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What would you do if eating meat was banned in your country?

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Jul 2, 2015 3:06 AM

Oct 2014
ProtonShift said:
Urm, keep eating meat? Lol it's not like they're gonna bring in the SWAT team to search my house. Or will they.....
The government controls meat production and distribution. Meat would only be sold illegally, so the quality control wouldn't be very good.
Jul 2, 2015 3:07 AM

Jun 2015
zombie_pegasus said:
I've heard from one account that human meat tastes like good veal. If we really are the top of the food chain than we should be able to eat each other. We weren't actually meant to be at the top of the food chain. We aren't even carnivores, in fact we're barely even omnivores (biologically). We were originally meant to be down at the level of other apes which mostly eat plants but will also eat some insects. More animals would have considered humans as ordinary prey. Our large brains give us the ability to cultivate grain as well as created animals for the purpose of killing for food. With great power comes great responsibility. The human race is pretty immature for the control we have over the world.

Couldn't have said it better. :P

Honestly, humans are "top of the food chain" because their large brains have given them intelligence and ingenuity to make tools and weapons. Put a human in a cage with a tiger and we can see who's higher up on the food chain haha.
Jul 2, 2015 3:09 AM

Jun 2013
Working_Designs said:
I'd shoot my family to death, and throw them all in an oven.

Holy crap xD

I need meat so I'd suffer whatever consequences there are for eating meat
Jul 2, 2015 3:11 AM

Jun 2015
Hamuoishii said:
Working_Designs said:
I'd shoot my family to death, and throw them all in an oven.

Holy crap xD

I need meat so I'd suffer whatever consequences there are for eating meat

You don't need to. You want to*.

Edit: The only people that need to eat meat or have diets consisting of mostly meat are eskimos since plants don't grow on snow.

They could just import plants though >_ >
TomatoJul 2, 2015 3:15 AM
Jul 2, 2015 3:25 AM
May 2009
If meat was banned, I would not really care.
I would just eat other stuff.
Make Tofu meat substitutes.
Might even run meat speakeasies and become the alcapone of blackmarket meat.
I will have my dealers selling strange meat.
Jul 2, 2015 3:32 AM
Nov 2014
Jul 2, 2015 3:33 AM

Jun 2013
RumRaisin said:

You don't need to. You want to*.

Jul 2, 2015 7:38 AM

May 2014
Can you still feed meat to your pets? Will my 50 cats convert into happy vegetarians or run away and become feral because they now hate me? That put aside, I hardly eat meat anyway, so I'd just go on with my life.

I'll be out ridin' my pony until it's time for candy
And I'll be naked, because I want to

Jul 2, 2015 7:40 AM

Jun 2009
One of the few things that would make me RIOT!
Jul 2, 2015 7:43 AM

Aug 2010
babymimi said:
I'd move.

"One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle."

Jul 2, 2015 8:06 AM

Mar 2014
lolatusenpai said:
Lets say vegetarians manage to convince the government to ban the eating of any kind of meat and therefore force everyone to become vegetarians, what would you do?


I'd still eat it. Unless the police start raiding peoples homes to see if someone is eating meat or not I wouldn't give any shits.
Jul 2, 2015 8:16 AM

May 2015
LegendarySoldier said:
babymimi said:
I'd move.
Jul 2, 2015 8:17 AM

May 2015
Carry on and eat salads with mayonaise on top of it :3
Jul 2, 2015 8:35 AM

Jun 2015
Plants are meant to be eaten by humans.

I'm obviously not going to turn my dog vegan or stop a tiger from killing a deer. Those that need meat should get meat. Humans don't need meat.

And what's with "plants feel pain too" as an argument anyway? Are you people okay with causing pain to other animals simply because they taste good?

Also, those animals increased in number mostly because humans bred them a lot in the first place.
Jul 2, 2015 10:56 AM

Oct 2014
Saturma said:
Can you still feed meat to your pets? Will my 50 cats convert into happy vegetarians or run away and become feral because they now hate me? That put aside, I hardly eat meat anyway, so I'd just go on with my life.
Cats are carnivores and can't digest plants very well. I'm pretty sure cat food would still be available. I suppose if you were desperate enough that could be one source of meat that you could access legally.
Jul 2, 2015 10:59 AM

Nov 2014
Move to another country
Jul 2, 2015 12:13 PM

May 2014
codephat said:
I barely eat meat anyway so I guess I could go vegetarian.

