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Jan 8, 2019 4:29 PM

Aug 2018
@NthDegree you can't assume that an observation is representative of one's mindset. For example, if you're just at target or whatever and you see a woman wearing extremely skimpy clothing, you might make the observation "hey she's wearing slutty clothes maybe she is as well". Naofumi says she LOOKS like a slit, not that she is one, if the observation was "oh this girl is DEFINITELY a slut" that'd be a problem, but just like any human being naofumi was merely making a visual observation and saying what came to his mind. If the author or main character treated females like shit throughout the series, then it'd be sexist, but naofumi treats women with respect, such as the chick who wears the chicken suit later on. If you can find other works of the author and prove that slander against women is a prominent theme in the authors works, then by all means I will retract my argument and say that you were right, but as it stand now I cannot agree with your stance.
PonticJan 8, 2019 4:33 PM
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 8, 2019 4:34 PM

Apr 2018
NthDegree said:
@vhagar8 I was speaking in hypothetical, but combining his first reaction at her image ("slut") with the false rape accusation kinda makes it seem that way. I'm geniunely curious on who is a good male character that a) has a major role b) is not a villain?

To me it doesn't look that way at all, but it's ok for different people to have different prospective. Gotta say the way you speak make it looks like it's a given fact rather than hypothetical tho, which kinda bothers me, cause misogyny is quite the accusation and all you've got are guesses at best.
Anyway, "b)" kind of confuses me since I don't think there's any good male characters among the villains. If you're looking for a good male character I'd say the weapon shop guy, he's not a main character but I'd say he kind of plays a major role (at least till vol 5, where I'm currenty at)
Jan 8, 2019 4:52 PM

Dec 2013
@VeryLTTP I think it is you who needs to look up 'imply' and 'suggest' again. This may be news to you, but neither of them mean conclusive evidence. However, such an instance may be used as partial evidence, in that if we see multiple things implying something, it is more likely to be true. Did you find this lesson in vocabulary satisfactory?

I also love how you can't seem to read one sentence ahead before writing a reply, since I literally address the plural in the right next one. How elegant of you.

@Bantarific Well, I'm glad we can agree that he's indeed slut-shaming her. Now can we further agree that slut shaming implies that he (or the author) may have issues with women?

@Pontic Well, calling a woman slut based on what they wear is sexist. Can we agree on that? As I've said to the other people, my word choice here was 'imply'. I did not suggest conclusive but partial proof. We see the MC participating in a sexist act (slut-shaming) and therefore it implies that he or the author probably don't like women very much.

@vhagar8 Personally I don't really consider the swordshop guy to fit the criteria since he gets pitifully little screentime to the point I don't even remember his name. Idk, was it stated somewhere?

Gonna go sleep now, so no hurry with the replies.
Jan 8, 2019 4:58 PM

Aug 2018
@NthDegree well fuck me, if just looking at a girl and judging what she's wearing is sexist then I guess almost every human on the planet is. Just because you look at a girl and have a thought, you aren't sexist, you're just looking at a girl. You don't make a full judgement straight from looks and that isn't what happened. Not to mention, the princess was in a book. SHE WAS AN ILLUSTRATION. He opened a book and judged the illustrations and that means he's sexist? No! How is that sexist, if he harbors a blatant and malicious attitude towards women, a dude's a sexist, but as I said before, looking at something and making a judgement is human nature, men and women alike do it.
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 8, 2019 5:01 PM

Sep 2018
NthDegree said:
@VeryLTTP I think it is you who needs to look up 'imply' and 'suggest' again. This may be news to you, but neither of them mean conclusive evidence. However, such an instance may be used as partial evidence, in that if we see multiple things implying something, it is more likely to be true. Did you find this lesson in vocabulary satisfactory?

When you have to argue semantics (and do so very ineffectively), it usually means you're out of ammo.

The instance that you used is not partial evidence, however. My claim that the MC was judging an individual woman holds significantly more water than you claim that the MC was judging women, in general.

My claim is stronger due to the fact that the princess is indeed an individual. It is also rather obvious that all women are not the same.

