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Is it against the law to punch fat ugly people?

Mar 29, 2018 11:51 PM

Nov 2013
Is it against the law to punch fat ugly people in the face? And I'm not really referring to just "overweight" people, since these are(or, at least, I want to believe that they are), at least trying to lose weight, so, I guess, they still have some hope for salvation. I'm referring to those people who are extremely fat, already accepted being fat as an identity, are not even trying to lose weight, can't even walk decently anymore, and make jokes and laugh in public as if they were normal people, despite being repulsively ugly. And what's even worse is that they still think that they have the right to judge and lecture normal people.
I think it's justifiable to punch those fat people because I can always claim that I'm genuinely doing it just for self-defense, and I'll always be the righteous in the situation. They are the ones who started attacking me by seriously hurting my eyes and corrupting my brain with their ugliness, so I merely punched them to defend myself in response. And while I'm at it, I may even be considered a hero by the other normal people, since, those fat ugly people are not only corrupting me with their existence, but also corrupting the whole society as well.
It's totally not like I'm seriously thinking about punching a certain fat individual that I absolutely hate in real life. I'm just hypothetically speaking, really.
But seriously now, why aren't people more rational, and more self-conscious?
For example, even when I was in the age of having acne, I never had a serious problem with it, but when I had even one acne making my face look disagreeable in whatever way, I would always isolate myself completely from my university and the whole society, not leaving my home until I fixed the problem. I do accept that not everyone would be in a position so convenient as mine, being able to not leave their homes when they didn't want to leave their homes, and that people can have many reasons that force them to go to study or work in whatever way. But this still does not justify continuing with the problem year after year, especially when it comes to overweight, that's something that can be easily controlled and fixed by just not eating.
I really don't understand how fat people can live with themselves. If I looked in the mirror and noticed that I was gaining weight I would be desperate, and the last thing that I would be thinking would be about eating food.
Do those fat people not realize that they are always forcing society to put up with them every time that they go out in public? The kind of argument that they like to use is: "the body is mine and I do whatever I want with it", and this is not true at all because they are living in a society, and in a society you can't just do whatever you want with your body and expect the others to respect you. If you're living isolated in your room or in a cavern you can eat as much as you want and become a freak, but in a society it is immoral to just do not care about what others think about you.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
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Mar 30, 2018 12:15 AM
Jan 2013
I once punched a fat dude it was terrifying I didn't knew my hand would start sinking into his body I kept being pulled in and couldn't get out fucker was laughing the whole time I had to cut it off and run away like a bitch it sucks but I learned to jack off with my leftie so life isn't so bad
gone bai bai
Mar 30, 2018 12:18 AM
Jul 2018
It’s against the law to punch most people
Mar 30, 2018 12:26 AM

Jun 2013
are you just roleplaying as celestia ludenberg or,

Ideals, philosophy, art, culture. They live and die for the meme. - Kamukura Izuru

Mar 30, 2018 12:29 AM

Nov 2013
aiaisu said:
are you just roleplaying as celestia ludenberg or,

That wasn't my intention, but now that I think about it, that makes sense. xD
I guess I do identify with each one of my favorite characters.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 12:33 AM

May 2016
yikes this is like exactly what i thought everyone thought of me in the height of my eating disorder, down to the "i need to isolate myself bc im not human"

like 99% sure it is bait but on the off chance u actually feel like that know you don't actually owe looking nice to anyone. It was wrong to hide yourself when you had acne and it would be wrong for fat people to hide themselves too xo
please do NOT contact me with any unsolicited services or offers
Mar 30, 2018 12:43 AM

Nov 2013
revanvevo said:
"i need to isolate myself bc im not human"

And that's what all fat people should think. I say this not because I believe you're not human, but because people with problems should never accept themselves as humans as long as they don't fix their problems and become normal. People who can't look in the mirror and accept the faults in their looks as errors that are supposed to be fixed, are beyond hope. Ugly people should at the very least be ashamed of being ugly.
revanvevo said:
like 99% sure it is bait but on the off chance u actually feel like that know you don't actually owe looking nice to anyone. It was wrong to hide yourself when you had acne and it would be wrong for fat people to hide themselves too xo

I feel exactly like that. Good looks are acquired through hard work, not by chance. It's definitely wrong for fat people to do not hide themselves.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 12:57 AM
Jan 2014

Wait, are you telling me it's wrong to kill animals, but okay to physically assault fat people just for being fat in public?