Jul 2, 2015 12:46 PM

Jun 2015
I just thought of something - increase in cannibalism? between humans
Jul 2, 2015 12:50 PM

Mar 2011
I wouldn't do anything cuz I don't eat meat.
Jul 2, 2015 12:53 PM

Aug 2011
Stop eating meat. I'm indifferent towards it either way.
Jul 2, 2015 1:12 PM
Jul 2018
Nothing, because I don't eat meat anyway.
Jul 2, 2015 1:17 PM

Aug 2013
zombie_pegasus said:
Saturma said:
Can you still feed meat to your pets? Will my 50 cats convert into happy vegetarians or run away and become feral because they now hate me? That put aside, I hardly eat meat anyway, so I'd just go on with my life.
Cats are carnivores and can't digest plants very well. I'm pretty sure cat food would still be available. I suppose if you were desperate enough that could be one source of meat that you could access legally.

So what you're saying is cats have more rights and choices than humans. What law is it thats not religious that gives the rights to take away peoples choices of diet exactly.

Also good luck getting the Japanese to change their diet of fish too. I'm not in the habit of wanting to screw up the world, defile tradition and general local food sources to force people to adopt a personal choice way of life. Banning meat would kill off quite a few ancient cultures and lifestyles still around. Many nomad tribes would also die off. Thanks vegans for raping the rest of the world to force your life choices on others.

I like my system. I eat meat but I also don't go around burning down vegan only restaurants or pouring pig fat down Muslims and Vegans throats before forcing their family to watch as i force feed their small children the face of a dead cow.
SpooksJul 2, 2015 1:25 PM
Jul 2, 2015 1:24 PM
Dec 2010
I'd adapt to being a vegetarian, again. Would also be confused but glad someone took the decision to outlaw it, since it's so inefficient. If that happened, then my optimal vegetarian scenario would become reality really. The only real reason why I went back to meat (other than screwing up my diet) was because... Well, the meat industry is so large that it'll never end unless a very dire situation occurs.
Jul 2, 2015 1:26 PM

Aug 2013
Stalker-tan said:
The only real reason why I went back to meat (other than screwing up my diet) was because... Well, the meat industry is so large that it'll never end unless a very dire situation occurs.

That doesn't explain why you chose to go back to meat.
Jul 2, 2015 1:26 PM
Dec 2010
Spooks_McBones said:
Stalker-tan said:
The only real reason why I went back to meat (other than screwing up my diet) was because... Well, the meat industry is so large that it'll never end unless a very dire situation occurs.

That doesn't explain why you chose to go back to meat.
What I did was futile. Or felt like it. How's reading comprehension for ya
Jul 2, 2015 1:30 PM

Aug 2013
Just go eat grated tempeh, tofu, white mushrooms, or granulated sago. Given proper preparations, they will have similar taste and texture as mutton. My big bro likes cooking them since they're cheap and easy to cook, whereas beef and mutton are expensive
Jul 2, 2015 1:43 PM

Aug 2013
Stalker-tan said:
Spooks_McBones said:

That doesn't explain why you chose to go back to meat.
What I did was futile. Or felt like it. How's reading comprehension for ya

That still doesn't make sense, this isn't a problem with my reading, its your logic. Deciding not to eat meat is a personal choice. If you yourself eat and enjoy meat I fail to see why you even went vegetarian in the first place if you were only going to go back to it when you found out that you quitting didn't end the meat industry..I mean you must have known.

Its like a smoker quitting smoking but then going back to it when they found out the smoking industry didn't collapse in their absence. They choose to quit smoking for their personal health, they know them not smoking won't bring about change. Your plan is very nonsensical or you greatly overestimated your influence.
Jul 2, 2015 5:03 PM
Jul 2018
Doing things the legal way wasn't my thing anyway
Jul 2, 2015 5:22 PM

Oct 2014
Spooks_McBones said:
zombie_pegasus said:
Cats are carnivores and can't digest plants very well. I'm pretty sure cat food would still be available. I suppose if you were desperate enough that could be one source of meat that you could access legally.

