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Do you blame the ecchi watchers because of anime studio are making more ecchi anime's?

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Jun 7, 2016 8:23 PM

Mar 2015
Zelkiiro said:
Kuma said:

now we goes to spesific ecchi series... if you watch tom and jerry expecting some serious plot and story and mindblow character development and judge with that, of course i am gonna laugh at you, because it's totaly not the purpose of the series and you judge them as the way it is... it's as laughable if you watch thirller expecting comedy...

ecchi series it self does providing entertianment by nudity, but there is series that not only with that... but don't analize it what the series actually not even try to do and totaly missing the purpose of them as entertainment medium...

The sad thing is, those two people aren't just saying they hate well-written plots and characters in their ecchi--those two say they hate well-written plots and characters, period. That's the kind of shit that makes my blood boil.
no one trying to do that! not even ecchi fans... what most happened is the opposite of that... ecchi well writen character that got looked down solely because fanservice..

they are just mad becuas it's not supposed thing to do yet you still forcing them as it is the right way to do... you are totaly miss the point...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Jun 7, 2016 8:25 PM

Apr 2014
its almost as if the 80s were full of ecchi anime.
Jun 7, 2016 8:38 PM

Jun 2016
I've been watching for a long time and just recently joined MAL to check out the community and boy oh boy I wasn't disappointed. So many different people.

Now to give my two cents... I think that every genre should exist without anyone worrying that it will destroy other types of . I have this loop of how I watch and it is a very good one if I may say so. I usually go with "serious" shows and avoid anything that has a laughable plot, but once in while a show sucks me dry, kills me, breaks my heart and so on...

When that happens I hop on a good echi show and heal myself with some well crafted panty shots and some good ass, also tits ofc, but not that much, I prefer panty shots and ass. So all that with sprinkles of humor. I laugh my ass off, my heart is recharged and I finish the echi show or just put it on hold and then I move on to the next "serious" show. There are some like Kiss x Sis to whom I have returned more than once :p I recommend it to ppl who avoid echi to try this method out.

But there are a lot of echi shows which are seriously well made, and I mean well made as in the messages they convey and humor they use. It deserves praise. My main message here to everyone is it's all cool, just don't be a box, keep an open mind. For example I hate stuff which bears mecha or shounen tags with a passion, but I always check them out cos I found some really well made gems among those tittles.
MrClouderJun 7, 2016 9:29 PM
Jun 7, 2016 9:45 PM

Apr 2016
Hmmm. Thinking about the 'is anime mainstream in Japan' topic, the question occurs to me: if most anime (potentially) are only aimed at the otaku subculture and not general audiences, is ecchi in fact The Real Point of the industry? What if fanservice is the actual main attraction and good writing/character development/themes are just a bonus (and not the other way around as is typically assumed)?

Something to think about. There might be some expectations that we in the English speaking world have that aren't intuitive to the original viewer base...
Got oppai?
Jun 7, 2016 9:48 PM

Feb 2013
Just because an anime has ecchi doesnt mean its bad.
It just has to be used properly.
Now for something like Highschool of the Dead, that was a friggen gong show.
Jun 7, 2016 11:27 PM

Sep 2013
People will like what they like, it's not like you can choose what you like. Companies are supposed to appease the masses it's not their fault that a lot of people seem to like certain aspects.
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Jun 8, 2016 12:44 AM
Jul 2018
companies and authors have been pandering for years and anime is no exception to that
unfortunately the hoard of otaku pandering happens to be to drooling teenage boys and men, though

it's just my personal opinion that most ecchi end up being shit, though, with boring, unengaging storylines, characters that make wonderbread seem dimensional, and art that looks very undesirable to me due to the sheer unrealistic nature of the women's proportions, i can't really get into it. it's understandable that some men would, but as someone who is into guys and gals, i honestly don't see the appeal for the most part. just my two cents.
Jun 8, 2016 5:24 AM

Nov 2009
Difionex said:
Why is there always a person which cries about a certain genre?

I guess that's diversity for you.