People can do with their own body whatever they want. What I'm concerned about is the money it takes to keep them alive through medical expenses. This is why I'm against public healthcare; the taxpayer shouldn't be forced to pay for the bad decisions of some people.
Mar 30, 2018 1:07 AM

Nov 2013
-Placeholder- said:

Wait, are you telling me it's wrong to kill animals, but okay to physically assault fat people just for being fat in public?

Of course it's wrong to kill animals. Do you mean to say that it's correct to kill animals? If you say that it's correct to kill animals, then you're saying that it's correct to kill human beings because human beings are also animals. And killing an animal is much worse than just physically assaulting the animal, especially when the physically assaulted animal is a fat one.
The way how I justified punching a fat person with self-defense was a joke. The real question is: "why aren't people more rational, and more self-conscious?"
And what I'm saying is true because people really cannot do with their own bodies whatever they want. There are already laws against exhibitionism, I don't understand why there aren't laws against fat people walking in public yet.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 1:13 AM
Jan 2014

You're too harsh to fat people. Plenty of skinny people are skinny even though they are very lazy and eat whatever they want. Plenty of fat people are fat even despite putting more effort in to eating healthy and exercising than a lot of skinny people. Also it's silly to think that people who like slightly ugly should have to hide themselves from others. Personally I couldn't care less seeing fat people or people with acne.

Mar 30, 2018 1:13 AM

Jan 2016
I'm not sure if it's against the law or not but if you already have a specific reason for what you're actually doing, then it's not that you will actually be judged for that. But still, even if some problems might occur to you just because that kind of thing actually make you feel irritated, the true answer for this is not actually by using a force. Sometimes, I'm also not sure what is actually the right thing to be done for these kind of people but even with having a motivation or not, most people still couldn't escape by being somewhat lazy, like, really lazy. Even so, I've read all of the contents in your very long essay and what I could say about this is that, you actually have your own point rather than just writing or saying your own words/opinions. Although people like these still being criticized by the others for what they're right now, they still can defend for themselves because they actually know about what will happen in their life or the afterlife (even if some things might take times or other problems could actually happened, which they didn't even realize). Even so, people can't just stay still like that and need to change for better even if it is for themselves and also in their life.
Mar 30, 2018 1:26 AM

Nov 2013
WyNdZ said:
What a pathetic justification. Hurting your eyes and corrupting your brains is one of the stupidest things I've heard. Are you some stupid edgy kid? At least give some decent reason like some obese people have an unpleasant body odour that may affect you. Tell us ways which it directly affects you not some dumb indirect ways like corrupting your brain. We don't care about your stupid emotions similar to how you don't care about the emotions of fat people. If you can't keep your emotions in check then the problem is you not others.

Also no I'm not fat and yes I know this is probably bait. My point is if you're going to bait do it better or don't do it at all.

I'm not a stupid edgy kid, and this is not a bait. Fat people do indeed hurt the eyes and corrupt the brains of others by their presence because they make other people grow accustomed to ugliness, making great part of the society think that it's normal to be fat.
That's why there are so many fat people in the world, and the problem just keeps getting worse, as it's almost considered a common thing between humans, and people end up not even seeing it as a problem at all.
And that's why Japan, for example, has a lot less problems with overweight than America, for example, because in Japan kids are a lot more instructed on how bad it is to be fat, making them more self-conscious.
If you're going to accuse an user of bating you should not even reply at all.
What do you have to say about what I said about how people should be more self-conscious in my first post, though?
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 1:32 AM

