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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Jul 30, 2017 5:42 PM
Jul 2018
[quote=Nobidexx message=51727775]You should fix your quote, it seems your answer is contained in the message I wrote that you quoted.

Yeah, that's an issue I've been having all the time. I don't know how to put what others said into quotes, so it ends up looking like what I'm writing is part of what they've already wrote.

ThatCynicalOtaku said:

Stakes are when there are things to be losed in a story, when the protagonist can fail.

If by failing you mean dying, then no, in almost every other story the protagonist can't die until the very end of the series. Because if he did, there would be no story left to tell. Can you name any anime where the protagonist dies (and isn't brought back) halfway through?

There are actual stakes in Re:Zero's fights, because unlike other anime where the outcome of any fight where the MC is involved is obvious (i.e. "he survives"), in Re:Zero you have 2 possible outcomes ("he survives" or "he dies"), as evidenced fairly often.

And RbD does in no way mean he can resolve any bad situation or side character death. He DEFINITELY can still lose things or people.

25 episodes. 25. Nothing is ever lost. You gotta give me more in 25 eps then a, "well, it's kinda possible" for me to FEEL, the tension.

Subaru can't fail because he can just reset. Nothing in the anime suggests otherwise, and hell, even around ep 12, he says something like, "I can just reset".

He might believe that, but it doesn't mean it will work. He wasn't able to resolve his failure during episode 13 through RbD, for example.

So? There's literally nothing in the story suggesting RbD won't work, nor does Subaru ever revive too late, therefore from my perspective, things will always work out perfectly.
He didn't use RbD in ep 13 because he was too lazy to do it.

When I say plot progression, I'm talking about the fact that none of the important questions are answered within 25 episodes.

There are several key mysteries in this story. Given that the story covers only the first three arcs (i.e. about 15% of the story), it's fairly obvious that you won't get a definite answer.
Yet, the anime provides many hints. You should be able to guess who summoned him to this world, have an idea why, you should know he wasn't the only one, and you also got hints as to how his ability actually works (at least if you paid attention when you watched it).

I need more than "some hints" in 25 episodes.
Berserk accomplishes 20x more in 25 eps then Re: Zero ever did.

Does it have a basic endgoal? No.

Yes. The endgoal, at least at the point the story ends, is to get Emilia to win the royal election and become queen. And it's been that since the beginning of arc 2.

The royal election is never the actual focus of the anime. Does Subaru ever do something like hang up posters? Start a campaign? Propaganda? Anything actually political related?
It's focused on these random skirmishes that have all these loose ends, so I don't care.


Why should I care about anything that happens in an anime? It's fiction after all!

This argument can be applied to any anime and isn't any better than saying "it's bad because it's bad!". Whether or not you care for a character is very subjective. But at least the anime does give you reasons to care for its major characters. Each of them is given a background, goals and a role in the plot, as well as reasonable amount of screentime (though the focus is still on Subaru).

But nothing is ever given enough context for me to care. Felt appears in like one ep, and there's this MC who's all like, "I have to save these people!" and I'm just thinking, "I don't care about these people, I care about you finding out wtf is going on!"

and a maid who will kill someone literally because they smell like crap?

She doesn't kill him because he smells like crap. Have you actually watched the anime?

From her PoV, there are many legitimate reasons to believe he's a spy and thus follow and interrogate him:

- He's supposedly never been to this mansion before, yet he knows things he's not supposed to know (because of his experience in the previous loops)
- He has a notebook where he writes things in an unknown (perhaps coded) language (that's the kind of stuff a spy would do)
- Before leaving, he steals a knife from the kitchen
- Rather than going away as he said he would, he watches over the mansion during the night, armed with the aforementioned knife
- And the most important one, he doesn't "smell like crap", rather he bears a smell that signifies he belongs to an organization that killed her family, crippled her sister and is known for hunting down half-elves like Emilia.

Isn't that extremely suspicious?

She's not even the one who kills him by the way, Ram does it. She was just torturing him.

That's what I meant by, "because he smells like shit"
If someone suspects somebody is a spy, they would question them, test them, not just kill them on the spot. It's stupid.

Screaming a lot is not "psychological". Having ONE nightmare is not "psychological".

It isn't just "screaming" and you know it. Anyone who's actually watched this anime will agree on that.


-How interesting would it be if he showed signs of phoabia towards knives, because Elsa killed him with one.