So what you're saying is cats have more rights and choices than humans. What law is it thats not religious that gives the rights to take away peoples choices of diet exactly.

Also good luck getting the Japanese to change their diet of fish too. I'm not in the habit of wanting to screw up the world, defile tradition and general local food sources to force people to adopt a personal choice way of life. Banning meat would kill off quite a few ancient cultures and lifestyles still around. Many nomad tribes would also die off. Thanks vegans for raping the rest of the world to force your life choices on others.

I like my system. I eat meat but I also don't go around burning down vegan only restaurants or pouring pig fat down Muslims and Vegans throats before forcing their family to watch as i force feed their small children the face of a dead cow.
Cats aren't able to eat things other than meat, so it wouldn't be good to take it away from them. If we were forced to only eat grass we wouldn't be able to function properly. Beef is one of the least efficient foods in existence, so it would be good to stop relying on it. Farming insects is actually a good idea, however most people don't want to eat insects for reasons.
Jul 2, 2015 5:40 PM

Aug 2013
zombie_pegasus said:
Cats aren't able to eat things other than meat, so it wouldn't be good to take it away from them. If we were forced to only eat grass we wouldn't be able to function properly. Beef is one of the least efficient foods in existence, so it would be good to stop relying on it. Farming insects is actually a good idea, however most people don't want to eat insects for reasons.

And the parts about forcing other cultures into line just slides right on by? what right do we have to make someone else take up our life choices by force. Are you willing to kill off the Inuit culture to satisfy a need to make people eat what you want them to. Meat isn't just some utilitarian matter it is part of a large amount of cultures around the world.

Enharmonic said:
I don't mind. Vegetables keep the waist slim.

So does exercise and a balanced diet. Its not always got to be one extreme or the other.
SpooksJul 2, 2015 5:45 PM
Jul 2, 2015 10:27 PM

Mar 2012
RedTie47 said:
The idea that something like meat could be banned just flies over my head. It has been the central piece of the meal for many people and families out there. Instead of reducing meat consumption or banning it I think people should just eat what they want individually.

Then what do you propose in terms of animal welfare and environmental sustainability? How are the growing demands for meat going to be met without further degrading the environment and reducing farm animals to nothing more than production units?

MidnightLPA said:
I love how people assume only Animals feel pain and don't deserve to die, but fuck how plants feel.

Not this argument again. When did plants ever have central nervous systems and brains? Putting sentient beings on the same level as plants is farcical. Would you equate a dog to a plant? You've most likely stepped on grass before. Did you feel guilty about it like you would if you had stepped on a dog?

Let's say that the average plant's reactions to chemical and physical stimuli have the same complexity as the average farm animal's consciousness. Even so, plants are treated like saints compared to animals in factory farms, which are the intensive industrial facilities that a whopping majority of animal products come from. It also takes far more plant life to feed the animals that end up being consumed by humans than to feed humans who eat plants directly.

Spooks_McBones said:
And the parts about forcing other cultures into line just slides right on by? what right do we have to make someone else take up our life choices by force. Are you willing to kill off the Inuit culture to satisfy a need to make people eat what you want them to. Meat isn't just some utilitarian matter it is part of a large amount of cultures around the world.

There’s nothing wrong with consuming meat when it’s for survival. However, how many people do you think actually require meat for their health/survival?

There are only two scenarios I can think of:
-you have a medical condition that renders you incapable of healthily living off of a meatless diet.
-you live in a place that has no adequate access to nutritious food sources other than meat.

Meat shouldn’t be banned (that would be nonsensical), but the amount of meat people incorporate into their diets should be reduced for the environment and animal welfare. The process behind most meat is highly unsustainable and inefficient. Meat should be treated like a luxury, but it’s become something people take for granted in all their meals.

Spooks_McBones said:
Enharmonic said:
I don't mind. Vegetables keep the waist slim.

So does exercise and a balanced diet. Its not always got to be one extreme or the other.