Zelkiiro said:
The sad thing is, those two people aren't just saying they hate well-written plots and characters in their ecchi--those two say they hate well-written plots and characters, period. That's the kind of shit that makes my blood boil.

Can you provide a quote? BTW, you can try to provide a quote from me too, if you want.

We have no hatred for well-written plots and characters. Bring them in, just don't forget to bring some fun stuff too. We are likely to disagree with you about what makes a plot or a character well-written, though.

Dargens said:
Lobinde said:
Ecchi isn't a real genre in the first place

The definition of the word "genre" (according to Websters Dictionary) is as the following states...

a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter."

Based of this definition, we can conclude that, for a group of art pieces to be considered a "genre", they need to have similar "form, style, or subject matter".
Firstly; form. Form is how something is structured. Archetypes and motifs are a defining feature in the structure in an art form. Of the top of your head, I'm certain that you can list of several motifs throughout the ecchi genre. In fact, one of the main reasons why people despise this genre, is because of it's abundance of stale and overly-predictable motifs
Secondly; style. Style can be used as an acceptable synonym for "form". So using what I said about form in the last paragraph, is not far-fetched. As for visual style, the ecchi genre doesn't share that many similarities in their animation.
Lastly; Subject Matter. Hopefully it's not necessary for me to explain this one, as it is quite obvious. Fan service is a matter that defines the genre. Also, there is a clear commonality with these series' plots.
With all of these ideas in mind, it is completely reasonable (by definition) to proclaim the existence of the ecchi genre. Though you are right that the word "ecchi" is a Japanese word that roughly translates to "pervert", that does not prevent the word from defining a genre. In Japan, anime viewers and watchers use "ecchi" as the title of two genres, as well as a slang for "pervert" .

I feel that your word-play is blatantly wrong, but I'm not good enough with English to see where exactly.
Anyway, ecchi doesn't have its own form. It's something you add to another type of series - to action, to comedy, to romance - and it fills that genre's form nicely.
flannanJun 8, 2016 5:29 AM
Jun 8, 2016 6:19 AM

Nov 2009
kamisama751 said:
“It was awesome in its uniqueness.”
Am I allowed to fap?

Yes, in my infinite wisdom I allow you to fap as much as you like.
Now, please tell me, what part of this discussion made you consider you might not be allowed to fap?

kamisama751 said:
While you have also said you forgive it, where lies believability in your judgement about SAO?

It is my judgement, and I trust it pretty well. I think my opinion is in no way less valid than your opinion.
Now that we have two diverging opinions, you should be able to see that your opinion isn't necessarily true.

kamisama751 said:
flannan said:

I cannot agree with you that plot determines the quality. That's your personal prejudice.

Without pointing out what you think is wrong about my statement my point still stands.

I have said it. For some reason you assume that plot determines the quality of the whole show, regardless of any other kind of merit the show might have. This assumption is unwarranted.
I find the assumption that [the show's quality is an average of the qualities in a number of categories, including wisdom, art, music, pacing, characters, humor and plot] is a lot more reasonable, and the idea that the average should be weighted according to the show's genre even more valid.
Jun 8, 2016 6:30 AM

Aug 2015
Zelkiiro said:
The sad thing is, those two people aren't just saying they hate well-written plots and characters in their ecchi--[those two say they hate well-written plots and characters , period. That's the kind of shit that makes my blood boil.
Before we go any further, where and when did anyone say that?

Well written characters and plot are required everywhere. Be it ecchi or not.
If you ever wander why To Love-Ru Darkness gets rated 9/10 by many people, it's just because of the plot value and enjoyment , not just because of nudity and fanservice.

What I hate the most is this kind SJW statement : "Good anime shouldn't have ecchi in them"
Z-DanteJun 8, 2016 6:35 AM
Jun 8, 2016 6:32 AM

May 2015
Not really because they have little to no influence on it.

flannan said:
kamisama751 said:

“If it is popular then it cannot be bad.”
Good visuals can’t save a bad script.