On the other hand, your claim is reliant on proving that the princess is representative of all women. The reason why is because for your assertion that the MC's judgment of the princess is dependent on whether the MC views that character as representative of all women. So where's your proof of that? How do you know that the MC does not look at all women the same way? Because you have not given any proof that addresses these questions, your "evidence" is neither full nor partial. It's not even evidence to begin with.

So, rather the vocabulary lesson more applies to you than to me. There was no implication of what you claimed.

TL;DR - My claim is based on observation, whether it's an observation of the material or an observation made in real life. Your claim is based on an unspoken claim that you have not yet proved. Because of that dependency, your application of the word "imply" is completely incorrect.

I also love how you can't seem to read one sentence ahead before writing a reply, since I literally address the plural in the right next one. How elegant of you.

I love that you can't seem to read the portions of your response that I quoted after that one sentence. How elegant of you.
VeryLTTPJan 8, 2019 5:07 PM
Jan 8, 2019 5:02 PM

Jan 2013
Lmfao ITT someone can't take the L, doubles down instead.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Jan 8, 2019 5:11 PM

Oct 2014
Well allow me to tell you what Bothers me about the shoe as well.

And What bothers me is the whole Game ish progression thing.
It just puts getting stronger into numbers and makes Getting abilities less well fun.....
Such things don't allow for compelling or fun ways to get a power that feels like an acomplishment in a story (Like cleaning up the dam beach), especially when it is done in such a generic way like in Shield hero.
Heck most anime that have that just reduce it to monster slaying or fetch quests which are just not good for story telling.
It works in games but not in a story.
Jan 8, 2019 5:13 PM
Dec 2014
Man I hate people like this ap person stfu if you read the novel and don’t like it move on it’s crazy to me how people gather and spend so much energy just to argue and try to put down someone else’s opinion . It’s a creative work of art and everyone can have there own opinion . Go make another thread and talk by your damn self all you want no ones likes people like you especially irl! It must suck to be that lonely
Jan 8, 2019 6:35 PM
Oct 2014

Thanks for confirming that I shouldn't watch it. First 10 minutes couldn't have been more boring and didn't get better the entire time. I don't even need 3 episodes to know I shouldn't watch this. Just watch Slime if you want an isekai this season. With multiple other top tier shows this season, no reason to watch this.
Jan 9, 2019 9:27 AM

Dec 2013
@Pontic Why do you seem so offended? Judging someone's sexuality only based on their appearance is generally considered to be pretty sexist, especially seeing 'slut' is rather gendered word. So I don't see anything controversial here.

You do realize that the world is not just black or white, right? I'm asking because usually people who get overly offended the instant sexism gets mentioned seem to think that in order to participate in any kind of sexism, no matter how minor, you have to be some kind of monster. However, the truth is that people do make mistakes and you can also do something sexist unintentionally. For example, I assumed the writer to be male, which I do consider to be sexist and thus I thanked the person who corrected me. I don't see any point in being in denial about it. A mature person faces their flaws and learns from them.

@VeryLTTP Continuing from my reply to Pontic (you may want to read it first), judging a woman's sexuality solely based on their appearance is, as an action, sexist. Even if he was talking about an individual, that is still a sexist action, because it comes from the prejudice of what a certain kind of woman is supposed to look like. Now as mentioned above, a singular sexist action does not prove that someone is a sexist, but if there are a lot of them that conclusion becomes increasingly likely. Ergo, it implies that it may be the case, especially considering this is the way the author chooses to introduce him.

@Bantarific When did I say directly that the author was sexist? I simply said that slut-shaming is sexist. One can do sexist things unintentionally. However, it does leave sour taste to my mouth and certainly doesn't make the MC any more likable.

@Bourmegar I do agree that the whole thing is rather dull outside the controversial bits. In the end the reason I stopped reading the LNs was simply because of how how boring it was.
Jan 9, 2019 10:06 AM

Sep 2018
NthDegree said:
@VeryLTTP Continuing from my reply to Pontic (you may want to read it first), judging a woman's sexuality solely based on their appearance is, as an action, sexist.

Nice non sequitor. To be sexist, the MC has to be over-generalizing all women. To judge one woman only means he's prejudiced against that one woman. You have not proved that he's prejudiced against all women.

Even if he was talking about an individual, that is still a sexist action, because it comes from the prejudice of what a certain kind of woman is supposed to look like.

