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Apr 19, 2008 11:59 AM

Mar 2008
well yea.. what do u think about this ending?
that was..... so touching.....

i can't express my feelings in words.. it was.. oh my god
kenshin <3

it was so sad................ it was so fuckin sad............ but beautiful at the same time..
RomeoApr 20, 2008 2:07 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Apr 20, 2008 6:55 PM

Feb 2008
agreed! when the scar disappeared the whole symbolism/meaning behind it was beautiful.
Jun 8, 2008 1:25 PM
Sep 2007
sad ending :(
should have been a happy ending :)
Jun 10, 2008 9:28 PM
May 2008
I dont think theres words that decribe this ...Tears.....some people said that it broke to far from wat the real charecters would have done but this just really brought the true emotions that were missing in parts of the series made it reality for me. in the end it hurt me to see him so weak that he couldnt even talk after being so crazy strong thru out the series he always able to get back up seems impossible....

master piece i have to watch some happy anime to get outta this slump but i love this feeling
Jul 2, 2008 7:40 PM

Apr 2008
10 out of 10.

Love it.

It was really hard seeing Kenshin suffer.
Jul 24, 2008 5:20 PM

May 2008
I just finished watching... very good! Does anyone know what that disease kenshin and kaoru had tho? Also whats the history behind it? I know Kaoru got it from kenshin as a sign of "devotion" but how did kenshin get it and what is it?
Aug 18, 2008 12:03 AM

Sep 2007
Fantastic ending. in regards to what disease they each had. Probably a flesh eating disease, only thing I can think of that goes after the skin other than cancer, and you don't get cancer from people. :/. It was a fairly sad ending but glad that the two of them got to see eachother for the last time. imo, it would have been better if they died together at the same time or had all of the main characters around when it all ended.
Oct 9, 2008 1:56 PM

Feb 2007
One of the worst butchering of a manga I have seen. The revenge arc was amazingly good in the manga, on par, if not better than the Kyoto arc, but this OAV ruined it entirely.
Enishi, just some crazed maniac???
The 6 comrades aren't even mentioned???
Kenshin Dies???

Really...WTF. I am glad Nobuhiro Watsuki (the author or Rurouni Kenshin) disowned this crap.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Guidelines!
Nov 15, 2008 7:11 PM

Jun 2008
I almost cried when I saw the ending, and that's saying alot since I never cry when I watch any form of entertainment.
Dec 16, 2008 12:26 AM

Oct 2008
this is on my not to watch list

Feb 5, 2009 5:28 AM
Jan 2009
I think it had the most depressing anime ending I have ever seen and since I like happy endings I did not enjy this anime very much. If I could go back in time I probably would not watch this anime again. The manga ending is much better.
May 4, 2009 11:50 PM

Sep 2007
makey0usmil3 said:
I just finished watching... very good! Does anyone know what that disease kenshin and kaoru had tho? Also whats the history behind it? I know Kaoru got it from kenshin as a sign of "devotion" but how did kenshin get it and what is it?

All I know is that wiki says it's a disease similar to leprosy.

Parsalian27 said:
One of the worst butchering of a manga I have seen. The revenge arc was amazingly good in the manga, on par, if not better than the Kyoto arc, but this OAV ruined it entirely.
Enishi, just some crazed maniac???
The 6 comrades aren't even mentioned???
Kenshin Dies???

Really...WTF. I am glad Nobuhiro Watsuki (the author or Rurouni Kenshin) disowned this crap.

Agreed, this was complete bull crap.
xanusuriMay 5, 2009 4:24 AM

May 22, 2009 9:17 PM
Oct 2008
I didn't think it was awful, just...not great - but then, I haven't read the manga. I found it very depressing though, and I don't mean tragic, I've seen plenty of tragic shows, but just seeing Kenshin fade away was kind of an unfitting end, I feel.
Jul 19, 2009 5:35 AM
Aug 2007
While I didnt like how Kenshin died, it made some sort of sense in the end.
This is my take on what happened:

He couldn't escape 'living by the sword' and he went to carry out that final request from the officer.
Being in a weakened state after the battle, he was blown off the ship that was transporting him back, ended up in some unknown shack.