Nov 2013
Cylico said:
I'm not sure if it's against the law or not but if you already have a specific reason for what you're actually doing, then it's not that you will actually be judged for that. But still, even if some problems might occur to you just because that kind of thing actually make you feel irritated, the true answer for this is not actually by using a force. Sometimes, I'm also not sure what is actually the right thing to be done for these kind of people but even with having a motivation or not, most people still couldn't escape by being somewhat lazy, like, really lazy. Even so, I've read all of the contents in your very long essay and what I could say about this is that, you actually have your own point rather than just writing or saying your own words/opinions. Although people like these still being criticized by the others for what they're right now, they still can defend for themselves because they actually know about what will happen in their life or the afterlife (even if some things might take times or other problems could actually happened, which they didn't even realize). Even so, people can't just stay still like that and need to change for better even if it is for themselves and also in their life.

Thanks a lot for your open-minded reply. I'll consider your advice.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 1:32 AM
Jan 2014

Pretty sure that part of the reason that Japan is skinny is simply that Asians are simply less genetically predisposed to being fat. Though it turns out that White people are actually better at being fat that Asians; Fat Asians of the same body fat percentage as Whites are at more risk of certain diseases and conditions.
Mar 30, 2018 1:37 AM

Nov 2013
-Placeholder- said:

You're too harsh to fat people. Plenty of skinny people are skinny even though they are very lazy and eat whatever they want. Plenty of fat people are fat even despite putting more effort in to eating healthy and exercising than a lot of skinny people. Also it's silly to think that people who like slightly ugly should have to hide themselves from others. Personally I couldn't care less seeing fat people or people with acne.

-Placeholder- said:

Pretty sure that part of the reason that Japan is skinny is simply that Asians are simply less genetically predisposed to being fat. Though it turns out that White people are actually better at being fat that Asians; Fat Asians of the same body fat percentage as Whites are at more risk of certain diseases and conditions.

No dude, those are just excuses that fat people make up. You're being very very naive for believing in those excuses.
Fat people are fat because they eat too much and don't do enough exercises. That's all.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 1:40 AM

Dec 2015
-Placeholder- said:

You're too harsh to fat people. Plenty of skinny people are skinny even though they are very lazy and eat whatever they want. Plenty of fat people are fat even despite putting more effort in to eating healthy and exercising than a lot of skinny people. Also it's silly to think that people who like slightly ugly should have to hide themselves from others. Personally I couldn't care less seeing fat people or people with acne.

Skinny people who remain skinny despite being lazy and eating whatever they want don't usually have health problems because of their weight.

Fat people who do encounter problems because of their weight, and still do nothing to improve themselves? They brought it on themselves. I have no sympathy for people who don't work hard to better their minds and bodies.

However, punching people like OP said is wrong. That's still attacking another human being. Just roast them and make them understand how terrible they are being to themselves.

xx0:44 ─🔘────────────── 04:44x
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Mar 30, 2018 1:42 AM

Jul 2013
No it's not, go ahead you'll be fine.

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Mar 30, 2018 1:55 AM
Jan 2014

That's just not true. Part of the reason is biological part of the reason is lack of dieting exercise. And usually it varies on a case-by-case basis.


Being fat isn't inherently unhealthy. Skinny people who are lazy and eat bad are very likely to suffer health problems. Skinny people can have visceral fat, which is fat inside their body cavity pressing against their organs, which is far more dangerous that subcutaneous fat, i.e. fat that you can see. People like sumo wrestlers are very health despite being fat, because they eat whole foods and get lots of exercise. It really isn't a black/white issue.
-Placeholder-Mar 30, 2018 2:08 AM
Mar 30, 2018 2:10 AM

Dec 2015
-Placeholder- said:

That's just not true. Part of the reason is biological part of the reason is lack of dieting exercise. And usually it varies on a case-by-case basis.


Being fat isn't inherently unhealthy. Skinny people who are lazy and eat bad are very likely to suffer health problems. Skinny people can have visceral fat, which is fat inside their body cavity pressing against their organs, which is far more dangerous that subcutaneous fat, i.e. fat that you can see. People like sumo wrestlers are very health despite being fat, because they eat whole foods and get lots of exercise. It really isn't a black/white issue.