Your logic still does not follow and this is also a repetition of your first sentence. You have not shown any evidence that the MC's judgment of one character is meant to be an over-generalization of women.

Now as mentioned above, a singular sexist action does not prove that someone is a sexist, but if there are a lot of them that conclusion becomes increasingly likely.

But there weren't a lot of sexist actions. This conversation has only been about the MC's one judgement of one woman. That is not "a lot".

This also does not address my counterargument that your assumption is reliant on another assumption in which you have not supported with ample evidence whereas my assumption is based on observations in real life and in the series.

Ergo, it implies that it may be the case, especially considering this is the way the author chooses to introduce him.

A non sequitor cannot imply anything as the logic does not follow, especially where my assumption is more sound due to Occam's Razor. Your claims are far too reliant on subjectivity and repetition.
VeryLTTPJan 9, 2019 10:12 AM
Jan 9, 2019 10:16 AM

Sep 2018
Bantarific said:
"It kinda implies he hates women..."

Now you mention that line, that phrase also comes off weird. Implications, themselves, are not absolute and have a level of uncertainty according to the word's definition. And then to add a qualifier, "kinda", only adds even more uncertainty. Not only were the user's justifications for his claim flimsy, but the claim alone was flimsy, too.
VeryLTTPJan 9, 2019 10:21 AM
Jan 9, 2019 10:27 AM

Aug 2018
@NthDegree I am by no means offended, and it's kind of funny for you to say that. From what I've read so far your argument is baseless. It's essentially one assumption stretched across multiple paragraphs layered with pathetic attempts toward finding anything to support your thought, but it is sadly empty and repetitive because there is simply no evidence. By observing one woman (singular, as opposed to your repeated usage of "women" as in plural) one does not simply accuse an author of "slut-shaming" or, let's be honest here what your accusing the author of is sexism. Here's the deal, just by going to the Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari novel Myanimelist page, you could count well over 15 female characters, quite a few for a novel although many are supporting, out of these you can count seven "main" female characters, which I will name
-Queen Merlomarx
-Princess Melty
-Princess Malty
Out of these seven, the only one portrayed as a slut is princess malty, one of the main antagonists of the first few arcs. The author harbors no ill intent toward women, but portrays antagonists as villains. You cannot say that someone is slut shaming just because they made a visual judgement, everyone looks at everyone else, except for blind girl from black bullet, and that affects our impressions. If I see a guy walking around with a shirt that say "I Fuck Bitches" your impression of him is altered. If you assumed that my examples of observation were only for women, then perhaps it is you that is the sexist Nth, but I don't mean to offend you.
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 9, 2019 10:30 AM

Aug 2018
@NthDegree One more thing, if you've read the light novels could you confirm that Naofumi does indeed say "slut"? Or was that just a translation. I mention this because you are so determined to slander the author, but I'm not sure one of your main points was even written by the author.
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 9, 2019 10:47 AM
Jan 2019
The hero does actually have a compelx about women. He is also intended to come across as someone full of general hatred for humanity.

I mean, the guy is a shut-in otaku, hatred for humanity and complexes towards women are entirely beliievable things for him to have. The notion of some slut taking advantage of his luck is not all that far-fetched either.

And it is perfectly okay to have stories about characters like that.

Also, i liked Tate's ep1 well enough that i went and marathoned ~13 novels. It is no masterpiece, but it definitely has a soul behind the first few novels at least. If the adaptation is on the level, the anime might turn out great, but i wouldn't expect more than 1 season.
Jan 9, 2019 1:52 PM

Sep 2018
malMaxi said:
The hero does actually have a compelx about women. He is also intended to come across as someone full of general hatred for humanity.

I mean, the guy is a shut-in otaku, hatred for humanity and complexes towards women are entirely beliievable things for him to have. The notion of some slut taking advantage of his luck is not all that far-fetched either.

And it is perfectly okay to have stories about characters like that.

Also, i liked Tate's ep1 well enough that i went and marathoned ~13 novels. It is no masterpiece, but it definitely has a soul behind the first few novels at least. If the adaptation is on the level, the anime might turn out great, but i wouldn't expect more than 1 season.

The MC isn't a shut-in though... He's more of an "everyday", not so hardcore otaku.
Jan 9, 2019 1:53 PM

Aug 2018
malMaxi said:
The hero does actually have a compelx about women. He is also intended to come across as someone full of general hatred for humanity.

