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Comment on the list of the member above you. (Manga Ver.)

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Apr 4, 2010 10:00 PM

Apr 2009
Only 13 shared manga, but they're all over the place. ^5 for another person who likes to read a bit of everything! From that small sample (unknown compatibility), we seem to roughly agree about what makes good reading.

Your list design is both pretty and easy on my eyes, which is a fairly rare combination, and I envy your graphic skills. With 27 titles in progress, you're not the most multitasking manga reader I've seen on the site, but still well ahead of me.

Yours is the first list I've noticed that doesn't include ratings, which is interesting (if a bit of a bummer, since I use those to grab recommendations from other people's lists).

I don't think you should cut down your PTR section, since when other people's are longer than mine it makes me feel like less of an addict. *shifty eyes*

Not much else to say, except once more compliments on your spiffy design.
Apr 4, 2010 11:12 PM

Mar 2009

Decent background.

Your tags give an insight as to what you think of the manga (though I hardly ever bother with tags). You hardly have any 10's which is a good thing.

You don't seem to like Elfen Lied. Anyhow, it's definitely very much better than the anime though. I can understand why you dropped it.

Based on our scores for shared manga, it's evident enough that we like different things.
Apr 7, 2010 12:18 PM

Mar 2009
-not a lot in common, but the ones we have in common are some pretty good ones. You've still rated them all higher than me. There's more if you're willing to count series I've seen but you've only read (like Higurashi)
-You seem to read a lot of like seinen mystery series, some of which I think I should read
-I love your list design, I'm not sure how to use the list editor to make it look that awesome. Not a fan of the cross out on the hover though. It doesn't say your ratings though.
-Your want to read list is huge! Your currently reading list looks a lot longer than mine too (but I still do read some of the "on-hold" ones on mine and and off)
Apr 7, 2010 12:30 PM
Feb 2010
Unknown Compatibility, 1 manga shared (Azumanga Daioh)

You have a nice background. I see you don't like Urasawa. You said Monster, Pluto, so on, were ovverated and same with Akira. Interesting.

Dropped Yotsuba&! Lol I only read one volume and have no interest. Why would you waste your money on a slice of life manga
Apr 7, 2010 12:48 PM

Mar 2009
-not much on your list to really comment on, but your "plan to read" list is huge! I of course suggest Banana Fish since it's my personal favorite. You've actually got a lot of really good series on that list you need to be reading, like Mirai Nikki, Bokurano, Eternal Sabbath, Flower of Life, Hikaru no Go, Historie, Liar Game, MW, Ode to Kirihito, Parasyte, Planetes, Please Save My Earth and Uzumaki to name a few. You ever plan on getting around to those?
-your profile lists Azumanga as your favorite, sorry, I jsut wasn't that big on it!

-also, I wouldn't say I don't like Urasawa, I just find him overrated. If everyone else said "he's alright", I'd totally be with them on that and then I wouldn't have to say he's overrated. Besides, Master Keaton (then again he didn't write the story for it, just the art) is still awesome.
Apr 7, 2010 3:02 PM
Feb 2010
FallnKnightFakir said:
-You ever plan on getting around to those?
-your profile lists Azumanga as your favorite, sorry, I jsut wasn't that big on it!

-yeah I do, eventually!
-gotta have something on my profile, no? Azumanga isn't anywhere near the best thing ever made but hey
Apr 7, 2010 4:26 PM

Aug 2008
Not much there, but do get started on that plan to read. Banana Fish is great, but maybe don't *start* there unless you don't feel like reading more manga for a while. It's a hard act to follow, especially if you're that inexperienced. Maybe start with something like Wild Adapter.

List colors are a bit too bright. I wish people would pick a little more soothing, less garish colors. My eyes must be broken. :(
Apr 8, 2010 3:53 AM

Mar 2009

List design has an elegant feel to it, though not exactly to my liking. Good thing: list can be read easily.

Regarding shared titles, we seem to rate differently. Such a low score for Akazukin Eliza. I personally enjoyed it a lot though it was just a one-shot. A 1 for Kimi wo Omofu ?!

Oh well, at least our mean values are not that much different.
Apr 8, 2010 3:13 PM

Aug 2008
Kimi wo Omofu clumsily tried to pull on my heartstrings, failed miserably, bored me in the process, and left me with nothing when I finished it.. that earns a 1 in my book. ;) Aside from my occasional fits of rage against some boring, badly written works, our scores align pretty well.
Apr 8, 2010 5:56 PM

Mar 2009
Well, I guess maybe I'm just a sucker for manga with animals in them.
Apr 14, 2010 7:35 PM

Jun 2007
Since this is on the bottom of the second page and I've either covered or can't cover others, I'm going to comment on...

Yorokobu: 30 titles, 7.4 (you) vs. 7.8

It's always hard to judge how compatible two people are when they haven't seen A LOT of the same titles, but our 84% mating chance isn't exactly wrong in this instance. Really, our scores tend to only differ by a point; me usually going a point higher.

Mars, Onani and Jikan are favourites of mine. Bitter Virgin, Chobits and Chrono Crusade are likes of mine. You rating all six 8-10/10 (mostly 8/10) makes me happy. Go you! I like people with good taste.

I'm reading A. Baby atm, and 7/10 seems a tad harsh, four volumes in. Unless it all goes wrong towards the end, I'll have to assume you 7/10ing it is down to you simply seeming to go a point lower than me in general. The same is true of your NHK 7/10, also... though I can kind of understand why someone would 7/10 it - it being the weakest of the NHK trio.

Your 6/10 for I''s does strike me as harsh, too, but I can't be too critical atm because, honestly, the author kind of annoys me with how he'll do anything yo extend the story; even having Iori act in an illogical manner. My love of rom-coms is preventing me from going lower than 8/10 (my love of the female form/quality art also playing a part), but even I can see why someone would 7/10 it. I preferred the faster-paced OVA.