I doubt we are bringing the concerns of the health of sumo wrestlers to this. Those do intense physical activity and training to maintain their health despite their size.

And what about the obese people in America?? Is that healthy? :thinking;

Yes, I also have no sympathy for skinny or average people who end up having health problems due to unhealthy lifestyles or eating habits.

That still doesn't change the fact that obese people are forcing other people to adjust to them and their unhealthiness instead of adjusting for their own good.

xx0:44 ─🔘────────────── 04:44x
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Mar 30, 2018 2:13 AM
Jan 2014

How are obese people forcing anyone else to do anything?
Mar 30, 2018 2:24 AM

Mar 2018
Is this bait.
This has to be bait.
I refuse to accept someone is this lacking in empathy for people because of health that doesn’t effect them and superficial and mostly objective standards of beauty.
When I remember, I can still smell your scent, you and I are the same color perfume
Mar 30, 2018 2:25 AM

Dec 2015
-Placeholder- said:

How are obese people forcing anyone else to do anything?

Complaining and asking for larger cinema or airplane seats. Saying they have a disability and forcing actual people with disabilities from using parking for disabled people, or using those scooters in those convenience stores in America. There are plenty others.

There is also the tumblr movement Health At Every Size which is one of the most grossly uneducated and misinformed movements ever created. I'm trying not to call it stupid - but it is stupid. Saying that an unnaturally high bmi is healthy, or a body fat index that is higher than healthy is normal? Fuck off with that, tumblrinas.

xx0:44 ─🔘────────────── 04:44x
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Mar 30, 2018 2:26 AM

Jan 2009
all im gonna say its so easy to blame it on moral failure when its a systematic problem

capitalism 101 if you know something that is addicting then you can make a profit from it like all those addictive junk foods and fast foods

obesity is a worldwide epidemic now thanks to capitalism, news are reporting that there are more overweight people than underweight people now a days

more poor people are obese too since unhealthy foods are the cheap ones

plus drugs side effects can cause obesity too and im one of them, im taking antipsychotic medications that are known to make people gain a lot of weight

but go ahead punch fat people if you want
Mar 30, 2018 2:31 AM
Jan 2014

I'm against all of those things you mentioned, but you have to make the distinction that not all fat people are part of the Tumblrite SJW fat-positive movement or expect people to go out of their way to accommodate their fatness.


Yes, thanks to Capitalism the world is struggling with obesity, rather than starvation and destitution.
Mar 30, 2018 2:33 AM

Dec 2016
isekai said:
all im gonna say its so easy to blame it on moral failure when its a systematic problem

capitalism 101 if you know something that is addicting then you can make a profit from it like all those addictive junk foods and fast foods

obesity is a worldwide epidemic now thanks to capitalism, news are reporting that there are more overweight people than underweight people now a days

more poor people are obese too since unhealthy foods are the cheap ones

plus drugs side effects can cause obesity too and im one of them, im taking antipsychotic medications that are known to make people gain a lot of weight

but go ahead punch fat people if you want

So basically it is all capitalism's fault for producing an abundance of affordable food. So much so, that only someone with severe mental disorders would ever even starve in the first place. Whilst the poor 99% get fat and useless.
Also, drugs that treat severe problems and have side effects is also their fault. Meanwhile all mentally sound healthy and fit people are Communists.
Mar 30, 2018 2:38 AM

Jan 2018
" And what's even worse is that they still think that they have the right to judge and lecture normal people.
I think it's justifiable to punch those fat people because I can always claim that I'm genuinely doing it just for self-defense"

Say no more, just buy a gun and shoot everybody that you hate.
Mar 30, 2018 6:28 AM

May 2016
i mean guys can have altercations and some hands can get thrown. But you shouldn't assault someone just for the hell of it.
~ Nas, The "OG Bulgarian"~
Formerly known as:
~ Gokuvich, The "OG Bulgarian"~
Mar 30, 2018 6:38 AM

May 2015
This is some rather impressive shitposting, I'll give creds for that.