Sanosuke somehow found him, but Kenshin was just hanging on to life, wanting to see Kaoru again. Sano helped him out, and Kenshin carried out his promise to 'always come back' to Kaoru, and finally gained his freedom.
Jul 19, 2009 7:01 AM

Nov 2008
This OAV is uber depressing! It would have been one of my fav animes if kenshin didn't die.. of just some stupid disease. How can the battosai die of a disease? -_-''
But still, the ending was beautiful.. how he landed into kaoru's arms and died peacefully on her laps. I cried! and i used 4 tissues. lols!
Jul 26, 2009 1:09 AM
Apr 2009
This is awful. Yes it was done well, but it butchered the ending of one of my favorite mangas, this is total BS.
Aug 16, 2009 2:48 PM

Feb 2008
This was a good OVA that offered closure to the series that neither the TV show nor manga nor the first OVA had. I think it's better than Tsuikouhen because of this...
check this rad twitter out:
Sep 6, 2009 7:06 PM

Sep 2007
This OVA was sheer balderdash. Everyone in the OVA except Yahiko was completely OOC. Kenshin and Kaoru go from being a young couple in love to some tragic couple with a suicide pact. Enishi is turned into a one-dimensional psychopath. Hiko becomes a depressive philosopher spouting about the sameness of the moon. Eeeehhh? Who are these impostors and where are the real Kenshin-gumi?

The only parts of the OVA I liked were the bits with Kenji, who I feel had every right to resent his father.
Nov 9, 2009 1:24 PM

Sep 2009
Saddest ending ever, don't think I've cried so much at anime. :'(
Please join if you love Asian Cinema :)
Dec 26, 2009 11:45 AM
Nov 2009
hated it. it seems impossible for any anime to defeat its manga counterpart.
Mar 1, 2010 12:54 PM

Feb 2010
Yeah i can see why people would hate these OVAS since they're totally out of character
not related ot the manga blaah blah blah
but for me this was the first time I CRIED in front of my i was BAWLING it was so sadd :(
i loved it soo muchh - but i respect and completely understand why/how people could hate it

Yonatay said:
Saddest ending ever, don't think I've cried so much at anime. :'(

^^me tooo
Mar 10, 2010 8:33 AM
Jun 2007
10 out of 10.

even dow the manga ended different i still feel like this ending was great i watch the anime & read the manga & watching this made me look at it with different perspective it gave it a human aspect it show how a samurai lives with the guilt of killing
Mar 21, 2010 2:18 PM
Jan 2010
NOOO This is wrong! If they wanted to makesome random sappy drama, okay, but why do this to Kenshin??? All the characters are completely OOC and this just doesn't fits the manga.
Apr 3, 2010 11:24 AM

Jan 2009
So in the end Kenshin breaks his "never kill again" vow with infecting Kaoru? LOL
Apr 7, 2010 10:01 PM

Dec 2007
loved this OVA and the feel of it but it seems like there is something wrong with it. im giving this anime a 10/10 but for some reason i dont consider this a sequel to the TV series!
May 8, 2010 9:48 AM

Aug 2009
Parsalian27 said:
One of the worst butchering of a manga I have seen. The revenge arc was amazingly good in the manga, on par, if not better than the Kyoto arc, but this OAV ruined it entirely.
Enishi, just some crazed maniac???
The 6 comrades aren't even mentioned???
Kenshin Dies???

Really...WTF. I am glad Nobuhiro Watsuki (the author or Rurouni Kenshin) disowned this crap.

I haven't seen the manga ending yet but your opinion is really rational because this 90 minutes of Rurouni Kenshin is the MOST depressive and unhappy ending I have ever seen. (honestly)

Starting in the day when his three...umm lets say it mothers, died for his sake, a life with eternal pain and suffering started within him. Then the bakumatsu days... Tomoe's love and betrayal...10 years of wandering around... The suffering he had was really ENOUGH my dear producers, let him feel happiness at least when Tomoe's brother has forgiven him.

I would really like to see him happy, and to see that his atonement was completed...when he was alive of course.

Okay, i must admit that i liked the flashbacks but this kinda ending is tooo much gloomy for me to handle.

What can i say... rest in peace Himura Kenshin... I wish you hadn't given up the sword that protects the weak, even if you couldn't wield it anymore.


not "DESPAIRS!".. yes actually this is the feeling that this OVA granted me:

Anime List:
Night is the darkest just before the dawn.

May 13, 2010 12:18 PM
Apr 2010
This ending is too sad for me....
Eventhough I have never cried by watching animes except Angel Heart
Why can't they make it into a happy ending like the manga?
We don't even know what happened to the other characres....
But what's done is done...
At least Kenshin died with someone he truly loves and loves him back...
And the scar has gone at the very last moment...
Rest in peace Kenshin and Kaoru...
May 18, 2010 9:50 AM

May 2010
Like all of you I found this incredibly depressing - perhaps the most depressing anime I've ever seen. I wish I hadn't seen it.. My problem was that I got way too attatched to the Kenshin in the series - and they totally portrayed him in a way that I felt was unrealistic to that. Gaaaahh even thinking about it upsets me.
May 20, 2010 10:44 PM