He does develop reactions like that, albeit not for knives. Remember how he freaked out in episode 6 when he heard the sound of the chains on Roswaal's boots? They made the same sound as Rem's morningstar in episode 5.

I don't remember those scenes. Either way, I wanted a lot more than just a few small bits like that.

-How interesting would it be if he became so detatched from his peers that he would *consistantly* (not ONCE) bicker with them.

That didn't only happen in episode 13. It was the case in episodes 16 and 17 too - given the way he "negotiated" with the other candidates and Emilia, he didn't seem very sane to me.

His many deaths had an effect on the way he interacted with other people in arc 2 as well. In the first 2 loops he acted rather normally (for Subaru), he still had his cheerful attitude. In the third loop he already started distancing himself from others, and by the 4th loop he completely isolated himself and basically didn't talk to anyone save for Betty.
Finally, at the beginning of the 5th loop he did the exact opposite and hid his pain and anxiety behind a ridiculously over the top cheerful and happy facade.

Um, he wasn't insane, he was just an annoying, loud, angry, angsty teenager. All that attitude dissapears when a cute girl talks to him for 20 min. None of it is permanent.
None of those things you say last. Re: Zero shows SIGNS, of trauma. Key note, SIGNS, but they don't carry over. After arc 2, Subaru's back to his usual self. His facade dissapears after arc 2, like nothing happens.
In short, none of this has any long-lasting consequences.

-How interesting would it be if Subaru would be mentally tortured when theorizing that he'll never die, even when he's old, that he'll be stuck in an endless loop.

He doesn't know whether he has infinite lives (as he states himself in episode 7), and there's no reason for him to believe it's infinite. So of course he won't theorize about that. Especially given that he's got more pressing matters to deal with, it's not like he's living a peaceful life and can worry about what'll happen 50 years in the future.

Um, in ep 12, he gets cocky and says, "I can just come back".
The, "conflict happens in the story, so the protagonist can't think about that stuff!" is one of the laziest things I've heard. Of course Re: Zero has plenty of time between where characters can worry about other things.

-How interesting it'd be that Subaru stops valuing his life and well-being entirely, because he'll just come back.

I don't care. 25 episodes is a LOT, so I expect a LOT, to be done with psychological aspects then just, "uh well, there was this one time he got afraid of chains, and uh, this one time he was anxious"

Actual character development is not accomplished by having 3-4 episodes dedicated to telling how creap your protagonist is, or explaining his backstory.

He develops progressively over the course of the anime, not just in 3 or 4 episodes. And his backstory hasn't even been explained yet (though it's been hinted at plenty of times so far).

If you're going to write an arc that focuses on the protagonist's's probably be best to tell his backstory right at THAT moment, so I have more context.
Naruto had 10x more character development in 1 ep then Re: Zero did in 25 eps.

No, having a sour look on your face does not mean your life was crap, it just means you had a bad day.
No, going out to eat ramen at night does not mean your relationship with your family sucks, it just probably means you like junk food.
No, glancing at a couple does not mean you're a loser, it just means your jealous because you don't have a girlfriend too, something extremely common among teenagers.

This is an anime, if they show scenes like this it's for a purpose. It's to show who this (still unknown) character is, to define him (i.e. characterization). If he'd just had a bad day, they would've shown why.
It's also fairly easy to infer that he thought his life was crap given the way he reacts to being summoned to another world (i.e. with hope and joy). Someone who dreams of escaping to another world and reacts positively when that does happen surely can't like his current life.

Even in the context of anime, there are a million reasons why a character can have a sour face at night. You might as well say that a character eating a cookie means means they are horrible people. You're over analyzing. Hell, Subaru even says something like, "I stayed playing too much video games last night".
There is literally nobody who would ask, WHY, they get transported into a fantasy world, no matter how much they want it. This is common sense!
-Why does he hate his life?
-What lead to him becoming a NEET?
-Why does he have so few contacts on his phone?