OT: Most people should be punched in the face generally, doesn't have anything to do with how fat they are.
Mar 30, 2018 6:59 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
Lunafleurette said:
-Placeholder- said:

You're too harsh to fat people. Plenty of skinny people are skinny even though they are very lazy and eat whatever they want. Plenty of fat people are fat even despite putting more effort in to eating healthy and exercising than a lot of skinny people. Also it's silly to think that people who like slightly ugly should have to hide themselves from others. Personally I couldn't care less seeing fat people or people with acne.

Skinny people who remain skinny despite being lazy and eating whatever they want don't usually have health problems because of their weight.

Fat people who do encounter problems because of their weight, and still do nothing to improve themselves? They brought it on themselves. I have no sympathy for people who don't work hard to better their minds and bodies.

However, punching people like OP said is wrong. That's still attacking another human being. Just roast them and make them understand how terrible they are being to themselves.

Generally speaking if you are eating a lot of unhealthy food and don't exercise enough you are going to suffer from the same health problems no matter what your weight is. I think he was talking about genetics and that some people tend to get fat a lot easier than others even though they are having a much healthier lifestyle than most people.

But in reality you can't really blame everything on genetics, I was taught that you should give 110% of yourself every time you exercise and that everything is achievable through hard work.

As a matter of fact, I did over 23 600 steps today and still don't plan on spending the rest of it here. I already feel like I'm getting fat as we speak. Yea, boys let's do it - 30 000. You should also take an example from me. I know some great body weight exercises (6-pack promise), I can teach you.
149597871Mar 30, 2018 8:45 AM
Mar 30, 2018 8:23 AM

Feb 2011
KRKodama said:

Do those fat people not realize that they are always forcing society to put up with them every time that they go out in public?

Society has to put up with idiots, narcissists, superficials, and mean persons all the time. I think fat people are the least of society's worries. Also, there are other body type that are ugly, and one would have to define what is ugly.
Life is an Art
Mar 30, 2018 8:36 AM

Feb 2017
lol ugly/beauty is subjective, but i do agree that fat people are kind of dragging down our world with their expensive medical bills and food consumption :D
Mar 30, 2018 8:43 AM

May 2015
I really hope you're trolling. But given how retarded your stance on subbed anime is, I wouldn't be surprised if you believe more bs like this.

Mar 30, 2018 9:27 AM
Oct 2017
It is against the law to punch fat ugly people in the face. And, yes, I'm not really referring to just "overweight" people, since these are(or, at least, I want to believe that they are), at least trying to lose weight, so, I guess, they still have some hope for salvation. I'm referring to those people who are extremely fat, already accepted being fat as an identity, are not even trying to lose weight, can't even walk decently anymore, and make jokes and laugh in public as if they were normal people, despite being repulsively ugly. And what's even worse is that they still think that they have the right to judge and lecture normal people.
I don't think it's justifiable to punch those fat people because you can't always claim that you're genuinely doing it just for self-defense, and you won't always be the righteous in the situation. They aren't the ones who started attacking you by seriously hurting my eyes and corrupting my brain with their ugliness, so you merely punched them to defend myself in response. And while you're at it, you may even be considered a hero by the other normal people, since, those fat ugly people are not only corrupting you with their existence, but also corrupting the whole society as well.
It's totally not like you're seriously thinking about punching a certain fat individual that you absolutely hate in real life. I'm just hypothetically speaking, really.
But seriously now, people are more rational, and more self-conscious.
For example, even when I was in the age of having acne, I never had a serious problem with it, but when I had even one acne making my face look disagreeable in whatever way, I would always isolate myself completely from my university and the whole society, not leaving my home until I fixed the problem. I do accept that not everyone would be in a position so convenient as mine, being able to not leave their homes when they didn't want to leave their homes, and that people can have many reasons that force them to go to study or work in whatever way. But this still does not justify continuing with the problem year after year, especially when it comes to overweight, that's something that can be easily controlled and fixed by just not eating.
I really don't understand how fat people can live with themselves. If I looked in the mirror and noticed that I was gaining weight I would be desperate, and the last thing that I would be thinking would be about eating food.
Do those fat people not realize that they are always forcing society to put up with them every time that they go out in public? The kind of argument that they like to use is: "the body is mine and I do whatever I want with it", and this is not true at all because they are living in a society, and in a society you can't just do whatever you want with your body and expect the others to respect you. If you're living isolated in your room or in a cavern you can eat as much as you want and become a freak, but in a society it is immoral to just do not care about what others think about you.
Mar 30, 2018 9:38 AM