Apr 2010
haha me 10 score

My sister is crying T_T..... until now hahaha.. kidding.. T_T
Jul 17, 2010 9:14 PM

Apr 2010
I thought it was a sad ending and it was executed well.
HOWEVER, I don't think the Kenshin portrayed in this OVA was the same Kenshin portrayed in the original anime, which makes me a bit disappointed.
He really cared for people's lives and he was a natural wanderer by heart, but I still don't think he would have left his family like that, especially knowing he had such a deadly disease and I don't think he would have agreed to let Kaoru contract it as well.
It's still a good OVA, if I had watched this without watching the anime, but because I watched the anime long before, I can't accept the ending happily. I would have liked it more if it were a happy ending instead.
Jul 29, 2010 8:46 PM
Mar 2009
to be honest, i thought this ending was kind of bullshit. i just thought it was trying WAY too hard to be emotional, but in a fake sort of way. i just thought it betrayed everything the manga established for these characters in every way. i really don't think kenshin had any good reason to leave other than the plot required him to, sanosuke was pitifully under-utilized, and the only character that was remotely written correctly was yahiko. i'm not saying bitter sweet endings can't exist, but this in my opinion was written in the completely wrong way.

that's just my opinion, though.
Aug 24, 2010 10:56 AM

Mar 2009
it was "so-so". i like its music a lot but the reason why i was sad while watching was just how pitiful they made kenshin look..the scar faded was stereotype but hey! if it didnt fade this would ve been a sad ending:P as a yaoi fan i like the sanoxkenshin scenes too:P
other than that it is obvious that they made this ova just to sell it older people and made them feel they are mature enough to be enjoying tragedy

danz said:
So in the end Kenshin breaks his "never kill again" vow with infecting Kaoru? LOL
Sep 2, 2010 9:20 AM
Aug 2010
Filler ending = total crap

the manga ends with both of them happy snd settling down for a nice happy family life.

this ending ruined that and is total and utter crap.

If yur gonna make a filler sequel dont change the happy ending the original author gave them.
Oct 2, 2010 9:45 AM

Jul 2008
I enjoy the ending but I don't think this should be a sequel to the series. "ALTERNATIVE SEQUEL" would be more suitable. Otherwise it butchers the true story of Kenshin.
Oct 7, 2010 6:25 PM
Jun 2010
This opinion is coming from one who didn't read the manga:

It sucks, it's not bad but it's horrible how they ended Ruroni Kenshin animation series. Dying from a disease ? What random and pointless way to die x)

Oct 15, 2010 9:26 PM
Oct 2010
I just want to scream out of frustration. I've seen this ova 4 years back but I cannot bring myself to watch it again. I tried but after hearing the SOUL-CRUSHING music in the background and seeing Kaoru's gloomy expression at the harbor..I thought, hell no..not going through this bullcrap again!

I hate the fact that they were all so OOC. Kenshin didn't even say ORO and what's up with Saito and Aoshi being MIA? and they didn't give justice to Enishi's character either...

I dont think Kenshin would leave his family again knowing that he might never come back plus the possibility of Kenji resenting him for his absence. and im pretty sure, by that time Japan already had a successor to carry out his role..sheesh..

ahh i could go on and on. .

i'd like to think this is just a horrible fanfic made by a ruroken hater. srsly
Oct 29, 2010 12:27 PM
Jun 2009
Taken on its own I felt this was really something special. Having said that, I haven't read the manga, but I'm with the rest of you having trouble reconciling this with the rest of the anime. It was just such a departure and disappointing that this is how it would end. Just watching Kenshin fade away like that was hard to swallow.

I'm giving it a pretty high score nonetheless, but damn if that didn't just ruin the rest of the week. So depressed. :|
Jun 16, 2011 4:48 AM
Dec 2010
Very sad ending and very different from tv season. I somehow hopped for happy ending.
But this was best recap/ recollection anime i've ever seen.

I wonder if manga went this way too, ...
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Jun 22, 2011 9:23 PM

Dec 2009
Huh too much hate for these OVAs. It was pretty sad but personally I liked it a lot.
Jul 15, 2011 6:24 AM
Apr 2011
I was going to cry... :( it was so painful ...oh kenshin.. :'(
Sep 24, 2011 9:14 AM

Nov 2007
10/10! i like it better than tsukiohen..
gahhh! I don't know how good was the manga,. but i liked this Ova.
It really made me cry..
~ I really like Kaoru! :'(

Atleast, in the end, Kenshin got his freedom with kaoru.. guess that's the happy ending part? *sigh! Still, its really sad yet beautiful at the same time. :DDDD

Viva, Samurai X : Seisouhen! :D
Nov 6, 2011 7:06 PM

Sep 2007
Epic ending. Like always w.e we do our next generation will carry on. Never die without an smile.
Jan 16, 2012 12:56 AM

