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If you could change the plot of an anime...

Apr 16, 2010 9:35 PM

Jun 2009
Which anime plot would you change?

I think I'd want to change the death note ending, with either light or L dead, not introducing Near and Mello.
Also wished Hei didn't lose his powers during the 2nd season of DTB. Maybe then it would be good.
Apr 16, 2010 9:36 PM

Mar 2010
I'd change Bleach. I'd kill off Orihime and almost any other protagonist.
Apr 16, 2010 9:38 PM

Apr 2008
misty would stay in pokemon

Apr 16, 2010 9:45 PM

Jun 2008
Vade said:
Which anime plot would you change?

I think I'd want to change the death note ending, with either light or L dead, not introducing Near and Mello.
Uh-huh, it's easy to say you want a change. It's another matter entirely to draw up events that makes your plot somewhat better than the original. Oh yeah, why don't I say uh, I need to change plots just because it didn't become my cup of tea? I'd want to change the entire harem genre so there are none. Now wouldn't that be great? Damn... I was never a guy to post in wishywashy topics. :< If I did before, it's a good change of scenery.
Apr 16, 2010 9:54 PM

Jun 2009
Tachii said:
Vade said:
Which anime plot would you change?

I think I'd want to change the death note ending, with either light or L dead, not introducing Near and Mello.
Uh-huh, it's easy to say you want a change. It's another matter entirely to draw up events that makes your plot somewhat better than the original. Oh yeah, why don't I say uh, I need to change plots just because it didn't become my cup of tea? I'd want to change the entire harem genre so there are none. Now wouldn't that be great? Damn... I was never a guy to post in wishywashy topics. :< If I did before, it's a good change of scenery.

^ lol dude chill im asking what plot you'd want to change, not give me a whole story to fix the plot. Of course its hard to draw up events, thats why we give credit to the creators of animes. What I mean is just to give an "idea" to what your plot would be on an anime you thought went wrong.
Apr 16, 2010 10:15 PM

Jun 2008
Some people always seem to have this misconception that I need to "chill", when I'm not really angry, albeit maybe a tiny bit vexed seeing these types of threads appearing all the time with its simplicity. I guess that serious face gives it some intimidation factor or something.
Apr 16, 2010 10:30 PM

Aug 2008
Vade said:
Which anime plot would you change?

I think I'd want to change the death note ending, with either light or L dead, not introducing Near and Mello.
Also wished Hei didn't lose his powers during the 2nd season of DTB. Maybe then it would be good.

I'll have to agree. Death Note quickly turned into crap when the initial tension between Light and L dissipated... starting with that "second Kira" crap.

However, if you're really bored... go write a fanfic about it... where no one will read it.
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RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Apr 17, 2010 1:36 AM

Mar 2009
Bleach- torture Orihime till she dies, but then revive her and torture her all over again

Death Note- no Near and Mello

CG- change all the characters especially the lead character to someone cold, heartless and will do anything to get what he wants. No emo-ness.

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni-

Slam Dunk- change the ending to make it continue as the manga did
Apr 17, 2010 2:15 AM

May 2008
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito: replace all the strange world-traveller fantasy parts with more yuri

Utawarerumono: remove the mecha-parts and get a good and fitting ending

Clannad: replace Okazaki with a girl....
Apr 18, 2010 5:53 PM

Apr 2009
Code Geass. Lelouch would still be alive MUWAHAHAHAHAHA
Apr 18, 2010 6:03 PM
Jul 2018
... I would completely redo the storyline of TTGL to fit my desires of romance and happy endings. Goodbye tragedy, goodbye tears of sadness and goodbye cruel world!
Apr 18, 2010 6:04 PM

Jun 2008
I would make CG not suck.
Apr 18, 2010 6:48 PM

Apr 2010
i would change bleach cuz i started to hate it a while back... i would make it so after they get back from like that place ichigo gets like cancer and gets prescribed weed and never gets any thing done except for watch cartoons and eat cookies... then itchigo starts growing weed in like the sprite realm and every one is all bout it and what not... then like the hollows are all like our bad man we didn't think like u guy like minded and what not... and like the hollows like bust out some hash right! then like a bunch of like other hollows like roll in kegs... and every one gets all messed up... with hilarious results... and its like a big happy ending... or so you would think... in this whole big like bash man itchigo is all wasted right and all hiting on that one chick i think her name started with a R... well that chicks like brother you know that snobby guy... well dudes all wasted to right... so dudes all like ay ****er get away from my sister (but all drunk and belligerent)... then itchigos all like **** you.... and then shit gets epic... and like itchigo like ends up killing dude... yeah!
Its better to have burned out than to have never really shined...
Apr 18, 2010 6:58 PM
Jul 2018
StonerWithABoner said:
i would change bleach cuz i started to hate it a while back... i would make it so after they get back from like that place ichigo gets like cancer and gets prescribed weed and never gets any thing done except for watch cartoons and eat cookies... then itchigo starts growing weed in like the sprite realm and every one is all bout it and what not... then like the hollows are all like our bad man we didn't think like u guy like minded and what not... and like the hollows like bust out some hash right! then like a bunch of like other hollows like roll in kegs... and every one gets all messed up... with hilarious results... and its like a big happy ending... or so you would think... in this whole big like bash man itchigo is all wasted right and all hiting on that one chick i think her name started with a R... well that chicks like brother you know that snobby guy... well dudes all wasted to right... so dudes all like ay ****er get away from my sister (but all drunk and belligerent)... then itchigos all like **** you.... and then shit gets epic... and like itchigo like ends up killing dude... yeah!