-Subaru never loses anything in 25 eps.
-Re: Zero only has a few "bursts" of psychological exploration. Nothing is permanent, because Subaru recovers by the next or few eps. Ex: After ep 18, all the frustration, fear, rage, everything that stained his mind, dissapears.
-Re: Zero constantly jumps around from skirmish to skirmish with so many loose ends it's impossible to care. One Piece arcs also have loose ends, but because all the important things people care about in the arc are tied up nicely, it doesn't distract the audience, or makes the arc feel incomplete.
-Re: Zero has no structure.
-Re: Zero accomplishes nothing in 25 eps. In 25 eps, Berserk 100% develops its protagonist, the antagonist, explains what lead to the main plot happening, explores themes of dreams and purposes without, ties up 99% of the loose ends so the reader is satisfied.
removed-userJul 30, 2017 5:53 PM
Jul 30, 2017 5:46 PM

Apr 2014
ThatCynicalOtaku said:

I'm no mod, but it'd really be nice to shorten your response using spoilers (no one wants to scroll a mile down the page).
Jul 30, 2017 5:55 PM
Jul 2018
TobiOrNotTobi said:
ThatCynicalOtaku said:

I'm no mod, but it'd really be nice to shorten your response using spoilers (no one wants to scroll a mile down the page).

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying. What do you mean by, "using spoilers" to shorten by responses? I don't even know how to properly quote other people, so by responses are fused with their responses.
Jul 30, 2017 6:00 PM

Apr 2014
ThatCynicalOtaku said:
TobiOrNotTobi said:

I'm no mod, but it'd really be nice to shorten your response using spoilers (no one wants to scroll a mile down the page).

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying. What do you mean by, "using spoilers" to shorten by responses? I don't even know how to properly quote other people, so by responses are fused with their responses.

I see. You can quote more than one person in one single response, and if you don't know how to use spoilers, or anything else such as making your words bold, check out the BBCode window that's right next to the "cancel" option that's next to your textbox (you know, where you're writing a response). It looks like this.

You'll memorize it all in not time (depending how often you use them).

and you properly quote other people by clicking on quote at the bottom right of their responses.
Jul 30, 2017 6:13 PM
Jul 2018
TobiOrNotTobi said:
ThatCynicalOtaku said:

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying. What do you mean by, "using spoilers" to shorten by responses? I don't even know how to properly quote other people, so by responses are fused with their responses.

I see. You can quote more than one person in one single response, and if you don't know how to use spoilers, or anything else such as making your words bold, check out the BBCode window that's right next to the "cancel" option that's next to your textbox (you know, where you're writing a response). It looks like this.

You'll memorize it all in not time (depending how often you use them).

and you properly quote other people by clicking on quote at the bottom right of their responses.

I'm sorry but...I still don't get it. Looking at the BBCode, is just making my head dizzy, but I'll try:
Jul 30, 2017 6:24 PM

Apr 2014
ThatCynicalOtaku said:
TobiOrNotTobi said:

I see. You can quote more than one person in one single response, and if you don't know how to use spoilers, or anything else such as making your words bold, check out the BBCode window that's right next to the "cancel" option that's next to your textbox (you know, where you're writing a response). It looks like this.

You'll memorize it all in not time (depending how often you use them).

and you properly quote other people by clicking on quote at the bottom right of their responses.

I'm sorry but...I still don't get it. Looking at the BBCode, is just making my head dizzy, but I'll try:

It is a little confusing first in the beginning, but it'll make more sense later on.
You can also combine codes like this, but you have to make sure when you end the code that the last code ends first, and then the second last code ends, and so on (it will look like a mirror image)

I was actually in an old thread 2 years before I joined MAL (no longer around), and that forum used HTML coding instead of BBCode, so when I got to MAL, all I had to change was <> to [] (and the hyper link code), so I was pretty fortunate.

If you need further help, DM me.
Jul 30, 2017 9:42 PM

Mar 2010
Punpun3 said:
sorry for assuming your gender

Wait... you were talking about the TC?

ThatCynicalOtaku said:

-Subaru never loses anything in 25 eps.
-Re: Zero only has a few "bursts" of psychological exploration. Nothing is permanent, because Subaru recovers by the next or few eps. Ex: After ep 18, all the frustration, fear, rage, everything that stained his mind, dissapears.
-Re: Zero constantly jumps around from skirmish to skirmish with so many loose ends it's impossible to care. One Piece arcs also have loose ends, but because all the important things people care about in the arc are tied up nicely, it doesn't distract the audience, or makes the arc feel incomplete.
-Re: Zero has no structure.
-Re: Zero accomplishes nothing in 25 eps. In 25 eps, Berserk 100% develops its protagonist, the antagonist, explains what lead to the main plot happening, explores themes of dreams and purposes without, ties up 99% of the loose ends so the reader is satisfied.