When your list was loading, the blue background appeared to be moving. Most odd...

I don't dislike your list layout - the text is easy to read and, if nothing else, it differs from the default list settings. But it's a bit dull to look at, and you only using tags to put point out of the demographic your entries are aimed at means there's no tag abuse entertainment to be had.

You should read Tanpenshu ASAP, instead of leaving it on your 'plan to read, but probably never will' read. The final story is hauntingly beautiful - truly.
Apr 20, 2010 1:14 PM

Jun 2009
I'm going to be honest. I liked your manga list layout so much that I copied it myself a while back so you flat-out win in that department. We've also got a comparability rating of 68.1% which is pretty freaking high and almost all of are individual ratings are within a couple points of each other except for Dragon Head, Bleach, and Love Hina.

I gave Dragon Head a 9. You gave it a 5. I like crazy, rollercoaster, filler-filled, mysteries. You don't. /Dragon Head comparison

I see you've given Bleach a 7 as well as put it on hold at chapter 242. We both know that once you read a hundred more chapters your score will probably be closer to my rating of 4 so I won't hound you on this manga either.

Love Hina...I can't stand it. Generic, nose-bleeding and piss are the three words that come to mind when I think of it. I couldn't understand why you gave it a 9, but then I read your tag and it all made sense. I completely understand and I honestly can't say anything negative about it. I would read a manga for the boobs too.
Apr 20, 2010 1:38 PM

Mar 2009

-ooo, really wish your pic wasn't half covered by your list, lol

-oops, looked at your anime list first, but glad to see someone else didn't give a damn about Code Geass
-You seem to be a big Naoki Urasawa fan. I honestly find him to be merely "ok", my favorite thing by him is Master Keaton, but he only did the art for that
-glad to see someone else didn't get Akira's hype
-Battle Royale :)
-eh, I'm with Aironic, I didn't much care for Dragon Head either, except for the first two volumes which were kinda awesome
-did you see that Germany has made a live action adaptation of Harukana Machi-E? I will probably check it out myself at some point. I lucked out, picked them both up for about $18 :P I like the use of a page from it in your profile too
-yep, Uzumaki is towards the top of my "weirdest manga ever" list too. No other manga since has been able to freak me out that legitmately
-aww, you no like Miri Nikki? It's probably the thing that's creeped me out the most since Uzumaki.
Apr 20, 2010 2:00 PM

Jun 2009
Wow, just realized my background picture overlaps on any other sized monitor besides my own :P Thanks for pointing that out even though I'm going to go crazy trying to fix it.
Apr 22, 2010 7:03 AM

Jun 2007

The guy who reminded me about Gantz awhile back, right?

I'm not going to say you were the reason I started Gantz because I knew about it already, and owned 5/7 of the anime on DVD. However, you nudging me after reading my Battle Royale review did remind me about it, and I ended up starting the manga after liking the anime. Cheers for that.

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so it's fine by me if my list style inspired you to go down the same path... even though, really, it's a very basic list, with a black background and light blue borders.

Your image is a bit on the small side. You might wanna look on this site to see if anything catches your eyes:

Our tastes are very similar; like you said yourself. We disagree on a couple of things by a huge amount, Love Hina being the biggest difference by far, but on the whole our tastes match-up well.

Your A.I., Ai Yori and Saikano scores tell me you aren't as easily moved as others by stupid rom-coms and forced tragedy. I like that.

Your Gantz, Bokurano, Death Note and Battle Royale lovin' tells me you like your stories dark, violent and disturbing. I also like that.

We've even both given Onani and Jikan the same, 9/10 scores - those two being in my top two. Clearly, you're able to appreciate stories with a more psychological edge, as well as the ultra-violent stuff I also get kicks out of. (Also, on a related note, you 8/10'd River's Edge - just like me.)

Switching the focus to what we disagree on, I think we'll agree about Bleach without too much trouble because I can see my rating going lower and lower as I progress. It's supposed to become increasingly messy/retarded, and if that's the case then it won't keep its 7/10 for too long. I'm sure a lot of people had it 7-8/10'd when they were where I'm at--right at the start of the hell invasion.

Dragon Head was something I wanted to love but ended up having more hate for. Like the duck lover above me, I was absorbed to begin with but, gradually, it became dull and, at times, was very silly. By the end, sod all was explained, and nothing was shown of what happened to the main two. As that Naruto guy said best: "Like all trash, you only started out strong." An addictive but, ultimately, unsatisfying post-apocalyptic tale.

(I've actually been thinking about Dragon Head over the last day or two, what with the Iceland ash cloud drama and all.)

And, finally, I'm not sure what to say to you about Love Hina. It's a bit silly to have the mangaka's far more unrefined and uninvolving earlier work with a higher rating--that I will say.

I think you misunderstood my tag; missing the bit about me saying it's kind of a 0.5+ version of Maison Ikkoku. What I meant that it's like Maison Ikkoku, just with lots of cleavage and perverted humour due to the author being male. I wouldn't give something a high rating for fan service alone when no nipples were drawn and there was no adult, erotic content. I liked the boob humour, yes, but I also found it to be a touching romance story.

When I looked at your profile earlier, I noticed you'd started I''s. +1 to you for reading me and being influenced by me. Here's hoping you enjoy it more than Love Hina!

By the way, I just read through your comments and noticed you, like me, would rate Tanpenshu even higher if Platform was separate from the rest of the short stories. This is why tag abuse is good: misused tags offer for more insight into the logic that went into rating.
Apr 22, 2010 9:43 AM

Aug 2009
You've read aLOT of manga. 44.8% compatible... that's somewhat low. Out of your 336 manga entries, we've only got 12 mangas in common. Your layout is kinda cool though.
Apr 29, 2010 2:44 PM

Jan 2009
Aironic said:

Haha...interesting! I feel that I must respond to this. I've noticed you around the boards several times and felt like we had similar (but obviously not identical) tastes.