That was exactly what I thought as well. It would be so much better then the lameass story thats going on right now and they would all be like this...
Apr 18, 2010 7:10 PM
Apr 2009
definitely Death Note, which is arguably one of the best anime/manga until about half way through. I think they should have AT LEAST had light kill L directly instead of the whole I will manipulate the shinigami, it just felt incomplete and not what L deserved. Furthermore, the introduction of M and N into the plot in the manner which they were, gave the series a rushed feeling that was like too much shit sprayed out of too small an anus, leading to little more than a bloody mess. Furthermore, the mangas ending was better done than the anime, with light having a full realization of his impending death, yet trying to deny it; fully revealing his insanity to a point the anime failed to capture. I think with a better done ending, deathnote could have been truly the masterpiece it was deserving near the beginning.
Apr 18, 2010 7:41 PM

Aug 2009
I would change Code Geass R2, and have it begin with Lelouch finding a way to knock out Suzaku & spare him, explain to Kallen that what he did was to help tear down an oppressive government that denied him a normal happy life, and form a strategy to have all of the Britannian's with power over Area 11 retreat back to their homeland and reclaim Japan as the Black Knight's nation. The remaining 24 episodes will focus on the Black Knights gaining support from sympathizing rebel groups from other Britannia-controlled nations and China to overthrow Britannia and take out Charles. However, his ego gets ahead of him as he decides to control Britannia against the other countries as well as the Black Knights' desire to let anyone gain control of Britannia over a fear of an uprising, thus things go like in the original and
Apr 18, 2010 8:04 PM

Feb 2010
Onitenshi said:
Clannad: replace Okazaki with a girl...

...Hell, that would be interesting. I'd watch it. :P
Apr 18, 2010 8:19 PM

Apr 2009
Kure-nai. THe little girl and the guy taking care of her would have run off to a foreign country until she was grown and then able to stand up against her family! (and maybe she'd have a husband and a kid or two, while she was at it- to try and deter her brother/clan from hiding her away and making her have them).
Apr 18, 2010 9:21 PM
Jan 2010
Death Note. Light beats L, the end.

Near and Mello run off to have gay sex and they never have anything to do with Light.
Apr 18, 2010 9:34 PM

May 2008
Black Cat would follow the manga hardcore like and and has someone else do the anime, anyone else will do. And then I'd watch it and like it and not have to explain that the reason Train Heartnet is in my favorites is solely due to the manga and how the anime was utter shit. Yup.
Apr 18, 2010 9:48 PM

Aug 2009
Tachii said:
Uh-huh, it's easy to say you want a change. It's another matter entirely to draw up events that makes your plot somewhat better than the original. Oh yeah, why don't I say uh, I need to change plots just because it didn't become my cup of tea? I'd want to change the entire harem genre so there are none. Now wouldn't that be great? Damn... I was never a guy to post in wishywashy topics. :< If I did before, it's a good change of scenery.

I'd like to back you up on the harem comment ^^;

P.S. I took your comment humorously...but a sense of truth too.

I'd like to see Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny fixed*

Fixed in the sense of not catering so much to the outcries of hyperactive fanboys and girls, and actually incorperating well a better plot, character development, and well...I won't dive to all the little details I would change. But in general I'd like to see that series improved, if at all possible.
Apr 18, 2010 11:44 PM

Oct 2009
Yu Yu Hakusho - I think instead of having a tournament in the final arc there should have been a war. Oh and more Kuwabara. Definitely more Kuwabara.
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Apr 19, 2010 12:07 AM

Feb 2010
KuroiTsukiNoKami said:
Death Note. Light beats L, the end.

Near and Mello run off to have gay sex and they never have anything to do with Light.

Apr 19, 2010 12:33 AM

Apr 2010
Aside from just having a million and one animes have proper endings (air gear, maburaho etc etc), If i could change one animes plot, it would be shuffle. Rather than him getting with one girl, he would move to heaven and have a harem for himself (because its allowed there). Much better ^^
Apr 19, 2010 12:56 AM

Mar 2009
Code Geass

!Damn, im HOT today! :D!
Apr 19, 2010 2:47 AM

Nov 2009
I'd make Clannad after story have sad ending.
Apr 20, 2010 12:14 PM

Aug 2009
I'd change the plot of Code Geass.

