleeve to the ground. “This must be an illusion, Drei! Disarming yourself for a half dead man… that is so disappointing. Dubing you Phantom is laughable! At the end, you are nothing more then a little girl in love.” In order to hurt her, he fires another bullet into Reiji. “YOU BASTARD!” “Yes Drei… you are wonderful with those hate filled eyes of yours!” He aims the gun at her. “This is such a shame, Drei. Such a shame. You were my best…” Before he is able to even complete his sentence, he is hit by a bullet from behind. He doesn't even have time to be surprised when another bullet hits him right into the head. Seeing that Scyhte is dead, Cal runs to Reiji in order to check up his wounds. She is relieved to see that he is still alive and that bullets have gone through. If she can stop the bleeding, he should be alright. Thus, she takes his belt and uses it to take care of his wound. When she takes care of his wound, she looks at the person who killed Scyhte. She saw a pale and hollow girl in school uniform. ![]() It was Ein Elen asks her how is Reiji and Cal tells her that he is alright. Elen is relieved to hear that. Cal looks at Ein’s wounds and is left speechless. The wounds are fatal and too much time has passed. Elen is living on borrowed time. “Please, take care of Reiji. You are able to protect him.” “But…” (Cal remembers their duel in the church and thinks about what would have happened if Reiji didn't interfere) “But I am not as strong as…” “It is alright, you will get stronger.” “…” “I hated you Drei… I never thought that I would hate another person. And finally I understand why: I loved him. Like Mio. Like you.” “That's because you are a woman.” “Ha ha. Are you making fun at me? Or is that a compliment?“ “What do you think?” “It is alright. Either is fine. I am glad that I finally understood it at the end.” ![]() As Ein says those words, Cal felt that her body lightened up and she was gone (“This girl is certainly… I am sorry… Elen… that's how Reiji called her, I heard… the least I could do is say that name loud in these last moments of hers.”) *** A certain amount of time passes. At Mexican city of Santa Madelia, armed men are waiting for someone who is intending to kill Sanchez, the gang leader in the town. From the gossip that is spread, we find out that Sanchez’s rival Chavez has hired Phantom, a couple of assassins, to assassinate his rival. The men are a bit frightened that these dangerous people are coming, but they are still very optimistic as the entire town is protecting Sanchez. Meanwhile, Reiji is complaining on how the truck that is transporting them is old thus making the travel annoying. While he is annoyed, Cal is sleeping despite ride. He wakes her up as they are just few dozen minutes away from their goal, Santa Madelia. He is confused on how she can sleep so peacefully before the mission. She must have nerves of steel. ![]() “Are you ready, Cal?” “Yes, I am. How many enemies are there again?” “Everyone we see. There will be no ignorant citizens taking a walk in streets today.” (that explains why the town knew they were coming: they announced their arrival in order to take care that citizens are not involved) “Will the police show up?” “They will be Sancchez’s men.” “Well, well… I am not sure I'll have enough bullets.” “Just take it easy. First aim then shoot.” “But I can shoot three times while you are still aiming.” “One shoot at a time is fine. One shoot at a time.” “If I shoot three bullets, two of them will hit the home.” “I don't care. Never miss. Aim at that them, damn it!” “Look, let me just use one of your spare guns.” “No.” “You have five guns. You are so stingy!” “You have seven. What, are you going to hold eight? You have only two hands, you know. Don't spray your bullets around. Don't just throw your gun away! No imitating that stupid move stuff either! Back me up for once, damn it!” (Cal seems to have ignored Professor Reiji's lesson) “Reiji, we are getting quite a lot of money for this job, right?” “Well, yes. Nobody else would take up this dangerous job so I made them spit a lot of money.” “Don't you think we deserve a break?” “You are probably right. Should we spend it... garishly? All at once? Where do you want to go? To Caribbean? Or to Europe?” “Well, that sounds good. But I want to go somewhere where we would never go on a job. Somewhere where nobody is around and we would be alone… like North Pole!" “North Pole? That's impossible. What about Greenland?” “We would be able to watch the aurora at night… That would be nice. We could even live there!” “We would eat seal every day…” “No need to worry about food! I am good at devising new dishes so you will never get sick of eating them.” (“Once it hits her pace, the story just gets bigger and bigger. Now I don't even know if she is joking or is serious. At times like this, she can be unexpectedly serious, but that is just like her so it is fine.”) “So, we will one day go to North Pole?” “OK, we will after this job.” If they survive that is. Reiji is thinking about how this might be their last mission. But maybe the fact that their enemies are just amateurs, the police is cowardly and the weaponry is old aged will save them. However, he is still optimistic. No matter how dangerous the situation is, they always get out of it alive and it will probably be like that this time as well. They will be together forever… ---------------------------------------------------------------- Where is the "road of whatever" ending LOL, that's one of the biggest ones and you didnt mention it LOL Road to Carulean Sky? Isn't that one of the Chapter 3 endings? Those endings will be posted once the series ends. |
