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not all opinions are equal and valid?
Feb 12, 12:35 PM

Jan 2009
so title says it all agree or disagree? i voted yes

google gemini says
degFeb 13, 6:02 AM
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Feb 12, 12:43 PM

Jan 2021
I need someone to explain to me how to come to a conclusion that all opinions are equal and valid and not make any logical fallacies, they are exempt from this rule if they use religion (aka their stance requires belief in something that can't be disproven)

though I like that there aren't upvotes on mal so that you can see everyone's opinion, but that's different from what are those opinions worth

ai sucks because it can't tell the difference between what is important and what is not, so why try to copy a bad characteristic of it
Feb 12, 12:45 PM

Jun 2014
Unfortunately yes, we all to have to attend a training of some sort to be of value :/
Feb 12, 12:48 PM

Apr 2013
No, of course not. Otherwise we would never have any reason to change anything about ourselves, or arrive at better ideas. If all opinions are equal and valid, then that would mean that we stagnate as a species, since no ideas could ever be challenged.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 12:51 PM

Oct 2009
Yes, an expert opinion matters more than a layman's opinion. If I am writing a CV does the opinion of a hiring manager count the same as some person who never applied for a job in their life? Similarly, if I base my opinion on evidence, facts and experience doing something for years and years then my opinion would carry more validity than if I made a purely speculative opinion on a field, I had no idea about, and just stated something based on nothing more than a hunch (be wary of an expert who spouts an opinion outside their field of expertise).

Granted, these are extreme examples and there are grey areas, but I just wanted to make a point that opinions are not equal, and they may not be valid i.e. reflect reality.
Feb 12, 12:57 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to monsta666
Yes, an expert opinion matters more than a layman's opinion. If I am writing a CV does the opinion of a hiring manager count the same as some person who never applied for a job in their life? Similarly, if I base my opinion on evidence, facts and experience doing something for years and years then my opinion would carry more validity than if I made a purely speculative opinion on a field, I had no idea about, and just stated something based on nothing more than a hunch (be wary of an expert who spouts an opinion outside their field of expertise).

Granted, these are extreme examples and there are grey areas, but I just wanted to make a point that opinions are not equal, and they may not be valid i.e. reflect reality.
@monsta666 true and there is war on science right now so thats why i ask since everyone on the internet is an expert now a days and hating on authority aka ethos or appeal to authority gives a bad rep this days

im linking this to relativism and some censorship too
Feb 12, 12:58 PM

Apr 2022
Meanwhile the opinion is not aggresive or extreme, and it is totally logical I think it can be totally valid in my opinion.
Feb 12, 1:14 PM

Sep 2016
all opinions are equal = FALSE
not all opinions are equal = TRUE

all opinions are valid = FALSE
not all opinions are valid = TRUE

(not all opinions are equal) AND (not all opinions are valid) = TRUE AND TRUE = TRUE = yes

ZarutakuFeb 13, 6:28 AM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 12, 1:22 PM

Sep 2018
People generally lean to prefer opinions they agree with over stuff they don't. I would say the value of opinions vary. A teenage boy will likely give a more accurate review of an anime than a grandma for another teenage boy deciding what to watch. People of similar sex and age tend to think more similarly.
Feb 12, 1:59 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@monsta666 true and there is war on science right now so thats why i ask since everyone on the internet is an expert now a days and hating on authority aka ethos or appeal to authority gives a bad rep this days

im linking this to relativism and some censorship too
deg said:
@monsta666 true and there is war on science right now so thats why i ask since everyone on the internet is an expert now a days and hating on authority aka ethos or appeal to authority gives a bad rep this days

The claim that there is a "war on science" has indeed also been challenged by experts.