Ashiteruze Baby is certainly very cute, and a 7/10 for me isn't too bad of a score. I only knocked it down for the simplistic art (and the fact that I'm not over-the-top fond of children, cute as they may be sometimes). In fact, the 7s are almost always the mangas I really enjoyed reading (unlike some of my 8s or 9s). I only feel the need to give something a 8+ if I feel it is a "must read" in that it has particularly nice themes, character development, artwork, ect.

As for NHK, I honestly wasn't TOO impressed. The pages and pages talking about the hentai game they were going to make just wasn't all that funny to me for some reason. I liked the psychological problems of the main character, though, even if the ending was somewhat lacking in my opinion. Maybe the anime is better/funnier?

WARNING: I"s spoilers

As for my list: I do plan on changing it. I plan to start putting in funny tags from now on.

And I'll do as you suggest and start reading Tanpenshu after I post this. When someone recommends something so highly, I start getting really curious.

Since you seem to also like romcoms, I have a couple of suggestions. For shoujo, I highly recommend Dengeki Daisy and for seinen/shounen (sometimes it's listed as one or the other) I recommend B-Shock. B-Shock is definitely more comedy than romance, but they get there by the end. B-Shock wasn't "super" amazing, but it was a nice afternoon read and will probably give you a little bit of the warm fuzzies.

As for Dengeki Daisy... well, it's my favorite manga so it's hard for me to be unbiased. Don't let the rather boring summary fool you. It's definitely a shoujo romance mixed in with quite a bit of drama and shounen-like humor. Some of the shoujo cliches are there, but the mangaka turns them around to hilarious effect.
YorokoApr 29, 2010 10:42 PM

May 7, 2010 10:50 AM

Jun 2007

There's not an awful lot to say because what we share is limited, but I'll try...

I don't understand why you gave Togari 9/10 when, really, it's just a collection of shounen cliches. The writing was poor, the characterization was average at best and, because of it being a shounen title, it wasn't dark enough to match-up with the back-story of Tobei in terms of content. The first series ending at a random point, following a rushed conclusion, should've made you go lower with your score than you did.

I'm unsure why you only gave GTO 7/10, even though you gave ASN 8/10. With GTO being my favourite manga because of its wonderful characters, art and short, character-focused stories, it doesn't sit well with me for you to have scored a manga where sod all ever happens higher. EVERYONE should be forced to give GTO a score of 8+.

Not sure what else to say about what we share. You rated Onani the same as me, and that's always a plus in my book, and you also liked NHK. Beyond highlighting those ratings, that's all I've got.

Your list is kind of basic, and red on gray/black hurts my eyes. I plan on reading Bakuman and Parasyte, sooner or later.



It always pleases me to learn that a female or two have been stalking me/reading one or two of my posts by chance.

I'm going the same way with my ratings, too. At one stage, my 7's did have a negative edge, but nowadays more 7's are all well worth reading/watching. For instance, I lowered my Love Roma rating down to 7/10 yesterday; Love Roma being a manga I derived a lot of enjoyment out of, and I paid like £6-7 each for the final two volumes in order to complete it.

If I were to attempt to be more more reasonable than I usually am, I'd say I can understand why you 7'd A. Baby. The art is typical of the shoujo genre, the character art being nothing remarkable and there being a ton of white backgrounds. I suppose me being a big ol' softie, underneath all the sexism, and A. Baby being touching made me overlook any and every art related issue. If I was the sort of guy who gets annoyed over little to no background art, Mars wouldn't be my #2, after all.

As for NHK, check out my now poorly rated review for the manga. The short of it is that the manga is 'fillerized' version of the short novel it was based on. The anime is better than the manga because it was made when the manga was still on-going; meaning the majority of the poor manga 'filler' didn't get included.

I''s: One of my biggest problems with Katsura is the way he keeps pulling new female characters out of his arse whenever he needs to make his rom-coms go on for even longer. I didn't mind so much in the case of I''s, Izumi aside (because she was a copy of Itsuki), but in Video Girl Ai it's pretty bad. So far, a girl has randomly appeared to lust after its lead because he was in the same class during junior high, and that was then followed up by a girl the lead played with as a child randomly bumping into him. Ugh.

The fact that you lack a penis may well have ruined much of I''s humour, yeah. I did get some kicks out of the hot spring bit where Ichi got trapped under Izumi, quite possibly because of the boobs on show. But, to be fair, romance stories created by females can be painful for males to get through, the focus on emotions and turning men into women/ladyboys being a bit too hard to shallow sometimes. There's never going to be a puuuurfect tale of love and sex than will please everyone equally.

When I first read you expressing your love for I''s ending, it did leave me going, '...What!?', so I'm glad you edited in another paragraph!

Like I said in my blog (I think?), I viewed the section of the story where Ichi had to deal with Iori moving away from him because of her career as one of the best parts of I''s. It was that lengthy arc, which got largely ignored in the OVA adaptation of the story, that made me think of the manga and anime as being pretty much equal, rather than my mind having the anime edging it because of its far faster pacing.

But I don't agree with what you're saying. If not for Iori backing away from her career, then the exact same problems would've been repeated in the future. You can't praise Ichi for "getting over his insecurities" when he only ended up 'winning' as a result of Iori changing her life to fit him in. And I'll NEVER like an ending where the story just ends, without any glimpse into the future, because I view that to be a lack of imagination on the part of the author in question.

What did you think about Tanpenshu, in the end? I noticed you read it shortly after you read my message. (I was slow responding out of laziness - sorry!)

Didn't the author of Daisy also create Beast Master?... Daisy has been sort of on my radar for awhile now, but I haven't gotten around to reading it because of its high rating on MAL, as odd as that may sound. I do not trust MAL averages. But, seeing as you recommended it, I'll have to get around to giving it a chance; you not coming across like the typical MAL idiot I try to avoid.