I mean, the guy is a shut-in otaku, hatred for humanity and complexes towards women are entirely beliievable things for him to have. The notion of some slut taking advantage of his luck is not all that far-fetched either.

And it is perfectly okay to have stories about characters like that.

Also, i liked Tate's ep1 well enough that i went and marathoned ~13 novels. It is no masterpiece, but it definitely has a soul behind the first few novels at least. If the adaptation is on the level, the anime might turn out great, but i wouldn't expect more than 1 season.

I get where you're coming from but one of the first lines of the episode is along the lines of "I'm not a hikikomori (shut in otaku) I do my fair share of getting out"
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 9, 2019 2:11 PM
Dec 2014
Pontic said:
@NthDegree I am by no means offended, and it's kind of funny for you to say that. From what I've read so far your argument is baseless. It's essentially one assumption stretched across multiple paragraphs layered with pathetic attempts toward finding anything to support your thought, but it is sadly empty and repetitive because there is simply no evidence. By observing one woman (singular, as opposed to your repeated usage of "women" as in plural) one does not simply accuse an author of "slut-shaming" or, let's be honest here what your accusing the author of is sexism. Here's the deal, just by going to the Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari novel Myanimelist page, you could count well over 15 female characters, quite a few for a novel although many are supporting, out of these you can count seven "main" female characters, which I will name
-Queen Merlomarx
-Princess Melty
-Princess Malty
Out of these seven, the only one portrayed as a slut is princess malty, one of the main antagonists of the first few arcs. The author harbors no ill intent toward women, but portrays antagonists as villains. You cannot say that someone is slut shaming just because they made a visual judgement, everyone looks at everyone else, except for blind girl from black bullet, and that affects our impressions. If I see a guy walking around with a shirt that say "I Fuck Bitches" your impression of him is altered. If you assumed that my examples of observation were only for women, then perhaps it is you that is the sexist Nth, but I don't mean to offend you.

The funny thing about this is the author is a woman lol.
Jan 9, 2019 3:23 PM

May 2009
Huex3 said:
The funny thing about this is the author is a woman lol.

There is no source for that. Stop spreading this fake news. Konosuba had this bullshit for months until author had interview on yt.
Jan 9, 2019 4:34 PM

Nov 2016
bastek66 said:
Huex3 said:
The funny thing about this is the author is a woman lol.

There is no source for that. Stop spreading this fake news. Konosuba had this bullshit for months until author had interview on yt.

The One With The Anime Man right?? Well I hope he gets to Interview Aneko Yusagi Sometime soon so that we can get this rumor out of the Way. I really hope its really a woman tho.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 9, 2019 4:40 PM

Jan 2019
How is it a slave harem? the guy is literally hated by the entire world, slaves are the only ones he can trust, seems more than realistic to me.
Jan 9, 2019 4:55 PM

May 2018
I guess we don't really need a sequel season to Goblin Slayer, since this adaptation should have you covered:
1) A nontroversy that casts critical/drive-by media in a bad light and that results in a disproportionate response that seeks immunity for the work from all other (including VALID) criticism.
2) An otherwise generic fantasy/isekai series with sub-par writing, majority cardboard cast, and pointless harem and contrived love-triangle+ shenanigans that completely detract from the tone of the work. If the novel is anything to go by, the adaptation should get to be marginally interesting a few episodes in, and then flat-line entirely midway through the season.
ZedClodRakerJan 9, 2019 4:59 PM
Harem is the opiate of the Anime fandom masses.
Jan 9, 2019 4:56 PM

Nov 2016
Hedwiros said:
How is it a slave harem? the guy is literally hated by the entire world, slaves are the only ones he can trust, seems more than realistic to me.

Technically he can Trust any Demi-human since they love the Shield Hero.

To prove your Point even more, There are people that Trust the Shield Hero later on that aren't even demi Humans, Much less slaves.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 9, 2019 5:18 PM

May 2017
What is this bullcrap I'm reading by Nth Degree that because characters in a story have certain flaws, that the author must have the same flaw, or at least endorse that flaw?

Oh sorry, not "must" but "implies," a soft word used only to weasel out of your assertion as you see fit.