There's not one thing or group that simply gets to escape this scrutiny. The problem is not that people hate science and want to discredit it, it's the fact that there is an uncertainty that appeals to authority simply do not address. And so, at that point, it becomes a question of ethics or morality, rather than factual accuracy. Do the families not have a moral right to their own bodies? Should scientists force them to do what they want, simply because it's scientifically accurate? These are moral issues. Not ones that can be solved by authority.
DreamWindowFeb 12, 2:06 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 2:07 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DreamWindow
deg said:
@monsta666 true and there is war on science right now so thats why i ask since everyone on the internet is an expert now a days and hating on authority aka ethos or appeal to authority gives a bad rep this days

The claim that there is a "war on science" has indeed also been challenged by experts.

There's not one thing or group that simply gets to escape this scrutiny. The problem is not that people hate science and want to discredit it, it's the fact that there is an uncertainty that appeals to authority simply do not address. And so, at that point, it becomes a question of ethics or morality, rather than factual accuracy. Do the families not have a moral right to their own bodies? Should scientists force them to do what they want, simply because it's scientifically accurate? These are moral issues. Not ones that can be solved by authority.
@DreamWindow not really especially with the pandemic and climate change have shown us
Feb 12, 2:11 PM

May 2021
deg said:
so title says it all agree or disagree? i voted yes

You are again confusing opinions with facts
Feb 12, 2:14 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DigiCat
deg said:
so title says it all agree or disagree? i voted yes

You are again confusing opinions with facts
@DigiCat opinions can be facts i thought that is common knowledge

also your opinions are as valid and equal to experts opinions?
Feb 12, 2:18 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow not really especially with the pandemic and climate change have shown us
deg said:
@DreamWindow not really especially with the pandemic and climate change have shown us

So, you don't believe that any human has the right to their own bodies? Well, then, what give scientists the moral right to make this claim? And how far does this logic extend? Because as far as I'm concerned, if you take this to it's logical conclusion, it is a terrible outcome for mankind, if human beings do not have the moral sovereignty over their own bodies. And would you also extend this logic to abortion?

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 2:20 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DreamWindow
deg said:
@DreamWindow not really especially with the pandemic and climate change have shown us

So, you don't believe that any human has the right to their own bodies? Well, then, what give scientists the moral right to make this claim? And how far does this logic extend? Because as far as I'm concerned, if you take this to it's logical conclusion, it is a terrible outcome for mankind, if human beings do not have the moral sovereignty over their own bodies. And would you also extend this logic to abortion?
@DreamWindow abortion is a personal choice while climate change and pandemics are public health dangers
Feb 12, 2:21 PM

May 2021
Reply to deg
@DigiCat opinions can be facts i thought that is common knowledge

also your opinions are as valid and equal to experts opinions?
@deg Trying to cover your a** i see...

If you want a more detailed response, you don't have to listen to an opinion or even like it for it to be equel to yours

As for "opinions can be facts", opinions can become proven facts, but once it's proven, it's not an opinion anymore, it's a fact, so i guess you got your knowledge from a factually incorrect source, cuz although opinions can become facts, they are still 2 different things and don't overlap
Feb 12, 2:23 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DigiCat
@deg Trying to cover your a** i see...

If you want a more detailed response, you don't have to listen to an opinion or even like it for it to be equel to yours

As for "opinions can be facts", opinions can become proven facts, but once it's proven, it's not an opinion anymore, it's a fact, so i guess you got your knowledge from a factually incorrect source, cuz although opinions can become facts, they are still 2 different things and don't overlap
@DigiCat being aggressive with your opinions is treating your opinions as facts though especially like you that always wanted the last word
Feb 12, 2:27 PM

Apr 2022
Facts are opinions converted in realities because they were proved in the past. Simple as that.
Feb 12, 2:29 PM

May 2021
Reply to deg
@DigiCat being aggressive with your opinions is treating your opinions as facts though especially like you that always wanted the last word
@deg Somehow that better describes what your doing, written proof over multiple forums

And again, confusing fact and opinion

It is a fact that opinions are subjective and facts are objective, there is no such thing as an objective opinion, and therefor not such thing as an opinion that is fact, there can be subjective opinions on objective facts however
Feb 12, 2:39 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to DreamWindow
deg said:
@DreamWindow not really especially with the pandemic and climate change have shown us