NayraelSep 28, 2009 6:11 AM
Aug 13, 2009 11:07 AM
Hahha i was expecting a eren X Reiji perfect ending=] Thanks for making this thread though |
Aug 13, 2009 1:22 PM
at least later on it will be possible to get a happy ending with her... after they both suffered a great deal. That's because you can be truthfuly happy only when you've suffered enough... Or something like that. I'm still hoping for Cal's ending in the anime. By the way great that you've made this topic, still I'm gonna play the VN. |
Aug 13, 2009 8:20 PM
I call the 'Atop the Hill' ending the 'Boss Reiji' ending. Southbound is an incomplete continuation to Chapter 3 if you screw up. Fugitives ending I found to be the longest to get to, since you have to screw up Ein choices in Chapter 1. As I said, doesn't Lizzie in the VN look like Grace Jones (like Mayday from A View to a Kill)? |
Sore wa himitsu desu. |
Aug 13, 2009 8:33 PM
Managed to find info on all firearms in the VN except on Lizzie's firearm... Since the DVD subtitling was weird, it gave the name/nickname of harboler or something like that... Warning for Elen.. Beware of H&K MP5s... |
Sore wa himitsu desu. |
Aug 20, 2009 9:22 AM
If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!! |
Aug 20, 2009 9:40 AM
Indeed bro, me also wants "Dusty Desert Trail" ending! Not just because of Cal, but also because of Ellen! She is far more awesome in that ending then she is in her own. And don't let me get started on how thats the only ending that actually feels like it fits the story. BTW, I today tought of how a ReijixEllen fan looked like when he completed entirely Ein's and Cal's paths and tried to get the "Road to Carulean Sky" ending in Phantom: Integration but because of a certain decision he brought in Chapter 2 got the brand new "Staring at the Stary Sky" ending. I think they looked like the "Angry German Kid" that you always see on youtube. Nitro+ must have had evil laughs while they were sending the game to publishment. |
NayraelAug 20, 2009 9:54 AM
Aug 20, 2009 10:01 AM
Nayrael said: Indeed bro, me also wants "Dusty Desert Trail" ending! Not just because of Cal, but also because of Ellen! She is far more awesome in that ending then she is in her own. And don't let me get started on how thats the only ending that actually feels like it fits the story. BTW, I today tought of how a ReijixEllen fan looked like when he completed entirely Ein's and Cal's paths and tried to get the "Road to Carulean Sky" ending in Phantom: Integration but because of a certain decision he brought in Chapter 2 got the brand new "Staring at the Moon Sky" ending. I think they looked like the "Angry German Kid" that you always see on youtube. Nitro+ must have had evil laughs while they were sending the game to publishment. LOL for your spoiler ;D Well, I did witness that ending due to me wanting to 100% complete the game, but that's just BS IMO. And I have no idea which ending fit or what not for the story & I dun care about Ein... AT ALL, maybe a tiny bit due to her rarity as the emotionless type girl destined to win the male lead at the end which is superduper rare & since I like to collect MC X [insert girl's type] endings hence why she intersted me as mere collection materials ;p Other than that, I NEVER like nor hate her but I'm BORED of her & I <3 my heart out for Cal. As you can guess, the reason I beg so desperately is only because of my UNLIMITED love for Cal, her upbringing & *cough*the smex scenes in her path*cough*, nothing else matters to me other than her end up with Reiji, not even the plot... If I can get Cal X Reiji, they can screw the plot however they want: Make Scythe Master X Mr. McWire or Mio X Ein, the Zahlen Schwestern being the bosses of Inferno... for all I care ;p |
If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!! |
Aug 20, 2009 10:07 AM
abrasicu, you changed your nickname?! :-O Well, can't disagree with the fact that Ein is boring more often then not. A hell, I don't like the entire chapter 1 because she bores me. Tough still, I do wish for a good ending for her as well and the good plot end. And I am seriously glad to see that my favourite Phantom girl got the honor of having the best ending in every possible field. |
Aug 20, 2009 10:29 AM
Nayrael said: abrasicu, you changed your nickname?! :-O Yup, A-BRAt-Seek-CUes now evolves into Master of Bitch, isnt it awesome ? ;) |
If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!! |