A four volume rom-com/comedy involving some romance? I'm a sold! Anything I have a chance of reading in one or two sittings is worth a go when the title in question will probably be highly enjoyable for someone like me. Cheers for the rec--I'd never heard about it before! :)

/adds to f-list
May 8, 2010 6:10 PM

Apr 2009

Our anime compatibility is 58. 2% and 57.8% for the manga, it's medium (both anime and manga).
We share 84 (anime) and 41 (manga).

You watched a lot of animes, many of them I don't know.
Anime of your list that you like and what I also like are: Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Gankutsuou, Grave of the Fireflies, Hajime no Ippo, Macross Plus, Mushishi, Princess Mononoke, Sword of the Stranger, Toki wo Kakeru shoujo.
And just as you I also don't like Akira (I don't llike movie but I like manga).
You didn't like Spirit Away, right? Only note five, why?

Looking at your manga list, currently you don't read many manga and you also don't read too many one-shots.
From your manga list I like: Bokura ga Ita, Battle Royale, Bitter Virgin, Genshiken, Goth, I "s and Vitamin.
And just as you I also don't like Love Hina.

From you PTW, I reccomend Detroit Metal City (it's so funny) and Mononoke.

And from your PTR, I reccomend Mirai Nikki, Freesia and Personant (one-shot by Naoshi Komi, I also recommend you read his other works, such as Double Arts and Koi no Kamisama).

You comment all the animes and mangas that you have watched/read, suuuuuuuuuugoi~na!!!
I don't do this because look like to be hard work and I'm lazy too.
Raiho_KatsuoMay 8, 2010 6:35 PM
May 10, 2010 6:31 AM
Jan 2010

Overall 8/10

The appearance of your list is nice. I like the blue and white scheme. Its appealing and easy to read. Also your background design doesn’t detract from the list any. It would be nice if you had your list tabbed, because it is fairly large. As it currently stands its daunting and involves a lot of scrolling.

Our lists are difficult to compare. We only share 7 manga; Bakuman, Beck, Bitter Virgin, Kimi ni Todoke, NANA, Paradise Kiss, and Skip Beat!. I fully agree with your rating of Bitter Virgin. It was a very well written and emotionally grabbing story. It deserves the 9 rating. We also rated Paradise Kiss the same, although after reading many other shoujo manga I may drop it down to a 7 because it is all too similar to the others. I didn’t find anything stuck out in it.
I’m not a big fan of shounen mangas, but there are a few titles on your list that seem interesting. I plan on reading Mirai Nikki.

Grand Totals
Manga: 184, Novel: 0, One Shot: 0, Manwha: 3, Chapters: 14,804 Volumes: 1,655, Days: 82.75, Mean: 7.3
Raiho_Katsuo's scores average about 0.73 points lower than the average scores posted by other members.

Grand Totals
Manga: 89, Novel: 0, One Shot: 7, Manwha: 5, Chapters: 3,092 Volumes: 351, Days: 18.70, Mean: 6.5
Mandralyne's scores average about 1.54 points lower than the average scores posted by other members.

By comparing our grand totals I noticed you've read about 100 more manga than myself, and you've read or are reading several VERY long running series.

Other Comments
Your currently reading list is fairly large at 72, but it looks like they are mainly manga that are currently publishing so I’d assume you’re waiting for new chapters or volumes to be released. You tend to rate what you’ve read between 6-9 with 7 being your average rating. I see that you haven’t rated anything a 10.
It seems like you complete everything that you read, having only one dropped manga, and 9 on-hold.
May 12, 2010 9:26 AM

Feb 2008

so our compatibility rates are unknown for both our manga and anime list

to compare the mangas we've read is not so easy looking at ur list i can see u read a lot of romance and shojo series for me i tend to stick with more action and shounen based stories we ouly have 7 series we've both seen bakuman, bartender, beast master,bitter virgin, futagami double, good father and until death do us part.

it seems u liked bitter virgin a lot for me i think the ending is a little rushed and it could be done a little better thats y i deducted some marks also it seems u didnt like until death do us part at all for me i really liked the series its really unique because the drawings are so real and i really enjoy the story too ut i guess its just a difference between our tastes other than that we rated the rest about the same

looking at ur plan to watch list i can tell ur trying to get into some shounen series u got some pretty fun ones eyeshield 21 and both the gto are really enjoyable series
May 19, 2010 7:33 AM

Jun 2007
yunfanz: 7.6 (you) vs. 6.7 (me), 34 shared

Hello there, person with illogical scores and wonderful grammar. How are you doing, overall?

You gave 13 8/10, A.I. Love You 9/10, Archlord 8/10... and Mars 4/10? Mars is one of the best, if not THE best romance/shoujo manga in existence, it being devoid of the usual otaku fluff, yet you think Akamatsu's first, OMG rip-off series betters it? Something is wrong with that picture your numbers are painting.

I also find it hard to understand how anyone can rate Love Hina lower than A.I. Love You. A.I. has inferior art, inferior story-telling, inferior characters... heck, it has inferior everything. Reading it should tell anyone that it was created before Akamatsu improved significantly with practice; much like Fujisawa showed his improvement when he created GTO.

Togari is another 'WTF? High score, why?' candidate. It's an unfinished series that moves through shounen cliche after shounen cliche. The premise is intriguing, but the mangaka is clearly an amateur as a writer. Again, it's another instance of your high scores and lower scores not making any real sense. How can Togari get a 9/10 when Bitter Virgin gets only 7/10 and battle Royale gets even lower--6/10? My mind cannot comprehend the logic you're using.

It's sweet that you have a hard-on for action-heavy types like Naruto, Kurokami and Get Backers; like myself. However, even I don't think they're 10-10-10 worthy, and your other scores irk me too much for me to go, 'You like action-packed, kiddy shit, too? Ok then--LETS BE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!'