So, you don't believe that any human has the right to their own bodies? Well, then, what give scientists the moral right to make this claim? And how far does this logic extend? Because as far as I'm concerned, if you take this to it's logical conclusion, it is a terrible outcome for mankind, if human beings do not have the moral sovereignty over their own bodies. And would you also extend this logic to abortion?
@DreamWindow I feel you are making a strawman argument. No scientist said vaccines should be enforced on the population. They only provided advisory information and stated the risks and benefits of a vaccine. These findings were validated through extensive testing and close monitoring of people who received the vaccine. As more and more people received the vaccine the confidence on their opinions grew. Sure, some initial beliefs from the disease were wrong but those opinions were corrected over time as the evidence began to accumulate.

The key thing is their opinions were based on the evidence obtained and that evidence pointed to greater benefits in widespread adoption of the vaccine than to take no action. Nothing was said about forcing the population to take it even those who were seen to benefit the most from vaccines. The closest you ever got to enforcement was when certain employees were pressed to take it as a condition of employment. Still, even in those cases, people had a choice whether to take it or not; no one was physically restrained and given the vaccine against their will.

I think the same can be said over climate change. Sure, there are still people who believe man-made climate change is not a thing, but the evidence is now so convincing that denial that climate-change is not induced by human activities is an opinion only held by a very small minority of experts.

By placing equal weight (or debating time on TV) to both sides of the coin what we are doing is creating the fallacy of false equivalence. This is the problem I see when people try and force equalling weighting to all arguments and opinions. There are occasions when one argument is simply stronger than the other. To me, if someone's opinion is strongly grounded on facts, evidence and logic then that carries more weight than an argument solely based on emotion.
Feb 12, 2:51 PM

Aug 2014
An informed opinion is more valid than an uninformed one.

Ignorant (or even idiotic) opinions are not nearly as valid as (and certainly not equal to) well-informed opinions from those who spent years of their lives becoming knowledgeable about something.

If you've only seen a single episode of anime, your opinions about anime are not worth much...certainly less than someone who has seen 10,000+ episodes.

If you've only listened to a few songs in a music genre, your opinion about it is worthless compared to someone who has spent decades avidly listening to it, or even being a musician in the genre themselves.

If you never bothered learning about astrophysics, your opinion on it is nil compared to an astrophysicist.

You (as in anyone) are allowed to like and dislike whatever you please, but that doesn't mean anyone who actually knows what they're talking about will take your opinion seriously simply because you stated it. In many cases, the fact that someone holds a certain opinion proves they know little about the topic.
Feb 12, 2:52 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DigiCat
@deg Somehow that better describes what your doing, written proof over multiple forums

And again, confusing fact and opinion

It is a fact that opinions are subjective and facts are objective, there is no such thing as an objective opinion, and therefor not such thing as an opinion that is fact, there can be subjective opinions on objective facts however
@DigiCat whatever just google the definition of opinion then and im sure youre the only vote so far on saying all opinions are equal and valid
Feb 12, 2:57 PM

Jul 2019
Equal? I suppose so, but how do you even measure that?

Valid? Maybe. But again, how do you measure that? ... To me, the validity of an opinion always seems to be put against the real objective world, at that point is what you are calling an opinion even an opinion?
Feb 12, 2:59 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to NextUniverse
Equal? I suppose so, but how do you even measure that?