Aug 20, 2009 3:00 PM
Well, I'm 90% sure that they will take the Cal ending template (Dusty Desert Trails) at least. It has the epic showdown, and it can still be modified to end with any girl. Come on, everyone is waiting for Elen-Cal. It HAS to happen. In it, Mio also has a significant _active_ influence in the ending (while her efforts are in vain in the Ein template). And if you're asking me for my preference: Both the Elen and Cal endings are excellent, and the Mio ending is also enjoyable. I guess Cal's ending is simply most "complete", and gives the biggest feeling of accomplishment and victory in the end. |
Aug 20, 2009 3:03 PM
Aug 20, 2009 3:07 PM
I never played the game, so what was that ending in the OAV about then? You know, where Ein gets owned by falling rocks. No, seriously. |
Aug 20, 2009 3:10 PM
Aug 20, 2009 3:15 PM
Nayrael said: OVA-only ending. And both Ein and Scyhte survived the falling rocks as you can see after the credits. The OVA didn't really follow the storyline to begin with so it didn't use any of the endings (all endings before chapter 3 have already been posted by me above) Goddamnit! I didn't stick around for after the credits >_> That was one of the reasons I wasn't enthusiastic about watching this--I thought the OAV ending was like the "main ending" like how Clannad has a "main ending". I kept thinking Ein was going to bite it and kept saying to myself, "Why am I watching this?" For me things are only now really picking up (on episode 16). I'm thinking that if Bee Train wants to be Bee Train, they go with The End of a Long Dream or Vengeful Spirits. |
Aug 20, 2009 3:20 PM
Goddamnit! I didn't stick around for after the credits >_> That was one of the reasons I wasn't enthusiastic about watching this--I thought the OAV ending was like the "main ending" like how Clannad has a "main ending". I kept thinking Ein was going to bite it and kept saying to myself, "Why am I watching this?" There are five main (true) endings in Phantom actually, two of which you can find above ("Woman in High Castle" and "From Attop the Hill" - if you haven't read them, read after you completed watching ep19). For me things are only now really picking up (on episode 16). I'm thinking that if Bee Train wants to be Bee Train, they go with The End of a Long Dream or Vengeful Spirits. Beetrain is actualy doing more then justice to the series. For a long time now, I had no complaints at them handling Phantom and actually tought that they improved quite a lot as anime was airing. |
NayraelAug 20, 2009 3:33 PM
Aug 21, 2009 4:41 PM
Personally, I hope the anime will go the 'Dusty Trails' ending. I found 'Cerulean Sky' and 'Cherry Blossom Avenue' a little boring. Mentar said: Well, I'm 90% sure that they will take the Cal ending template (Dusty Desert Trails) at least. It has the epic showdown, and it can still be modified to end with any girl. Come on, everyone is waiting for Elen-Cal. It HAS to happen. In it, Mio also has a significant _active_ influence in the ending (while her efforts are in vain in the Ein template). And if you're asking me for my preference: Both the Elen and Cal endings are excellent, and the Mio ending is also enjoyable. I guess Cal's ending is simply most "complete", and gives the biggest feeling of accomplishment and victory in the end. |
Sore wa himitsu desu. |
Aug 22, 2009 7:24 AM
For some reason, I think it's going to be a mix of the endings. My first hint of this is that the promo picture of Elen and Cal gives away too much; you know what's going to happen. My second hint, is that we are on episode 22...we have 5 more episodes left, and unless they play on dragging out the duel scene for 3 or 4 episodes, then there is a lot that can happen in those 5 episodes. Mentar said: And if you're asking me for my preference: Both the Elen and Cal endings are excellent, and the Mio ending is also enjoyable. I guess Cal's ending is simply most "complete", and gives the biggest feeling of accomplishment and victory in the end. I have to disagree. Maybe I'm biased because Elen is my favorite character, but I want her to live and be able to go to her homeland, like Reiji promised. Plus, I don't want an ending where Reiji goes back to being what he hated. That's not a victory. The most "complete" ending, IMO, is Elen's since it ends with them free from Inferno, Scythe is dead, Mio "she resolves to live her life and meet the challenges of tomorrow.", and Reiji keeps his promise to Elen that they will find her homeland. |
![]() |
Aug 22, 2009 7:38 AM
Aug 22, 2009 7:51 AM
Then can you tell me what about my assessment was wrong? ^_^ |
![]() |
Aug 22, 2009 8:05 AM
Sep 4, 2009 1:51 PM
Sep 4, 2009 2:17 PM
If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!! |
Sep 4, 2009 2:31 PM
Sep 4, 2009 2:35 PM
NayraelSep 5, 2009 3:48 AM
Sep 6, 2009 3:21 AM