Funny thing is, I hear this argument quite a bit. It just goes to show how some people have such a complete lack of imagination that they can't even imagine how *other* people imagine worlds and situations different from their own.

And then they try to make some extensive literary criticism when, I'm sorry, your credibility card has already been confiscated by not understanding the basic process of creative writing. So, enjoy the story or not, but your personal attack on the author by "implication" is complete horseshit.
Forum sniper of MAL. Accuracy, efficiency. Beware the catgun.
Jan 9, 2019 5:26 PM

Aug 2018
bastek66 said:
Huex3 said:
The funny thing about this is the author is a woman lol.

There is no source for that. Stop spreading this fake news. Konosuba had this bullshit for months until author had interview on yt.

I'm not saying anything is 100% but the Aneko is a traditional japanese female name
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 9, 2019 5:31 PM

Aug 2018
ZedClodRaker said:
I guess we don't really need a sequel season to Goblin Slayer, since this adaptation should have you covered:
1) A nontroversy that casts critical/drive-by media in a bad light and that results in a disproportionate response that seeks immunity for the work from all other (including VALID) criticism.
2) An otherwise generic fantasy/isekai series with sub-par writing, majority cardboard cast, and pointless harem and contrived love-triangle+ shenanigans that completely detract from the tone of the work. If the novel is anything to go by, the adaptation should get to be marginally interesting a few episodes in, and then flat-line entirely midway through the season.

I'm not trying to protect Shield hero from any criticism, i'm just against wild assumptions based off of the view on isekai as a genre. Things such as-

-This is a harem
-it is not

-It's a generic OP MC
-While he does become OP eventually, it is through growth over multiple volumes

-As NthDegree and I had an arguement over, It is generic dark BS and they have no reason to hate him
-They do have a reason, although it is a spoiler, and the backstory and lore is quite interesting IMO

While certain points, such as the fact that it gets a bit diluted later on in the source material and that he becomes OP, do arise, I don't say that these points are invalid just because I like the series. I personally liked the later story, although others may find it boring.

Nontheless, I like this show and just wanted to rebut the naysayers who insisted that this show was isekai trash with a slave harem and multiple waifus.
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 9, 2019 6:03 PM
Isekai Trash

Mar 2016
Lotta “debating” going on in this thread and it’s quite enjoyable to read, but all that aside I hope the show is good when I eventually watch it after it finishes airing.
Jan 9, 2019 6:20 PM
Nov 2015
Man u guys all judge a show by just one episode, that's silly. Even if you read all the chapters, it's an anime not a manga/ln,
Jan 9, 2019 6:40 PM

Feb 2010
Pontic said:
bastek66 said:

There is no source for that. Stop spreading this fake news. Konosuba had this bullshit for months until author had interview on yt.

I'm not saying anything is 100% but the Aneko is a traditional japanese female name

or its a writing alias

this thread in a nut shell

How dare you not like what i like.

personally if its anything like the manga then the show is decent, but Overall after the first few arcs. it starts to feel like its dragging out and the author has no actual end goal.

"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jan 9, 2019 6:42 PM
Dec 2014
bastek66 said:
Huex3 said:
The funny thing about this is the author is a woman lol.

There is no source for that. Stop spreading this fake news. Konosuba had this bullshit for months until author had interview on yt.

It's a natural assumption because the name is traditionally for females in Japan. There's also the mangaka who drew this story for the author being female. I still think the "author is a misogynist" angle is funny since the queen exists in the story and she's a lot more badass than the MC imo.
Jan 9, 2019 6:44 PM
Dec 2014
hazarddex said:
Pontic said:

I'm not saying anything is 100% but the Aneko is a traditional japanese female name

or its a writing alias

this thread in a nut shell

How dare you not like what i like.

personally if its anything like the manga then the show is decent, but Overall after the first few arcs. it starts to feel like its dragging out and the author has no actual end goal.

Nahh I've read the WN. The author definitely knows how to end it but it got kind of iffy on the "how to get to it"

The way the author set it up is kinda elaborate but once you have the information it all fits together nicely.
Jan 9, 2019 6:47 PM

Feb 2010
Huex3 said:
hazarddex said:

or its a writing alias

this thread in a nut shell

How dare you not like what i like.

personally if its anything like the manga then the show is decent, but Overall after the first few arcs. it starts to feel like its dragging out and the author has no actual end goal.