Valid? Maybe. But again, how do you measure that? ... To me, the validity of an opinion always seems to be put against the real objective world, at that point is what you are calling an opinion even an opinion?
@NextUniverse opinions are beliefs and beliefs can be morals or facts or just things base on experience
Feb 12, 3:03 PM

Jul 2014
No, they are not, since a lot of opinions are rooted in the denial of facts.
Take care of yourself

Feb 12, 3:04 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow abortion is a personal choice while climate change and pandemics are public health dangers
deg said:
abortion is a personal choice while climate change and pandemics are public health dangers

So? They have autonomy to kill the life of an unborn child, but they do not have the autonomy to resist taking something they don't want into their veins? The personal choice of abortion implies that they have ultimate say over their own body. If this logic does not apply universally then they don't have the right to their body. There is no moral claim to encroach on this right.

monsta666 said:
@DreamWindow I feel you are making a strawman argument. No scientist said vaccines should be enforced on the population. They only provided advisory information and stated the risks and benefits of a vaccine. These findings were validated through extensive testing and close monitoring of people who received the vaccine. As more and more people received the vaccine the confidence on their opinions grew. Sure, some initial beliefs from the disease were wrong but those opinions were corrected over time as the evidence began to accumulate.

They did want it to be mandated.

My argument was not whether lockdowns work, or the efficacy of the testing, but merely a claim that nobody has moral authority over someone else's body. And yes they did what they could to try and force it, attacking people's livelihoods and social status is indeed a form of force. You cannot say in any meaningful capacity that someone has bodily autonomy under those circumstances.
DreamWindowFeb 12, 5:58 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 3:06 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DreamWindow
deg said:
abortion is a personal choice while climate change and pandemics are public health dangers

So? They have autonomy to kill the life of an unborn child, but they do not have the autonomy to resist taking something they don't want into their veins? The personal choice of abortion implies that they have ultimate say over their own body. If this logic does not apply universally then they don't have the right to their body. There is no moral claim to encroach on this right.

monsta666 said:
@DreamWindow I feel you are making a strawman argument. No scientist said vaccines should be enforced on the population. They only provided advisory information and stated the risks and benefits of a vaccine. These findings were validated through extensive testing and close monitoring of people who received the vaccine. As more and more people received the vaccine the confidence on their opinions grew. Sure, some initial beliefs from the disease were wrong but those opinions were corrected over time as the evidence began to accumulate.

They did want it to be mandated.

My argument was not whether lockdowns work, or the efficacy of the testing, but merely a claim that nobody has moral authority over someone else's body. And yes they did what they could to try and force it, attacking people's livelihoods and social status is indeed a form of force. You cannot say in any meaningful capacity that someone has bodily autonomy under those circumstances.
@DreamWindow public health dangers means others are badly affected by your bad decision and in this cases its deadly for many people

its not all or nothing aka black and white matters when it comes to rules since exceptions exist to every rule
Feb 12, 3:08 PM

Jan 2021
Yes, thats why I only speak facts...
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Feb 12, 3:13 PM

May 2021
Reply to monsta666
@DreamWindow I feel you are making a strawman argument. No scientist said vaccines should be enforced on the population. They only provided advisory information and stated the risks and benefits of a vaccine. These findings were validated through extensive testing and close monitoring of people who received the vaccine. As more and more people received the vaccine the confidence on their opinions grew. Sure, some initial beliefs from the disease were wrong but those opinions were corrected over time as the evidence began to accumulate.

The key thing is their opinions were based on the evidence obtained and that evidence pointed to greater benefits in widespread adoption of the vaccine than to take no action. Nothing was said about forcing the population to take it even those who were seen to benefit the most from vaccines. The closest you ever got to enforcement was when certain employees were pressed to take it as a condition of employment. Still, even in those cases, people had a choice whether to take it or not; no one was physically restrained and given the vaccine against their will.

I think the same can be said over climate change. Sure, there are still people who believe man-made climate change is not a thing, but the evidence is now so convincing that denial that climate-change is not induced by human activities is an opinion only held by a very small minority of experts.