-False, because he does and we see it. I don't care if you don't think so. What he looses are huge deals for him and most people internet tough guy.
-That makes no sense. Just because he recovers a bit doesn't change the fact he had breakdowns due pressure. If weren't others like Emilia and Rem who supported him emotionally he would lost his mind a longtime ago.
-Each arc focuses on singular conflict (which leads into a larger one that ties them all together) for several episodes until it is resolved so no. I.e Arc 1 was about incident involving Elsa, Arc 2 was about incident involving the shaman, Arc 3 was about the incident invoking the Witch Cult. The anime is incomplete because the original source si not finish nor will be be done whenever you tell it to but the author has decided. The show hit plenty of people hard and had them become invested in Subaru, the other characters and story in general. It's popularity testament to that so you in the minority with that opinion.
-Yes it does. Each arc expands the world, it's lore and the characters which brings the reader/viewers closer to the truth of why Subaru is in that world bit by bit.
-Re:Zero does almost all of what you said Berserk does and you're just saying it doesn't. And Berserk isn't even close to tying 99% of plot threads so I have no idea what your talking about.
Iron_MawJul 30, 2017 10:05 PM
Jul 30, 2017 9:55 PM
Jul 2018
what is TC
Jul 30, 2017 10:01 PM

Mar 2010
Punpun3 said:
what is TC

TC=Topic Creator.
Jul 30, 2017 10:10 PM
Jul 2018
Jul 30, 2017 10:47 PM
Jul 2018
Jagd84 said:
Punpun3 said:
sorry for assuming your gender

Wait... you were talking about the TC?

ThatCynicalOtaku said:

-Subaru never loses anything in 25 eps.
-Re: Zero only has a few "bursts" of psychological exploration. Nothing is permanent, because Subaru recovers by the next or few eps. Ex: After ep 18, all the frustration, fear, rage, everything that stained his mind, dissapears.
-Re: Zero constantly jumps around from skirmish to skirmish with so many loose ends it's impossible to care. One Piece arcs also have loose ends, but because all the important things people care about in the arc are tied up nicely, it doesn't distract the audience, or makes the arc feel incomplete.
-Re: Zero has no structure.
-Re: Zero accomplishes nothing in 25 eps. In 25 eps, Berserk 100% develops its protagonist, the antagonist, explains what lead to the main plot happening, explores themes of dreams and purposes without, ties up 99% of the loose ends so the reader is satisfied.

-False, because he does and we see it. I don't care if you don't think so. What he looses are huge deals for him and most people internet tough guy.
-That makes no sense. Just because he recovers a bit doesn't change the fact he had breakdowns due pressure. If weren't others like Emilia and Rem who supported him emotionally he would lost his mind a longtime ago.
-Each arc focuses on singular conflict (which leads into a larger one that ties them all together) for several episodes until it is resolved so no. I.e Arc 1 was about incident involving Elsa, Arc 2 was about incident involving the shaman, Arc 3 was about the incident invoking the Witch Cult. The anime is incomplete because the original source si not finish nor will be be done whenever you tell it to but the author has decided. The show hit plenty of people hard and had them become invested in Subaru, the other characters and story in general. It's popularity testament to that so you in the minority with that opinion.
-Yes it does. Each arc expands the world, it's lore and the characters which brings the reader/viewers closer to the truth of why Subaru is in that world bit by bit.
-Re:Zero does almost all of what you said Berserk does and you're just saying it doesn't. And Berserk isn't even close to tying 99% of plot threads so I have no idea what your talking about.

Jagd84 said:
Punpun3 said:
sorry for assuming your gender

Wait... you were talking about the TC?

ThatCynicalOtaku said:

-Subaru never loses anything in 25 eps.
-Re: Zero only has a few "bursts" of psychological exploration. Nothing is permanent, because Subaru recovers by the next or few eps. Ex: After ep 18, all the frustration, fear, rage, everything that stained his mind, dissapears.
-Re: Zero constantly jumps around from skirmish to skirmish with so many loose ends it's impossible to care. One Piece arcs also have loose ends, but because all the important things people care about in the arc are tied up nicely, it doesn't distract the audience, or makes the arc feel incomplete.
-Re: Zero has no structure.
-Re: Zero accomplishes nothing in 25 eps. In 25 eps, Berserk 100% develops its protagonist, the antagonist, explains what lead to the main plot happening, explores themes of dreams and purposes without, ties up 99% of the loose ends so the reader is satisfied.