It's also worth noting that you clearly like children, what with your A. Baby 10/10 and all. You've already proven that you have something against the shoujo genre, soooo....

Making your list black and gray doesn't make you look any more manly, or creative. Edit it more and make it look decent, please.

Also, anyone who drops Battle Royale, I''s AND Mars is an enemy to all true manga fans. That shit ain't on.
May 19, 2010 7:32 PM

Feb 2008
Aironic said:
yunfanz: 7.6 (you) vs. 6.7 (me), 34 shared

Hello there, person with illogical scores and wonderful grammar. How are you doing, overall?

You gave 13 8/10, A.I. Love You 9/10, Archlord 8/10... and Mars 4/10? Mars is one of the best, if not THE best romance/shoujo manga in existence, it being devoid of the usual otaku fluff, yet you think Akamatsu's first, OMG rip-off series betters it? Something is wrong with that picture your numbers are painting.

I also find it hard to understand how anyone can rate Love Hina lower than A.I. Love You. A.I. has inferior art, inferior story-telling, inferior characters... heck, it has inferior everything. Reading it should tell anyone that it was created before Akamatsu improved significantly with practice; much like Fujisawa showed his improvement when he created GTO.

Togari is another 'WTF? High score, why?' candidate. It's an unfinished series that moves through shounen cliche after shounen cliche. The premise is intriguing, but the mangaka is clearly an amateur as a writer. Again, it's another instance of your high scores and lower scores not making any real sense. How can Togari get a 9/10 when Bitter Virgin gets only 7/10 and battle Royale gets even lower--6/10? My mind cannot comprehend the logic you're using.

It's sweet that you have a hard-on for action-heavy types like Naruto, Kurokami and Get Backers; like myself. However, even I don't think they're 10-10-10 worthy, and your other scores irk me too much for me to go, 'You like action-packed, kiddy shit, too? Ok then--LETS BE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!'

It's also worth noting that you clearly like children, what with your A. Baby 10/10 and all. You've already proven that you have something against the shoujo genre, soooo....

Making your list black and gray doesn't make you look any more manly, or creative. Edit it more and make it look decent, please.

Also, anyone who drops Battle Royale, I''s AND Mars is an enemy to all true manga fans. That shit ain't on.

um im sry? anyways this is how i really feel about these series u are right i do love action based series and im not really into romance/shoujo. i liked love hina but it started with just a normal reality series but after near the end we see things like flying turtles robots and all that stuff im just like wtf it really bothered me and i really liked ai love you i found it really amusing and very enjoyable

togari i find really unique i was really interested in it and after a while i found i already finished many chapters so its easy to read and kept me interested. um bitter vergin is one i enjoyed and i can feel the emotions from the story but other then that there is nothing really special about it to me battle royale as well i didnt enjoy it as others described to be

naruto i find the story just amazing i loved the characters and the plot twists just blew my mind sometimes same with kurokami for get backers to me its the greatest thing i've ever read the story is really interesting really fun and a lot of things they say that i agree with it has a lot of connections the history really good character design and to me amazing artwork with great detail and it should get a 10

as for Aishiteruze Baby i find it the emotions really strong and delivered really well its a good story form beginning to end and its not the same romance story as the other shoulo series thats y i gave it a 10

as for mars we have the series at the library where i live i borrowed 15 volumes of it cuz i heard it was good i finished like 5 and i cant keep going i was falling asleep reading them i just found it too boring and returned them on the due date with like 10 volumes that i havent even touched

sometimes i get lazy since the series is too long so i read the first few chapters then dropped the series even though they were good but sometimes i comeback to them so some of the series i have on my dropped list are really on hold i just dont know if ill get to them or not.

as for the list its just a list as long as the words a viable its good im not planning to show my creativity

umm yah sry about my weird taste and being a enemy to all true manga fans (wtf).
yunfanzMay 19, 2010 7:36 PM
May 24, 2010 6:20 AM

Jun 2007
yunfanz said:
umm yah sry about my weird taste and being a enemy to all true manga fans (wtf).

Apology accepted, Admiral.

/not another shameless bump
May 24, 2010 8:27 AM

Mar 2009
86.3% Compatibility on our lists, though it seems we only share 10 series.
That might make it a bit hard to comment, but I'll bite.

It doesn't seem like you're reading anything I really know much about, so I won't say anything about those. I do see Getbackers with an 8, which I'm generally in agreement with.

On your completed list it looks like we have a similar taste when it comes to the .//Hack manga, I found them to be surprisingly good for a franchise where I found the games and anime to be decent, but near mediocre. The 5 for Drifting Classroom is a bit disheartening but the rest of your horror genre scores are pretty spot-on.

I suggest carrying on with reading Bokurano and MPD Psycho, the former easily being one of my favorite manga series and the latter done by one of my favorite artists. The plot's odd, but it generally picks itself up. On your plan to read I'd say to start REAL, What A Wonderful World, and Tales of Symphonia (which is a surprisingly good adaptation of the game). You also have Dogs on there, but personally I found the one-shot volume to be the best part of the series. After that it turns into some generic talk-fight-talk-fight series, kind of like Bleach but with a different, almost non-existent plot.

As for your dropped titles I'm in agreement with your view on Tsubasa, although seeing Blade of the Immortal on there makes me wonder why you'd drop a series that seems to be quite critically acclaimed.

So yeah.
meemaiMay 24, 2010 9:13 AM
May 24, 2010 7:36 PM

Jun 2007
How come you haven't added the .hack manga to your list? You've read them, going on your post, so it's kind of odd to look at your list and not see them.