It would no longer be about taking over the world, but rather about a high school student (Lelouch) with a crush on his best friend (Spinzaku). Lelouch would be a closet homosexual, and to relieve his tension he would bang various girls in the school (of course, only because of his Geass eye) until he musters the courage to take on his true love without using his supernatural gift.

Also, C.C. would be addicted to Papa John's.
Apr 20, 2010 12:32 PM

Feb 2005
Gundam 0079:
Ditch Amuro and the White base, or relegate them to a supportive role, expand the Federation brass with some interesting characters, and then focus entirely on the One Year War through the perspective of the leaders in both factions, dipping into the various fronts and showing a varied picture of the conflict from the battle of Loum to the final Zeon surrender at A Boa Qu.

As for Code Geass, I'd either...
Make Lelouch actually smart rather than the idiot he was, keep the mechas from the start and never throw in any superüberimbaflyingbeamspammingprototypesofdoom, have character actually die when they are killed (Yes, thank you for that Shiro, now go back to your playpen), change the art so we don't get noodlepeople with constantly constipated expressions, keep any 12 year olds the fuck away from any mecha or weapon, cut the ridiculously contrived plottwists and the silly fanservice (That means all of the school shit) and keep the characters consistent.
Make Lelouch and Spinzaku a gay couple, throw in even more imba mechas that transform and shoot rainbow beams, make Nunnaly a mahou shoujo, double the size of Kallen's breasts, make all explosions pink, throw in even more blatantly ridiculous twists and have the characters change sides and act out of character for o reason at all all the time (At least three times per episode). Also, make that cat talk and turn out to be a evil alien magician from an alternate future on a mission to collect panties.
BamanApr 20, 2010 12:41 PM
Apr 20, 2010 12:39 PM
Feb 2010
Spoiler tags needed.

I would get rid of the stupid ecchi-harem elements in Elfen Lied, and give useless characters some reason to be there.
Apr 20, 2010 12:55 PM

Nov 2008
Blood +,
Sci-fi elements would be treated in a more consistent way not in the nonchalant way that it was treated.
More episodes dedicated to Saya's and Diva's past and the others old Chyropterians. And it would devellop some political themes and themes around scientifical experment like it did in the beginning. And cold war and Vietnam war would be more involved by the story.
It would be shorter.
It would be darker and wouldn't have the ridiculous fights that it had.
Teletubbies would make their appearances somewhen in the story.
Apr 20, 2010 1:03 PM

Feb 2005
HooHiraiBunny said:
Blood +,
Sci-fi elements would be treated in a more consistent way not in the nonchalant way that it was treated.
More episodes dedicated to Saya's and Diva's past and the others old Chyropterians. And it would devellop some political themes and themes around scientifical experment like it did in the beginning. And cold war and Vietnam war would be more involved by the story.
It would be shorter.
It would be darker and wouldn't have the ridiculous fights that it had.
Teletubbies would make their appearances somewhen in the story.
Apr 20, 2010 1:04 PM

Jan 2008
Kissatuoli said:
I'd make Clannad after story have sad ending.

This. I don't want no shitty sparkly balls of happytime creation where everything is fine and fluffy. Stupid orbs.

Oh, and for Nia to not disappear at the end of TTGL.
Apr 20, 2010 1:50 PM

Mar 2010
I haven't watched a whole lot of anime, so I haven't completed a lot, but I would have changed Death Note, like Light and L dying in some unexpected way, and not introducing Near and Mello. They piss me off. But I guess the ending is fine the way it is, sometimes a bad ending is good.

I know, people already said that. I haven't completed much, guyz >__>
Apr 21, 2010 4:01 PM

Jun 2009
If I could change the plot of an anime I would have Ed & Al actually SERIOSLY searching for a way to bring their mother back, and fix themselves. Not this hokey contrived comedy b.s. they try to feed people as a serious story.
Well one thing I've learned from this experience, is that a princess is still a princesss even when she is naked.

Apr 21, 2010 4:05 PM
Oct 2009
Baman said:

Make Lelouch and Spinzaku a gay couple, throw in even more imba mechas that transform and shoot rainbow beams, make Nunnaly a mahou shoujo, double the size of Kallen's breasts, make all explosions pink, throw in even more blatantly ridiculous twists and have the characters change sides and act out of character for o reason at all all the time (At least three times per episode). Also, make that cat talk and turn out to be a evil alien magician from an alternate future on a mission to collect panties.

i would watch code geass if it was like this
Apr 21, 2010 4:15 PM

Nov 2008
Sister Princess

-Give the girls actual ages

-Make Aria 18

-More romance in the air.