The duel will likely be at least one episode since the Zahlen Schwestern have to be dealt with.. that alone is at least an ep I think. Wouldn't mind a Dusty Trails ending w/ Cal + Reiji getting a little further and uninterrupted by the Zahlen Schwestern, but unlikely w/ TV Tokyo being too censored for most things... LadyOrihime said: For some reason, I think it's going to be a mix of the endings. My first hint of this is that the promo picture of Elen and Cal gives away too much; you know what's going to happen. My second hint, is that we are on episode 22...we have 5 more episodes left, and unless they play on dragging out the duel scene for 3 or 4 episodes, then there is a lot that can happen in those 5 episodes. Mentar said: And if you're asking me for my preference: Both the Elen and Cal endings are excellent, and the Mio ending is also enjoyable. I guess Cal's ending is simply most "complete", and gives the biggest feeling of accomplishment and victory in the end. I have to disagree. Maybe I'm biased because Elen is my favorite character, but I want her to live and be able to go to her homeland, like Reiji promised. Plus, I don't want an ending where Reiji goes back to being what he hated. That's not a victory. The most "complete" ending, IMO, is Elen's since it ends with them free from Inferno, Scythe is dead, Mio "she resolves to live her life and meet the challenges of tomorrow.", and Reiji keeps his promise to Elen that they will find her homeland. |
Sore wa himitsu desu. |
Sep 6, 2009 11:09 AM
I'm crossing my fingers for Road of the Cerulean Sky ending. Because I want to see a proper confrontation between Elen and Scythe Master instead of Elen just shooting Sycthe without him noticing who his killer is. I want Scythe to be shocked about his former doll killing him. The knife duel between Elen and the other two Zahlen Schwestern members is awesome. I favor it over Elen vs. Cal confrontation. It's much more climatic since since the opponents are facing each other head on. Still I wish there would be an AUG rifle scene, LOL. The third reason is, I want to listen to my favorite lines of the game from Takagaki Ayahi: "I don't think it's right, nor that it will be allowed. Someday I will go to hell like you. But until that day comes, I will live with Reiji a little more. I know you will be alone where you go, but you go ahead!" Since the anime gave me nearly all the lines I loved, I'm still crossing my fingers for it as well. XD |
Sep 25, 2009 5:11 AM
Sep 25, 2009 3:18 PM
Anime didn't follow any VN endings> LMAO =_= DAMN YOU BEETRAIN! |
Sep 26, 2009 2:54 PM
Sep 26, 2009 11:28 PM
Well either way i'm not happy with the ending. |
Sep 28, 2009 6:35 AM
Jun 17, 2010 8:26 PM
I have a very, very important question. Is there a translated uncensored version? What media players do you guys use to play the game? I just got the PC version of Phantom of Inferno and I tried the game on WMP11 and MPC - more than 50% of the time the background pics don't show................ |
Jul 10, 2012 4:01 PM
Apr 21, 2014 8:31 AM
I read in a forum that there was an 18+ english patch for the PC version. is this true? |
Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it. |
Apr 21, 2014 8:36 AM
Jul 11, 2014 4:18 AM
Dusty Trails is absolutely the best ending and they really should have incorporated it into the anime. They could easily change a few things to make it more complete. Anime ending just was not satisfying and really missed the mark in regards to the theme of getting back what was lost. |
Jul 30, 2014 11:22 AM
This series was freakin absolutely awesome until the very end. So i am going to forget how Cal died. Forget what happened to Reiji and forget the four petaled flower. Because WTF. Like for real. WTF. The last 2 episodes literally disappeared from my memory due to immense trauma. I will do you justice. This is how it ended in my head (this is all my imagination and it is original, feel free to imagine the scenes that of how i imagined it to end): Cal and Reiji duels. Reiji slowly walks towards Cal while the music is playing while Cal shouts to him "What are you doing?" Reiji then picks up the pace as the song is almost over and as Cal draws out her gun on the last note of the song, Reiji full body embraces her and holds her there while her hand is holding the gun up high. Tears streaming down Cal's face as Reiji hugs her tightly repeating "Sorry, I am so so sorry." He grits his teeth with tears streaming down his face, "If you have to, then please kill me. I deserve it. I really thought you were killed in the explosion. If I had known... I would have looked to the ends of the Earth. I'm the worst, because of me, you have killed and killed. I am truly sorry that I abandoned you. I'd never have left if I hadn't thought you were dead." Cal, still with tears streaming down her face buries her face into Reiji's shoulder as she says "I love you Reiji, I have always wanted to be with you and will be your partner, we promised remember? Please don't leave me again." Reiji with his eyes closed whispers to her "Never, I promise will I ever leave you again." Suddenly Elen bursts through the church doors, "Hurry! Scythe Master is here with 6 of his new creations, new Phantoms, with no emotion and without a will of their own." Cal