All three of the .hack manga I've read are pretty good, on the whole, yeah. .hack//XXXX is an excellent adaptation of a series of four needlessly short but very addictive games. G.U.+ started very poorly - giving everything away and rushing through the story - but turned out to be a pleasing alternate version of a story that ended disappointingly. And Twilight Bracelet lacked a purpose but was lots of fun to go through--nothing outstanding but amusing and easy to read harem goodness.

I'll no doubt get around to reading most of the JRPG adaptations at a later date, but right now what I own (Suikoden III) and what I have a fair bit of love for (Persona 3+4) are of more interest to me than the Tales manga adaptations. For one thing, I'm far from a Tales fanboy, and for another I need to watch the ToS sequel OVA... and finish the TotA TV series.

The Drifting Classroom started out intriguingly but got worse the longer it went on. The author has no idea how people/children act, and that resulted in there being an entire cast of wooden characters. Combine that with increasingly stupid supernatural occurrences, and a horribly rushed ending, and 5/10 is all I have to offer it.

Bokurano is something I'll 100% finish; the only question is when I'll get back into. I'd like to buy Viz's releases, but only the first volume is out and the second doesn't come out until something silly like September. It's frustrating.

I on-holded it for no real reason--right when the manga was about to catch-up with the anime. If I recall, I was put off by a whole chapter of philosophical chatter involving the fat kid and the army lady. It made my head hurt, and I'm adverse to pain.

MPD Psycho, as someone else said to me, appears to be no more than an excuse for the mangaka to express his fetish for beautiful, dismembered females. The story seemed to be waaaay out there in the opening volume, and I'm still yet to even bother unsealing the second volume.

As for Dogs, since Viz are releasing it and the volumes are being sold for close to £5 each, I'll probably give it a shot soon. I think I'll order the prelude volume and see how I feel after that. I'm not too fond of the character art--that's all I can say at this point.

Why did I drop BotI? Because of the sketchy art style. It looked wonderful in BC - a short manga devoid of action - but I was left with no clue about what was going on during the action scenes in BotI. It's a long series, and I didn't want to feel the need to constantly examine every panel to understand what movements had occurred.

Your list:

I see a lot of yaoi/gayish manga, and a fair few high ratings. After seeing how many crazed yaoi fangirls are on MAL, I have something against them, and I'm not down with someone confusing lust for liking/respecting something.

I wouldn't 10/10 Uzumaki simply because of its horrible non-ending. It offered me something I'd never seen before in manga form - horror - but I don't class it as perfection personified. Different strokes for different folks though, I guess...

Shadow Star is something I plan on reading in full after finishing Bokurano. The anime became very good in the last three episodes, and I'm sure the manga continues on from there in terms of quality.

What I like the most about your ratings is that you 5/10'd Gankutsuou. FINALLY--someone else who sees how horrible the manga is compared to the amazing anime. +1 to you for being a Gankutsuou fangirl.

Battle Royale... bad quality? I don't understand. Over the top and silly, for sure, but I wouldn't use bad to describe it.

...That about does it, I think? WORK OVER!!!!!!!!
AironicallyHumanMay 24, 2010 7:39 PM
May 24, 2010 8:09 PM

Mar 2009
What I meant by the quality of Battle Royale being bad is that the ink-to-paper quality in the Ultimate Edition release by Tokyopop is awful. If you ever see the first book collection of it, be sure to look at volume one, and then flip over to volume two-ish (the scene where the two girls get shot to death). It looks like they just said "fuck it" while re-printing the panels halfway through. If I recall correctly there's a review at Anime News Network that mentioned this.

Persona 3 and 4 have decent manga adaptations, but the way the mangaka wrote them made the timelines slightly inconsistent to the games. The chapters hop around the different months out of order, although from the looks of it that may not happen in P4's. Aside from that the artwook is great and it follows the games stories fairly accurately.

And I haven't updated a couple things on my manga list, which is why .//Hack isn't on there yet. I don't know why Uzumaki is a 10 on there, I could've sworn I changed it to 8 a while ago. It was good, but some of the stories in it weren't very good.

As for the higher rankings on the yaoi/gayish manga, I really like them for the character developement and plot. I don't know if you noticed, but the majority with high rankings are shojo/shounen-ai from the 70's-80's (aside Antique Bakery, which is more of a Ristorante-esque josei) and I must say they have almost no relation to how awful the boy-love genre is now. Even when I look for series that inolve the topic I usually try to go for ones that are more respectable, or have been given awards such as the Shogakukan. I really can't stand the newer series fangirls just eat up, like Kuroshitsuji, Gravitation, ect. There's nothing redeemable about them.
And I gave Vibrator Company such a high rating because that shit is the funniest hentai I've ever read.

And yeah, the Gankutsuou manga was pretty bad. I was okay with the first volume, but once it got to the second it completely jumped the shark and it just got worse from there. Villefort's character seemed completely off to me, and even though the anime was an original adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo there was just way too much wrong with the manga for me to accept it as one too.
meemaiMay 25, 2010 6:45 AM
May 24, 2010 11:07 PM

Apr 2010
"comment on the list of the member above you" meaning the content or the looks?

if the content, member above has none... that I like =P, tho gotta say, Hellsing Ultimate was awesome =)

if the looks, same =P

anyways, to confess, I didn't read the whole thread and I'm here just to show off my custom profile that I just made. CSS3 and all, looks awesome =D Do we have a thing here that allows us to share our custom list styles? I know Last.Fm has one for it's embeded-signatures and it's nice =)
Jun 1, 2010 11:21 AM

Jun 2009
I give your list a 0 because you don't have a list.
Jun 1, 2010 1:48 PM

Aug 2008
Okay, got a good chuckle that someone posted with nothing actually added to their list..

Nice and readable list. I like readable. I'm personally not a fan of tags being used as a comment field, unless they are reoccurring (like several things tagged "large amounts of badassery" would be fun).