Nahh I've read the WN. The author definitely knows how to end it but it got kind of iffy on the "how to get to it"

The way the author set it up is kinda elaborate but once you have the information it all fits together nicely.
either way the manga and series quickly lose appeal
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jan 9, 2019 6:50 PM
Dec 2014
hazarddex said:
Huex3 said:

Nahh I've read the WN. The author definitely knows how to end it but it got kind of iffy on the "how to get to it"

The way the author set it up is kinda elaborate but once you have the information it all fits together nicely.
either way the manga and series quickly lose appeal

Wait I think you got it the other way around?

Are you sure we are talking about the same thing?
Jan 9, 2019 6:53 PM

Feb 2010
Huex3 said:
hazarddex said:
either way the manga and series quickly lose appeal

Wait I think you got it the other way around?

Are you sure we are talking about the same thing?

nope maybe the LN has it differently, but in the manga
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jan 9, 2019 6:56 PM
Dec 2014
hazarddex said:
Huex3 said:

Wait I think you got it the other way around?

Are you sure we are talking about the same thing?

nope maybe the LN has it differently, but in the manga

I'm remembering this differently and yes I've also read the manga.

I think you need to reread the manga you have it the other way around.
Jan 9, 2019 6:58 PM

Feb 2010
Huex3 said:
hazarddex said:

nope maybe the LN has it differently, but in the manga

I'm remembering this differently and yes I've also read the manga.

I think you need to reread the manga you have it the other way around.
i literally read it last week.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jan 9, 2019 7:08 PM
Dec 2014
hazarddex said:
Huex3 said:

I'm remembering this differently and yes I've also read the manga.

I think you need to reread the manga you have it the other way around.
i literally read it last week.

Then it's me who has to reread it... I'll go do that later and get back to you.
Jan 9, 2019 8:59 PM
Jan 2019
VeryLTTP said:
The MC isn't a shut-in though... He's more of an "everyday", not so hardcore otaku

Pontic said:
I get where you're coming from but one of the first lines of the episode is along the lines of "I'm not a hikikomori (shut in otaku) I do my fair share of getting out"

I agree on the hikikomori bit, the guy ends up being way too assertive for that. Homewer, if he didn't have a complete pre-existing complex about females, then he had it in latent form (evidenced by his reaction towards the picture of the princess) and then the princess took what he had and really made it grow.

The fact that he had some hangup on hatred/wrath in heneral is evidenced by all heroes having a hangup on at least two other things, something that is actually a plot point later on.
Jan 9, 2019 10:33 PM
Jul 2018
Isekai needs to die. Period.
Jan 10, 2019 5:17 AM

Jan 2019
Something interesting about the use of shields only as weapon in a more realistic situation, Here
Jan 10, 2019 1:13 PM

Dec 2013
@VeryLTTP To be honest, at this point it is starting to seem like you do not know what 'imply' or 'partial evidence' mean. I have already explained it once and you are free to re-read my previous reply.

As for why I used vague words like 'kinda imply', is naturally because I'm aware that a single occurrence doesn't prove someone's sexism, so I'm obviously accounting for that uncertainty in my phrasing. If you had noticed that the first time, then maybe we would not even have this argument -_-

@Bantarific Similar to what I said VeryLTTP, I only said 'imply', not 'prove'. Surely we can agree that a sexist action does imply that the person doing it may be sexist? So I'm not really seeing the problem here. Anyway, check the quote at the end of the post for further info about my opinions on the ethics of the show beyond the first episode.

@Pontic As I replied to two people above, a sexist action implies that the person doing it might be sexist. I have at no point accused either the author or the character being sexist directly. Yes, I do accuse the MC of slut-shaming, because he literally called the person in the image a slut in the anime. Like that's an actual fact, so I don't really see why you would want to argue against it. As for what it said in the LN, it's been more than a year since I read it, so I don't remember the details to that extent. Either way, this particular argument was about the anime.

Yes, generally names that end with -ko tend to be female. However, it is also very possible that it's a pseudonym, so you can't really say anything definitive based on that. Either way, her (using female here, since the name might imply they want to be called that?) gender doesn't really matter to my argument.