Jan 2017
@KRKodama it's against the law most places I believe, so you should still be okay to go out in public without worrying you'll get punched bruh.

Mar 30, 2018 9:40 AM

Jan 2016
pretty easy bait to avoid, you gotta try better, m8...
Mar 30, 2018 9:41 AM
Jul 2018
It is only against the law if you're dumb enough to get caught, like everything else.
Mar 30, 2018 10:28 AM

Nov 2013
Kittens-kun said:
I really hope you're trolling. But given how retarded your stance on subbed anime is, I wouldn't be surprised if you believe more bs like this.

I'm not trolling, this is not bs, and my stance on subbed anime is not retarded at all. What I said about how subtitles being always supposed to be completely avoided is perfectly true. Deceiving yourself instead of looking yourself in the mirror always trying to fix your problems and increase your value as a human being will never get you anywhere, you lowlife.
The worst part is that all you have been doing to my posts so far is basically just write: "you're wrong", just like you do everywhere in this forum. You don't even have the ability to write a concrete argument to defend your "point", if it can even be called a point. You keep just telling people who disagree with you of just being wrong to delude yourself. You're literally being ignorant. It's not for no reason that I have you blocked completely since our very first interaction in that Mahoutsukai no Yome thread. People like you are the worst trash of humanity and do not deserve to even try to express your opinions.
ColtBuntlineMar 30, 2018 10:50 AM
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 10:33 AM

Jan 2018
Basically you are saying that most people are an asshole, but one thing for sure is that fat people are physically inferior to you, giving you every rights to oppress/bully/distort/mold/torture them. Preying on weak people, why am I not surprised.
Mar 30, 2018 10:33 AM

Sep 2017
Fijure said:

OT: Most people should be punched in the face generally, doesn't have anything to do with how fat they are.

You make a valid point. OP, go ahead with the punching.

“If you live for yourself you’ve only got yourself to blame. So I can’t really blame anyone else and I don’t have any regrets.”


Mar 30, 2018 10:40 AM

May 2015
KRKodama said:
Kittens-kun said:
I really hope you're trolling. But given how retarded your stance on subbed anime is, I wouldn't be surprised if you believe more bs like this.

I'm not trolling, this is not bs, and my stance on subbed anime is not retarded at all. Deceiving yourself instead of looking yourself in the mirror always trying to fix your problems and increase your value as a human being will never get you anywhere you lowlife.

It's pretty clear that you're the lowlife here.

Mar 30, 2018 10:46 AM

Nov 2013
Kittens-kun said:
KRKodama said:

I'm not trolling, this is not bs, and my stance on subbed anime is not retarded at all. Deceiving yourself instead of looking yourself in the mirror always trying to fix your problems and increase your value as a human being will never get you anywhere you lowlife.

It's pretty clear that you're the lowlife here.

No, it's pretty clear that you're the lowlife here.
You still keep doing it without any shame. You just write one sentence to reject the opposite idea hoping that by doing it you will feel better in your comfort zone.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 10:52 AM

Aug 2016
Might as well kill why stop at just a punch? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm not smart, I just wear glasses
"Anime is just Japanese Cartoons, Cartoons are just Western Anime"
☁ н є ѕ ι т α т ι σ и ☁
Mar 30, 2018 10:55 AM

May 2015
KRKodama said:
Kittens-kun said:

It's pretty clear that you're the lowlife here.