As for content, we don't share a lot, but we share some good ones. There's a couple of Manga Erotics F publications, Memories of Emanon.. and it's good to see someone who doesn't buy into the Mirai Nikki hype. That's the only score we really deviate on. My score is only that high because it dances along the line of "so bad, it might be good."
Jun 1, 2010 5:07 PM

Feb 2008
only 19 similar manga, considering the overwhelming size of your list I'm surprised we even had a comparability rating (79% btw). you seem to be just as sparing with the 10s as I am and seem to read a fairly wide variety of manga (from what few titles I recognized on your list that we didn't share). about half of your manga seems to be unrated though.

I'm a bit curious about what that background image is from, the bike seems really out of place considering everything else in the picture. I also couldn't help but notice the dominance of the BL tag in your list. making it unlikely that I'll be pulling random titles from it to try myself, even with our high comp rating ; )
Jun 1, 2010 7:36 PM

Aug 2008
The image is by Kasai Ayumi, who mostly does illustrations, but she has a few manga out there. The geta in the pic strike me--I don't like driving a car wearing heels, so riding a bike with geta seems really awkward.

And yeah, I can’t rate things I read a long time ago (started in 97). It's hard enough to remember how much I read as is. If I do rate, it seems to be done with rose-colored glasses, like a couple of my 10s (Clover, X, Time Lag, Only the Ring Finger Knows..)--these have more personal “history” more than outstanding quality or current enjoyment, so I usually refrain.

BL works are usually single volumes, so it inflates on lists imo. :-p We share some yuri, so ignore the other stuff and try Gunjo and Honey & Honey. :3
shinkeikakuJun 1, 2010 7:44 PM
Jun 2, 2010 9:00 PM

Jun 2007
Nothing surprises me about MAL forum postings--not even someone posting in a manga list commenting thread with NO manga entries.

I can't recall if I've commented in your direction previously, shinkeikaku, but if I have then I would've said that I don't agree with bringing a sexual fetish into manga reading to the extent you do. There's a line between enjoying a story and playing with yourself whilst reading something. A list that panders to a woman into fake male characters getting it on means nothing good to me.

It isn't a good thing that we share so little when your day count is close to five times my own. And you don't rate enough.

Because we share so little and around half aren't rated, there's not a lot to say. 3/10 for Love Hina is for too low, and I'm guessing you'd 10/10 it if it was a reverse harem instead.
Jun 2, 2010 9:12 PM

Aug 2008
Oh Aironic, you have no clue what you're talking about, but that's expected at this point from this thread that you seem so intent on scaring away the little ones from with your baiting. If you rate Love Hina that highly, I'm okay with not sharing that many works. Then again, I can't even remember what year I read it, just that I really didn't like it.
Jun 2, 2010 9:15 PM

Jun 2007
So, it isn't true that your list is made up of titles involving unrealistically pretty men, with no chest hair, getting it on... or coming damn close? My bad! I guess even one such as myself makes errors, from time to time.

(Just admit you'd like Love Hina if ladyboys replaced the boobs and we can move on, love. Show maturity by being the one to give in--it's what I'd do... if I was mature.)
Jun 2, 2010 9:18 PM

Aug 2008
Nope, if you actually were familiar with some titles or the genre post-2000 in the English world, you'd realize that. And if you looked at my list, you'd see there's no 10/10 for a single reverse harem, let alone what I'd see Love Hina turning into.
Jun 2, 2010 9:19 PM

Jun 2007
...Damn it, I know what misled me--it's all those 'BL' tags!

What does 'BL' actually stand for, in your case? I was typing to someone the other day about Black Lagoon and, for a second, the person thought I'd given in to the homosexual desires lurking within.
Jun 2, 2010 9:25 PM

Aug 2008
Obviously it's your descriptors that are off. You're describing a subset on my list though:chicks with pricks. They are so early 2000's.

But seriously, you shouldn't throw tantrums at the people who post here, especially the new ones. Except those with no manga entries added--throw a fit at them.
Jun 3, 2010 10:32 PM

Jun 2007
Well, I don't think my friendly attitude, which allows for natural, direct comments about listing, is the problem--the problem is, most MAL users don't read manga due to reading being too difficult for them. (That's my theory, anyway.)

It depresses me that no-one wants to bully me about my list. Maybe my aggression has made people cower in fear of my e-manliness? It's troubling...
Jun 5, 2010 2:15 AM

Feb 2008
ok i agree with the part where most people likes animes more then manga but wat dose that have to do with ur attitude? most if not all of us respect each others taste and we expect them to respect ours and ur just going all over the place saying how our lists should be and should not be...
Jun 5, 2010 8:21 AM

Apr 2009

We share 37 mangas with an compatibility of 48%

You seem mostly to enjoy shounen and rom-com mangas so maybe Unbalance x Unbalance goes with your liking, you also gave Shin Angyo Onshi a 10, which I can perfectly understand, maybe you should give one of these big seinen/action/adventure titles like Berserk, Claymore, or Vinland Saga a try.

Your background is a little bit pixelated, but that may be because of my 5:4 screen resolution, otherwise I like the orange text colour.

blackskulldragon said:

You have a few nines and only four tens - none of which I have heard of before. Judging from your scores, in your own opinion, you read a lot of sub-par or just pain awful manga.

Its more like a scored 5 really means "average", and 6 "fine", everything under 5 was really bad though.
SixFlagsJun 5, 2010 1:05 PM
Jun 5, 2010 11:00 AM

Apr 2007

We share 18 manga and have a 61% medium compatibility...

I really like the background of your list... well the side that isn't covered with words. Its not too much and at the same time not too little.

You read (or have read) a lot of seinen and drama, now I love seinen but I'm not really into sad/depressing manga I'm more into comedy which I see you have a few on your list.

