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Is it bad or uncultured to not really care for or have an interest in popular anime?

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Dec 23, 2016 1:36 AM

May 2015
You're not going to find groundbreaking anime in the top 100 most of the time. Stuff gets popular partly because it's accessible, and originality often makes a work less accessible. Sometimes a unique work gets popular but severely misunderstood, like Future Diary.

Still, I give popular anime a chance once in a while. You can find something like Attack on Titan, which is a solid piece of storyrelling.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Dec 23, 2016 4:33 AM

Aug 2014
I mean there is a huge number of creative and interesting shows in the top 100 on MAL.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Dec 23, 2016 4:41 AM

Nov 2014
If you like a show, then you like it. If you don't, then you don't. That's the ideal.

Of course it's natural to be influenced somewhat, but try to minimise that as much as possible. I like both popular and not so popular series, it is somewhat independent on it's popularity
I'm not a lolicon, you're just projecting your tendency to lewd 2D characters.

If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Dec 23, 2016 4:51 AM

Sep 2015
Most of your list consists of popular and / or mainstream anime. Not quite sure where you're coming from.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Dec 23, 2016 5:51 AM

Nov 2009
YumiLovesMe said:
I don't mean to come off as some kind of anime hipster or anything but I just don't really like popular anime. Am I the only one? I like a lot of offbeat and SOL type stuff personally. Again not trying to be a hipster or some such but still.

Anime appreciation 101. Anime is a varied medium. There are all kinds of anime. And to every fan, there are parts of anime that appeal to him/her the most, and parts he/she isn't interested in.
"Popular" shows merely appeal to a lot of people. There is no reason to assume you have to like them.
Take your time to find what you, personally, like the most.
Dec 23, 2016 9:06 AM
Apr 2011
I'm more or less in the same boat. It's been ages since I was watched anime on a near daily basis. Since my return from my self-imposed anime hiatus, I feel so out of place. Rather than watching the new stuff, I stick with the ones I grew up with. Gosh, I think I'd just enjoy what I like and slowly venture out to discover new anime. That's part of the fun!
Dec 23, 2016 1:47 PM

Feb 2014
Oh God, sometimes reading these OP gives me a headache. When will we as a community grab the concept of people not caring about what you watched or liked. So what you don't like popular anime. Tell me what are the people that like the popular shows going to do? Block you? Stalk you? Tell you your opinion is shit? Watch whatever you want. Have opinions that are not influenced by others. And maybe just maybe you will become your own individual. If you don't get why I am being like this, think about the question you are asking. As you can see people made fun of you in the thread, or gave you a less harsher version of what I am saying to you. Otherwise telling you this question is pointless or easy to answer on your own accord. So no it is not bad.
Sorry if I come out rude <3

♪All his life has been, a roller coaster ride of dream
No time for looking back, forgetting who or what
His song is all that he leaves behind,
On silent nights I hear him still, whistling a tune I know so well
Gun in hand, rose in another, He's Lupin the 3rd♪

Dec 23, 2016 2:30 PM

Jan 2014
reasonable. the popular shounens are 100% predictable, unoriginal, and follow every troupe the shounen before them did and that the one's to come will. doesn't mean they can't be interesting though, naruto is a good example of this.
Dec 23, 2016 11:43 PM
Dec 2016
well, every people has it's own sense on something , so its not necessary to feel anything like that
Enjoy yourself :)
Dec 23, 2016 11:52 PM
Sep 2015
I think popular animes are for everyone's taste, a little from this and a little from that. And because of this, most of the popular animes are gateway animes. Unpopular animes are not for everyone, they are for experienced people. This is also a reason why they're unpopular, they are not for everyone.

I realized that more I watch, more I get to know what my taste is. It means you start with popular anime, continue with unpopular animes.
Dec 24, 2016 1:08 AM

May 2009
No one decides what you want to watch except for you--as long as it makes you happy. If it's popular and you don't like it that's fine. It doesn't matter what people think, what matters is what you think.

ἡ φύσις οὐδὲν ποιεῖ ἅλματα.


Dec 24, 2016 2:02 AM
Apr 2015
The anime people nearby me or within my vicinity - they only watch hyped anime in here (sports, mostly the unreal kind in my highschool years, shounen in my elementary years, and romance and drama in drama are the hypes in my place) and I have my own opinion/ reactions to the anime they hype. And because i dont like them {1}with how they receive and how they were taught " lessons of friendship" (friends got rekt, power levels go beyond 9000? because divided we fall, nakama!) I also hold some animes in bad light and the animes they call tearjerking, yep didnt cry( this is not of prejudice though, they just get too damn carried away, and i am thinking, NANI SORE?!)