I don't consider SAO's script bad. In fact, it is above average for me.
It has mystical things, romance beyond "the story ends with the first kiss" kind, power of love, protagonist who is nominally smart, protagonist speaking about morality, last-second reversals, likeable female characters and so on.
The first half of the first season screwed up the pacing somewhat, and if it was twice as long, it would have had the time for battle commentary, flashbacks and training sequences like in shounen battle anime, but I can forgive this.
The second half of the first season annoys the feminist in me, but the author tried to salvage the story as well as he could.
From that point on, I don't have much complaints. Except that I would gladly watch a few more OVAs of the girls.
Being above your average doesn't make it good nor bad, average is a relative concept. I could say my grades are above the average of my class but if most of my class grades suck then my grades are not necessarily good.
The simple fact that you say "I forgive it" and "salvage the story" is like saying the script is bad but you like it.

kamisama751 said:

Therefore, the content of those certain shows are bad since they are nothing more than echi, gore, moe and so on while also lacking in the plot department which actually determines the quality. They are the device for presenting the content better anyways. If they are sh*t then the content won’t be any better.

I cannot agree with you that plot determines the quality. That's your personal prejudice.
The fact that plot doesn't determine quality is your personal prejudice though. Not saying it is everything but it has a big role. (even though there are exception mostly in comedy)

kamisama751 said:

Asking others to respect you when you go aggressive on them.

I am not asking. I am demanding what I deserve.
Demanding that someone respects your point of view when you don't respect other's point of view? Isn't that double standards? And just for curiosity why do you deserve respect?
zalJun 8, 2016 7:02 AM
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Jun 8, 2016 7:19 AM

Nov 2009
zal said:
flannan said:

I don't consider SAO's script bad. In fact, it is above average for me.
It has mystical things, romance beyond "the story ends with the first kiss" kind, power of love, protagonist who is nominally smart, protagonist speaking about morality, last-second reversals, likeable female characters and so on.
The first half of the first season screwed up the pacing somewhat, and if it was twice as long, it would have had the time for battle commentary, flashbacks and training sequences like in shounen battle anime, but I can forgive this.
The second half of the first season annoys the feminist in me, but the author tried to salvage the story as well as he could.
From that point on, I don't have much complaints. Except that I would gladly watch a few more OVAs of the girls.
Being above your average doesn't make it good nor bad, average is a relative concept. I could say my grades are above the average of my class but if most of my class grades suck then my grades are not necessarily good.
The simple fact that you say "I forgive it" and "salvage the story" is like saying the script is bad but you like it.

SAO's script isn't perfect, that much is obvious. I even pointed out the bad parts here. I'm saying that the good parts outweigh the bad parts, and hence SAO's script is overall good. Naturally, this is a subjective opinion, colored by my personal bias towards sci-fi and black-and-white morality.
Still, I cannot agree with your assessment that SAO's script is so obviously bad that it is somehow wrong to praise it, and the whole show that used it.

zal said:

I cannot agree with you that plot determines the quality. That's your personal prejudice.
The fact that plot doesn't determine quality is your personal prejudice though. Not saying it is everything but it has a big role. (even though there are exception mostly in comedy)

I read "plot determines the quality" as "plot is the only thing that decides if the show has quality or not". If that's not what you meant, there is room for understanding.

zal said:

I am not asking. I am demanding what I deserve.
Demanding that someone respects your point of view when you don't respect other's point of view? Isn't that double standards? And just for curiosity why do you deserve respect?

I live, therefore I deserve respect. I try to respect other people's points of view too, but I'm not a saint.
Jun 8, 2016 7:30 AM

May 2015
flannan said:
zal said:
Being above your average doesn't make it good nor bad, average is a relative concept. I could say my grades are above the average of my class but if most of my class grades suck then my grades are not necessarily good.
The simple fact that you say "I forgive it" and "salvage the story" is like saying the script is bad but you like it.