No, it's pretty clear that you're the lowlife here.
You still keep doing it without any shame. You just write one sentence to reject the opposite idea hoping that by doing it you will feel better in your comfort zone.

You think you should be allowed to physically harm someone just because they look different than you. You're a piece of shit.

Mar 30, 2018 11:00 AM

Nov 2013
Kittens-kun said:
KRKodama said:

No, it's pretty clear that you're the lowlife here.
You still keep doing it without any shame. You just write one sentence to reject the opposite idea hoping that by doing it you will feel better in your comfort zone.

You think you should be allowed to physically harm someone just because they look different than you. You're a piece of shit.

No, I don't. I already explained in this thread that the part about punching a fat person and claiming that it's self-defense was a joke.
The real point is on how people should be more self-conscious.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 11:04 AM

May 2015
KRKodama said:
Kittens-kun said:
I really hope you're trolling. But given how retarded your stance on subbed anime is, I wouldn't be surprised if you believe more bs like this.

I'm not trolling, this is not bs, and my stance on subbed anime is not retarded at all. What I said about how subtitles being always supposed to be completely avoided is perfectly true. Deceiving yourself instead of looking yourself in the mirror always trying to fix your problems and increase your value as a human being will never get you anywhere, you lowlife.
The worst part is that all you have been doing to my posts so far is basically just write: "you're wrong", just like you do everywhere in this forum. You don't even have the ability to write a concrete argument to defend your "point", if it can even be called a point. You keep just telling people who disagree with you of just being wrong to delude yourself. You're literally being ignorant. It's not for no reason that I have you blocked completely since our very first interaction in that Mahoutsukai no Yome thread. People like you are the worst trash of humanity and do not deserve to even try to express your opinions.

You never had a point to begin with, so why do I need an argument?

Mar 30, 2018 11:07 AM

May 2016
KRKodama said:
Kittens-kun said:

You think you should be allowed to physically harm someone just because they look different than you. You're a piece of shit.

No, I don't. I already explained in this thread that the part about punching a fat person and claiming that it's self-defense was a joke.
The real point is on how people should be more self-conscious.

Please elaborate. What the heck should they be more self-concious about?

Your seem to treat fatness like some despicable thing.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Mar 30, 2018 11:08 AM

Nov 2013
Kittens-kun said:
KRKodama said:

I'm not trolling, this is not bs, and my stance on subbed anime is not retarded at all. What I said about how subtitles being always supposed to be completely avoided is perfectly true. Deceiving yourself instead of looking yourself in the mirror always trying to fix your problems and increase your value as a human being will never get you anywhere, you lowlife.
The worst part is that all you have been doing to my posts so far is basically just write: "you're wrong", just like you do everywhere in this forum. You don't even have the ability to write a concrete argument to defend your "point", if it can even be called a point. You keep just telling people who disagree with you of just being wrong to delude yourself. You're literally being ignorant. It's not for no reason that I have you blocked completely since our very first interaction in that Mahoutsukai no Yome thread. People like you are the worst trash of humanity and do not deserve to even try to express your opinions.

You never had a point to begin with, so why do I need an argument?

The real question is why you feel the need to reply at all when you can't even write a coherent response.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 11:09 AM

Nov 2013
HyperL said:
KRKodama said:

No, I don't. I already explained in this thread that the part about punching a fat person and claiming that it's self-defense was a joke.
The real point is on how people should be more self-conscious.

Please elaborate. What should they be more self-concious about?

I already elaborated it in the first post.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Mar 30, 2018 11:09 AM

May 2015
KRKodama said:
Kittens-kun said:

You never had a point to begin with, so why do I need an argument?

The real question is why you feel the need to reply at all when you can't even write a coherent response.

Don't need a coherent response for a shitty bait thread.

Mar 30, 2018 11:12 AM

Apr 2017
don't punch yourself op that's not good

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