{1}(yep, im prejudiced against their mannerism and lack of knowledge(but know cares if i know a lot more than them T.T)
Dec 24, 2016 2:30 AM

May 2016
The fact that you make such a thread means you are uncultured and bad.
Dec 24, 2016 2:34 AM

Aug 2008
Of course no. Even if you don't think old anime or philosophical anime with deep message is good,it doesn't mean you are uncultured, not intelligence,immature or anything like that.

Because fact for the matter is, intelligence,knowledge,culture or not, maturity of human had nothing to do with taste in anime.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Dec 24, 2016 2:48 AM

Jul 2016
If you don't like ANY popular anime, that's some hipster ass pretense. There's gotta be some you like and some you dislike.
Dec 24, 2016 3:26 AM

Dec 2012
Naw and that's the beauty of anime. It has a wide diversity of genres and niches that let people go their separate routes. I've watched hundreds of anime but I still can't get into works by Miyazaki or Studio Ghibli.
Dec 24, 2016 3:27 AM

Oct 2015
Just kidding, it doesn't matter. There will probably be at least some popular anime that you enjoy if you watched all of them though.
Dec 24, 2016 3:29 AM

Aug 2015
Far from it, you are a cultured individual who has better taste in anime than the plebs who meander in popular territory in the hopes they might be end up popular.
SomeEdgeLord said:

I WILL report you from this forum if this continues.
In real life, I am one of the coldest, unsympathetic, people you'll ever know, who's grown up in an even colder household, you really don't want me to break my persona, I know how to make people feel bad.

YearnsforAttention said:
hm who has 1656 friends on MAL
that's right me
bye bye

YearnsforAttention said:
I don't want your approval
how many damn times do I need to say it
I enjoy irritating you
I am gonna do things MY way
Dec 24, 2016 3:41 AM
Jul 2018
Popularity isn't something I take into account, although it's true that popular anime have a tendency to be generic bread & circus bullshit.
Dec 24, 2016 5:09 AM

Apr 2016
Daily dose of bait thread yummy.

If you don't like those just because they are mainstream then I'm sorry but you are being a hipster but if you simpy don't like them because they didn't appeal to you then it's completely fine.

Just don't be a hipster or edgelord..or both *yuck*
Dec 24, 2016 5:38 AM

Jul 2015
High five OP, I only like obscure stuff like FLCL, Kill la Kill and NGE too! We're so cool!!! 👀👌👌👌 💯
Dec 24, 2016 6:21 AM

Aug 2015
I don't think it's bad. It just mean that your taste in anime are more unique than most of other people.

I'm starting to get embarrassed by my own forum signature line.. XD
Dec 24, 2016 6:39 AM

Jan 2016
If you're avoiding popular anime, then it's wrong. Trying to be different from other people and separating yourself from the community can reduce that vision of mind.

Unless you have tried to watch all shows without judging them based on their popularity and you liked the not-so-popular anime more, then it is completely fine.

Every one has their own unique taste.
At least justify your opinions instead of just saying "it's my opinion". It would've been more polite.

Dec 24, 2016 6:45 AM

Jul 2014
So far, majority of the popular shows I've watched are not highly rated mainly because "meh" or didn't like how the story was written to being just plain god-awful. Examples are SAO, YLIA, tempest of zero, aldnoah zero, accel world, etc. basically all mainstream shounens.
Dec 24, 2016 7:56 AM

Jan 2014
You haven't seen jack shit dude. -_-
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.”
Dec 24, 2016 8:02 AM

Jul 2014
Anime is an entertainment, why then bother about others? I think you should watch whatever you like and just have fun for yourself. You don't owe anyone, right? It has nothing to do with good/bad manners/characteristics. And if you wonder about whether you're one of a kind, I can tell you with full confidence you aren't. So just have fun!
Dec 24, 2016 8:23 AM

Aug 2013
If you didn't kinda think you were a hipster yourself, you wouldn't be saying you don't mean to sound like one. Twice even.
Nothing wrong with being a hipster tho, accept it and watch what you enjoy ;)
Dec 24, 2016 11:37 AM

May 2016
Anime is just a segment of the general medium of animation. The medium itself is vast and diverse, so even just taking a segment of that will leave you with a wide selection. So, within that, everyone who's a fan of anime can find something of their interests.