@Bantarific @Pontic Here I've been arguing about the first episode of anime, since that's what the most people have seen, but obviously that is not the limit of my opinions. Since Pontic brought the rest of the story up, I figured I'd share my opinions on those too. It is also why I consider the slut-shaming to be just one instance of several problems with the show.
NthDegree said:
Promoting slavery is simple: the MC supports actual slavery by being a slave master. That's bad enough but furthermore

I've mostly focused on the slavery bit but as for misogyny

EDIT: tl;dr: Guys get to be heroes, girls get to be slaves. Real subtle, guys.
Jan 10, 2019 1:55 PM

Aug 2018
NthDegree said:
@VeryLTTP To be honest, at this point it is starting to seem like you do not know what 'imply' or 'partial evidence' mean. I have already explained it once and you are free to re-read my previous reply.

As for why I used vague words like 'kinda imply', is naturally because I'm aware that a single occurrence doesn't prove someone's sexism, so I'm obviously accounting for that uncertainty in my phrasing. If you had noticed that the first time, then maybe we would not even have this argument -_-

@Bantarific Similar to what I said VeryLTTP, I only said 'imply', not 'prove'. Surely we can agree that a sexist action does imply that the person doing it may be sexist? So I'm not really seeing the problem here. Anyway, check the quote at the end of the post for further info about my opinions on the ethics of the show beyond the first episode.

@Pontic As I replied to two people above, a sexist action implies that the person doing it might be sexist. I have at no point accused either the author or the character being sexist directly. Yes, I do accuse the MC of slut-shaming, because he literally called the person in the image a slut in the anime. Like that's an actual fact, so I don't really see why you would want to argue against it. As for what it said in the LN, it's been more than a year since I read it, so I don't remember the details to that extent. Either way, this particular argument was about the anime.

Yes, generally names that end with -ko tend to be female. However, it is also very possible that it's a pseudonym, so you can't really say anything definitive based on that. Either way, her (using female here, since the name might imply they want to be called that?) gender doesn't really matter to my argument.

@Bantarific @Pontic Here I've been arguing about the first episode of anime, since that's what the most people have seen, but obviously that is not the limit of my opinions. Since Pontic brought the rest of the story up, I figured I'd share my opinions on those too. It is also why I consider the slut-shaming to be just one instance of several problems with the show.
NthDegree said:
Promoting slavery is simple: the MC supports actual slavery by being a slave master. That's bad enough but furthermore

I've mostly focused on the slavery bit but as for misogyny

EDIT: tl;dr: Guys get to be heroes, girls get to be slaves. Real subtle, guys.

Woah, Woah, some serious accusations.

First off, don't try to weasel out of your words by bringing up the "implies" part, you said it "kinda makes it seem like he hates women" and the the author is "trying to prove all women are harlots"

Secondly, he has 3 slaves, 2 are women, one of the 2 hasn't even been portrayed in the Manga yet. So your "all the MC's slaves are female thing is wrong unless the guy demi is a closet girl.

Third, don't bring up age in anime, she's in ANIME, age doesn't matter. In anime you either look 10, 20, or 80, and 40 is closer to 20.

Fourth, this story is from the view of the main character. This is the reason behind the bitch princess being the only one with sexuality. Remember, when Naofumi met raphtalia, firo, and the younger princess, they look(ed in raphtalia's case) like children. He views firo and raphtalia as daughters, thus the lack of sexuality. (Unlike other anime MC isn't a pedophile)

Fifth, "Yes, I do accuse the MC of slut-shaming, because he literally called the person in the image a slut in the anime. Like that's an actual fact" A visual observation does not constitute fact, it is simply an observation. Not to mention the dialogue in the anime(because you're so determined to keep this about the anime) might not even be slut in Japanese, it could just be translation, which would make us all feel silly. Also, if the MC was so convinced that the princess was a slut, then why didn't he treat her like it during the first day, the reason he didn't is because his experience with her fake personality altered his view of her character(just like what happens in real life, cool right?)

Sixth, you can't "imply" that a status boost means that slavery is positive. They consider removing the slave seal once Naofumi decided that he could fully trust Raphtalia, but because it would be more beneficial to keep the seals on, they made a decision TOGETHER, which wouldn't happen with real slaves, to keep the seal.

