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May 16, 2022 12:57 PM

Jun 2014
I see what your talking about, there is so many seasonal anime that it is hard to just pick a few now..
May 16, 2022 1:35 PM

Feb 2021
Huh, I also avoid seasonals but for different reasons than you. I think most new stuff isn't really worth investing time into compared to watching from genres I'm actually into. For your case maybe just wait until they're done airing?
May 16, 2022 1:47 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Been there, and I recommend you stop ASAP if you're feeling this way. I burnt out due to seasonal anime overload and I didn't watch much at all for 2 whole years. Anime, or any hobby for that matter, should ever feel like a chore.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
May 16, 2022 1:49 PM

Jan 2021
can't you like, read manga or something? much better than watching anime NGL
i fucking hate manga (keeps reading manga

discord ~ ganjithedude

May 16, 2022 1:55 PM

Dec 2018
Fuck it, I'm writing an essay.

I was in your exact situation last December. I can't say my solution will fit you but it might be worth looking over what I did.

First I dropped anime altogether, for a solid two months, by the time I picked the medium back up, the season was over. Didn't do it on purpose, I just so happened to feel like it.

Then I watched at the seasonals I wanted to watch from scratch and dropped the rest. There were literally two of them, although some of them are tempting me a bit currently.

And then I never touched a seasonal anime again. Right now I'm watching the top anime on MAL, and since Spy x Family happens to be #2. I will watch it once it's done airing if it doesn't drop too badly by that time.
Im_StuffMay 16, 2022 2:40 PM
Stuff in the streets, Stuff with drip in the sheets
May 16, 2022 2:06 PM

Aug 2020
Kasutoro-Kun said:

I don't drop anime bc I have a high power level 😎

You're not getting an award for not dropping shows you don't enjoy. No one's gonna applaud you and think you are such an amazing man with incredible mental durability or whatever.

Everyone is on their own anime journey, and the only thing affected by your decision to never drop anything is your own enjoyment, that's it.

Sure, for some people, the joy of completing a self-imposed task is bigger than the actual task itsself, but at that point you aren't really an anime fan, you're just a completionist who could get the same dopamine kick from literally anything else, without the need to ruin a hobby you used to enjoy for it 🤷‍♀️

Either way, your problem is self-inflicted and nothing we say will change anything, unless you yourself decide you don't want to continue like this, just saying.
May 16, 2022 2:09 PM

May 2018
Heh, clinging to seasonals as if they will disappear right after they stop airing?
One day you'll realize that you have already missed at least half-century period of time and the number of shows will keep increasing forever.
The only solution is to stop being promiscuous consumer and hype follower and eventually form your own taste which won't depend on other opinions and will be independent from the time.
Don't hesitate to put any seasonal on hold. They won't run from you after all.
Nemo_NiemandMay 16, 2022 2:14 PM
May 16, 2022 2:12 PM
Nov 2021
SleepySera said:
Kasutoro-Kun said:

I don't drop anime bc I have a high power level 😎

You're not getting an award for not dropping shows you don't enjoy. No one's gonna applaud you and think you are such an amazing man with incredible mental durability or whatever.

Everyone is on their own anime journey, and the only thing affected by your decision to never drop anything is your own enjoyment, that's it.

Sure, for some people, the joy of completing a self-imposed task is bigger than the actual task itsself, but at that point you aren't really an anime fan, you're just a completionist who could get the same dopamine kick from literally anything else, without the need to ruin a hobby you used to enjoy for it 🤷‍♀️

Either way, your problem is self-inflicted and nothing we say will change anything, unless you yourself decide you don't want to continue like this, just saying.

Bro it ain't that deep I was joking 💀💀 my problem isn't even that I don't drop anime my problem is that I picked up too many anime this season. It's exhausting to watch all that anime at once. That's it it ain't that deep.
May 16, 2022 2:16 PM

Feb 2010
Kasutoro-Kun said:
So I've been a avid anime watcher for years now but I only decided to watch seasonals in 2019. I had no problem felt fine picked up about 3 shows that seemed interesting. Over time I picked up more seasonals. Around late 2021 watching seasonals started to make me feel burn out and it made watching anime a job. I don't like dropping anime so I try to finish every anime I watch. By this season I'm completely and utterly burnt out. I hate seasonals now. Not because the shows are bad. This season is actually incredible. But because of how much of an absolute chore it is to feel like ok I have to watch the new episode because I don't wanna get left behind and catch up. It's giving me serious insane burn out and is making something I love to do as a hobby feel like I'm doing an office job. I can't wait till this season is over and I could go back to what I used to do. Which was pick up random shows and watch them whenever I feel like it. I'm done with seasonals after this season. Does anyone else feel like this and hates having to constantly keep up with multiple shows every week?