Why did you embolden “balanced”? A meatless diet can be balanced if done correctly.
MischievousGhostJul 2, 2015 10:41 PM
Jul 2, 2015 10:29 PM

Mar 2008
Try to change the ban. Id be okay being vegetarian if the variety of food is wide and tasty and affordable.
Jul 2, 2015 10:50 PM

Nov 2013
Lol at all the vegetarians in here arguing. Fun fact: Animals eat other animals, because that's nature.
Jul 2, 2015 10:52 PM

Mar 2013
I'd have to buy some meat off the black market, or move i guess
Jul 2, 2015 10:54 PM

Feb 2012
Move obviously.
Jul 2, 2015 11:35 PM

Oct 2014
RyanEnsign said:
Lol at all the vegetarians in here arguing. Fun fact: Animals eat other animals, because that's nature.
Fun fact: animals don't keep other animals in small cages for their entire lifetime and then hang them upside down and wait for them to bleed to death. Please define "nature", because it seems like you think humans are much more innocent than we really are.
Jul 2, 2015 11:36 PM

Apr 2013
I'd probably stop eating meat.
Jul 2, 2015 11:41 PM

Aug 2013
zombie_pegasus said:
RyanEnsign said:
Lol at all the vegetarians in here arguing. Fun fact: Animals eat other animals, because that's nature.
Fun fact: animals don't keep other animals in small cages for their entire lifetime and then hang them upside down and wait for them to bleed to death. Please define "nature", because it seems like you think humans are much more innocent than we really are.

Thats one hell of a bleeding heart argument. Maybe if you show him a video of a sad puppy with sad music playing he might kill himself due to the overwhelming human guilt it will undoubtedly make him feel.
Jul 2, 2015 11:43 PM

May 2015
Involtus said:
I don't eat that, so it's okay.
Jul 2, 2015 11:50 PM

Jun 2015
I'd ask my gf for a late night snack ;)
Jul 2, 2015 11:52 PM

Oct 2014
Spooks_McBones said:
zombie_pegasus said:
Fun fact: animals don't keep other animals in small cages for their entire lifetime and then hang them upside down and wait for them to bleed to death. Please define "nature", because it seems like you think humans are much more innocent than we really are.

Thats one hell of a bleeding heart argument. Maybe if you show him a video of a sad puppy with sad music playing he might kill himself due to the overwhelming human guilt it will undoubtedly make him feel.
I am pretty sure what we do is not considered natural just because we are biological life forms. Some other animals make tools, but the word "natural" is used to differentiate between human residence/human activity and what other animals do. Humans may not have been meant to eat red meat, but pandas were meant to be carnivores so that fact doesn't really matter. Over hunting and over fishing are problems too, but I think we should be able to farm animals in a better than we are currently.
Jul 3, 2015 12:44 AM

Aug 2013
zombie_pegasus said:
but I think we should be able to farm animals in a better than we are currently.

Better farming =/= the banning of meat.
Jul 3, 2015 12:48 AM

Sep 2014
I would put in in a blender, turn it to a liquid and drink it or inject it
when ur about to have a refreshing sip of earl grey tea and someone says "traps are gay"
Jul 3, 2015 12:51 AM
Jul 2018
Cecil2235 said:
I'd ask my gf for a late night snack ;)

stop daydreaming bruh
u dnt hav gf
Jul 3, 2015 2:32 AM

Aug 2013
YoMenso said:
I would put in in a blender, turn it to a liquid and drink it or inject it

Meat junkies, I like it
Jul 3, 2015 2:37 AM

Jun 2015
Cecil2235 said:
I'd ask my gf for a late night snack ;)

At least you got a GF while many faggot don't have.
Jul 3, 2015 2:41 AM

Aug 2013
ShyDeath said:
At least you got a GF while many faggot don't have.

You're right I can't imagine very many fggts in the traditional sense have very many girlfriends.

Jul 3, 2015 2:42 AM

Oct 2014
ShyDeath said:
Cecil2235 said:
I'd ask my gf for a late night snack ;)

At least you got a GF while many faggot don't have.
If not having a girlfriend makes me a faggot, so be it. It would be nice to have a female friend I could hang out with and maybe watch anime with, but I don't have the time or drive to actually maintain a romantic relationship.
Jul 3, 2015 3:06 AM

Jan 2015
drink milk
eat eggs
Sep 13, 2015 3:40 PM
Oct 2014
I would eat cheese pizza.. duh...
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