Sep 2010
danz said:
So in the end Kenshin breaks his "never kill again" vow with infecting Kaoru? LOL

I think there are certain circumtance that made Kenshin have to kill again, just like when he tried to kill Jinei. but I believe Kenshin do his best.
Kenshin isnt intentionally want to infect Kaoru with his disease, but Kaoru herself that want to share Kenshin's burden with her. Kaoru also do her best as Kenshin's wife.

in the end, this OVA was so sad that make me shed much tears.

after all what happened in my life, I finally realized.
God never say a thing. And God's silence has nothing to do with life or death.
Sep 14, 2012 3:06 PM

Sep 2009
I haven't read the manga, so I can't compare them, but I really enjoyed this OVA. I understand quite a few of the players here were out of character compared to the TV series and manga, but I didn't dislike the difference. When watching the series, I couldn't see someone with Kenshin's past falling into a happy ending. He'd gone too deep for too long, and his guilt and sense of justice would have never let him rest. For me this OVA had a heavy reality to it that resonated with Tsuiokuhen and maintained the progression of Kenshin's character... and, however brutal it was, brought closure.
Nov 25, 2012 3:50 PM

Feb 2011
Definitely consider this to be quite underrated by the Kenshin fans. I first watched this before I read the manga, and I thought it was a great ending, despite me already knowing that it was non-canon and that the author hated it.

Yes, the manga ending is better, no doubt. But this ending will never be bad in my opinion. I mean, nothing wrong with it being bittersweet. It fits perfectly together with the style of the previous OVA, Tsuioku Hen, because that's what it is; a sequel of the OVA, not the TV series.

Read the manga, Tsuioku Hen and the chapters it adapted are extremely different in tone. The chapters had a dark tone compared to the rest of the manga, but not anywhere near the OVA. Hell, even the way Kenshin got his second scar to complete the cross was a bit different to how he got it in the manga. Everything in both OVAs has been made darker and edgier, a more realistic version. And in that sense, this ending fits perfectly and is a very good closure to Kenshin himself, once again, in terms of the OVAs.

Anyway, I hope the fans don't rate this low because of the bittersweet ending and because of the author disapproving this ending. It really is beautiful, not as beautiful as Tsuioku Hen, but beautiful nonetheless, and very well executed.
I'm a douche. Deal with it.
Nov 30, 2012 5:24 PM

Aug 2012
This... This punched me right in the feels.
Dec 30, 2012 7:24 PM

Aug 2012
i remembered when i watched this, maybe 6 years ago.. totally put me in depressed mood. i'm not saying that this OVA is bad.. it's actually pretty good, but i don't think i can watch this again.. =_=

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Jan 5, 2013 11:43 AM

Mar 2012
My God, this was the hardest hour and a half I've ever spent watching an anime.

I do think a lot of Kenshin fans grossly overreact to the "OOC" elements of this anime, whining about "that's not what Kenshin and Kaoru are like." Listen, we're all human beings. We all have our fleeting moments of happiness, of joy. The focus of this was to bring forward the sadness and suffering they had to go through. It had to be present, especially considering Kenshin's sad history and painful experiences (both mentally and physically). I really could see Kenshin and Kaoru's lives playing out like this. The end of the Tokugawa era and the begging of the Meiji era were tough times for the people of Japan and Kenshin's character suffered through the worst.

With that being said, this was really hard to watch. To see how much Kenshin and Kaoru suffered was almost too much to bear. It was sad, but bittersweet that at least Kenshin got to die with his beloved. Still, I have to coincide with Choroshi above me though. While I found this to be a great OVA, I don't think I could ever watch it again. I think I'm going to have to be put on anti-depressants from just watching this once. :-/
Jan 18, 2013 3:53 PM

Mar 2012
i think this ova isn't any good, well yeah its depressing and so but it didn't actually move my heart even an inch, because too much drama is not bringing tears just makes it fake and out of this world. Also the worst thing of the ova is that all the characters are changed, they totally ruined enishi arc because i actually cried when reading manga and this was just what so ever. I could maybe give some points for music but art design also was not to my liking. But generally 3/10.
world is a market where we sell our souls.
Jun 20, 2013 3:33 PM

Jan 2013
My comment on part 2 applies to here too :)
This is like the ending of the whole Rurouni Kenshin anime. It was really good, it shows us what happened in the anime, what happened after the end of the anime. And it gives us a closure, for some it might be sad, I can think of a happier ending than this, but this was like the end of their life, the end of Kenshin. I really liked it. (I still have to see Rurouni Kenshin the actual movie/not the anime movie)
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