Yeah, it can definitely start feeling like work and the desire to not fall behind becomes the primary motivation to watch rather than watching because you're actually in the mood to watch. I definitely recommend opting out of following seasonals. Just look at seasonals with a 6-month to 1-year delay, that's what I do. That way the shows are already finished and you can watch them at your own pace but still don't miss out on recent releases. Or if you haven't already seen all the classics and gems from the past (like I mostly have) then just ignoring current shows in general and exploring past decades is also a decent option.

And yes, never dropping anything is stupid and detrimental to the enjoyment of the medium as a whole, but from personal experience I don't think starting to drop some seasonals alone counterbalances the dynamic of weekly releases feeling like a chore at some point. For me it's just the feeling that I can't watch them at my own pace and the airing schedule dictates what I can watch when and at which pace which slowly but surely drained all the enjoyment out of the viewing process. It becomes less about enjoying or not enjoying the shows you watch and more about enjoying the way you watch them. I could love a show but loathe it if I had to watch it weekly. Once you feel like that I don't think there's a way back into enjoying weekly seasonals, at least that has been my experience. Be it anime or otherwise, I haven't watched anything while it aired for a few years now and I don't look back.

Although admittedly I overdid it way more than you did, averaging about 30-40 shows per season for a solid 5+ years, then another 2-4 years of trying to adjust my habits (picking up less shows, dropping more and so on) followed by 1,5 years of completely taking a break from anime before I arrived at my current situation and mindset.
I probably regret this post by now.
May 16, 2022 2:19 PM
Nov 2021
Alcoholicide said:
Kasutoro-Kun said:
So I've been a avid anime watcher for years now but I only decided to watch seasonals in 2019. I had no problem felt fine picked up about 3 shows that seemed interesting. Over time I picked up more seasonals. Around late 2021 watching seasonals started to make me feel burn out and it made watching anime a job. I don't like dropping anime so I try to finish every anime I watch. By this season I'm completely and utterly burnt out. I hate seasonals now. Not because the shows are bad. This season is actually incredible. But because of how much of an absolute chore it is to feel like ok I have to watch the new episode because I don't wanna get left behind and catch up. It's giving me serious insane burn out and is making something I love to do as a hobby feel like I'm doing an office job. I can't wait till this season is over and I could go back to what I used to do. Which was pick up random shows and watch them whenever I feel like it. I'm done with seasonals after this season. Does anyone else feel like this and hates having to constantly keep up with multiple shows every week?

Yeah, it can definitely start feeling like work and the desire to not fall behind becomes the primary motivation to watch rather than watching because you're actually in the mood to watch. I definitely recommend opting out of following seasonals. Just look at seasonals with a 6-month to 1-year delay, that's what I do. That way the shows are already finished and you can watch them at your own pace but still don't miss out on recent releases. Or if you haven't already seen all the classics and gems from the past (like I mostly have) then just ignoring current shows in general and exploring past decades is also a decent option.

And yes, never dropping anything is stupid and detrimental to the enjoyment of the medium as a whole, but from personal experience I don't think starting to drop some seasonals alone counterbalances the dynamic of weekly releases feeling like a chore at some point. For me it's just the feeling that I can't watch them at my own pace and the airing schedule dictates what I can watch when and at which pace which slowly but surely drained all the enjoyment out of the viewing process. It becomes less about enjoying or not enjoying the shows you watch and more about enjoying the way you watch them. I could love a show but loathe it if I had to watch it weekly. Once you feel like that I don't think there's a way back into enjoying weekly seasonals, at least that has been my experience. Be it anime or otherwise, I haven't watched anything while it aired for a few years now and I don't look back.

Although admittedly I overdid it way more than you did, averaging about 30-40 shows per season for a solid 5+ years, then another 2-4 years of trying to adjust my habits (picking up less shows, dropping more and so on) followed by 1,5 years of completely taking a break from anime before I arrived at my current situation and mindset.