SAO's script isn't perfect, that much is obvious. I even pointed out the bad parts here. I'm saying that the good parts outweigh the bad parts, and hence SAO's script is overall good. Naturally, this is a subjective opinion, colored by my personal bias towards sci-fi and black-and-white morality.
Still, I cannot agree with your assessment that SAO's script is so obviously bad that it is somehow wrong to praise it, and the whole show that used it.

zal said:
The fact that plot doesn't determine quality is your personal prejudice though. Not saying it is everything but it has a big role. (even though there are exception mostly in comedy)

I read "plot determines the quality" as "plot is the only thing that decides if the show has quality or not". If that's not what you meant, there is room for understanding.

zal said:
Demanding that someone respects your point of view when you don't respect other's point of view? Isn't that double standards? And just for curiosity why do you deserve respect?

I live, therefore I deserve respect. I try to respect other people's points of view too, but I'm not a saint.
Well apart for story also good characters are necessary for a good show. However I strongly disagree with your statement that the plot is only a device for the content to be presented, at least most of the time. A poor plot generally ruins the content and SAO is included in this.
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Jun 8, 2016 9:50 AM

Nov 2012
People would like the ecchi genre a bit more if more of them would benefit from the ecchi and be genuinely hilarious like Prison School is for example

^This scene is legendary lmao
Jun 8, 2016 9:58 AM

Oct 2014
Z-Dante said:

Well written characters and plot are required everywhere. Be it ecchi or not.
If you ever wander why To Love-Ru Darkness gets rated 9/10 by many people, it's just because of the plot value and enjoyment , not just because of nudity and fanservice.

I'd love to know, besides Darkness, which part of To love ru has a semblance of plot.

Oh wait you mean plot. Yeah, I agree.

>Implying nudity and fanservice isn't the main source of enjoyment, and therefore they are clearly not the source of the 9/10 scores.
nice one.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 8, 2016 10:02 AM

Nov 2012
kamisama751 said:
SuperRed said:
People would like the ecchi genre a bit more if more of them would benefit from the ecchi and be genuinely hilarious like Prison School is for example

^This scene is legendary lmao

Watching the show be like:

Not recognizing godlike humor when you see it be like:

Jun 8, 2016 10:04 AM

Aug 2015
KoreaWS said:
Z-Dante said:

Well written characters and plot are required everywhere. Be it ecchi or not.
If you ever wander why To Love-Ru Darkness gets rated 9/10 by many people, it's just because of the plot value and enjoyment , not just because of nudity and fanservice.

I'd love to know, besides Darkness, which part of To love ru has a semblance of plot.

Oh wait you mean plot. Yeah, I agree.

>Implying nudity and fanservice isn't the main source of enjoyment, and therefore they are clearly not the source of the 9/10 scores.
nice one.
Not you! #-__-

If you want nudity, go watch hentai, it's as simple as that. People wouldn't watch ecchi for that!
Jun 8, 2016 10:08 AM

Oct 2014
Z-Dante said:
KoreaWS said:

I'd love to know, besides Darkness, which part of To love ru has a semblance of plot.

Oh wait you mean plot. Yeah, I agree.

>Implying nudity and fanservice isn't the main source of enjoyment, and therefore they are clearly not the source of the 9/10 scores.
nice one.

If you want nudity, go watch hentai, it's as simple as that. People wouldn't watch ecchi for that!

Oh so that's To love ru's plot. I like how you put it bluntly. /s
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 8, 2016 10:15 AM

Aug 2015
kamisama751 said:
Not you! #-__-

If you want nudity, go watch hentai, it's as simple as that. People wouldn't watch ecchi for that!

Watching sexual fanservice not for sexual fanservice? Do you need a doctor?[/quote]Just a box of tissues will be fine -.-
( It's not for what you think i swear! I'm just going to cry for all the haters in thread)

OT: Well, it's got fanservice, but that doesn't mean people watch it just for that. I watch it for the comedy and plot, got any problem with that? ↪_↪

kamisama751 said:
I think you need to watch this video and realize what the show actually is. in a comedic way xD
Put that in a spoiler tag with NSFW label within the next 10 seconds!
Z-DanteJun 8, 2016 10:18 AM
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