By placing equal weight (or debating time on TV) to both sides of the coin what we are doing is creating the fallacy of false equivalence. This is the problem I see when people try and force equalling weighting to all arguments and opinions. There are occasions when one argument is simply stronger than the other. To me, if someone's opinion is strongly grounded on facts, evidence and logic then that carries more weight than an argument solely based on emotion.
@monsta666 True what you say about it not being the scientist who wanted to force vaccines on the population, it was infacr mostly people with little to no knowledge of science who were championing the idea of forced vaccinations, which by deg's own logic should mean giving people the freedom to choose to be vaccinated or not is a more valid opinion than forcing them to

However i do not agree with your take on enforcing vaccines on employees not counting as forcing people, many people can't afford to give up their jobs, so the people who can't and didn't want the vaccine very likely took it anyway even if it was against their will, and therefor it was forced upon them
Feb 12, 3:16 PM

May 2021
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow public health dangers means others are badly affected by your bad decision and in this cases its deadly for many people

its not all or nothing aka black and white matters when it comes to rules since exceptions exist to every rule
deg said:
in this cases its deadly for many people

How about using google to check the covi death numbers vs the total population of planet earth?
Feb 12, 3:17 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to DigiCat
@deg Somehow that better describes what your doing, written proof over multiple forums

And again, confusing fact and opinion

It is a fact that opinions are subjective and facts are objective, there is no such thing as an objective opinion, and therefor not such thing as an opinion that is fact, there can be subjective opinions on objective facts however
@DigiCat: The grey area DigiCat is that while facts can be considered objective (this isn't always the case though) my opinions can still have a degree of subjectivity even if it is based on objective facts. For example, if a plane is flying through contested airspace, previous experience dictates 9 out of 10 times the plane will crash. My opinion based on this information states that doing a plane run is pretty much a suicide run. You could argue against me it is not a total suicide mission as there is still a 1 in 10 chance of survival plus with the latest updates on the new planes my opinion is even less valid.

These opinions and the analysis of them can be further tainted if the findings (facts) are based weak data or flawed science. To put this another way, perhaps my earlier death rate only applies when using plane x on country y. But what if I am flying a more sophisticated plane in a country with less air defence? Do my opinions (based on fact) still hold up? This is when you get into grey areas about facts and opinions. In all these examples I am forming opinions based on facts but in some cases my opinion carries more validity than on other occasions based on the quality of the facts I am presenting.
Feb 12, 3:19 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow public health dangers means others are badly affected by your bad decision and in this cases its deadly for many people

its not all or nothing aka black and white matters when it comes to rules since exceptions exist to every rule
deg said:
@DreamWindow public health dangers means others are badly affected by your bad decision and in this cases its deadly for many people

its not all or nothing aka black and white matters when it comes to rules since exceptions exist to every rule

No, it is very much black and white. You either have ownership over your body, or you don't. And you are suggesting that anyone must surrender their autonomy at a whim of any authority figure.
DreamWindowFeb 12, 5:50 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 3:19 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DigiCat
deg said:
in this cases its deadly for many people

How about using google to check the covi death numbers vs the total population of planet earth?
@DigiCat how many died in nuclear power plant radiation but still people call them deadly? how many died in coal power pollution but still people call them not as deadly?
Feb 12, 3:22 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DreamWindow
deg said:
@DreamWindow public health dangers means others are badly affected by your bad decision and in this cases its deadly for many people

its not all or nothing aka black and white matters when it comes to rules since exceptions exist to every rule

No, it is very much black and white. You either have ownership over your body, or you don't. And you are suggesting that anyone must surrender their autonomy at a whim of any authority figure.
@DreamWindow rules are not absolute

also your freedom ends where mine begins so if you endanger my or others freedom to live a healthy life then youre a danger to society
Feb 12, 3:23 PM

May 2021
Reply to monsta666
@DigiCat: The grey area DigiCat is that while facts can be considered objective (this isn't always the case though) my opinions can still have a degree of subjectivity even if it is based on objective facts. For example, if a plane is flying through contested airspace, previous experience dictates 9 out of 10 times the plane will crash. My opinion based on this information states that doing a plane run is pretty much a suicide run. You could argue against me it is not a total suicide mission as there is still a 1 in 10 chance of survival plus with the latest updates on the new planes my opinion is even less valid.