Finally, returning to your raphtalia argument about how she receives nothing. Naofumi gets his rage shield because of rage, even then it's shown as something not to use, Raphtalia receives revenge. She gets to beat up the dude that abused her and frees her buddy who was still locked up, that's plenty reward in my opinion.

To close this response up, if you have the liberty to say that "it's been more than a year since I read it, so I don't remember the details to that extent" then you don't have the resources to argue against characters and their nuances.

Sincerely, someone who paid attention to Shield Hero's subtle details, Pontic

Edit: I didn't mention the god of the chicken horses, she's a girl.
PonticJan 10, 2019 2:01 PM
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 10, 2019 1:59 PM

Aug 2018
Also @NthDegree Thomas Jefferson, a man thoroughly against slavery, said that slavery was a "moral depravity" and a "hideous blot". But still owned slaves because of his financial situation, which occupied him during his fight against slavery. What I'm saying is that owning slaves, and treating them well in naofumi's case, doesn't garner consent or any form of support toward slavery.
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 10, 2019 2:51 PM
Jan 2014
The whole thing about calling her a 'slut' in the anime, made me think for a second, I was pretty sure that didn't happen on the original material when he first glanced the books. So I went around looking back on fan trasnlations and the official LN translation from the Vol.1 first couple of pages:

Jan 10, 2019 3:36 PM

Aug 2018
Codexys said:
The whole thing about calling her a 'slut' in the anime, made me think for a second, I was pretty sure that didn't happen on the original material when he first glanced the books. So I went around looking back on fan trasnlations and the official LN translation from the Vol.1 first couple of pages:

@NthDegree I stand my case.
Yotus Yeetus commit self-deletus
Jan 10, 2019 4:28 PM

Sep 2018
NthDegree said:
@VeryLTTP To be honest, at this point it is starting to seem like you do not know what 'imply' or 'partial evidence' mean. I have already explained it once and you are free to re-read my previous reply.

You have not offered a good counterargument, though. My refutation is already there in that you've been arguing a non sequitor. Instead of proving how your argument was not a non sequitor, you decided to pontificate instead. That is not a valid substitute for an argument.

If you're confident in your stance, then you should easily show that your logic follows and how my refutation is flawed. Unfortunately, you have not done so. Speaking of confidence...

As for why I used vague words like 'kinda imply', is naturally because I'm aware that a single occurrence doesn't prove someone's sexism, so I'm obviously accounting for that uncertainty in my phrasing. If you had noticed that the first time, then maybe we would not even have this argument -_-

Then why are you pushing the notion that because the MC judged one female character, he is thus a sexist? What you just responded with does not coincide with what you were responding with before.

I'll just say this again. Implications are inherently uncertain. To say 'kinda' on top of that only add more uncertainty, so you've been effectively making shaky arguments on top of a shaky foundation. However, you present those shaky arguments as if you are very certain and were you very adamant. For you to even justify using such beat-around-the-bush language is telling of your confidence in your claims and your propensity to jump to a conclusion because of a sorta, kinda, somewhat, maybe implication.

Perhaps if you made claim on what is absolute, like mine, then you would have a far better time, wouldn't you think?
VeryLTTPJan 10, 2019 4:35 PM
Jan 10, 2019 7:59 PM
Mar 2013
Wel I thought this first episode was brilliant, and I want to continue this story until it ends :)
Jan 10, 2019 8:06 PM
Dec 2014
I can't believe this guy is still going on with his drivel despite his claims not holding water. Implies the author might be sexist because of the world "slut" which is not even in the original novels.

Apparently the author is sexist but that same author writes uber competent and strong female characters like the queen, Raphtalia, Eclaire, Melty, etc. who not only has a massive role in the story but also someone the MC heavily depended on.
Jan 10, 2019 10:22 PM
Jan 2019
Cabron said:
Except not every isekai is like that.
Go watch Aura Battler Dunbine, Escaflowne or 12 Kingdoms.
someone else knows about dunbine? I see your a person of culture aswell
Jan 10, 2019 10:35 PM

Jun 2014
Loved the first episode. Not sure why people were hating on it. Oh well, those who enjoy it will enjoy it.

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