-False, because he does and we see it. I don't care if you don't think so. What he looses are huge deals for him and most people internet tough guy.
-That makes no sense. Just because he recovers a bit doesn't change the fact he had breakdowns due pressure. If weren't others like Emilia and Rem who supported him emotionally he would lost his mind a longtime ago.
-Each arc focuses on singular conflict (which leads into a larger one that ties them all together) for several episodes until it is resolved so no. I.e Arc 1 was about incident involving Elsa, Arc 2 was about incident involving the shaman, Arc 3 was about the incident invoking the Witch Cult. The anime is incomplete because the original source si not finish nor will be be done whenever you tell it to but the author has decided. The show hit plenty of people hard and had them become invested in Subaru, the other characters and story in general. It's popularity testament to that so you in the minority with that opinion.
-Yes it does. Each arc expands the world, it's lore and the characters which brings the reader/viewers closer to the truth of why Subaru is in that world bit by bit.
-Re:Zero does almost all of what you said Berserk does and you're just saying it doesn't. And Berserk isn't even close to tying 99% of plot threads so I have no idea what your talking about.

1) ??? What does he lose? Permanently, being the key word, because otherwise RTBD only offers stakes in theory. For a story to make me FEEL the stakes, the stakes HAVE to be there, not in theory.

2) None of that matters, because it's forgotten by the next ep. Oh, having nightmares because your friend brutally murdered you in cold blood? Don't worry, 2 eps later, that trauma dissapears. This is what I meant by, "short bursts", which fool people into thinking this series has actual psychological depth to it.
Welcome to the NHK is 25 eps, and throughout the whole thing, the protagonist CONSTANTLY struggles with his mental issues, most of which take several eps to get over. They're not "short bursts" like in Re: Zero.

3) Arcs 1 & 2 have barely any purpose to them. They just...happen, literally out of nowhere. They have so many loose ends (Elsa, the shaman, etc), that it's like playing a video game with half the basic content cut out (multiplayer, story mode, etc).
Again, One Piece also has small loose ends, but that's it, small loose ends for later on, the important loose ends are still wrapped up to create 100% satisfying story arcs that fully develop all the characters.

4) I don't care about any of that "world building" when it doesn't serve a purpose in the actual story, and is then quickly forgotten a few eps later. Countless anime series can offer so much more important info that sticks with me in 25 eps. Mana? Yeah, that's kinda cool, but now we gotta get back to this shaman issue nobody cares about.

5) Berserk has proper character development. You learn where all the important characters from, why they're the way they are, and they SUBTLEY change, as the anime progresses.
Explain the heroine's whole deal early on so the audience can care? Nah, let's do that way later, and instead focus on this shaman thing that's not important at all.
Berserk has an actual plot, with an endgoal in mind. Everything that happens in the Golden Age Arc have massive impact on the story and characters. The basic goal of the start is to ascent to fame. Everything impacts that massively (Griffith getting raped, his relationship with the Count, him having sex with the King's daughter, Guts slowly breaking away from the group)

Countless long running anime have accomplished so much important things in 25 eps. The only actual important things Re: Zero has accomplished in 25 eps that I actually care about is introduce the basic characters (which other anime do in 1 ep), give the most heavy-handed, beaten-over-your-head character development for the protagonist, hint that the series will start to have a focus (the election, which is practically forgotten after ep 13.

The reason Re: Zero is popular is because it has lots of screaming, an underdog story, cute girls to subconscious familiarize the audience, a few cool ideas like making the protagonist an asshole, and...that's all I can find online.

None of the characters in Re: Zero are Neon Genesis Evangelion quality.
None of the world building has any depth like One Piece, which has islands so detailed, there're literally wiki pages on them.
The story doesn't have the sense of an actual plot, broken down into mini arcs like in Naruto, which all have world building and character development and plot that appear THROUGHOUT the whole anime (all in 25 eps).