These opinions and the analysis of them can be further tainted if the findings (facts) are based weak data or flawed science. To put this another way, perhaps my earlier death rate only applies when using plane x on country y. But what if I am flying a more sophisticated plane in a country with less air defence? Do my opinions (based on fact) still hold up? This is when you get into grey areas about facts and opinions. In all these examples I am forming opinions based on facts but in some cases my opinion carries more validity than on other occasions based on the quality of the facts I am presenting.
monsta666 said:
my opinions can still have a degree of subjectivity even if it is based on objective facts

That is what i meant with this line vv
DigiCat said:
there can be subjective opinions on objective facts however

And what you bring up later is also true, facts can be proven, but they can also be disproven with new information, and also what facts apply to one situation might not apply to another
Feb 12, 3:32 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to DigiCat
@monsta666 True what you say about it not being the scientist who wanted to force vaccines on the population, it was infacr mostly people with little to no knowledge of science who were championing the idea of forced vaccinations, which by deg's own logic should mean giving people the freedom to choose to be vaccinated or not is a more valid opinion than forcing them to

However i do not agree with your take on enforcing vaccines on employees not counting as forcing people, many people can't afford to give up their jobs, so the people who can't and didn't want the vaccine very likely took it anyway even if it was against their will, and therefor it was forced upon them
DreamWindow said:
They did want it to be mandated.

Fair play, I stand corrected. I still do feel the vast majority did not force the issue and left it up to the population to decide. At least that was mostly the case in the UK. I will admit we did have a more laisse faire attitude towards vaccination than most places including our European counterparts who took vaccination status more seriously than us.

DigiCat said:
However i do not agree with your take on enforcing vaccines on employees not counting as forcing people, many people can't afford to give up their jobs, so the people who can't and didn't want the vaccine very likely took it anyway even if it was against their will, and therefor it was forced upon them

It is a hard choice, granted. But if you believe strongly enough you can get another job. I am not sure how it was in your country but just about the only people mandated to take here were workers in care homes who worked with the elderly. The issue is this, if my actions have a significant chance of negatively effecting the wellbeing of others in a significant way then it is reasonable (in my eyes) for my rights to be curtailed. Bit like smoking and the dangers of passive smoking.

I think on this issue your opinion likely hinges on how much weight you place either on individual liberty or the needs of the collective.
Feb 12, 3:39 PM

May 2021
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow rules are not absolute

also your freedom ends where mine begins so if you endanger my or others freedom to live a healthy life then youre a danger to society
@deg LMAO you do know how narcisitic you sound saying "your freedom ends where mine begins", is your freedom by any chance more important than that of the person next to you?

And don't try and pull any of your tricks, i know you're talking about vaccines and not serial killers, so if you firmly belive vaccines protect people, you are free to vaccinate yourself and be protected by those who arent, or are you doubting tha vaccines efficientcy of protecting you from viruses? Cuz that would make the idea of forcing it on people make eeven less sense

As for nuclear vs cole, do you know why the number is higher for cole than nuclear radiation? Cuz so many more people are exposed to it, and the vast majority of people who are don't actually die from it, the vast majority of the few people who have been exposed to nuclear radiation poisoning however... you don't need science to solve this, you need maths
Feb 12, 3:44 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow rules are not absolute

also your freedom ends where mine begins so if you endanger my or others freedom to live a healthy life then youre a danger to society
deg said:
@DreamWindow rules are not absolute

also your freedom ends where mine begins so if you endanger my or others freedom to live a healthy life then youre a danger to society

Rights are absolute. If you don't believe that rights are absolute then you don't believe in the concept of human rights to begin with.

There is no "society", only individuals. Individuals with the right to their own life and body. You, or "society" hold no moral proclivity or authority to govern individuals, because in doing so it also robs them of their own autonomy, since we all have the same rights.

Fair play, I stand corrected. I still do feel the vast majority did not force the issue and left it up to the population to decide. At least that was mostly the case in the UK. I will admit we did have a more laisse faire attitude towards vaccination than most places including our European counterparts who took vaccination status more seriously than us.