So what I've been thinking over the past couple days since I posted this is that instead of watching seasonals as they go I'll wait for them to finish and put them on my to watch list and watch them like that
May 16, 2022 2:23 PM

Feb 2014
I never watch seasonals unless it’s a sequel to something I really like. Otherwise I just wait for that shit to finish.
flaxman85 said:
slice of life = slice of waste my fucking time

brb grown ass men getting a hard on watching little pubescent girls playing music al instrument or doing random shit in school

wtf is this shit

May 16, 2022 2:29 PM

Sep 2015
Im_Stuff said:
Fuck it, I'm writing an essay.

No, you wrote 9 sentences. If that's an essay, then I'm a black lesbian nun.

May 16, 2022 2:42 PM

Dec 2018
Manaban said:
Im_Stuff said:
Fuck it, I'm writing an essay.

No, you wrote 9 sentences. If that's an essay, then I'm a black lesbian nun.

What can I say? I live to disappoint.
Stuff in the streets, Stuff with drip in the sheets
May 16, 2022 4:00 PM

Aug 2010
Sounds like the problem is that you're a completionist.
Just drop a show if it aint doing it for you. You dont even have to do the whole 3 ep rule if you dont want to. Just drop when it seems like its shit kor if you run out of patience for it. - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Jun 9, 2022 8:32 PM

Mar 2016
O_T_T said:
Kasutoro-Kun said:
So I've been a avid anime watcher for years now but I only decided to watch seasonals in 2019. I had no problem felt fine picked up about 3 shows that seemed interesting. Over time I picked up more seasonals. Around late 2021 watching seasonals started to make me feel burn out and it made watching anime a job. I don't like dropping anime so I try to finish every anime I watch. By this season I'm completely and utterly burnt out. I hate seasonals now. Not because the shows are bad. This season is actually incredible. But because of how much of an absolute chore it is to feel like ok I have to watch the new episode because I don't wanna get left behind and catch up. It's giving me serious insane burn out and is making something I love to do as a hobby feel like I'm doing an office job. I can't wait till this season is over and I could go back to what I used to do. Which was pick up random shows and watch them whenever I feel like it. I'm done with seasonals after this season. Does anyone else feel like this and hates having to constantly keep up with multiple shows every week?

Unless you're being Clockwork-Oranged into watching everything, this is really not a problem you need to think about for more than a second. X action is a chore to do. X action is not mandatory. Conclusion = do not do X action.

Thank you. It's sad that it takes people so long to realize this. "Wow, this is sure a fucking chore, I hate doing it."

....So don't do it. Dur. Especially something like doing it for something like anime. I know, amazing revelation, right?
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
Jun 10, 2022 12:19 AM

Dec 2014
This happened to me now I just watch the seasonal anime that interest me the most instead of watching everything. Also if you're not enjoying something than drop it or put in on hold and try rewatching it at a later date.
Jun 18, 2022 11:24 AM
Jul 2018
Wait for the season to end, and then binge watch.
Jun 18, 2022 11:35 AM

Jan 2015
Seasonals aren't for everyone. I've been watching 20+ a season since 2016 and haven't felt this way. However, a friend of mine who tried watching seasonals stopped after two seasons. He still watches anime, but just isn't a big fan of watching a bunch of random shows that he isn't particularly interested in.
Jun 18, 2022 11:56 AM

Sep 2020
Mantron said:
I would suggest you to not to waste time on seasonals. Better pick a finished anime which is atleast 24 episodes. There are tons of anime which you can watch.

I don't watch seasonals because I feel like I'm doing a job instead of enjoying anime.

Based. Most seasonals are a waste of time, while there is a huge catalog of already proven shows that you otherwise wouldn't have the time to watch.
Jun 18, 2022 11:56 AM
Feb 2022
Yeah, I understand where you are coming from and in my experience interacting with other people who watch anime most of them do not watch seasonals when they air and if they do it is only a handful of them.

However, for me I have always liked watch seasonals ever since I started in the spring 2017 anime season, but I have had to decrease the number of seasonal series I watched over the years from any between 17 - 20 to now 10 - 12 on average. So, it is not for everyone but maybe you stop watching seasonals temporarily and then try again another time if you want.
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