So what's the actual main selling point of this series???
Jul 31, 2017 3:37 AM

Jun 2015
ToG25thBaam said:
its edgy and everrrbody likes edgy stuff, didja see ep 15

This basically this
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jul 31, 2017 5:51 AM

Jun 2017
@ThatCynicalOtaku (spoiler tagged to avoid taking up too much space)

NobidexxJul 31, 2017 11:59 AM
Jul 31, 2017 9:11 AM
Jun 2016
It's a great series, I mean it's realistic in the aspect of what would most people would be like if they went through what Subaru did but the series stopped like literally right before it gets good where Subaru gets powers and Emilia gets more screen time but I saw somewhere there's a confirmation for a season 2 for 2018
Jul 31, 2017 10:01 AM

Mar 2010

Unfortunately, you don't seem to remember much. Anyway, do you remember how he reacted when he saw Rem as he woke up in episode 7 after Ram killed him? He was terrified, and it took him days to overcome that fear. In the following loops he was also extremely anxious when Rem was around him (which is partly why he broke down). Likewise, when Rem summons her morningstar in episode 9, you can clearly see he feels uneasy.

He was also terrified in episode 2 when he bumped into Elsa. Now, he won't be afraid of knives because she's not using knives, she's using kukris, and the difference between that and a knife is fairly obvious.

From these scenes (I've listed 4 already), you can get the point that Subaru shows signs of phobia towards people or objects that killed him in his previous lives. And there's no need to show even more, we understand that. Showing Subaru constantly cowering in fear would serve no further purpose.

There is also more subtle stuff like how he reacted to his first death in Arc 2, the realization that his looping not end, and as consequence everyone had forgotten about him and he was back to be just a stranger in the Roswaal mansion. Subaru was so utterly devastated by that fact he couldn't even look the twins in the eye and simply ran out of the room into Beatrice's library where tried to clam himself down by looking at things dettachly. But Betty saw through his facade and noticed was shaking and played along with him until his fear subsided somewhat. He tries psych himself afterward despite all the internal and visual cues that show he's still terrified (see 2nd death after the Sound of a Chain is another example of this). The story goes out of his way to point that he wore a mask those incidents simply cope with those conflicts. Otherwise he couldn't move on protect what he fears more than his own death. But somehow TheCynicalOtaku brought his mask wholly and yet has the gall to say the show like nuance and didn't focus drama around Subaru's ability.
TyrelAug 4, 2017 12:49 AM
Jul 31, 2017 10:54 AM

Jun 2016
I have all my reasons listed on my reviews. However, it's full of grammatical errors and I'm too lazy to correct them rn.
Jul 31, 2017 11:30 AM

Jul 2017
what the hell happened to the elections, why does that lord want to kill the dragon and how did the witch dragged subrau to that world and for what reason(for ruining her own ritual?!)?
will there be a season 2 to cover these stuff or they are just a result of the writers' laziness?
Jul 31, 2017 7:11 PM

Mar 2010
Abusaeed said:
what the hell happened to the elections, why does that lord want to kill the dragon and how did the witch dragged subrau to that world and for what reason(for ruining her own ritual?!)?
will there be a season 2 to cover these stuff or they are just a result of the writers' laziness?

The Royal Selection is gonna last for 3 years (the anime doesn't mention this), in otherwords it's been officially going on since Arc 3 and what you saw in ep 12-13 was the formal opening ceremony. So going happen for majority of the story. Like how the US has 2 year election cycle. The other stuff will be explained later in it's proper time.
Aug 4, 2017 12:52 AM

Sep 2011
I'm just going to go ahead and delete those last comments. And btw...

"Nobody is gonna ban me for that because I'm not name calling you some derogatory insult."

You do realize that this isn't an insult, but it is still trolling under MAL's guidelines, right?

Trolling: Starting arguments or upsetting users by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the intent of provoking users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

All your comment does is spark a user and then comment about said "Bait." Another side note: Saying "When is X going to get banned" is going to get yourself banned. That's off-topic as well and baiting.
Aug 4, 2017 9:38 AM

Mar 2010
Tyrel said:
I'm just going to go ahead and delete those last comments. And btw...

"Nobody is gonna ban me for that because I'm not name calling you some derogatory insult."

You do realize that this isn't an insult, but it is still trolling under MAL's guidelines, right?

Trolling: Starting arguments or upsetting users by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the intent of provoking users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

All your comment does is spark a user and then comment about said "Bait." Another side note: Saying "When is X going to get banned" is going to get yourself banned. That's off-topic as well and baiting.

Ah, sorry about that then. I'll be more careful about what I say.
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