Where I live, many institutions were restricted by law, to limit their services at the whim of politicians guided by these scientists. I'm not sure about the UK, though. But different places went to more extreme measures.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 3:50 PM

May 2021
Reply to monsta666
DreamWindow said:
They did want it to be mandated.

Fair play, I stand corrected. I still do feel the vast majority did not force the issue and left it up to the population to decide. At least that was mostly the case in the UK. I will admit we did have a more laisse faire attitude towards vaccination than most places including our European counterparts who took vaccination status more seriously than us.

DigiCat said:
However i do not agree with your take on enforcing vaccines on employees not counting as forcing people, many people can't afford to give up their jobs, so the people who can't and didn't want the vaccine very likely took it anyway even if it was against their will, and therefor it was forced upon them

It is a hard choice, granted. But if you believe strongly enough you can get another job. I am not sure how it was in your country but just about the only people mandated to take here were workers in care homes who worked with the elderly. The issue is this, if my actions have a significant chance of negatively effecting the wellbeing of others in a significant way then it is reasonable (in my eyes) for my rights to be curtailed. Bit like smoking and the dangers of passive smoking.

I think on this issue your opinion likely hinges on how much weight you place either on individual liberty or the needs of the collective.
monsta666 said:
But if you believe strongly enough you can get another job

I'd love for things to be that way, but you are talking about a time when certain countries made it leagally impossible to hire unvaccinated people, granted there was the small loophole of getting tested for covid every 2 weeks, but that option cost money, money that not everyone had

And even if there were jobs that didn't require it, i'm not sure there were many people hiring at a time when half the staff of nearly every buisness was getting layed off, with the rest of buisnesses going bust and shutting down, aka 100% staff layoffs

And yes i know the UK was much more lax only mandating the vax for people working with people who are at high risk
Feb 12, 3:58 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DigiCat
@deg LMAO you do know how narcisitic you sound saying "your freedom ends where mine begins", is your freedom by any chance more important than that of the person next to you?

And don't try and pull any of your tricks, i know you're talking about vaccines and not serial killers, so if you firmly belive vaccines protect people, you are free to vaccinate yourself and be protected by those who arent, or are you doubting tha vaccines efficientcy of protecting you from viruses? Cuz that would make the idea of forcing it on people make eeven less sense

As for nuclear vs cole, do you know why the number is higher for cole than nuclear radiation? Cuz so many more people are exposed to it, and the vast majority of people who are don't actually die from it, the vast majority of the few people who have been exposed to nuclear radiation poisoning however... you don't need science to solve this, you need maths
@DigiCat as usual youre clueless of facts google the phrase "your freedom ends where mine begins" its not my invented phrase as for the rest of your post im not gonna bother
Feb 12, 4:18 PM

May 2021
Reply to deg
@DigiCat as usual youre clueless of facts google the phrase "your freedom ends where mine begins" its not my invented phrase as for the rest of your post im not gonna bother
@deg Yes, and the original quote is reffering to violence, not to if you want to put stuff in your body or not, which should not have any negative effect on you, after all, you're protected with that stuff in your body, again, unless you don't trust it as much as you claim
Feb 12, 4:35 PM

May 2021
Reply to DigiCat
deg said:
so title says it all agree or disagree? i voted yes

You are again confusing opinions with facts
@DigiCat Any chance of you having these opinions...

Climate Change effects are not manmade...
Climate Change is overrated...
Added Sugars are necessary...
COVID vaccines are unnecessary...


Feb 12, 5:34 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DigiCat as usual youre clueless of facts google the phrase "your freedom ends where mine begins" its not my invented phrase as for the rest of your post im not gonna bother
deg said:
@DigiCat as usual youre clueless of facts google the phrase "your freedom ends where mine begins" its not my invented phrase as for the rest of your post im not gonna bother

Except that your freedom is not, in anyway whatsoever, being violated by someone choosing what to do with their body. However, the use of force to put something into someone's body against their will is one of the utmost infringements on freedom that there can possibly be. It's you who is the aggressor in this situation.
DreamWindowFeb 12, 5:45 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 7:04 PM
Apr 2022
not sure what these equal opinions are but the answer is no. all opinions are not valid is simply not true. there are some valid opinions, u know!
Feb 12, 7:25 PM

Aug 2014
Adverrito said:
all opinions are not valid is simply not true. there are some valid opinions, u know!