-Give the girls a thorough backstory.

Apr 21, 2010 4:16 PM

Dec 2008
Naruto. The story became something that it didn't even revolve around Naruto, it revolved around Sasuke. Ugh. Let's remove the Sasuke factor of the later half of the show.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
Apr 21, 2010 10:28 PM

Jan 2008
34 said:
Baman said:

Make Lelouch and Spinzaku a gay couple, throw in even more imba mechas that transform and shoot rainbow beams, make Nunnaly a mahou shoujo, double the size of Kallen's breasts, make all explosions pink, throw in even more blatantly ridiculous twists and have the characters change sides and act out of character for o reason at all all the time (At least three times per episode). Also, make that cat talk and turn out to be a evil alien magician from an alternate future on a mission to collect panties.

i would watch code geass if it was like this

I wouldn't. Kallen's breasts are a fine size right now. The rest I agree with.
May 4, 2010 2:22 PM

Jun 2008
Seasonreaper said:
34 said:
Baman said:

Make Lelouch and Spinzaku a gay couple, throw in even more imba mechas that transform and shoot rainbow beams, make Nunnaly a mahou shoujo, double the size of Kallen's breasts, make all explosions pink, throw in even more blatantly ridiculous twists and have the characters change sides and act out of character for o reason at all all the time (At least three times per episode). Also, make that cat talk and turn out to be a evil alien magician from an alternate future on a mission to collect panties.

i would watch code geass if it was like this

I wouldn't. Kallen's breasts are a fine size right now. The rest I agree with.
There was a cat in Code Geass? Damn, my memory suck.

Oh right, that cat...
May 4, 2010 2:29 PM

Feb 2010
Vade said:
Which anime plot would you change?

I think I'd want to change the death note ending, with either light or L dead, not introducing Near and Mello.


Nothing more and I'd be happy ^^
I probably regret this post by now.
May 4, 2010 2:31 PM

Feb 2009
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
Vade said:
Which anime plot would you change?

I think I'd want to change the death note ending, with either light or L dead, not introducing Near and Mello.


Nothing more and I'd be happy ^^

L turning into a Shinigami and pwning Lights ass <3
May 4, 2010 5:17 PM

Sep 2009

The show should've followed the visual novel closer instead of derailing completely halfway in.

May 8, 2010 8:38 AM

Mar 2009
Every anime that has not followed correctly the manga storyline, such as Berserk, Claymore, Elfen Lied, Gantz etc. I would change the plot to make it follow it correctly.

I would introduce death to the heroes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Killing off characters like Hawkeye, Scar and Ling, so the fights won't feel so one sided.

Same goes with Bleach, but the dose of Death I would inject into this anime, would be much bigger than FMA:B.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
May 8, 2010 11:43 AM

Nov 2009
I'd change juist about every harem anime to actually have conclusive endings, with extra episodes added as OVA's that could show what would have happened with the other girls had he went that route sort of thing. Kind of like Clannad with its Another World chapters but with the more ecchi ones well.

Dunno if that sounds like a silly idea but it would satisfy people who dont support the canon pairings.
May 8, 2010 11:48 AM

May 2010
I would like a happy ending for Elfen Lied ;_;
May 8, 2010 11:53 AM

Nov 2008
Tomoe actually dying in Mai-Otome and Haruka Armitage actually beating up the terrorists in Mai-Otome Zwei.

May 8, 2010 6:25 PM

May 2009
I would make Noir into a 13 episode anime and have more CHLOE!!! <3

Also I have not yet watched the Valkyria Chronicles anime but from what I have heard I would do this:
Not have Faldio be in love with Alicia (I mean WTF!?)
Keep Welkin as the main character
Keep Vyse alive for more then 5 seconds
Kill Susie
Put Lynn in the anime
Not have Zaka look like he's raping Rosie
Not have RosiexZaka hints (THEY BARELY INTERACT IN THE GAME!)
Kill Susie
Not make Cezary a Schocktrooper
Make Isara's eyes smaller (they kinda remind me of Key)
Remove the annoying shouta kid AKA: Ramal
Add more Ellet
Keep the epic plane scene from the game
Put Ted in the anime
Put Juno in the anime
Kill Susie
Put Audrey in the anime
Put Nadine in the anime
Kill Susie
Kill Susie
Kill Susie

May 8, 2010 11:27 PM

Jan 2010
Darker than Black 2:

First FMA:

Ouran High School Host Club:

Murder Princess:
May 9, 2010 5:55 PM

Aug 2009
I would change the ending of Mahoromatic, I would make its ending like the Manga version. I do not read manga but from what I read on Wikipedia the manga ending sounds a whole lot better.
May 10, 2010 6:43 AM

Mar 2010
Death Note

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu '

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