You have a few nines and only four tens - none of which I have heard of before. Judging from your scores, in your own opinion, you read a lot of sub-par or just pain awful manga.
Jun 5, 2010 8:21 PM

Jun 2009
Your list is so god dam hard to read I didn't even bother. The only way I could make out anything at all was the shared manga button. I don't think its your fault though, since I've recently found out its a problem with how MAL does the backgrounds - by pixels instead of percentages. So it basically screws everything up for anyone who has a different sized monitor than you. Anyways...

I like that you dislike Love Hina because I personally think its nose bleeding harem #6432394944. You gave Yu Yu Hakusho a 9, which is extremely generous considering its extremely awful/rushed ending and the bad art. You gave Vagabond a mere 7 which makes you an idiot and One Piece a 10 which makes you a devil worshiper.

Jun 6, 2010 12:27 AM

Feb 2008

wow a 1 for one piece you are the first person ive seen that gave that as well as negative happy chainsaw edge you are the first ive seen to give it that high score but looking at ur list i see u like deeper stories so i can understand the scores u give.

it seems u like suzuka a lot i get that its romance but it goes pretty deep i liked it to some degree but ive seen better so i wouldnt call it a masterpiece.

other series ai love you, until death do us part and zippy ziggy are some ones we share opposite thoughts in but i know what ur taste is like so i guess i understand the scores u gave these too.
Jun 7, 2010 7:59 PM
Jan 2009
this looks fun!

i can see you have to spend a lot of time reading/watching anime/manga. Most of your titles are quite famous. I mostly read mangas that are translated in French,but french editors only edit really popular mangas , so i conclude that you really like to read popular manga or watch popular anime.
Jun 7, 2010 7:59 PM
Jan 2009
this looks fun!

i can see you have to spend a lot of time reading/watching anime/manga. Most of your titles are quite famous. I mostly read mangas that are translated in French,but french editors only edit really popular mangas , so i conclude that you really like to read popular manga or watch popular anime.
Jun 8, 2010 5:42 AM

Mar 2009

First off, the red words are quite a strain on the eyes. Changing the colour to yellow would be much better.

Looks like you're currently reading many. Around twice as many as I currently am. I'm still reading GTO as well (haven't continued it for a long time already). Don't recognize most of the other titles.

Haven't read anything from your completed list, but I've watched the anime for a few of them. Your scores don't look overly high or overly low, but there's a variety. That's a good thing.

Since you plan to read Vampire Knight, just let me warn you that it's hard to distinguish between the characters since they more or less look the same (in the anime it's not hard to tell them apart though).
Jun 13, 2010 3:37 AM

Jun 2007
AlexSadist-sama: 58.8 % / 7.3 (you) vs. 6.9 (me) / 25 titles

I like your ratings. No, really: the way you rated what you've read is very close to how I rated the same titles. You can take that however you wish, but if you're smart you'd take it in a good way; understanding that you must have decent taste.

13 is a horribly rushed one-shot, and doesn't deserve a higher rating than 6/10. I rated it 5/10, you rated it 6/10. The same goes for the Natsu collection of one-shots due to some of the stories featuring that guilty pleasure of shoujo artists: stories involving a woman falling for a guy who rapes her. In the case of Natsu, you went for 5/10 and I went for 6/10.

After School Nightmare is a title I wanted to like but ended up disliking due to sod all happening over the course of its fairly lengthy story. The art was a major plus, backgrounds aside, but it got progressively less interesting for me, and I can fully understand you 7/10ing it. (I went for 6/10, eight volumes in.)

A lot of our scores are like that: differing by only a point, in most instances. We don't often match-up, us only going for the same numbers around five times (Anne Freaks, Bitter Virgin), but there's rarely much difference between our views--assuming the numbers we hand-out represent our thoughts in a similar manner.

Ignoring your 3/10 of Bleach and Naruto - titles that I'm sure I'll lower my ratings for when I get back into both - there are two scores of yours that standout negatively, from my perspective. The first is Doubt, which struck me as being a poor attempt at a manga version of Saw, complete with an obvious final twist and fake, totally over the top characters. The other is 'Love Story, Killed', a title from the Saikano author that did little good; showing a girl being raped, recovering super-fast, and only a bullet being likable. I cant agree with your respective 9 and 8/10's for those two.

Your list itself hurts my eyes. When the background is loading, it loads with a bright yellow background and red text. After it loads, there's a dark background with bright red and yellow text. Not good for my eyes, at all, and that means it isn't great.
Jun 15, 2010 2:24 PM
Jan 2009

our manga list!-it appears that we dont have many mangas in common.

first of all, you have a very clear and critical(not the negative meaning of it) opinion on every manga your read. but your list is completetly at the left of the screen. so it streaches your comment making them look really long. IT makes me a little tired to pull the scrollbar every 10 seconds.

i see that you don't limit yourself to one kind of manga since you have all types of manga (action, romance, teaching, comedy, new manga, old manga)

as for anime-we seem to have many of them in common but i am way too tired to comment about it since we have too many animes in common. too long to describe.sorry.
Jun 16, 2010 11:38 PM

May 2010
nameuser: 0% / 6.8(You) vs. 8.6(Me) / 8 titles

You only read a few mangas compared to me, that's why we only have 8 mangas in common. The manga that we shared are all well-known manga but we don't have the same score at all. I think the way you score the manga is very critical.

Great Teacher Onizuka or GTO is actually a great manga if you see the storyline and the artwork seems become better and better although if you see first few chapter, the artwork is not really good. I rated this manga 9/10 but you only rated it 7/10, 2 points difference. It might be because you don't really like Ecchi manga, when I look in your list, it seems that the manga tha have lots of ecchi don't score well in your list.

After I see your manga list completely, you like to read manga that has already completed since you only have 6 publishing mangas under your Currently Reading tab. And most of the completed manga you read are well-known, although I don't know 6/7 mangas from your list. In this case, we have the same habit, I like to read completed manga too.
GwilthyunmanJun 16, 2010 11:45 PM

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