You're reading it wrong. (Though it could have been worded better.) He meant not all opinions are valid, not that no opinions are valid.
Feb 12, 7:52 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DreamWindow
deg said:
@DigiCat as usual youre clueless of facts google the phrase "your freedom ends where mine begins" its not my invented phrase as for the rest of your post im not gonna bother

Except that your freedom is not, in anyway whatsoever, being violated by someone choosing what to do with their body. However, the use of force to put something into someone's body against their will is one of the utmost infringements on freedom that there can possibly be. It's you who is the aggressor in this situation.
@DreamWindow if youre asymptomatic then youre the aggressor same with climate change denial
Feb 12, 7:59 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Gween_Gween
@DigiCat Any chance of you having these opinions...

Climate Change effects are not manmade...
Climate Change is overrated...
Added Sugars are necessary...
COVID vaccines are unnecessary...

@Gween_Gween exactly thats why i do not bother with digicat anymore here she treats her opinions as facts she thinks she is better than the experts
Feb 12, 8:13 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow if youre asymptomatic then youre the aggressor same with climate change denial
deg said:
@DreamWindow if youre asymptomatic then youre the aggressor same with climate change denial

I don't think you are thinking clearly, because that makes absolutely no sense.

aggressor /ə-grĕs′ər/

One that engages in aggression.
The person who first attacks or makes an aggression; he who begins hostility or a quarrel; an assailant.

It's clear that those who wish to impose on other people's life are the aggressors. People simply existing, and thinking what they believe, is not an act of aggression. If I think or act a certain way, that is different from what other people think or do, that does not make me an aggressor. What makes someone an aggressor is those who wish to impose their way of life on others, and force people to think and act a certain way. Simply disagreeing with you does not qualify as an act of aggression. Quite the contrary, it means you are free to dissent. Which, is a good thing. But it seems like the only thing you care about is crippling conformity, so I couldn't expect someone of such a stature to really understand the nature of freedom or humanity.
DreamWindowFeb 12, 8:19 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 12, 8:19 PM
Apr 2022
Reply to SmugSatoko
Adverrito said:
all opinions are not valid is simply not true. there are some valid opinions, u know!

You're reading it wrong. (Though it could have been worded better.) He meant not all opinions are valid, not that no opinions are valid.
@SmugSatoko true, guess i read it wrong since it's been written wrong. i think not all opinions are valid is true cus there are many invalid opinions!
Feb 12, 8:32 PM

Feb 2016
Reply to DigiCat
@deg LMAO you do know how narcisitic you sound saying "your freedom ends where mine begins", is your freedom by any chance more important than that of the person next to you?

And don't try and pull any of your tricks, i know you're talking about vaccines and not serial killers, so if you firmly belive vaccines protect people, you are free to vaccinate yourself and be protected by those who arent, or are you doubting tha vaccines efficientcy of protecting you from viruses? Cuz that would make the idea of forcing it on people make eeven less sense

As for nuclear vs cole, do you know why the number is higher for cole than nuclear radiation? Cuz so many more people are exposed to it, and the vast majority of people who are don't actually die from it, the vast majority of the few people who have been exposed to nuclear radiation poisoning however... you don't need science to solve this, you need maths
DigiCat said:
And don't try and pull any of your tricks, i know you're talking about vaccines and not serial killers

I believe he's also talking about lockdowns, meaning he believes his freedom to evade illness is more important than your freedom to work or socialize. Of course, the idea of hiding himself at home while you go about your life has never crossed his mind.
LucifrostFeb 12, 8:36 PM
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