and Reiji each picks up a gun. [Normal Route] They kill off all the 6 Phantoms that Scythe Master brought with him ending with Elen and Reiji along with Cal shooting the Scythe Master multiple times as his last phantom puppet is shot down, "This can't be... my perfect creations can't lose to these emotional pieces of trash!!!" *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* Scythe Master falls back with 3 holes in his head while a feather slowly lands onto his palm. Elen and Reiji then start living together happily. Later scene reveals that Lizzie whom was thought to be killed by Cal actually survived that shot and she later forgives Cal when Cal breaks down in tears begging for her forgiveness. Then they live together happily reminding Cal of the good old days when she lived with Judy. =The End= [Harem Route] They kill off all the 6 Phantoms that Scythe Master brought with him ending with Elen and Reiji along with Cal shooting the Scythe Master multiple times as his last phantom puppet is shot down, "This can't be... my perfect creations can't lose to these emotional pieces of trash!!!" *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* Scythe Master falls back with 3 holes in his head while a feather slowly lands onto his palm. Elen and Reiji then start living together happily with Cal while Mio comes over everyday to hang out with Reiji. Cal makes up with Mio and they both fight everyday over who should cook for Reiji and who gets to feed him while Reiji sighs with Elen giggling watching those two both shoving their spoons into Reiji's mouth. The ending scene shows Reiji sleeping on his bed with Cal and Mio on either sides of him each getting an arm while Elen lies on top of him with her face resting on his chest, slowly fading out with all three of them smiling in their sleep. =The End= [Yuri Route] After defeating the 6 phantoms, Reiji is injured by several bullets, and Elen has a knife wound and Cal lies infront of the Scythe Master hands over a bullet wound to her shoulder. Scythe Master slowly pulls out two of his special pistols and points one at Cal while the other one aimed at Elen. Scythe Master throws back his head and laughs into the sky, "HAHAHAHAHA!!! You fools! You think you can win? You're nothing but my creations, my failed lab rats. DIE!!!" As the Scythe Master pulls the trigger for the pistol pointing at Cal first, Reiji musters all the strength that is left in his body and uses his own body to intercept the bullet that would've killed Cal then continues to also intecept the bullet fired from Scythe Master's 2nd gun that is directed at Elen. As Reiji's lifeless body thuds to the ground, both of the girls scream out his name, "REIJII!!!!" Their faces furious with tears, each grabbing the nearest pistol to them and both shooting the Scythe Master in the head at the same time. *BANG* *BANG* -- 3 Months Later -- Cal and Elen have started living together. They swore to always be with each other forever and will protect each other until their last breath. Cal cooks while Elen does the laundry. They both loved Reiji as well as the most precious things to him, and since they both are the most precious things to him, they love each other more than anything. It ends with Cal sleeping in the same bed as Elen in an tight embrace with chests pressed together, both smiling sweetly into their dreams. =The End= Any of those 3 works for me and they all allow me to sleep in peace at night. Please feel free to use this as your personal ending if you want. Remember, everything is my own opinion so please do not detest me for my imagination. |
"No one knows what the future holds. That's why its potential is infinite.” - Okabe Rintarou "El Psy Congroo." Kirino Kyousake Picture ![]() |
Aug 23, 2014 6:30 AM
My favorite is probably Ending III: Vengeful Spirits, I just want Inferno to get trashed by Reiji. I would had loved the Ending VII: From atop the Hill if it isn't ReijiXClaudia, and that Reiji doesn't love Claudia. That bitch does not deserve any love. |
Jan 6, 2017 10:36 AM
Is there any Elen x Reiji happy ending??? |
4th times getting signature banned wtf |
Jan 8, 2017 7:13 PM
nearbaskara said: Is there any Elen x Reiji happy ending??? The Reiji x Elen ending in the game lacks the bit from the Anime where Reiji is killed by the mysterious assassin, so that one would be classified as the happy ending. Not sure if it was changed in the X-Box version though (which has several changes from the original release). |
Jan 9, 2017 2:38 AM
Nayrael said: nearbaskara said: Is there any Elen x Reiji happy ending??? The Reiji x Elen ending in the game lacks the bit from the Anime where Reiji is killed by the mysterious assassin, so that one would be classified as the happy ending. Not sure if it was changed in the X-Box version though (which has several changes from the original release). so there's no ending that they live together? I thought I would play the game if there was. |
4th times getting signature banned wtf |
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