Long story short, different people have different tastes. If you don't like shows that happen to be popular, that's fine.
Dec 24, 2016 11:42 AM

Aug 2015
The question that comes to mind is: Does it matter ?

Love what you love I say; and never chain yourself for the consensus ^_^
Dec 24, 2016 12:00 PM

Sep 2012
Since you are a human being you can have different opinions right?

Go for it.
Dec 24, 2016 12:04 PM

Jan 2011
No? It's better to have shows you like, not what Animeotaku69 thinks is a perfect anime.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Dec 24, 2016 12:55 PM

Apr 2016
Not that I dislike popular anime, but I hate it if some random guy says that *insert popular anime here* is the best thing ever created, even tho he justed watched Code Geass, Death Note and Attack on Titan...
Dec 24, 2016 6:09 PM
Sep 2014
you seem like you dont have much interest in general.
Dec 24, 2016 6:14 PM

Apr 2014
I tend to not like the "popular" animes because they are way too long (such as Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail, etc.). I have to be really into the anime in order to watch a really long anime (such as Gintama and Shugo Chara). Otherwise, it's just a waste of my time.

Although some popular shows such as Sword Art Online didn't appeal to me (and I gave SAO a shot).

As for other popular animes such as Black Butler, Attack on Titan, Fruits Basket, etc. were great popular animes.

In the end, it really only matters if you enjoy the anime. If the anime is popular, then that's a bonus, because you can talk about it more and people will actually know what you're talking about. As for those unpopular animes (such as Pandora Hearts and The Wallflower) you're really all alone unless you find that one particular person that has also watched the show. Then you both can fan over the show (which is rare because the anime is unpopular).
Dec 24, 2016 6:47 PM

Dec 2012
If the only reason you're not even considering it is "because it's popular", than yes it's bad and pretty shallow of you. If you have other reasons like the plot descriptions don't interest you and the genres you like do, than no you're normal.

That being said, how many of the Top 100 here are actually in MY top 100? Hahahahaha, not very many I can tell you that. The ranking of anime in any sort of community based list is a farce. These are the thousands of shots fired by thousands of people, most of whom are incapable of aiming, that actually hit something. I call it the "Broadside of the Barn" or BOB effect for short. I'm not going to think they're the greatest things ever, that's for sure, but I probably would enjoy them even it's just a little.
KruszerDec 24, 2016 7:08 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Dec 24, 2016 7:01 PM
Jul 2018
I can't watch any of the top shonen, they just don't apply to me. But I do watch mainstream stuff. Fate, AoT, etc are pretty awesome. Even like SAO.

I really tried to get into Dragon Ball Super as well but it's been mostly a letdown.
Dec 24, 2016 10:39 PM

Nov 2013
If you mean with popular the anime at the top spots on MAL, then I couldn't care less.

And it's obviously absolutely fine to not care or to not be interested in them.

I care for Popura though.

You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Dec 25, 2016 1:03 PM

May 2015
YumiLovesMe said:
I don't mean to come off as some kind of anime hipster or anything but I just don't really like popular anime. Am I the only one? I like a lot of offbeat and SOL type stuff personally. Again not trying to be a hipster or some such but still.

"Popular" is probably one of the worst, least helpful ways to genre something.

Death Note, Lucky Star, Eva and Pokemon are all popular anime and uhh their nothing alike.
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Dec 25, 2016 1:06 PM

Aug 2013
Nobody cares about people's taste, it's just chinese cartoons anyway
Dec 25, 2016 3:13 PM

Nov 2008
No. You have your own interests and your own tastes. Popular anime may not adhere to them. Similarly, I feel the same about most Hollywood films. It doesn't mean that I'm less of a person because of it. Only that I want something more than what's offered.
Dec 25, 2016 7:34 PM
Jul 2018
Like what you like bro. If you don't like popular shows for the sake of them being popular, that's your loss.

If you just don't, no harm, no foul.
Dec 25, 2016 7:41 PM

Feb 2013
Since it all comes down to what you enjoy, it shouldn't really matter what other people say. But sadly, yes (to a lot of people). For not liking heavy mainstream you will get shat upon by those purists or whatever you wanna call them.
Dec 25, 2016 7:43 PM

Feb 2013
Since it all comes down to what you enjoy, it shouldn't really matter what other people say. But sadly, yes (to a lot of people). For not liking heavy mainstream you will get shat upon by those purists or whatever you wanna call them.
Dec 26, 2016 3:46 AM

Apr 2015
It is called personal taste. Enjoy it.
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
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